CM 1979-02-27 MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 27, 1979
The City Council of the City of Coppell mot in regular session on February
27, 1979, at 7:30 p.m., in the Coppell High School Cafeteria.
The following members were present: ~'~
John R. Burns, Mayor
Andy Brown, Mayor Pro Tem
Roy Brock, Councilman (late arrival)
David Phillips, Councilman
Glen White, Councilman
Andy Grant, Councilman
Also present were City Administrator James Elium, city Secretary Dorothy
Timmons. Larry Jackson~City Attorney~was not present.
The moeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Council-
man Phillips gave the invocation.
Following the invocation, Mayor Pro Tem Brown moved that the reading of the
minutes be waived; Councilman White seconded and the motion carried 4-0 with
mayor showing his approval. Councilman Grant then moved that the mihutes be
approved as submitted; Councilman White seconded and the motion carried
4-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The first item to be considered by the Council was an extension of the
contract with Texas Appraisal Services. This contract presently expires in
Apri~ and it is the request of Mr. Cope of Texas Appraisal Services that
the contract be extended until October 1, 1979 in order to coincide with
the city's fiscal year. Councilman White moved that this contract be extended
until October 1, 1979; Councilman Grant seconded and motion carried 3-0-2
with Councilman Brock and Mayor Pro Tem Brown abstaining and the mayor
showing his approval.
A report on audit for the 1977-1978 fiscal year was the next item considered
by the Council. City Auditor John R. Mayberry was present to discuss this item
with the Council and answer any questions. Following the discussion~Mayor Pro
Tem Brown moved that the audit be accepted; Councilman Grant seconded and
motion carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Consideration of selecting a firm for a cable TV franchise for the City of
Coppell was the next item considered by the Council. Following discussion on
this item, Councilman Grant moved that any action be delayed until the Council
has had time to have a work session and review all the information that
has been received concerning this item; Councilman White seconded and motion
carried 4-0-1 with Councilman Brock abstaining and the mayor abstaining from
showing either approval or disapproval.
Approval of a preliminary plat on Coppell Highlands located at the southeast
corner of Sandy Lake and Coppell Roads was then discusssd by the Council.
Mr. Bill Story presented this item. He stated that they expect to start
developmeht of this property within 90 days with the.~4r~'.phase hav~hg
103 lots. Following discussion on this item, Councilm~ ~htllipS moved that ~-~
the preliminary plat be approved; Mayor Pro Tem Brown seconded and motion
carried 4-0-1 with Councilman Grant abstaining and the mayor showing his
approval .
Resubdtviston of Tracts lA and lB, Block B of Shadydale Acres was the next
item on the Council~ agenda, It is being requested that this one acre tract
of land be resubdivided in order to be divided into three lots rather than two.
Mayor Pro Tem Brown moved that the resubdtvtston be approved as recommended
by the Planning and Zoning Com~tssion; Councilman White seconded and motion
carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
Consideration of remaning Bethel School Road east of Harris Street to Moore
Road and a portion of Bethel School Road south of Harris Street was then
discussed by the Council. Following discussion on this item, it was the
consensus of the Council that the names be left as is.
Appointment of election officals for the 1979 Municiapl Election was
discussed by the Council. Counctlman~hite moved that Mrs. Evelyn
Ottinger be appointed as presiding judge and Mr. W. T. Cosby be appointed
as alternate Judge; Councilman Grant ~econded and motion carried 5-0 with
the mayor showing his approval.
The Council then considered approval of invoices No. 442 and 443 in the
amount of $1,294.0g to Robert C. Kyle & Associates for engineering services
on the EPA Project. Councilman Brock mo~ed that these bills be approved
for pa3~nent; Councilman Grant seconded and motion carried 5-0 with the
mayor slowing his approval.
Approval of a resolution accepting a grant from the North Central Texas
Council of Governments for a tape logger for the Police Department was
the next item on the Council agenda. Councilman White moved that the resolution
be approved; Councilman Brock secondedand the motion carried 5-0 with the
mayor showing his approval.
The City Administrators report was the next item to be considered by the
Council. Under this report County Commissioner Jim Jackson was present and
discussed with the Council various projects presently being undertaken by
LO the County and those being proposed in the future.
LJ.I Nex~ the Council considered approval of authorizing the mayor to enter
into a contract with the Texas Department of Conlnunlty Affairs for an
Intergovernmental Personnel Act grant in the amount of $1,200.00. Following
discussion on this item Councilman Grant moved that the mayor be authorized
to sign the contract; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 3-1-1
with Councilman Brock abstaining and Mayor Pro Tem Brown against and the
mayor abstaining from showing either approval or disapproval.
The Council then Considered approval of a bill to Hutchison, Price, Boyle
and Brooks in the amount of $500.00 for legal services concerning an
agreement with the MUD district. Following dfsucsston on this item. Councilman
BroCk moved that this bill be approved for payment; Councilman Gra~t seconded
and motion carried 2-0-3 With Mayor Pro Tem Brown, Councilman White and
Councilman Phillips abstaining and the mayor showing his approval.
Consideration of naming the Coppell Star as the official newspaper of the
City was the next item on the agenda. Following discussion on this ite~
Councilman Brock moved that it be tabled until the next council meeting
in order for Mr. Roy Lemmons, owner of the newspapeG to be present to
discuss this. with the council; Councilman White seconded and motion carried
4-0-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Brown abstaining and the mayor showing his approval.
Approval of Bills was the next item on the agenda. Councilman Brock moved
that the bills be approved for payment; Councilman Grant seconded and motion
carried 5-0 with the mayor showing his approval.
The meeting was then closed for an Executive Session allqwed under Article
6252-17, Section 2.(g) discussion concerning personnel. (Jez~o~L~.~
Following the Executive Session the meeting was again opened to the public.
Councilman Brock moved that the resignation of Policeman Richard Gibson be
accepted; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the mayor
showing his approval.
The meeting was then adjourned.
John R. Burns, Mayor
Dorothy Timmo~, Cit~ Secretary