CM 1979-04-24 MINUTES OF APRIL 24, 1979
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on April 24,
1979, at 7:30 p.m., in the Coppell High School Cafeteria.
The following members were present:
A6drew ~rown, Jr., Mayor
David Phillips, Mayor Pro Tem
Roy Brock, Councilman
Glen White, Councilman
Dale Ware, Councilman
Also present were City Administrator James Elium, City Attorney Larry Jackson,
and City Secretary Dorothy Timmons.
The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Councilman
Brock gave the invocation.
Following the invocation, Councilman Brock moved that the reading of the
minutes be waived; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 4-0.
Councilman White then moved that the minutes be approved as submitted;
Councilman Brock seconded and motion carried 4-0.
Mayor Brown then stated that the Council had received a request from Mrs.
Hazel Beal to discuss the construction of metal buildings within the city
limits of Coppell. Since this item was not posted as a regular item on the
agenda~no decision could be made at this timel however, if there were no
objections from any Council members, Mrs. Beal would be able to speak.
There were no objections. Mrs. Beal stated that at the time she was a
member of the Council, they had discussed the possibility of an ordinance
which would prohibit the construction of metal buildings within the city.
Since this ordinance was never passed, Mrs. Beal requested that the Council
consider this matter and the passage of such an ordinance. No action was
taken on this item.
Next the Council considered a resolution designating the present mayor as
the official signee for the EPA Project. City Administrator James Elium
stated that the EPA requires a resolution stating the signature authority
who would sign all documents concerning the EPA Project. Councilman White
moved that Mayor Andrew Brown, Jr. be authorized to sign all documents on
the EPA Project; Mayor Pro Tem Phillips seconded and motion carried 4-0.
The next item considered was approval of Change Order No. 4 on the EPA
Project which increases the total amount of the project by $7,730. This
increase is due to the relocation of Line M and the relocation of Line G,
which is Mr. Gilcrest's property. Following discussion on this item~Council-
man Brock moved that this Change Order be approved; Councilman Ware seconded
and motion carried 4-0.
Discussion concerning the mobile home ordinance was the next item on the
agenda. Mr. & Mrs. William Rhoades were present to discuss this item with
the Council. City Administrator James Elium stated that he felt our present
ordinance provides all the necessary conditions for the mobile homes:
however, he felt that the ordinance needed to be enforced. Mayor Brown
provided Mr. & Mrs. Rhoades with a copy of the ordinance and asked them to
discuss it with persons within their mobile home park and bring back a
comment at the next council meeting.
Consideration of an animal control ordinance was the next item on the agenda.
The Council reviewed the omissions, additions, and the changes from the
present ordinance which regulates animals. Following discussion on this
ite~ Councilman Brock moved that this ordinanc~ numbered 19~ be adopted
with a 30 day grace period before it is strictly enforced; Councilman
White seconded and motion carried 4-0.
Next the Council considered taking insurance coverage for City employees
from the Texas Municipal League. City Administrator James £1ium stated
that the League is providing coverage for all cities in the state of Texas
at a rate much cheaper that what we are presently paying. ~e informed the
Council that all information had not been obtained at this time and requested
that a decision--~--thi~ item be tabled until-the next council meeting in
order to obtain the additional information. Following discussion on this
item, Mayor Brown stated that this item would be tabled until the next
council meeting.
Consideration of advertising for bids for improvements to the fire station
was the next item on the agenda. Councilman White moved that bids be
advertised to repair or replace the roof on the ~xisting fire station;
Councilman Brock seconded and motion carried 4-0.
The City Administrator's Report was the next item on the agenda. City
Administrator James Elium stated that there are two meetings scheduled
for Mayor and Council persons; one is being presented by the Council of
Governments and will be held on May 10th The seconded is being sponsored
by the Texas Municiapl League to be held in San Angelo. Als~ Mr. Elium
stated that he had received the information from Rady and Associates con-
cerning the maps and locations of ~ll water and sewer lines within the
Approval of the bills was then considered by the Council. Councilman Brock
moved that the bills be approved for payment; Councilman White seconded
and motion carried 4-0.
The meeting was then closed for an executive session under Article 6252-17,
Section 2 (e) discussion with City Attorney, and Article 6252-17, Section.2
{g) discussion concerning personnel.
.the mee~J~ing was then,~adj~urned.
Following the executive session;
~-drew Brown, Or., ~ayor,~
~orothy lirr~ons~ City S~tretary
WHEREAS, the City of Coppell, Texas
deems it necessary and proper to apply for a federal grant under the Federal
Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, Public Law ~2-500, and the rules and
regulations pursant thereto.
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the above named applicant that
Andrew Brown, Mayor , or his successor, is hereby authorized
and directed to make application for a grant under Public Law 92-500 and the
rules and regulations pursant thereto, and to sign the acceptance of the grant,
when made, any other necessary documents required to complete the project on
behalf of the above named applicant.
Passed, approved and adopted this .~_~L~. day of ~/~ , 1979.
~./)mdrew Brown ~ Mayor
/~f ~-~
Dorothy Timmons Secretary