CM 1979-05-08 MINUTES OF ~,Y 8, 1979
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular sesston on May
8, 1979, at 7:30 p.m., in the Coppell High School Cafeteria.
The following members were present:
Andrew Brown, Jr., Mayor
David ~hilltps,J~ayor_Pro Tem
Roy Brock, Councilman
Glen White, Councilman
Dale Ware, Councilman
Also present were City Administrator James Elium, City Attorney Larry
Jackson, and City Secretary Dorothy Timmons.
The meeting was then called to order and everyone asked to stand while
Councilman Brock gave the invocation.
Following the invocation, Councilman Brock moved that the reading of
the minutes be waived; Councilman White seconded and motion carried
4-0. Councilman Brock then moved that the minutes be approved as
submitted; Councilman Ware seconded and motion carried 4-0.
The first item on the agenda was consideration of changing the ratio
of assessed value of city taxes. City Administrator James Elium stated
that Legislation has been passed which would require school districts to
assess on 100% market value on all tax statements, and that Legislation would
probably be inacted next year to require cities to assess on the same rate.
Since the school district at this time is changing their assessed value, he
felt that there would be less confusion for the city to do it at the same time.
Following discussion~ this item, it was the consensus of the Council that the
City Attorney will draw up an ordinance to have present at the next Council
meeting concerning the changing of the ratio.
Next a public hearing to consider the zoning change request of Mr. Joseph
Driscoll for Cadco, Inc. from "C" Commercial to "PD" Planned Development
on approximately 27.03 acres of land was considered by the Council. Mr.
Jim Blythe was present and made the presentation to the Council. He stated
that the average size lot would be 8,800 square feet with the typical dimension
70 x 115. The total area of the Planned Development is 54 acres; however,
the zoning change affects only 27.03 acres. The houses will all be front-
entry garages with no alleys; there would be a 40' set-back rather than the
30' presently called for. The houses would be restricted to two-car garages.
Construction is proposed to begin in the summer of 1980 and is expected to take
about 2½ years for complete build-out. Mayor Brown then called on those persons
who wished to speak, either for or against the proposed development. Those
persons wishing to speak were Mr. Don Morris, Mrs. Vtvlan Checkley, Mrs,
Terry Bower Mr. Geren Burton, Mr. Troy Williams, Mr. Terry Eastman, Mr, Bill
Johnson, Mrs. Marcy Hemphill and Dr. Walter Bingham, ~uperintendent of the
Coppell Schools. Most of the discussion against the proposed development
indicated that the people thought we were having too much growth too soon.
Following a lengthy discussion on this item, Councilman White moved that
this item be tabled until the next regular Council meeting; Councilman
~are seconded and motion carried 3-I with Councilman Brock against.
Councilman White also moved that the consideration of the preliminary
plat on this particular tract of land be tabled until the next regular
agenda; Councilman Ware seconded and motion carried 3-1 with Councilman
Brock against.
Approval of the final plat on North Lake Woodlands, Section 6 located at the
southwest corner of Heartz Road and Bethel School Road was then considered by
the Council. Mr. Steve Parsons was present-to discuss'this'item with'~the]'~
Council. He is requesting a vaKiance on the streets for the streets to be
26' wide rather than the required 28', and also a.varlance on the alleys
from the required 20' to an alley width of 15'.
The,development calls for the possibility of 10 duplex lots On the north
side of the development. Following discussion on this item, Councilman
Brock moved that this be disappro~e~;~COuncilman White seconded. Before
the vote was taken Mr. Parsons requested that the motion be withdrawn
and that he would agree to changing the streets to 28' rather than 26'.
Councilman Brock indicated he wnuld withdrawn his motion; Councilman
White withdrew his second. Councilman Brock then moved that the plat
be approved with the streets being 28' rather than the 26'; Councilman
Ware seconded and motion carried 3-1 with Councilman White against.
Appr~al~f-~inal-plat-oh~or~h~Lake.~Woodlands,-Secti~n_Z_]ocated ~t .
the northwest corner of Moore and Bethel School Roads was then con-
~idered by the council. This plat also called for a variance for the
streets to be 26' instead of 28'. Mr. Parsons indicated that he would
also revise this plat so that the stPeets would be 28'. Following
discussion, Councilman Brock moved that the plat be approved with the
stipulation that the streets be 28' wide; Councilman Ware seconded and
motion carried 3-0-1 with Councilman White abstaining.
Approval of preliminary plat on Braewood Estates located north of Bethel
School Road, east of Denton Tap Road, south of Sandy Lake Road, and
west of Heartz Road was then considered by the Council. Mr. Wayne
Ferguson of Lomas & Nettleson was present and discussed this item with
the Council. He stated that this plat complies 100% with the Subdivision
Ordinance and they are prepared to donate $25.00 per lot to the Coppell
Park Fund. They anticipate build-out time on the project to be 24 to
36 months. There is a total of 242 lots on this development. Mayor Brown
stated he would recognize persons from the audience who wish to speak
on t~is matter. Those persons speaking were Mr. Troy Williams, Mr. Geren
Burton, Mr. Charles Lambert, Mrs. Joy Matthews, Mr. Walter Pettijohn,
Mr. Jim Gilchrist and Mr. Dennis Eastin. The main objection of tho~e
persons speaking against this development was that it was too much development
too soon and they did not like the size of the lots. Mayor Brown
declared the public hearing closed and asked for comments from the Council.
Following those comments, the mayor stated that he would like to make
a recommendation to the Council to table this item for further study.
After further discussion, Councilman White moved that this item be tabled
untll the next Council meeting; Mayor Pro Tem Phillips seconded the motion
which carried 3-1 with Councilman 'Brock against.
Consideration of bids received on the improvements to the roof of the
fire station was the next item considered. Fire Marshall Troy Glidewell
was present and stated that Fire Chief Richard Lee recommended that
the bid from Conard Roofing Company of Lewisville in the amount of
$3,970.00 be accepted. Following discussion, Councilman White moved that
the recommendation by the fire chief be accepted; Councilman Brock
seconded and motion carried 4-0.
Consideration for the purchase of a desk for the Library was then dis-
cussed by the Council. Mr. Walter Pettijohn, Chairman of the Library
Board was present and requested that the Council consider purchasing
an additional desk for the Library, rather than the desk previously
purchased through the Texas Surplus Property Agency in Fort Worth.
Following discussion on this item, Mayor Pro Tem Phillips moved that
a desk be purchased by the 22nd of this month through the Surplus Agency
and if this is not possible, that one be bought out of the Library
budget; Councilman Brock seconded and motion carried 3-0-1 with Council-
man White abstaining.
Consideration of appointment of Library Board Members was the next item
considered by the Council. Mrs. Doris Gilchrist was present and discussed
this item with the Council. They are recommending that Barbara Lee, Ruby
Nell Wilson, Dorothy Jackson, and Kay McCurley be appointed for a two
year term.
The recommendation also includes reappointment of Walter Pettijohn }
for a one year term and Troy Williams for a two year term. Mr. Walter
Pettijohn will again act as Chaj~n;~f this Board Following discussion
on this item, Councilman White~6~?~t the appointments be approved;
Councilman Brock seconded and motion carried 4-0 with the Mayor showing
his approval. ~
Appointment of Planning and Zoning Commission Members was the next item
discussed by the Council. Those terms that expire this year are Mr.
Geren Burton, Co-Chairman, and Mr. Paul Ford. Mr. Burton has indicated
his willingness to,serve'for another term. Mr. Paul Ford indicated ~
that~e would-ltketo berremoved~from, tMs Jist at-this time..Following ._
discussion on this item, Councilman White moved that this item be
tabled until the next Council Meeting; Mayor Pro Tem Phillips seconded
and motion carried 4-0.
Appointment of Board of Adjustments Members was the next item considered.
Those members who are presently on the Board and have agreed to serve
again are Mr. Bobby Ottinger, Mr. D.L. Carroll, Mrs. Barbara Austin and
Mr. Bill Harrison. Following discussion on this item~Mayor PPO Tem
Phillips moved that these four members be reappointed and that the other
three positions be filled at a later date; Councilman Brock seconded
and motion carried 4-0,
Considersation of obtaining insurance coverage for City employees from
the Texas Municipal League was the next item considered. Councilman
White moved that this item be tabled until a later meeting; Councilman
Brock seconded and motion carried 4-0.
Approval for deductions from employee wages for saving bonds was the next
item discussed by the Council. Following discussion, Councilman White
moved that this item be approved; Councilman Ware seconded and motion
carried 4-0.
The City Administrator's Report was the next item on the agenda. City ~-~
Administrator James Elium stated that he had received a report from the
Southern Pacific Railroad on a proposed development. He next stated
that a copy of the Budget Report was in the council folders, along with
an explanation of outstanding accounts. Mr. Elium then stated that the
city had received a letter from Storer Cable T.V. requesting a refund
of the $1,000.00 filing fee at the time they presented a cable T.V.
application to the City. It was the consensus of the Council that this
$1,000.00 would not be refunded. Mr. Elium then stated he had obtained
easements from Mr. Long and Mrs. Edwards for the installation of the
E.P.A. Sewer Line. Next the city administrator stated that the Committee
for Fair Water Rates had incurred expenses higher than previously
anticipated and are requesting an additional $2,094 from the City of
Coppell for their pro-rata portion. Councilman White moved that this
additional amount be paid; Mayor Pro Tem Phillips seconded and motion
carried 3-0-1 with Councilman Brock abstaining. The last item under
the city administrator's report was the Council of Governments meeting
with a reminder o~ the Mayor and Council meeting to be held Thursday,
May loth. There is also a special called meeting of the Coppell School
Board which is to be held Thursday, May loth.
Approval of the bills was the next item considered. Councilman Ware
moved that the bills be approved for payment; Councilman White seconded
and motion carried 4-0.
The meeting was then closed for an Executive Session allowed under i
Article 6252-17, Section Z (e) discuss!on with City Attorney, and
Art~cl~ 6252-17, Section 2 (~) personnel.
Follow, ng the executive session, the e~ting~as then~,~ourned~
Andrew Brown, Jr. Mayor /~
DoFothy Ti~mon~T~i t3LxSecretary