CM 1979-05-22 MINUTES OF~MAY 22, 1979
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session on May 22,
1979, at 7:30 p.m., in the Coppell High School Cafeteria.
The following members were present:
Andrew Brown, Jr., Mayor
David Phillips, Mayor Pro Tem
Roy Brock, Councilman '
Glen White, Councilman
Dale Ware, Councilman
Also present were City Administrator James Elium, City Attorney Larry
Jackson, and City Secretary Dorothy Timmons.
The meeting was then called to order and everyone asked to stand while
Councilman White gave the invocation.
Following the invocation, Councilman Brock moved that the reading of the
minutes be waived; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 4-0. Council-
man White then moved that the minutes be approved as submitted; Councilman
Brock seconded and motion carried 4-0.
The first item considered by the C~uncil was a resolution requesting that
Dallas County continue financial aid to the Southwest Institute of Forensic
Sciences at Dallas. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Brock
· moved that this resolution be adopted and forwarded to the proper authorities;
Councilman White seconded and motion carried 4-0.
Next, the Council considered entering into a contract with Dallas County
Library for library services to our city. Mrs. Hickman, Librarian of the
Dallas County system, was present to discuss this item with the Council.
Following discussion, Councilman White moved that the contract be entered
into with Dallas County; Councilman Brock seconded and motion carried 4-0.
Next, Mr. Bob Minyard was present to discuss construction of a proposed
new facility at the intersection of Bethel and Esters Roads. Mr. Bob
Minyard made a presentation to the Council on the proposed construction.
He stated that their company has acquired a 65-acre tract of land at the
above intersection and they propose to build a warehouse and office facility
in this area. They anticipate 60 to 80 trucks a day will be using their
facilities. The proposed route of the trucks would be south on Esters and
down to the new Interstate 635. This would take the traffic out of the town
area. It is anticiapted that the facilities would have two shifts in the
begining; a receiving shift in the day and a shipping shift at night. At
the intersection of Esters and Bethel Road, it is proposed that a reproduction
of the original store would be built which can be used for PTA, Brownie or
other meetings that might be requested. The area surrounding the facilities
will be architecturally landscaped with three-to four-foot bermes along the
perimeter of the land. There will be employee functions on site which will
include picnic facilities as w~l as gym facilities. Minyard's is requesting
from the city at this time that suitable street improvements be made to
Esters Road south to Interstate 635. Other persons speaking on this subject
were Mr. Richard Cope, Tax Assessor for the City of Coppell, Dr. Walter
Bingham, Superintendent of Schools, James Elium, City Administrator, Jim
Jackson, Dallas County Commissioner, ~nd Mayor Andrew Brown, Jr. It was the
consensus of the Council that this proposed facility would be a definite
advantage to the community.
A short recess was taken following this presentation.
Following the recess, Mrs. Vivian Checkley was present to discuss city
services with the Council. Her discussion included police and fire services,
housing developments in Coppell, improvements t~ streets and alleys, the
recently approved animal control ordinance, and a place for citizens to
discard old, unusable large items such as mattresses, refrigerators, etc.
No action was taken by the Council.
Mr. W. M. Wilson was present to request a temporary mobile home permit for
a mobile home to be placed on his property during construction of a permanent
home. The permit is requested in order to salvage lumber from the present
structure and to build a permanent home. Following discussion on this item,
Mayor Brown stated that he would llke to recommend that the Council approve
this request for a one 9ear periO~ ~'~ contingent upon the approval of
the two adjoining property owners. Councilman Brock moved that this permit
be granted as recommended by the Mayor and a building permit being issued
within three (3) months; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 4-0.
Consideration of changing the matio of the assessed value on city taxes and
approval of the ordinance was the next item considered by the Council. City
Attorney Larry Jackson presented this item to the Council and stated that
he had prepared the ordinance as instructed which would change the ratio
of the assessed value to 100%. Following discussion on this item, Mayor Pro ~-~
Tem: Phillips moved that this Ordinance,'No. 195, be approved; Councilman
White seconded and motion carried 4-0.
A public hearing to consider a zoning change request of Mr. Joseph Driscoll
for a change from commercial to Planned Development on 27.03 acres of land
located north of Bethel Road, 'east of Coppell Road, south of Kaye Street and
west of Bethel School Road was then considered by the Council. This item
was tabled from the previous meeting, It has been recommended by the Planning
and Zoning Commission for approval by a 3-2 vote. Because the public portion
of the hearing was closed at the previous ~e~g)there was no testimony
taken from the audience at this time. Following discussion by the COuncil,
Councilman Ware moved that this zoning change be rejected because of too
many variances; Councilman White seconded the motion, which carried 3-0-1
with Mayor Pro Tem Phillips abstaining.
Approval of a preliminary plat on the above described property was the next
item on the agenda. Councilman Ware moved that this item be denied; Council-
man White seconded and motion carried 4-0.
An ordinance establishing park criteria was then considered by the Council.
This ordinance requires a $150.00 per lot payment to the city, but leaves
the option open for the developer to negotiate a partial dedication of land.
The ordinance requires that $75.00 per lot be paid when the final plat is
approved and the additional $75.00 be paid when each building permit is
taken out. Following discussion on this item, Councilman Brock moved that
this Ordinance, No. 185-A-1, be approved; Councilman White seconded and
motion carried 4-0. The caption to this ordinance will be published in the
Thursday paper and will be effective Fridays M~y 25~ 1979,
Next, the Council considered a public hearing on a zoning change of Braewood
Development Corporation for a change from Commercial to Two-Family Dwelling
on 13.2262 acres of land located north of Bethet' School Road, east of Denton
Tap Road, south of Sandy Lake Road and west of Heartz Road. Mr. Wayne Ferguson
of Lomas & Nettleton made the presentation to the Council. He stated that
the plat on this development was presented at the last council meeting. They
are requesting that the 13+ acres be changed from Commercial to Two-Family
Dwelling in order that the deed restrictions of the property owners be
safeguarded and that no commercial development could be constructed in the
residential area. The development will have 240 lots. Mr. Ferguson stated that
there were two questions concerning the proposed development which he felt
had been resolved to their satisfaction. The one concerning the construction
of sewer lines has' been worked out with the M.U.D. whereby Lomas & Nettleton
will pay approximately $10,000-$12,000 for construction of lines to this
area. Mayor Brown then declared the public hearing open and asked for comments
from the audience. Those persons speaking were Mrs. Vivian Checkley, Mr. Troy
Williams, Mr. Geren Burton, Mr. Lee Hbll, Mrs. Terry Bower, Mr. Bill Knox,
Mr. Steve Parsons, and Mr. Jim Blythe. It was the consensus of most of those
persons speaking that these 240 homes would be too much growth too soon and would~-~
flood the schools with too many school children at one time. Mayor Brown then
declared the public hearing closed and asked for comments from the Council.
Following discussion, Councilman Ware moved that this zoning request be denied;
Councilman Brock seconded and the motion carried 4-0.
The next item considered was approval of a preliminary plat for Braewood
Development Corporation on the above discussed property. Councilman Brock
then moved that this item be tabled until the next council-meetings Council-
man White seconded and motion carried 3-0-1 with Councilman Ware abstaining.
Mr. Jim Blythe asked to be recognized and stated that he would like for the
council to consider a meeting between himself and other developers, the
Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council to try to work out
a time table for development in the community. Mayor Brown stated that he
felt this was a sound idea and that something would be worked out in the
future. On the advice of the City Attorney, Item 9 was reopened and Council-
man Ware amended his motion to read that the zoning change be denied
without prejudice; Councilman White secpnded the amended motio~..Prior to
a vote, Mr. Blythe requested th~ti'boihi'~he zoning and the preliminary plat
be withdrawn. Councilman White moved that the Council accept the withdrawal
of both the zoning and the preliminary plat; Mayor Pro ~em Phillips seconded
and motion carried 4-0. ~ ~ ....
Mr. Ferguson also requested that the zoning change for Braewood Development
Corporation be withdrawn at this time. Mayor Pro Tem Phillips moved that
the ,Council accept the withdrawal of this zoning case; Councilman Brock
Seconded andmotio6' Carried 4-0. Mr. Ferguson stated that they did not want
to withdraw approval of the preliminary plat at this time.
A short recess was then taken.
Following the recess, a public hearing was held to consider a zoning change
request of Coppell Associates (Troth Enterprises) for a change from Multi-
Family Dwelling to Commercial on 4.8643 acres of land located north of
Section 5 of the North Lake Woodlands Subdivision, east of Denton Tap Road,
south of Bethel School Road, and east of Heartz Road. Mr. Steve Parsons made
the presentation to the Council and stated that they would like to have
this change so that it could be in conformity with the rest of the zoning
1.0 which fronts Denton Tap Road. MaYor Brown declared the public hearing open
Imm on this zoning case and asked for comments form the audience. The only
comment was from Mr. Geren Burton who stated that the Planning and Zoning
Commission did vote to approve this request. Mayor Brown declared the public
hearing closed and asked for comments from the Council. Following discussion,
Councilman White moved that his zoning change be approved; Mayor Pro Tem
Phillips seconded and motion carried 4-0.
Consideration of approval of a railroad permit from the Saint Louis and
Southwestern Railroad was then discussed by the Council. This permit is
for permission for the city to bore underneath the railroad tracks for
installation of the E.P.A. Sewer Line. Councilman White moved that this
permit be approved; Councilman Ware seconded and motion carried 4-0.
A request for a time extension of the preliminary plat for Mr. Bert Meadows
was then considered by the Council. Mr. Bert Meadows was present to discuss
this item with the Council and stated that he had previously questioned
whether there was a time limit before approval of the final plat and was
told that there was none. He is requesting a 90-day extension at this time
and stated that the delay has been caused because of a delay in closing on
the property. Mr. Meadows stated that he definitely does intend to develop
the property with approximately 80 to t00 lots being developed in the first
phase over a period of one and one-half to two year period. He stated that
he would be in compliance with all the ordinances, including the park ordinance
when the property is final platted, and that development of the property would
start as soon as the final plat approval has been given. Following discussion
on this item, Mayor Pro Tem Phillips moved that the 90-day extension be
granted with the understanding that this subsivision would meet the require-
ments of the park ordinance which was approved at this same meeting; Council-
man White seconded and motion carried 4-0.
The City Administrator's Report was the next item on.the.agenda. City'Ad~in-
istrator James Elium stated that the city has received the grant application
from the Texas Department of Community Affairs for the IPA Grant. He also
stated that the EPA inspection had been held earlier in the'day and that all
item were in conformance with the inspection. Next Mr. Elium stated that
the final flood plain study had been received by the City.
The next item considered by the Council was the approval of the bills.
Councilman White moved that the bills be approved for payment; Councilman
Brock seconded and motion carried 3-0. Councilman Ware was out of the council
chambers while the vote was taken.
Following a short recess, the council met in an Executive Session allowed under
Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e) discussion with city attorney and Article 6252-
17, Section 2 {g) discussion concerning personnel.
Following the executive session the meeting was declared open to the public.
Councilman Brock moved that Roma Skinner's pay be increased to that of a
starting patrolman's salary; Counci~,lm~n),White seconded and motion carried
The meeting was then adjourned. -', ~j
Andrew Brown, Jr., Mayor ~
Dorothy Tl~nonsyCit~ S~cretary