CM 1979-11-13 111 Minutes of November 13, 1979 The City Council of the City of Co~el!i m~t in regular session on November 13, 1979, at 7:30 p.m. in the Coppell High School Cafeteria. The following members were present: Andrew Brown, Jr., Mayor David Phillips, Mayor Pro Tem Roy Brock, Councilman (Late arrival} Orville Mayo, Councilman Glen White, Councilman Dale Ware, Councilman Also present were City Administrator James Elium, City Secretary Dorothy Tinmons, and City Attorney Larry Jackson. The meeting was call ed to order and e~ryone asked to stand while Mayor Pro Tem Phillips gave the invocation. Following the invocation Councilman White moved that the reading of the minutes be waived; Councilman Mayo seconded and motion carried 4-0. Councilman Mayo then moved that the minutes be approved as submitted; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 4-0. Councilman Brock arrived at this time. Iml The first item to be discussed by the Council was approval of the final plat on Whispering Hills Addition. Mr. Bill Story was present to discuss this item with the Council. He stated that 44 lots will be built in the first phase with a completion date expected to be in January of 1981. Mr. Story stated that they had met with the Park Board and had made pal~nent on the 44 lots to the Park Fund, and he also stated that he has met with the MUD Board and has received approval from them on this proposed development. The development will have estate type streets with no gutter but will have 28' concrete streets with one exception which will be a 36' wide street. Following discussion on this item Councilman Brock moved that the addition be approved as submitted; Councilman White seconded and motion carried 5-0. Item 4A on the Agenda was consideration to extend a temporary mobile home permit for Mr. W. M. Wilson. Mr. Wilson stated that because of the recent approval of the zoning ordinance he would not be able to build a house on his lot which is zoned Commercial. He is asking for a time extension until August of 1981 in order to determine if he wants to build a house or let the land be built as Commercial. Following discussion by the Council, Mayor Pro Tem Phillips moved that the permit for the temporary mobile home be extended until August of 1980 and that Mr. Wilson have until that time to take out a building permit; Councilman Ware seconded and motion carried 5-0, Approval of the Zoning 'change request of Mr. Joseph Driscoll for Coppell Cable- vision Incorporated for a Zoning change request to retail with a special use permit for a Tower and Receiving Station for Cable Television. Following the discussion by the Council on this item Councilman White moved that the Zoning be approved with the stipulation that a fence be built beginning at the rear sides of the building, and that it continue from there out to the side of the property line, and that it~continue from there and go down either side of the property to the rear of the property; Councilman Ware seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Mayor Brown then stated that he would like to present certificates of service and a Law Enforcement Code of Ethics to Police Officers, Bob Anderson and Roma Skinner. Mayor Brown stated that these officers completed three hundred and forty hours classroom work and one year of service in the Police Department. The next item to be discussed by the Council solid waste franchise for Waste Management, Inc., this company has purchased the company previously owned by H & J Disposal and will be taken over collections for the City of Coppell. Mr. Chris Wise was presept to discuss this item with the Council, He stated that they will be canvassing the City in the near future'to assure that all people that are picked up will be on the list of services provided to the City; He also stated that they will have a number specifically for the City of Coppell where citizens can call with complaints concerning pickup services. Following discus- sion on this item Councilman White moved that the contract be approved subject to the City Attorney's review and approval. Councilman Ware seconded and motion carried 5-0. Consideration of hiring a CPA firm for the audit for fiscal 1978-79 was then discussed by the Council, two firms were considered by the Council at this time;~they were Author Anderson & Company and the firm of Judd, Thomas, Beasley & Smith. Following presentation by both of these firms Councilman White moved that Author Anderson & Company be hired to perform the 1978-7g audi~ fo~ the City of Coppell Councilman Ware seconded and motion carried 5-0. Estimate number thirteen in the amount of 11,805.65 to Lightning Con- struction Company for construction on the EPA Project was then discuss- ed by the Council. The City still holds retainage in the amount of 5% or approximately 39,000.00, to do any work that might be necessary, if the contractor fails to do so. Mr. Charles Lambert was present and was asked to discuss this item with the Council. He presented a letter to the Council which contained several items that he felt had not been met and that were called for in the conthact specifications. Following dis- cussion individually on each of these items it was the consensus of the Council that all contract specifications had been met. Following further discussion concerning the inspections of taps and placement of lateral lines Councilman White moved the bill be approved for payment Councilman Brock seconded and motion carried 5-0. Next Mr. Don Huff Office Manager of Lone Star Gas was present to discuss with the Council approval of the statement of intent to change the resi- dential and commercial gas cost adjustment in services. This in effect would be a rate decrease for gas customers in the City of Coppell, it would be an increase in service charges and would involve a different method of calculating the gas cost adjustment. Following discussion Councilman White moved that this statement be approved Councilman Ware seconded and motion carried 5-0. Approval of an amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance was then discussed by the Council. Councilman Ware moved that this item be tabled for further consideration Mayor Pro Tem Phillips seconded and motioned carried 5-0. Consideration to participate with other cities in the Lone Star Gate Rate Case was then discussed by the Council. The City total cost for participa- tion would be $66.00 and would be handled by the Texas Municipal League. Councilman Brock moved that the City participate in the Gate Rate Case Mayor Pro Tem Phillips seconded and motioned carried 5-0. Consideration of approval of Resolution requesting the designation of Dallas County Bond Funds for Esters Road paving and drainage impmovements was then considered by the Council. Mayor Pro Tem Phillips then moved that this Res- olution be approved Councilman White seconded and motioned carried 5-0. (A copy of this Resolution is attached as a permanent part of these minutes.) Approval of Preliminary alignment plans for State Highway 121 was then con- sidered by the Council. Approximately/~ooofeet of these improvements will be in the City Limits of Coppell Councilman Ware moved that the Preliminary alignment plans be approved Councilman White seconded and motion carried 5-0. Consideration of Bids for a Police Car and Two Pickups was then discussed by the Council. City Administrator James Elium stated that the low Bid for the Police Car was from Boswell Chevrolet in the amount of $7,595.40. The low Bid for the big truck was from Huffines in Lewisville in the amount of $9,106.24. The low Bid for the Chevy Luv pickup was $4,645.15, from Huffines in Lewisville. Over all Bid prices approximately $600.00 more than was anticipated. Council- man White then moved that the Bids from Boswell Chevrolet and from Huffines be approved Mayor Pro Tem Phillips seconded and motioned carried 5-0. The City Administrator's Report was the next item on the agenda. City Adminis- trator James Elium stated that a meeting would be held at the Holiday Inn in Carrollton the following night which is on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the Dallas water rates. Approval of the Bills was then considered by the Council. Councilman Brock moved that the Bills be approved for payment Councilman seconded and motion carried 5-0. City Administrator James Elium was advised to ask the Coppell School District to consider paying half the cost of paving Cowboy Drive rather than the original $4,000.00 which was estimated. The ~leeting was then closed for an. Executive Session allowed under Article 6252-17 Section 2 (e) discussion with City Attorney and Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion con~erning p~rsonnel. Following the Executive Session the meeting was 113 resignation of Joe Jackson to be effective January l, 1980, Mayor Pro Tem Phillips seconded and motion carried 5-0. The Meeting was then adjourned. _ ATTEST: 114 A RESOLUTIO/~ OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS WHEREAS, The Dallas County 1977 Capital Improvement Program contained a project defined as 'Beth~-B~'~lne-Esters - $340,O00;'and WHEREAS, it was the understanding of the City of Coppell that the sum~f $340,000 could be applied to any portion of the proposed route; and WHEREAS, it is no longer feasible to use this funding for the purpose of assuring a grade separation with Spur 635; and WHEREAS, current development priorities ar~ such that the most advantageous portion of this route is considered to be from Bethel Road West o¢ CoppeJ1 Road to Cotton Road along Esters Road Approx. one mile. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS; SECTION 1. That the Dallas County Commissioners Court be asked to apply the full amount of money (minus administration expenditures) of the Bethel-Beltline-Esters Project to this segment of the route, to be expended with funds provided by the City of Coppell for the purpose of upgrading the existing two lane asphalt road. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, this the Z3-v~ day of , lgTg. APPROVED: Andrew Browner. {~ ~ ATTEST: Mayor ~orothy li ~*~n s City Secretary