CM 1979-12-11 117
Minutes of December ll, 1979
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in regular session December
ll, 1979, at 7:30 p.m. in the Coppell High School Cafeteria.
The following members were present:
Andrew Brown, Jr., Mayor
David Phillips, Mayor Pro Tem
Roy Brock, Councilman
Orville Mayo, Councilman
Glen White, Councilman (absent)
Dale Ware, Councilman (absent)
Also present were City Administrator James Elium, City Secretary Dorothy
Timmons, and City Attorney Larry Jackson.
The meeting was called to order and everyone asked to stand while Mayor Pro
Tem Phillips gave the invocation. Following the invocation, Councilman Brock
moved that the reading of the minutes be waived; Councilman Mayo seconded and
motion carried 3-0.
Councilman Mayo then moved that the minutes be approved as submitted; Mayor Pro
Tem Phillips seconded and motion carried 3-0.
Councilman Mayo then moved that the correction on the minutes of November 13,
1979 be approved to read; that approxamately 10,000 feet of h~ghway i~provement
for State Highway 121 will be within the City Limits of Coppell rather than
stating 450 feet would be inside the city limits as originally stated in the
minutes; Councilman Brock seconded the correction of the minutes and motion
carried 3-0.
The first item to be considered by the Council was acceptance of a bid on a
tape logging machine. City Administrator James Elium recommended that the
bid from Dictaphone be accepted by the Council; he stated that it was the low
bid and they did meet the specifications, Councilman Mayo moved that the dic-
taphone be accepted Councilman Brock seconded and motion carried 3-0.
Next Mr. Kelly Clark and Mr. Jim Andrews were listed on the agenda to request
a temporary permit for a modular office for a Realestate Business on Denton
Tap Road, neither Mr. Clark nor Mr. Andrews was present at this time. Following
discussion by the Council Mayor Pro Tem Phillips moved that the motion be denied
Councilman Brock seconded and motion carried 3-0.
Dr. Walter Bingham, was present to discuss the next item with the Council. This
request consisted of a request to open-cut Cowboy Drive for the installation of
a water line. Dr. Bingham stated that the process would save the school about
$1,000.00 to open-cut the road rather than going underneath it; following discus-
sion Councilman Mayo moved that this item be tabled until the next Council Meet-
ing Councilman Brock seconded and motion carried 3-0.
Approval of the solid waste franchise ordinance was then discussed by the Council.
City Attorney Larry Jackson reviewed this ordinance with the Council; following
discussion Councilman Brock moved that this ordinance number 207 be approved,
Councilman Mayo seconded and motion carried 3-0.
Consider approval for Hogan & Rasor, Inc. to prepare standard details and speci-
ficiations. This item was tabled from November 27, 1979 Council Meeting, follow-
ing discussion Councilman Brock moved that this item be tabled until the next
regular Council Meeting; Councilman Mayo seconded and motion carried 3-0.
Consider approval of Invoice #36 in the amount of $13,831.41 for the Water Works
Improvements and Invoice #37 in the amount of $12,964.30 for the Esters Road
paving project to Hogan & Rasor Inc., was then discussed by the Council; following
discussion it was the consensus of the Council that this item be tabled until the
next Council Meeting, in order for the City Administrator to check with the County
Commissioner Jim Jackson about obtaining advanced funds for the County's portion
of this paving project.
Approval of the bill to lawrence W. Jackson City Attorney concerning the Fox &
Jacobs lawsuit was then considered by the Council, the bill for approval at this
time is $1,600.00 which makes a total of $8,090.00 paid to Mr. Jackson on this
particular lawsuit. Following discussion Mayor Pro Tem Phillips moved that the
bill be a?proved for paylnent Councilman Mayo seconded and motion carri~d 3-0.
Consideration of advertising for bids for an office building for the main-
tenance facility was then discussed by the Council, cost for this building
will be approximately $10,000.00 and will be located on West Bethel Road
on the Airport property; Mayor Pro Te~ Phillips moved that bids be advertised
Councilman Brock seconded and motiOh ~f~f~-O.
Consideration of adopting optional benefits package from TMRS, was then con-
sidered by the Council. This package would in effect allow an employee to
retire when he has ten years of service in Municipal Government rather than
the present twenty years; following discussion Councilman Brock moved that
this package be adopted Councilman Mayo seconded and motion carried 3-0.
The City Administrator's Report was then discussed by the Council. City
Administrator James Elium stated that Fox & Jacobs has submitted a 696 Lot
Project which will be located on Sandy Lake Road just west of Allen Road;
portions of this project would not be in the Coppell School District.
Approval of the bills was then considered by the Council; Councilman Brock
moved that the bills be approved for payment Councilman Mayo seconded and
motion carried 3-0.
The meeting was then closed for an Executive Session allowed under Article
6252-17 Section 2 (e) discussion with City Attorney and Article 6252-17,
Section 2 (g) discussion concerning personnel. Following the Executive
Session, the meeting was declared open to the public. Councilman Brock
moved that Monday December 24, 1979 be officially designated as a City
Holiday; Councilman Mayo seconded and motion carried 3-0.
The meeting was then adjourned.
A~drew Brown, Jr., Mayor
Dorothy Ti mmon s~/-~-ty/Se c re t a fy