CM 1992-02-17 MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 17, 1992 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in special called joint Coppell ISD/City Council work session on Monday, February 17, 1992 at 6:30 p.m. in the Commons of Coppell High School, 185 Cowboy Drive, Coppell, Texas. The following Council members were present: ..... Mark Wolfe, Mayor Bill Smothermon, Mayor Pro Tem Peyton Weaver, Councilman David Thomas, Councilman Tom Morton, Councilman Ron Robertson, Councilman John Nelson, Councilman Also present were City Manager Alan D. Ratliff and City Secretary Dorothy Timmons. Councilman Jim Cowman was not present. Those present from the Coppell Independent School District were School Board President Deena Reeve and School Board members Mike Clements, Robert Key, Barb Schmidt, Paula LaVelle. Coppell ISD Superintendent W. O. "Buddy" Echols and Superintendent Secretary Brenda Vannatta were also present. Mayor Wolfe and School Board President Deena Reeve called the respective entities to order. SPECIAL CALLED JOINT WORK SESSION (Open to the Public) Item 1 Presentation by Fire Chief Clay Phillips regarding joint efforts between the City of Coppell and the Coppell Independent School District regarding the "Learn Not to Burn" program. Fire Chief Clay Phillips made a presentation to the City Council and School Board representatives. Jan Stranski, Plano Fire Department Coordinator, spoke and related how the program works in Plano. Lee and Pinkerton Elementary Schools will probably be the two schools used for the pilot program in Grades K, Pre-1 and 1. Vonita White, Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction also addressed those present. Item 2 Discussion and briefing on traffic concerns in and around the school sites. City Engineer Ken Griffin made a presentation to the Council and School Board representatives. The original study focused on recommendations for seven intersections. Three of those recommendations were tabled until the March 10 City Council meeting so that they could be discussed at this joint meeting. Those three recommendations were 1) remove stop signs on Mockingbird Lane at Sparrow, 2) leave stop signs as they are at Mockingbird and Cherrybark, and 3) remove stop signs on Mockingbird Lane at Oriole Lane. Mr. Griffin highlighted several issues and concerns that were expressed in a meeting with citizens on January 21. These concerns included 1) a no-left turn sign should be placed on the east side of Moore Road at the south exit of Austin Elementary; 2) some type of safety education program concerning both bicycle safety and child interaction with the street, should be presented to the children either via the schools, the YMCA, or the Home Owner's Associations; and 3) a safe school route plan should be developed for the elementary schools as per the guidelines in the School Zone Traffic Control Guidelines. Mr. Griffin will be meeting with citizens in the area to discuss the recommendations of the consultants. Item 3 Reports and general discussion on community issues - school sites, YMCA, playgrounds, water lines, economic development, and library. School Superintendent Buddy Echols reported that two school sites in the Lakes of Coppell area have been purchased, one across from Gibb's Station and the second one at MacArthur and Samuel. CM021792 Page 1 of 3 ~,~09 Mr. Echols also reported that bids have been accepted on an addition to the current high school facility. Councilman Robertson reported that the YMCA is presently negotiating with the FDIC for a site at Georgetown Center and is anticipating being open on April 1. The YMCA is also looking for teen activities. Parks and Recreation Manager Rick Wieland made a presentation concerning the Robert Leathers Creative Playground to be located in the Community Park on Parkway across from City Hall. Mr. Wieland also presented information concerning water lines in relation to a sewer line at the middle school baseball site. Councilman Tom Morton gave a status report on the activities of the Economic and Development Board, and reported that Kay Tiller has been hired as a Public Relations person to promote the City. Planning and Community Services Director Gary Sieb gave a status report on the new library. Item 4 Discussion and consideration of providing "Texas Government Today" for high school social studies and government students in Coppell. City Manager Alan D. Ratliff made a presentation to the Council and the School Board representatives. Information was received from the Texas City Management Association for a program for students in high school government classes. Cost is $7 per student per year for approximately 70-80 high school students. The City is requesting the School to fund the program if they are interested. Buddy Echols indicated that the information has been sent to the teachers to see if there is interest in including this program in next year's budget. item 5 Status report of joint usage facilities and programs: Summer Recreation Program, tennis courts, Middle School baseball facility, and discuss other related matters. Parks and Recreation Manager Rick Wieland presented information concerning the Summer Recreation Program which will be held between June 15 and August 7. The budget for this program has been approved. Buddy Echols reported that installation of lights for the tennis courts has enabled these facilities to be used at night. Superintendent Echols stated that they have upgraded the timing system so that it works better. A status report was given on the middle school baseball facility. There was discussion on putting grass on the infield. Maintenance Foreman Micky Harper indicated that water lines are in place for irrigation. Planning and Community Services Director Gary Sieb discussed the need to plat any school property that has not previously been done, i.e., middle school property and Wrangler Drive as well as the high school. The School Board will look into platting the property and the City will handle the variance for the placement of refreshment facilities. Bill Markham from the baseball association, and Darcy Patterson made presentations on those facilities. Item 6 Discussion and consideration of allowing the use of school facilities for citizen functions. Coppell ISD Superintendent Buddy Echols gave a presentation on this item. The school has policies in place for use of school facilities. Some require fees and some do not. The City is requested to have people contact Rick Foster in the Office of Community Service. CM021792 Page 2 of 3 ~~ Item 7 Consider a joint newcomers meeting with the City of Coppell, CISD School Board and the Coppell Chamber of Commerce on a quarterly basis. Councilman Ron Robertson made a presentation to council. The proposal is to meet on a quarterly or semi-quarterly basis and send invitations, to newcomers. Topics of discussion could be about the City, businesses, schools, and special functions of the City. Jerry Singleton from the Economic and Development Board also spoke to Council and School Board and gave input on this proposed project. Councilman Robertson requested that this be placed as a future agenda item to take action both at the Council level and the School Board level. Item $ Discussion and briefing on School Liaison Officer Program. Captain Gary Nix of the Police Department made a presentation to Council and the School Board, and introduced the School Liaison Officer James Ledet. Captain Nix reviewed projects of the School Liaison Officer Program, including the bicycle safety program, career programs, tours of Coppell Police facilities, special events such as school dances, basketball and football games, SADD program, lunch program, reading program, Red Ribbon Campaign activities, assisting school personnel in truancy, disciplining, and counselling programs, DARE program, and the Police Explorer Post program. Police Chief Neil McKinney indicated that there would be a graduation program for the DARE program on March 12, 1992. Item 9 Status report of Robin Hood Bill and future tax rates. Coppell ISD Superintendent Buddy Echols made a presentation and reported that there had been a major development in the past two or three weeks; the courts had declared the "Robin Hood Bill" as unconstitutional; however, the courts stated that taxes still had to be paid at the this time. There being no further business to come before the Council the meeting was adjourned. Mark Wolfe, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Timmons,, City Secretary Page 3 of 3 ~