CM 1992-09-22 MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1992 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Called Session on Tuesday, September 22, 1992 at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell Texas. The following members were present: Mark Wolfe, Mayor Bill Smothermon, Mayor Pro Tem Peyton Weaver, Councilman David Thomas, Councilman Tom Morton, Councilman Lanny Mayo, Councilman Ron Robertson, Councilman Jim Garrison, Councilman Also present were City Manager Alan D. Ratliff, City Secretary Dorothy Timmons, and City Attorney Lawrence W. Jackson. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 1. Call to Order Mayor Wolfe called the meeting to order. Mayor Wolfe adjourned the Regular Session and opened the Executive Session. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public) 2ES A. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (e), and Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83, discussion with City Attorney concerning matter involving privileged communications between attorney and client. 1. Longbranch (Not on Agenda) 2. Lone Star (Not on Agenda) 3. Status Report of Pending Lawsuits/Claims B. Article 6252-17, Section 2 (g) discussion concerning personnel. 1. Boards & Commissions Appointments (Item//8) 2. Appointment of Coppell Industrial Development Corporation (Not on Agenda) Mayor Wolfe convened into Executive Session at 6:31 p.m. as allowed under the above stated article. Mayor Wolfe adjourned the Executive Session at 7:16 p.m. and opened the Work Session. WORK SESSION (Open to the Public) 3. Work Session A. Traffic Issues 1. MacArthur & Beltline Intersection 2. MacArthur & Sandy Lake 3. Speed Limit on Beltline at North Lake -- B. General Discussion of Agenda Items Items under Section A were discussed immediately following Item//17. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 4. Reconvene Regular Session CM092292 Page 1 of 5 G (;,;.I V i 5. Invocation Dr. Jerry Carlisle from Valley Ranch Baptist Church. led those present in the Invocation. 6. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Wolfe led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. 7. Approval of Minutes: September 8, 1992 Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon moved to approve the minutes of September 8, 1992 with the noted revisions to Ordinance//92565 in Item 10, Ordinance ~92566 in Item 11, and Ordinance //92567 in Item 21D. Councilman Morton seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. 8. Swearing in of new members to the City's Boards, Commission and the City's Representative to the American Red Cross. Mayor Wolfe swore in the newly appointed and/or re-appointed Board and Commission members. Those appointees who were unable to be present will be sworn in at the next meeting of his/her respective boards or commissions. No further action was required by Council. 9. Consideration and approval of a Proclamation naming October 4-10, 1992 as "Fire Prevention Week" in the City of Coppell and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Fire Chief Clay Phillips made the presentation to Council concerning "Fire Prevention Week". Captain John Foster addressed the Council and stated that the next effort will be directed to the children, with special appearances by the "Fire Pup" to help educate them on fire safety. The "Fire Pup" was present and distributed information to Council on "Fire Prevention Week". Councilman Morton moved to approve the Proclamation naming October 4-10, 1992 as "Fire Prevention Week". Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon seconded the motion. The motion carded 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. 10. Introduction of new President and General Manager and others of Texas Waste Management. Becky Miller, Recycling Coordinator of Texas Waste Management, introduced the new Regional President and General Manager Nick Dowd, who made a presentation to the Council. 11. Discussion and consideration of authorizing the issuance of Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue bonds, Series 1992, approving an official statement, authorizing the execution of a purchase contract, and making provisions for the security thereof, and ordaining other matters relating to the subject; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon informed Council that the interest rates on all three issues were substantially lower than the anticipated 7%. The rate for the General Obligation Bonds will be 6.26 %, 4.118% for the Certificate of Obligation, and 6.012 for the Water and Sewer Bonds. As a result of the recent bond trip to New York, Moody's upgraded Coppell's General Obligation rating to A from Baa 1, while Standard and Poor's retained the BBB+ for Coppell. On the Waterworks and Sewer System, Moody's confirmed the City's rating of Baa while Standard and Poor's confirmed the BBB rating. Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon stated Council's appreciation to Financial Advisor Boyd London, Deputy City Manager/Finance Director Frank Trando, and other City staff for their assistance in this endeavor. Councilman Morton moved to approve Ordinance g92568. Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion, and Councilman Weaver voting against CM092292 Page 2 of 5 the motion. 12. Discussion and consideration of authorizing the issuance of Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 1992, approving an official statement, authorizing the execution of a purchase contract, and making provisions for the security thereof, and ordaining other matters relating to the subject; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Following discussion by Council, including Councilman Weaver's expressing his concern over this issuance, Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved to approve Ordinance ~2569. Councilman Thomas seconded the motion. The motion carried 4-3 with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, and Mayo voting in favor of the motion, and Councilmen Weaver, Robertson and Garrison voting against the motion. 13. Discussion and consideration of authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bond, Series 1992, approving an official statement, authorizing the execution of a purchase contract, and making provisions for the security thereof, and ordaining other matters relating to the subject; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Following discussion, Councilman Thomas moved to approve Ordinance//92570. Councilman Morton seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. 14. Discussion and consideration of an ordinance approving and adopting the budget for the City of Coppell for the Fiscal Year October 1, 1992 through September 30, 1993; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Following discussion, Councilman Morton moved to approve Ordinance #92571. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilmen Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion, and Councilman Weaver voting against the motion. 15. Discussion and consideration of an ordinance of the City of Coppell, levying the Ad Valorem Taxes for the year 1992, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Following discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon moved to approve Ordinance #92572. Councilman Morton seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-1 with Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon and Councilman Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion, and Councilman Weaver voting against the motion. 16. Citizen's appearance by Walter Pettijohn to discuss with Council the Donald R. Markey v. City of Coppell lawsuit. City Manager Alan D. Ratliff informed Council that a letter had been received in his office on September 21, 1992 requesting this item to be postponed. Mr. Petfijohn will contact the City for another appearance in the future. 17. Citizen's Appearances Bob Mullarkey, 351 Hearty Rd., Coppell, Texas, expressed his concern and opposition to the rising taxes, mostly the school taxes. Mayor Wolfe provided information that the City does not have control over decisions made by the School Board. CM092292 Page 3 of 5 WORK SESSION (Open to the Public) Section A of the Work Session was presented at this point in the agenda. City Engineer Ken Griffin discussed the traffic-related items listed with the Council. These issues will be brought forward to the Council for consideration in the near future. 18. Mayor's Report A. Mayor Wolfe announced that Coppell Day at the State Fair will be October 5, 1992 at 6:00 p.m. He was interested in knowing if the City Council and City Manager and their families would be able to attend. B. Mayor Wolfe announced that Friday, September 25, 1992 would be Sharon Taylor's last day. Ms. Taylor is the Executive Secretary to City Manager Alan D. Ratliff. C. Mayor Wolfe announced that Students In Government would take place on November 10, 1992. D. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon announced that Paragon offered to pay for the draft of franchise agreement. It was the consensus of the Council to take this issue to the Cable Review Board. E. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon stated that October 3,1992 be White Cane Day, sponsored by the Lions Club, for organ and eye donations for the eye bank of North Texas. It was the consensus of the Council to allow this. The two locations designated for this will be Sandy Lake Road and Denton Tap Road, and Sandy Lake Road and MacArthur Blvd. It was the consensus of Council to allow this. 19. Liaison Reports Cable Review Board - Councilman Smothermon stated that October 8, 1992 is the selected --' tentative date for the Board's first meeting. Economic Development and Business Development Board - Councilman Morton stated that the Board had its meeting on September 9, 1992. This Board has put advertising in the Connection magazine. The Board also discussed hiring a part-time economic advisor. MUD Absorption Committee - Councilman Morton stated that the Committee held their meeting on September 14, 1992 and set a tax rate of 15 cents/S100. The relocation of a main sewer interceptor line, part culvert pipe, was discussed. Concern was expressed about this and its replacement prior to the City taking over the district. Appreciation was expressed to Ken Griffin, City Engineer, for attending the meeting and representing the City. Metrocrest Hospital Authority - Councilman Morton stated that he had attended the last meeting. Orphan Roads - City Manager Alan D. Ratliff and Councilman Thomas met with the Irving Mayor and representatives. Staff will go back to look at the orphan roads, with an approximate report target date set for 30 days. Consent Agenda 20. A. Consideration for a variance from Section 10-4-3B and 10-4-3D of the Sign Ordinance which concerns banners and signs attached to any tree. The variance is requested by the Coppell Fire Department for display of a banner in observance of Fire Prevention Week to be observed October 4-10, 1992. CM092292 Page 4 of 5 B. Consideration to award bid for an annual contract for (A) hot mix asphalt material to Austin Bridge and Road at $17.50 pick up/$20.50 delivered per ton, (B) cold lay asphalt to Vulcan Material at $19.50 pick up/$26.94 delivered per ton, and (C) flex base to Marock, Inc. at $4.50 pick up/$11.23 delivered per ton. C. Consideration of a request for variance to Section 10-5-2 (C) of the Sign Ordinance which concerns setbacks for monument signs. This variance is being requested by Ms. Joy Onstott for the property at 420 W. Bethel Road to construct ._._. a 5 foot high, 40 square foot sign. D. Consideration of a variance to the Sign Ordinance regarding the maximum square footage of signage allowed at 580 S. Denton Tap Road and commonly identified as the Coppell Hardware Store, to allow two 6' x 4' internally lighted signs. E. 1) Consideration of a resolution for ttie renewal of the Dallas County Health Services Agreement, effective October 1, 1992 to September 30, 1993 in the amount of $3,698.00. 2) Consideration of authorizing the Mayor to sign Dallas County Health Services contract in the amount of $3,698.00. F. To consider the renewal of the Trinity River Authority contract for services for a period of October 1, 1992 to September 30, 1993 in an amount not to exceed $3,500.00 and authorizing the Mayor to sign. G. Discussion and consideration of an ordinance amending Chapter 18 of the Master Fee Schedule, in the Code of Ordinances and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilman Morton moved to approve the Consent Agenda Items 20 A-G, with 20-E carrying Resolution 092292.1 and 20-G carrying Ordinance 92573. Mayor Pro Tem Smothermon seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Smothermon and Councilmen Weaver, Thomas, Morton, Mayo, Robertson, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned. Mark/Wolfe, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary CM092292 Page 5 of 5