CM 2007-04-10
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Called Session on
Tuesday, April 10, 2007, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town
Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following members were
Doug Stover, Mayor
Billy Faught, Mayor Pro Tem
Tim Brancheau, Councilmember
Jayne Peters, Councilmember
Brianna Hinojosa-Flores, Councilmember
Marsha Tunnell, Councilmember
Marvin Franklin, Councilmember
Councilmember York was absent from the meeting. Also present were City
Manager Jim Witt, City Secretary Libby Ball and City Attorney Robert Hager.
1.Call to order.
Mayor Stover called the meeting to order, determined that a quorum was
present and convened into Executive Session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public)
2.Convene Executive Session
A.Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation
with City Attorney.
1.The City of Coppell and Coppell Independent School
District opposition to a change of zoning request of
the Billingsley Corporation in the City of Dallas,
Zoning Case Number Z045-107; and City of Coppell
vs. CB Parkway Business Center VI, et al in the
County Court at Law No. 3,; and CB Parkway
Business Center, et al vs. City of Coppell, et al.; and
City of Dallas vs. Douglas Stover, et al in the 191st
District Court; and City of Coppell, et al vs. City of
Dallas, et al in the 101st District Court.
2.Registered Sex Offenders.
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B.Section 551.072, Texas Government Code - Deliberation
regarding Real Property.
1.Sale of land west of Denton Tap and south of Bethel.
C.Section 551.087, Texas Government Code – Economic
Development Negotiations.
1.ED Prospects West of Beltline/Denton Tap and south
of Bethel Road.
Mayor Stover convened into Executive Session at 5:41 p.m. as allowed
under the above-stated article. Mayor Stover adjourned the Executive
Session at 6:45 p.m. and opened the Work Session.
WORK SESSION (Open to the Public)
3.Convene Work Session
A.Presentation by Time Warner regarding Customer Service
Standards portion of their franchise agreement.
B.Presentation and discussion regarding Youth Action
Committee activities.
C.Redevelopment of Commercial Properties.
D.Discussion regarding Council Retreat Objectives.
E.Discussion of Agenda Items.
REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public)
4.Convene Regular Session.
Mayor Pro Tem Faught led those present in the Invocation.
6.Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Stover led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
7.Consider approval of a proclamation naming April 21, 2007 as
Arbor Day and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
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Mayor Stover read the Proclamation for the record and presented the
same to Brad Reid, Director of Parks and Recreation.
Councilmember Tunnell moved to approve a proclamation naming
April 21, 2007 as Arbor Day and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Councilmember Franklin seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0
with Mayor Pro Tem Faught and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters,
Hinojosa-Flores, Tunnell and Franklin voting in favor of the motion.
8.Consider approval of a Proclamation naming the week of April
22 through April 28, 2007 as National Crime Victims' Rights
Week, and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Mayor Stover read the Proclamation for the record and presented the
same to Lt. Steve Thomas and Mitzie Duke, Victims’ Assistance
Councilmember Peters moved to approve a Proclamation naming the
week of April 22 through April 28, 2007 as National Crime Victims'
Rights Week, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilmember
Hinojosa-Flores seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor
Pro Tem Faught and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Hinojosa-
Flores, Tunnell and Franklin voting in favor of the motion.
9.Recognition of receipt by the Park and Recreation Department,
of the Texas Recreation and Park Society Lone Star
Programming Award.
The City of Coppell received the Lone Star Programming Award from the
Texas Recreation and Park Societies. Mayor Stover presented the award
to Ester Moreno for her work on KidzConnect.
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10.Presentation by April P. Shaw, Commander, United States
Public Health Services, regarding the city of Coppell
involvement in the Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory
Program Standards.
Commander April Shaw with the United States Public Health Services
made a presentation and presented Certificates of Achievement to Mayor
11.Presentation by Ray Turco regarding Citizen Survey.
Ray Turco made a presentation to the Council and reviewed the recent
Citizen Satisfaction Survey results.
12.Citizens' Appearances.
There was no one signed up to speak under this item.
13.Consider approval of the following consent agenda items:
A.Consider approval of minutes: March 27, 2007.
B.Consider approval of accepting the resignation of Judy
Malone, Alternate, from the Board of Adjustment.
C.Consider approval of the Camp Do-It-All Standards of Care
and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
D.Consider approval of an Ordinance for Case No. PD-221-
HC, Duke Lesley Addition, zoning change from HC
(Highway Commercial) to PD-221-HC (Planned
Development-221-Highway Commercial) to allow for tilt-
wall construction and additional attached signage on the
office buildings that are 50,000-square-feet or larger and
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to allow for the development of mixed uses, including
retail, office, and hotel on a total of 78.5 acres of
property located at the northwest corner of IH-635 and
South Beltline Road, and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Councilmember Peters moved to approve Consent Agenda Items A, B, C
and D carrying Ordinance No. 91500-A-453. Mayor Pro Tem Faught
seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Faught
and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Hinojosa-Flores, Tunnell and
Franklin voting in favor of the motion.
Consider approval of Case No. PD-224-HC, Northlake College,
zoning change request from C (Commercial), HC (Highway
Commercial) and LI (Light Industrial) to PD-224-HC (Planned
Development-224-Highway Commercial) for college and
ancillary uses on approximately 37 acres of property and to
attach a Detail Site Plan for Phase 1 to allow the construction
of a 37,000-square-foot building on approximately 10 acres of
property located at the southeast corner of S.H. 121 and W.
Sandy Lake Road.
Gary Sieb, Director of Planning, made a presentation to the Council.
Dr. Herlinda Glasscock, President of Northlake College, addressed the
Public Hearing:
Mayor Stover opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one had
signed up to speak on this proposal.
Councilmember Brancheau moved to close the Public Hearing and
approve Case No. PD-224-HC, Northlake College, zoning change request
from C (Commercial), HC (Highway Commercial) and LI (Light Industrial)
to PD-224-HC (Planned Development-224-Highway Commercial) for
college and ancillary uses on approximately 37 acres of property and to
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attach a Detail Site Plan for Phase 1 to allow the construction of a
37,000-square-foot building on approximately 10 acres of property
located at the southeast corner of S.H. 121 and W. Sandy Lake Road;
subject to the following conditions:
Concept Site Plan
1) Delete proposed parking Phase 1 data box, relates to City of Irving
Zoning Standards. The information for Coppell is adequately covered
in the other data box. (PARTIALLY MET)
Detail Site Plan
1)Fire Hydrant Layout and curve radii for fire lanes must meet
minimum standards.
Preliminary Landscape Plan
1)Add the dimension of the boundaries of the property. Existing and
proposed utility easements need to be indicated to determine if there
are conflicts with proposed plantings.
Engineering Department Comments
1)Any future median cuts will also require the construction of the
corresponding left turn bays.
2)Be advised that even though you are showing a proposed 10" sewer
line to flow to the south and tie into the existing 8" sewer line may be
inadequate for your development. The City of Coppell is in the
process of obtaining a sewer analysis for this property analyzing
capacity through the existing 8" sewer line to the north or tying into
the existing 8" at the intersection of Royal Lane and Northpoint Dr. or
running a completely new sewer line that would go to the intersection
of Royal Lane and Northpoint Dr., and then go east on Northpoint Dr.
and tie into an existing 15" sewer line in Cottonwood Creek.
3)Also, please contact Jeff Curry at (972) 888-1330 to discuss electric
easement requirements.
Mayor Pro Tem Faught seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Faught and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters,
Hinojosa-Flores, Tunnell, Franklin and York voting in favor of the
Consider approval of Case No. S-1240-R, DeVine Cellars, zoning
change request from R (Retail) to S-1240-R (Special Use
Permit-1240-Retail) to allow a 2,981-square-foot
retail/convenience store and tasting room to be located at 115
W. Sandy Lake Road.
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Gary Sieb, Director of Planning, made a presentation to the Council.
Jean Dahl, Applicant, addressed the Council.
Public Hearing:
Mayor Stover opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one had
signed up to speak on this proposal.
Councilmember Franklin moved to close the Public Hearing and approve
Case No. S-1240-R, DeVine Cellars, zoning change request from R
(Retail) to S-1240-R (Special Use Permit-1240-Retail) to allow a 2,981-
square-foot retail/convenience store and tasting room to be located at
115 W. Sandy Lake Road; subject to the following conditions:
1) Compliance with all City of Coppell Ordinances, as well as TABC rules
and regulations, which are specific to this use.
2) The development shall be in accordance with the Site Plan, Floor Plan
and Sign Elevations.
3) Hours of operation shall be limited to 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday
through Thursday, until 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and
between noon and 5 p.m. on Sunday.
4) Contact Larry Redick at (972) 323-8917 to discuss electric easement
Councilmember Brancheau seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0
with Mayor Pro Tem Faught and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters,
Hinojosa-Flores, Tunnell and Franklin voting in favor of the motion.
Consider approval of Case No. S-1239-C, Camp Bow Wow,
zoning change request from C (Commercial) to S-1239-C
(Special Use Permit-1239-Commercial) to allow a 6,484-square-
foot kennel with a screened 3,900-square-foot outside play
area to be located at 769 S. MacArthur Boulevard, Suite #233.
Gary Sieb, Director of Planning, made a presentation to the Council.
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Amy Petrie and Linda Grady, Applicants, addressed the Council.
Public Hearing:
Mayor Stover opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one had
signed up to speak on this proposal.
Councilmember Tunnell moved to close the Public Hearing and approve
Case No. S-1239-C, Camp Bow Wow, zoning change request from C
(Commercial) to S-1239-C (Special Use Permit-1239-Commercial) to allow
a 6,484-square-foot kennel with a screened 3,900-square-foot outside
play area to be located at 769 S. MacArthur Boulevard, Suite #233,
subject to the following conditions:
1) Contact Larry Redick at (972) 323-8917 to discuss electric service
2) Transplanting of trees should be done at a time deemed appropriate
by a landscape architect.
3) The site shall be developed in accordance with the Site Plan,
Landscape Plan, Elevations and Floor Plan.
4) The hours of operation shall not exceed 6:30 a.m. to 7 p.m., seven
days a week.
Councilmember Franklin seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-1
with Mayor Pro Tem Faught and Councilmembers Brancheau, Hinojosa-
Flores, Tunnell and Franklin voting in favor of the motion and
Councilmember Peters voting against the motion.
Consider approval of Case No. S-1215R-C, Kountry Donuts &
Cafe, zoning change request from S-1215-C (Special Use
Permit-1215-Commercial) to S-1215R-C (Special Use Permit-
1215 Revised-Commercial), to allow a 1,400-square-foot
restaurant with drive-through service on 0.49 of an acre of
property located along the west side of S. Denton Tap Road,
approximately 500 feet north of Southwestern Boulevard.
Gary Sieb, Director of Planning, made a presentation to the Council.
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Jerry Cunningham, Architect, addressed the Council.
Public Hearing:
Mayor Stover opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one had
signed up to speak on this proposal.
Councilmember Franklin moved to close the Public Hearing and approve:
Item 17:
Case No. S-1215R-C, Kountry Donuts & Cafe, zoning change request
from S-1215-C (Special Use Permit-1215-Commercial) to S-1215R-C
(Special Use Permit-1215 Revised-Commercial), to allow a 1,400-square-
foot restaurant with drive-through service on 0.49 of an acre of property
located along the west side of S. Denton Tap Road, approximately 500
feet north of Southwestern Boulevard, subject to the following conditions:
1) The site shall be developed in accordance with the Site Plan,
Landscape Plan, Elevations and Floor Plan.
2)The hours of operation shall not exceed 5 a.m. to 10 p.m., seven days
a week as stated on the Floor Plan.
Item 18:
Kountry Donuts & Cafe Addition, Lot 1, Block 1, Minor Plat, to allow a
1,400-square-foot restaurant with drive-through service on 0.49 of an
acre of property located along the west side of S. Denton Tap Road,
approximately 500 feet north of Southwestern Boulevard
Councilmember Tunnell seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0
with Mayor Pro Tem Faught and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters,
Hinojosa-Flores, Tunnell, Franklin and York voting in favor of the
18.Consider approval of the Kountry Donuts & Cafe Addition, Lot
1, Block 1, Minor Plat, to allow a 1,400-square-foot restaurant
with drive-through service on 0.49 of an acre of property
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located along the west side of S. Denton Tap Road,
approximately 500 feet north of Southwestern Boulevard.
This item was considered along with Item 17. See Item 17 for minutes.
Consider approval of Case No. PD-226-LI, Amcat (Northlake 635
Business Park, Lot 7, Block C, Essex Wire), zoning change
request from LI (Light Industrial) to PD-226-LI (Planned
Development-226-Light Industrial) to allow the relocation of
two non-masonry structures (existing training lab and roof
climbing area), with a landscaped screen, on 3.5 acres of
property located at 1230 Crestside Drive.
Gary Sieb, Director of Planning, made a presentation to the Council.
Russell Jackson, Applicant, addressed the Council.
Public Hearing:
Mayor Stover opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one had
signed up to speak on this proposal.
Mayor Pro Tem Faught moved to close the Public Hearing and approve
Case No. PD-226-LI, Amcat (Northlake 635 Business Park, Lot 7, Block
C, Essex Wire), zoning change request from LI (Light Industrial) to PD-
226-LI (Planned Development-226-Light Industrial) to allow the
relocation of two non-masonry structures (existing training lab and roof
climbing area), with a landscaped screen, on 3.5 acres of property
located at 1230 Crestside Drive. Councilmember Tunnell seconded the
motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Faught and
Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Hinojosa-Flores, Tunnell and
Franklin voting in favor of the motion.
20.Consider approval of the Superior Air Parts (Freeport North,
Block A Lot 1), Site Plan Amendment, to allow outside cooling
towers and fuel tanks to be enclosed on three sides by a 14’ 3”
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masonry wall to be located within the loading dock area on the
west side of the building at 621 S. Royal Lane.
Gary Sieb, Director of Planning, made a presentation to the Council.
Bill Brogdon, Applicant, addressed the Council.
Jeff Thronton, representing property owner Duke, addressed the Council.
Councilmember Brancheau moved to approve the Superior Air Parts
(Freeport North, Block A Lot 1), Site Plan Amendment, to allow outside
cooling towers and fuel tanks to be enclosed on three sides by a 14’ 3”
masonry wall to be located within the loading dock area on the west side
of the building at 621 S. Royal Lane; subject to the following condition:
1) City will perform or participate in initial test of the set-up to ensure
that it meets the sound requirements.
Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with
Mayor Pro Tem Faught and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters,
Hinojosa-Flores, Tunnell and Franklin voting in favor of the motion.
Consider approval of an amendment to the Comprehensive
Land Use Plan from Freeway Office to Light Industrial
Showroom on 106 acres of property and approval of Case No.
PD-222-LI, Duke Lesley Addition, zoning change request from
LI (Light Industrial) to PD-222-LI (Planned Development-222-
Light Industrial) to allow for a parking ratio of one space per
5,000-square-feet for warehouse use and a living screen for
truck courts instead of a masonry wall on 106 acres of
property and to attach a Detail Site Plan to allow a 755,394-
square-foot office warehouse building on 36.2 acres of property
located at the northwest corner of Beltline Road and the
proposed extension of Dividend Drive.
Gary Sieb, Director of Planning, made a presentation to the Council.
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Alex Bennett and Jeff Thronton, Applicants, addressed Council.
Public Hearing:
Mayor Stover opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one had
signed up to speak on this proposal.
Councilmember Peters moved to approve:
Item 21:
An amendment to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from Freeway Office
to Light Industrial Showroom on 106 acres of property and approval of
Case No. PD-222-LI, Duke Lesley Addition, zoning change request from
LI (Light Industrial) to PD-222-LI (Planned Development-222-Light
Industrial) to allow for a parking ratio of one space per 5,000-square-feet
for warehouse use and a living screen for truck courts instead of a
masonry wall on 106 acres of property and to attach a Detail Site Plan to
allow a 755,394-square-foot office warehouse building on 36.2 acres of
property located at the northwest corner of Beltline Road and the
proposed extension of Dividend Drive; subject to the following conditions:
1) Note on Landscape Plan that required perimeter landscaping is
63,958-square-feet. Overall landscaping required is 267,214-square-
feet; provided landscaping is 400,472-square-feet.
2)Clarify and clearly define building frontage questions regarding
Item 22:
The Duke Lesley Addition, Lot 2, Block A, Final Plat, to establish a
building site, fire lanes and easements to allow the construction of a
755,394-square-foot office warehouse building on 36.2 acres of property
located north and east of the proposed extension of Dividend Drive.
Councilmember Brancheau seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0
with Mayor Pro Tem Faught and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters,
Hinojosa-Flores, Tunnell, Franklin and York voting in favor of the
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22. Consider approval of the Duke Lesley Addition, Lot 2, Block A,
Final Plat, to establish a buDding site, tire lanes and
easements to allow the construction of a 755,394-square-foot
office warehouse buDding on 36.2 acres of property located
north and east of the proposed extension of Dividend Drive.
This item was considered along with Item 21. See Item 21 for minutes.
23. Mayor and Council Reports.
A. Report by Mayor Stover regarding Metroplex Mayors'
A. Mayor Stover reported he had attended the Metroplex Mayors'
Meeting where the discussion regarded Dallas hosting the Super
Bowl in 2011.
24. Necessary action resulting from Work Session.
There was no action necessary under this item.
25. Necessary Action Resulting from Executive Session.
Mayor Pro Tern Faught moved to authorize the City Manager to negotiate
an Interlocal Agreement with DFW Airport to permit the potential
development of 92 + / - acres located south of Bethel/East of 1635.
Councilmember Franklin seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0
with Mayor Pro Tern Faught and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters,
Hinojosa-Flores, Tunnell and Franklin York voting in favor of the motion.
There being no further business t
was adjourned.
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