CM 1993-06-22 MINUTES OF JUNE 22, 1993 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Called Session on Tuesday, June 22, 1993 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following members were present: Tom Morton, Mayor Ron Robertson, Mayor Pro Tem Peyton Weaver, Councilmember Flo McFadden Stably, Councilmember Mitch Reitman, Councilmember Jim Garrison, Councilmember Councilmember Lanny Mayo was absent from the meeting. Also present were Interim City Manager Frank Trando, City Secretary Dorothy Timmons and City Attorney Peter G. Smith. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 1. Call to Order Mayor Morton called the meeting to order and opened the Executive Session. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public) 2. A. Article 6252-17, Section 2(e), and Senate Concurrent Resolution Number 83, discussion with City Attorney concerning matter involving privileged communications between attorney and client. 1. Briefing by Larry Jackson on Grapevine Boundary Dispute 2. TABC License Hearing - Longbranch 3. Discussion of communication received from former employee concerning Personnel Hearing Mayor Morton convened into Executive Session at 6:03 p.m. as allowed under the above-stated article. The briefing by Larry Jackson on Grapevine Boundary Dispute was postponed and will be heard on a later date. Mayor Morton adjourned the Executive Session at 6:22 p.m. and opened the Work Session. WORK SESSION (Open to the Public) 3. Convene Work Session A. City Attorney to brief the Council on Executive Session Items. B. Discussion of holding Council/Staff Retreat C. Consumer Trade Fair -- D. Design contract for Sandy Lake Road from MacArthur to Denton Tap E. Participation in Drainage and Roadway Improvements at the Intersection of Moore Road and Sandy Lake Road F. Discussion of Agenda Items CM062293 Page 1 of 7 Oki REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 4. Reconvene Regular Session 5. Invocation Councilmember Reitman led those present in the invocation. 6. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Morton led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. 7. Citizen's Appearance A. Johnny Thompson, 1780 E. Beltline, addressed the Council regarding the TABC hearing and the amount of money the City spent regarding the matter. B. Rebecca Watson, 203 Meadow Run, spoke to the Council regarding bike lanes and walking trails. The Consent Agenda was considered at this time. Please see Items 19 A, B, C, D, E, H, I, and I for minutes. 8. Consider approval of a reception for applicants to the City's Boards and Commissions to be held at Town Center, and setting a date. Mayor Pro Tern Robertson moved to consider the approval of a reception for applicants to the City's Boards and Commissions to be at Town Center on Monday, August 23, 1993 and allocate a total amount of $800.00 for reception and for awards to be given to outgoing members. Councilmember Stahly seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Reitman, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. 9. A. Discussion and consideration of accepting the resignation of Bill Coppola from his position on the Cable Review Board. Councilmember Garrison moved to accept the resignation of Bill Coppola from the Cable Review Board. Councilmember Reitman seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Reitman, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. B. Discussion and consideration of appointing an individual to the Cable Review Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Bill Coppola, whose term ~- expires in October of 1994. Councilmember Garrison moved to appoint Lisa Cavendar to fill the vacant position on the Cable Review Board. Councilmember Reitman seconded the motion; the motion carded 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Reitman, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. CM062293 Page 2 of 7 C. Swearing in of Alternate Cable Review Board Member Margaret Quinn, who was appointed by the Council at the June 8th Council Meeting. Mayor Morton swore in Margaret Quinn as a new member of the Cable Review Board. 10. Consideration and approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances by empowering the City to regulate water wells in the City of Coppell and authorizing the Mayor to sign. After lengthy discussion, it was decided that Councilmember Weaver will work with Steve Goram, Director of Public Works, and bring this item back to the next City Council meeting. No further action was required on this item. 11. Consideration and approval of a Deed Without Warranty to convey land located at the Southwest corner of Andrew Brown Park, West of Denton Tap Road and bordering Cottonwood Creek, totaling 4,454 square feet, to Centex Real Estate Corporation and authorizing the Mayor to sign. This item was pulled at the request of Staff. 12. Discussion and consideration for authorization to enter into a design contract, scope of services and compensation plan with Rady and Associates for the design of Sandy Lake Road from MacArthur Blvd. to Denton Tap Road in the amount of $672,500.00 ($502,500.00 General Fund and $170,000.00 Water Revenue Account) and authorization for the Mayor to sign. Mayor Morton recognized the citizens who were present to support the inclusion of bike trails in the design. Ken Griffin, City Engineer, made a presentation to Council. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to approve the scope of work of services to Rady and Associates for the design of Sandy Lake Road from MacArthur Boulevard to Denton Tap Road not to exceed the amount of $672,500.00, with financing as indicated by the Finance Department, and that the City will receive full credit for any services not used, and that Rady and Associates recognize the concerns of the citizen when designing the project. Councilmember Stahly seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Reitman, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. 13. Discussion and consideration of allocating funds set aside in the Fiscal Year 1992/93 budget for drainage and roadway improvements to participate in the drainage solution at the intersection of Moore Road and Sandy Lake Road and authorizing the City Attorney to prepare a contract for the City's participation in the drainage solution with the owner of the property at the northeast corner of Moore and Sandy Lake at a "not to exceed dollar amount" to be determined by City Council. Ken Griffin, City Engineer, made a presentation during Work Session. Ken Griffin briefed the Council on the Texas Water Law. Mayor Pro Tern Robertson moved to have the City Attorney and City Engineer to draft a contract with Mrs. Austin and bring back to Council with a dollar amount not to exceed $130,000.00. Councilmember Reitman seconded the motion; the motion -- failed 2-3 with Mayor Pro Tern Robertson and Councilmember Reitman voting in favor of the motion; and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, and Garrison voting against of the motion. Councilmember Stahly requested Staff to provide some history regarding the allocation of funds in this type of matters. Mayor Morton requested that this item be scheduled for reconsideration at the next Council Meeting. Barbara Austin discussed this matter with the Council. CM062293 Page 3 of 7 14. Approval of an ordinance for the City of Coppell, Texas amending Section 8-3-1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Coppell: Making it unlawful for any person to park a vehicle on either side of Parkway Blvd. between MacArthur Blvd. to Meadowglen Circle; on Parkway Blvd., between Alex Drive to Cowboy Drive; and on Parkway Blvd. between Coppell Road to 150 feet east of Graham Drive; providing a repealer clause; providing a severability clause; providing penalties for violation of this ordinance not to exceed the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each offense and providing an effective date and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to approve Ordinance No. 93606 amending Section 8-3-1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Coppell: Making it unlawful for any person to park a vehicle on either side of Parkway Blvd. between MacArthur Blvd. to Meadowglen Circle; on Parkway Blvd., between Alex Drive to Cowboy Drive; and on Parkway Blvd. between Coppell Road to 150 feet east of Graham Drive; providing a repealer clause; providing a severability clause; providing penalties for violation of this ordinance not to exceed the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for each offense. Councilmember Weaver seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stably, Reitman, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. 15. Necessary action resulting from Executive Session. No action was necessary on this item. The remainder of the Consent Agenda was taken up at this time. Please see Item 19 F and G for minutes. 16. Interim City Manager's Report. A. Frank Trando, Interim City Manager, stated that there would be an Introduction to City Government on June 25, 1993 and Council was invited. B. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, addressed the Council concerning a letter from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs where they are requesting use of the Council Chamber on July 22, 1993 for a meeting. Consensus of the Council was to allow the meeting if it be held in the evening. 17. Mayor's Report. A. Mayor Morton introduced Cecil Morton representing Park 'n Fly who spoke to the Council regarding a proposed parking facility to be located at the corner of Royal Lane and Cotton Road. B. Mayor Morton stated he had had a meeting with the North Texas Commission and informed them if they wanted the cities' participation, they need to include the cities around the airport having at least one member of their board to come from one of the four cities. C. Mayor Morton addressed the Council concerning guidelines for Councilmembers. D. Mayor Morton spoke concerning the Metrocrest Scan, a copy of which was provided to Council. E. Mayor Morton attended the Regional Transportation Council meeting where they requested Staff to look at funding an intern for nine months for $1,500.00. CM062293 Page 4 of 7 F. Mayor Morton was invited to the unveiling of "Old Red" which will be refurbished and make the 6th floor a visitor's center. G. Mayor Morton informed the Council that a national organization to insure a sound control environment is having a meeting in Irving at a cost of $225.00 per person. H. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson announced that Roy Brock suffered a severe heart attack and is currently in RHD. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson requested that the Council send flowers or a card. I. Councilmember Weaver objected to the use of a TML appointed attorney on the latest Thompson suit due to past representation of a former employee. J. Councilmember Weaver discussed commendations on police officers. K. Councilmember Weaver gave thanks to the City Manager for policing the political signs during the recent elections. L. Councilmember Weaver suggested that Coppell Police Department work with Carrollton Police Department to increase enforcement at Country Clubs and also to look at the signage concerning speed and pedestrian crossings. M. Councilmember Garrison asked for more chairs to be provided in the Work Sessions. 18. Liaison Reports. Data Processing Committee -- Councilmember Weaver stated the Data Processing Committee met approximately two weeks ago and Staff had some information and was asked to produce some additional information. City Manager Search Committee -- Councilmember Weaver informed the Council that a profile should be available by the next Council Meeting. Re-alignment of Beltline Road Committee -- Councilmember Weaver complimented the job done thus far by the City Engineer and stated that there should probably be one more meeting. Citizen's Recognition Committee -- Councilmember Stahly announced that an event is in the planning to recognition the participation of the past mayor and two City Council members. Park Board -- Councilmember Reitman stated that he had met with Steve Goram, Director of Public Works, Rick Weiland, Parks and Recreation Manager, and Frank Trando, Interim City Manager. YMCA Liaison Committee -- Councilmember Stahly reported that YMCA is working very hard on their expansion project and that the Board would meet on the 28th of June to determine the future development. Councilman Robertson stated that there is an awful lot going on right now with over 400 signed up in swimming lessons, over 600 members, working with the school on next year's after school program which is the second largest in the area next to Plano. The basketball program was a success. The expansion being planned is 9600 square feet. The Patron's Ball will be held on October 9, 1993. Negotiating Committee/Paragon Franchise Renewal -- Councilmember Garrison announced that the Cable Negotiating Committee met with Paragon Cable and will hopefully be coming back to the next Council meeting with an agreement. CM062293 Page 5 of 7 CONSENT AGENDA 19. A. Consider approval of minutes of June 8, 1993 as submitted and corrected minutes of May 11, 1993 (Page 3, Item 10)and May 25, 1993 (Page 2, Item 9). B. Consider approval of recognizing September 11, 1993 as the City of Coppell Consumer Trade Fair sponsored by the Coppell Chamber of Commerce, and waiving permit fees for the installation of banners. C. To consider approval of an ordinance for Case #ZC-547 to change the zoning designation from (SF-12) to (C) Commercial on a parcel of land located at the northeast corner of Sandy Lake Road and Moore Road, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. D. To consider an ordinance for Case #PD-110(A) to amend the original PD site plan on a parcel of land located at 324 Beechwood Lane, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. E. To consider an ordinance for Case #PD-130 to change the zoning designation from (SF-12) to (PD-SF-7), on a parcel of land located 250' north of Sandy Lake Road, along the east side of Moore Road, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. F. To consider an ordinance for Case #ZC-545(A) to change the zoning designation from (MF-2) and (SF-12) to (SF-7) and (SF-9), on a parcel of land located along the west side of Harris Street, north of Dakota Lane, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. G. To consider approval of an ordinance for Case #PD-129(R) to change the zoning designation from (TC) to (PD-SF-9) on a parcel of land located at the southwest corner of Parkway Boulevard and Denton Tap Road, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. H. To consider approval of an ordinance for Case #ZC-538 to change the zoning designation from (TC) to (SF-7) on Tract I; from (TC) to (SF-7) on Tract II; and (MF-2) to (SF-12) on Area A of Tract IV, from (MF-2) to (SF-9) on Area B of Tract IV, located at the southeast corner of Parkway Boulevard and Heartz Road (Tract I); the northeast corner of Parkway Boulevard and Denton Tap Road (Tract 2); and northwest of the High School Access Road and north of Parkway Boulevard (Tract 4); and authorizing the Mayor to sign. I. Consideration for approval of Bid #Q-0593-01 for street striping within the City limits to American Striping Company for the sum of $14,300.00 and authorizing the Mayor to sign. J. Consideration for approval of Bid #Q-0693-01 for the purchase and installation of three (3) school zone flashers to Sharrock Electric, Inc. for the sum of $8,258.00 and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Items 19 F and G were pulled and taken up prior to the Mayor's Report. Mayor Pro Tern Robertson moved to approve Items 19 A, B, C carrying Ordinance No. 91500-A-32, D carrying Ordinance No. 91500-A-33, E carrying Ordinance No. 91500-A-34, H carrying Ordinance No. 91500-A-36, I and J. Councilmember Garrison seconded the motion; the motion carded 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Reitman and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. CM062293 Page 6 of 7 Item 19 F - Peter G. Smith, City Attorney, advised the Council that this item is a ministerial function and should be passed. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to approve 19 F carrying Ordinance No. 91500-A-35. The motion died for lack of second. The City Attorney warned the Council of a possible lawsuit if the ordinance is not passed. Mayor Pro Tern Robertson moved to approve Item 19 F carrying Ordinance No. 91500-A-35. Councilmember Reitman seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Reitman, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion. Item 19 G - Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to approve an ordinance for Case #PD-129(R) to change the zoning designation from (TC) to (PD-SF-9) on a parcel of land located at the southwest comer of Parkway Boulevard and Denton Tap Road. Councilmember Reitman seconded the motion; the motion failed 3-2 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Stably, and Reitman voting in favor of the motion; and Councilmembers Weaver and Garrison voting against the motion. Request was made to place this item on the agenda for the next Council Meeting. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned. Tom Morton, Mayor ATTEST: Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary CM062293 Page 7 of 7