CM 1993-10-12 MINUTES OF OCTOBER 12, 1993
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Called Session on Tuesday, October 12,
1993 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard,
Coppell, Texas. The following members were present:
Tom Morton, Mayor
Ron Robertson, Mayor Pro Tem
Peyton Weaver, Councilmember
Flo McFadden Stably, Councilmember
Danny L. Watson, Councilmember
Mitch Reitman, Councilmember
Lanny Mayo, Councilmember
Jim Garrison, Councilmember (late arrival)
Also present were Interim City Manager Frank Trando, City Secretary Dorothy Timmons and
City Attorney Peter G. Smith.
REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public)
1. Call to order
Mayor Morton called the meeting to order and adjourned into Executive Session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public)
2. A. Section 551.074, Texas Government Code - Personnel Matters
1. Discussion regarding the appointment of a City Manager
B. Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation with City
Attorney regarding
1. Texas Employment Commission claim by the former City
2. Pending litigation regarding Donald Edwards and Shirley Santos,
parents of Chad Edwards, deceased vs. the City of Coppell
Mayor Morton convened into Executive Session at 6:01 p.m. as allowed under the above-stated
article. Mayor Morton adjourned the Executive Session at 6:48 p.m. and opened the Work
WORK SESSION (Open to the Public)
3. Convene Work Session A. Discussion of GTE Franchise Agreement.
B. City Attorney to brief Council regarding Open Meetings.
C. Discussion of the relocation of the Old Methodist Church.
D. Discussion regarding meandering sidewalks.
E. Housing opportunities.
F. General Discussion of agenda items.
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REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public)
4. Reconvene Regular Session
5. Invocation
Councilmember Watson led those present in the invocation.
6. Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Morton led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
7. Citizen's Appearance
A. Charlie Seraphin, 776 Crestview, spoke to the council regarding his concerns with
Grapevine Creek and the fact that no work is being done.
B. Ann McNear, 456 W. Bethel, appeared on behalf of the Friends of the Library to notify
everyone of their barbecue to be held on Sunday, October 17, 1993 from 11:30 a.m.
until 2:30 p.m. at Mockingbird East Middle School. Tickets will be available at the
C. Mary Ann Higgins, 306 Lodge, addressed the Council concerning a Kid Country
Workday on October 15th and 16th, 1993.
The Consent agenda was considered at this time. See Item 25 for minutes. --
8. Discussion and consideration for the City to pay for liability insurance for the
Senior Citizens.
Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to approve the payment for liability insurance for the Senior
Citizens. Councilmember Reitman seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro
Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison
voting in favor of the motion.
9. Consideration and approval of a waiver of food permit fee, but not safety
regulations or inspections, for homeowners' event to be held October 24, 1993
at Andrew Brown Park and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Mayor Pro Tern Robertson moved to approve a waiver of food permit fee but not safety
regulations or inspections, for homeowners' event to be held October 24, 1993 at Andrew Brown
Park. Councilmember Watson seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro
Tern Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison
voting in favor of the motion.
10. Discussion and consideration of suggesting changes to the landscaping section
of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Section 34, and more specifically
related to landscaping requirements for parking lots (Section 34-1-8) and
requesting the Planning Commission to call a public hearing for that purpose,
at the request of Mayor Pro Tem Robertson.
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Mayor Pro Tem Robertson made a presentation to the Council and asked Council to look at the
ordinance and see if it fits what was intended and if it should be focused more toward residential
than commercial property. After motion which failed for lack of second, Councilmember
Weaver moved to retain the current ordinance with no changes being made. Councilmember
Watson seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-1 with Councilmembers Weaver, Stably,
Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro Tern
Robertson voting against the motion.
11. Public Hearing: Consideration and approval of a zoning change, Case
#S-1068, to allow the operation of automobile repair shop, located along the
west side of Denton Tap Road, north of Wynnpage Drive, at the request of
Kwik Kar Industries.
Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Mayor Morton opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor
of this proposal. Sid Hollingsworth, Applicant, stated they would like to withdraw their request
so they can meet with the homeowners and try to come to a compromise. Mayor Morton then
asked for those persons wishing to speak in opposition of this proposal. Paul Shea, 259
Tealwood Drive, representative of the Wynnpage Homeowner's Association, addressed the
Council regarding his opposition to this zoning change. Dr. Melvin Gross, 152 Cottonwood,
stated his opposition to the location for this business. Mayor Morton then closed the Public
Hearing. After discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to deny without prejudice the
zoning change, Case #S-1068, to allow the operation of automobile repair shop, located along
the west side of Denton Tap Road, north of Wynnpage Drive. Councilmember Garrison
seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Robertson and
Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison voting in favor of the
12. Public Hearing: Consideration and approval of a replat of Country Estates,
Block A, Lots 3R and 4R, located at 472 and 476 Country Estates Lane at the
request of Nathan Maier Engineers.
Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Mayor Morton opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor
of this proposal. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak in
opposition of this proposal. Again, there were none. Mayor Morton then closed the Public
Hearing. Mike Daniel, representing Nathan Maier Engineers, addressed the Council. After
lengthy discussion, Councilmember Weaver moved to approve the replat of Country Estates,
Block A, Lots 3R and 4R, located at 472 and 476 Country Estates Lane with the following
conditions: Note on the plat be changed to read "Note: The City of Coppell will have no
responsibility for maintenance of the floodway areas nor liability for erosion of the same
affecting Lots 3, 4 and 9 through 13 of Block A of Country Estates. The maintenance of these
areas shall be the sole responsibility of the individual lot owners. These areas shall remain free
of additional improvements unless approved by the City Engineer"; that the Mayor is authorized
to sign and that the plat will be approved when the Applicant has submitted a corrected plat.
Councilmember Reitman seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem
Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stably, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison voting
in favor of the motion.
13. Public Hearing: Consideration and approval of replat of Gateway Business
Park, Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, located at the northwest corner of Freeport
Parkway and Gateway Boulevard at the request of Albert Halff and
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Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Mayor Morton opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor
of this proposal. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak in
opposition of this proposal. Again, there were none. Mayor Morton then closed the Public
Heating. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to approve a replat of Gateway Business Park, Lots
1 and 2, Block 2, located at the northwest comer of Freeport Parkway and Gateway Boulevard.
Councilmember Watson seconded the motion; the motion carded 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern
Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison voting
in favor of the motion ....
14. Public Hearing: Consideration and approval of a replat of Park West
Commerce Center, located at Beltline Road at Airline Drive, at the request of
Albert Halff and Associates.
Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Mayor Morton opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak in
opposition of this proposal. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak
in favor of this proposal. Bill Dalton, 700 Pacific Avenue, representing the developer spoke in
favor of the replat. Mayor Morton then closed the Public Hearing. Councilmember Mayo
moved to approve a replat of Park West Commerce Center, located at Beltline Road at Airline
Drive. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson seconded the motion; the motion carded 7-0 with Mayor Pro
Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison
voting in favor of the motion.
15. Public Hearing: Consideration and approval of a replat for St. Ann Catholic
Church Addition, located at the northeast corner of Sandy Lake Road and
Samuel Boulevard at the request of the Catholic Dioceses.
Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Mayor Morton opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak in favor
of this proposal. Jay Turner, 747 Blue Jay, requested a variance on the sidewalk issue. Father
Broderick addressed the Council in favor of this replat. Mayor Morton then asked for those
persons wishing to speak in opposition of this proposal. There were none. Mayor Morton then
closed the Public Hearing. Councilmember Stahly moved to approve the replat for St. Ann
Catholic Church Addition, located at the northeast comer of Sandy Lake Road and Samuel
Boulevard and to delay sidewalks to be put in when the property is developed and authorize the
Mayor to sign. Councilmember Mayo seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor
Pro Tern Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and
Garrison voting in favor of the motion.
16. Public Hearing: Consideration and approval of a replat of Lake Park
Addition, Block E, Lots 10-15 and 17-25, located west of MacArthur
Boulevard, along DeForest Road and Lake Park Drive, at the request of
Dowdey Anderson Engineers.
Mayor Morton presented a letter to Council from the applicant requesting that this item be
withdrawn. Mayor Morton also stated that Councilmember Reitman had filed a formal affidavit
asserting a conflict of interest and that his abstention would not be counted as an affirmative
vote. Councilmember Mayo moved to deny a replat of Lake Park Addition, Block E, Lots
10-15 and 17-25, located west of MacArthur Boulevard, along DeForest Road and Lake Park
Drive. Mayor Pro Tern Robertson seconded the motion; the motion carded 6-0 with Mayor Pro
Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Watson, Mayo, and Garrison voting in
favor of the motion.
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17. Public Hearing: Consideration and approval of a replat (3rd) of Valley Ranch
Plaza, Pads B-F, located near the southwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard
and Beltline Road at the request of Urban Architecture.
Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Mayor Morton opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak in
opposition of this proposal. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak
in favor of this proposal. Kirk Williams, 1700 Pacific Avenue, Dallas, representing the
Applicant spoke in favor of the replat. Mayor Morton then closed the Public Hearing. Mayor
Pro Tem Robertson moved to approve a replat of Valley Ranch Plaza, Pads B-F, located near
the southwest corner of MacArthur Boulevard and Beltline Road and authorizing the Mayor to
sign. Councilmember Garrison seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro
Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison
voting in favor of the motion.
18. Public Hearing: Consideration and approval of a zoning change from (LI) to
(LI.S.U.P.), Case #S-1069, Special Use Permit request to operate a paint and
body shop at Nikor Commerce Center, located at the southwest corner of
Wrangler Drive and Crestside Drive at the request of Fred Shade.
Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Mayor Morton opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak in
opposition of this proposal. Greg Hawk, 314 Woodhurst, addressed the council regarding his
concerns about this type of business. Mayor Morton then asked for those persons wishing to
speak in favor of this proposal. Larry Eisenburg, representing the owners of the shopping
center, spoke to Council regarding his support for this zoning change. Fred Shade, Applicant,
addressed the Council regarding his support for this zoning change. [mace Fullenwider, 347
Harwell, stated he was neither for nor against, but has no problem with the zoning change based
on the assurances he has been given by the Applicant. Mayor Morton then closed the Public
Hearing. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to approve a zoning change from (LI) to
(LI.S.U.P.), Case #S-1069, Special Use Permit request to operate a paint and body shop at
Nikor Commerce Center, located at the southwest corner of Wrangler Drive and Crestside Drive
with the following conditions: 1) no outside storage of automobiles at night; 2) no working on
vehicles outside; and 3) subject to site plan as submitted, and authorize the Mayor to sign.
Councilman Garrison seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem
Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison voting
in favor of the motion.
19. Public Hearing: Consideration and approval of a zoning change, Case
#ZC-549 (Waters Edge, Phase II) from (C) to (SF-7), located along the north
side of Sandy Lake Road, 465' west of MacArthur Boulevard at the request
of Waters Edge Joint Venture.
Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council.
Mayor Morton opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak in
opposition of this proposal. There were none. He then asked for those persons wishing to speak
in favor of this proposal. Again, there were none. Mayor Morton then closed the Public
Hearing. Tim House, 400 Parkview, representing Matthews Southwest and Waters Edge Joint
Venture, addressed the Council explaining the proposed plans and requested approval. Mr.
House also volunteered to have notice provided to the homeowners to show they are backing up
to Commercial Zoned Property. Mayor Pro Tern Robertson moved to approve a zoning change,
Case #ZC-549 (Waters Edge, Phase II) from (C) to (SF-7), located along the north side of Sandy
Lake Road, 465' west of MacArthur Boulevard. Councilman Mayo seconded the motion; the
motion carried 6-1 with Mayor Pro Tern Robertson and Councilmembers Stahly, Watson,
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Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion, and Councilmember Weaver voting
against the motion.
20. Consideration and approval of Waters Edge, Phase II, Preliminary Plat,
located along the north side of Sandy Lake Road, 465' west of MacArthur
Boulevard, at the request of Waters Edge Joint Venture.
Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to approve Waters Edge, Phase II, Preliminary Plat, located
along the north side of Sandy Lake Road, 465' west of MacArthur Boulevard subject to the
elimination of alleys. Councilmember Garrison seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-1
with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and
Garrison voting in favor of the motion, and Councilmember Weaver voting against the motion.
Following a short break, Mayor Morton adjourned into Executive Session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public)
A. Section 551.074, Texas Government Code - Personnel Matters
1. Discussion regarding the appointment of a City Manager.
Mayor Morton convened into Executive Session at 9:59 p.m. as allowed under the above-stated
article. Mayor Morton adjourned the Executive Session at 10:27 p.m. and opened the Regular
REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public)
21. Necessary action resulting from Executive Session.
Councilmember Weaver moved to withdraw City's appeal of Texas Employment Commission
claim by former City Manager. Councilmember Reitman seconded the motion; the motion
carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Watson,
Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison voting in favor of the motion.
Mayor Morton then read a press release announcing that the two top candidates selected by
Council for City Manager are Betty A. McKean and James Witt.
22. Interim City Manager's Report
There was no Interim City Manager's Report.
23. Mayor's Report
A. Councilmember Watson inquired as to the two ordinances which have been deferred until --
the October 26th meeting.
24. Liaison Reports
Councilmember Weaver recognized the fine and successful Patron's Ball held by the YMCA.
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25. A. Consider approval of minutes: September 28, 1993
B. Consideration and approval of a Proclamation proclaiming "Red
Ribbon Week" from October 23 through October 31, 1993, and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
C. Consideration and approval of a Proclamation proclaiming
October 24th through October 31, 1993 as "Carnival Week in Coppell"
and authorizing the Mayor to sign, as requested by Councilmember
D. Consideration and approval of Ordinance No. 93625 authorizing the
reprinting of the Code of Ordinances providing that such reprinting
shall be known as the Code of Ordinances of the City of Coppell,
Texas, 1993 Edition, and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
E. Consideration and approval of awarding Bid No. Q-0893-02 for the
purchase of office supplies for all departments as required during the
year to Miller Business Systems, not to exceed $35,400.00.
F. Consideration and approval of a resolution making the City Manager
and the Finance Director responsible for acting for and on behalf of the
City of Coppell in dealing with the Texas Department of Transportation
for the purpose of certifying eligibility to receive assistance under such
program and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
G. Consideration and approval of an ordinance amending Subdivision
Ordinance No. 341, Appendix A(I)(D)(1)(i) by amending the
construction requirements for public parking lots and authorizing the
Mayor to sign.
H. Discussion and consideration of approval of a contract for Medical
Control and Continuing Education for the Emergency Medical
Services/Paramedic Program to be provided by Metrocrest Medical
Services (MMS) to the City of Coppell in the total amount of $11,700.00
and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
I. Discussion and consideration of allocating up to $1,000.00 to insure
meandering sidewalks are constructed along the Coppell Independent
School District property adjacent to Heartz Road.
Items 25 B, C, and H were pulled for further consideration.
Items 25 A, D, E, F, G and I --
Councilmember Garrison moved to approve Items 25 A, D carrying Ordinance No. 93625, E,
F carrying Resolution No. 101293.1, G carrying Ordinance 93626 and I. Mayor Pro Tern
Robertson seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and
Councilmembers Weaver, Stably, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison voting in favor of the
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Item 25 B --
Mayor Morton read the Proclamation aloud. Neil McKinney, Chief of Police made a
presentation to Council. Councilmember Mayo moved to approve Item 25 B. Councilmember
Reitman seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Robertson and
Councilmembers Weaver, Stably, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison voting in favor of the
Item 25 C
Councilmember Stahly read the Proclamation aloud. Councilmember Stahly moved to approve
Item 25 C. Councilmember Mayo seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro
Tern Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Garrison
voting in favor of the motion.
Item 25 H --
Interim City Manager Frank Trando addressed the Council concerning the two places in the
contract where the reference is made to City of Coppell Fire Department. This should be
changed to "The City of Coppell". Mayor Pro Tern Robertson moved to approve Item 25 H
with the corrections. Councilmember Garrison seconded the motion; the motion carded 7-0 with
Mayor Pro Tern Robertson and Councilmembers Weaver, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and
Garrison voting in favor of the motion.
There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned.
Tom Morton, Mayor
Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary
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