CM 1994-08-23 MINUTES OF AUGUST 23, 1994 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Called Session on Tuesday, August 23, 1994 at 7:30 p.m., preceded by a Budget Workshop at 4:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following members were present: Tom Morton, Mayor Ron Robertson, Mayor Pro Tern Norm Alexander, Councilmember Flo McFadden Stahly, Councilmember Danny L. Watson, Councilmember Mitch Reitman, Councilmember (late arrival) Lanny Mayo, Councilmember Candy Sheehan, Councilmember Also present were City Manager Jim Witt, Acting City Secretary Linda Grau and City Attorney Peter G. Smith. BUDGET WORKSHOP (Open to the Public) I. Telephone System City Manager, Jim Witt, asked Vivyon Bowman, Director of Human Resources, to address the Council concerning the telephone system. Mr. Bowman stated that a telephone committee had been reviewing telephone systems and the committee felt that the proposal from Wil-Tel was the best proposal. The proposal is for rental of equipment. Consensus of Council was to go ahead with the telephone system. II. General Fund City Manager, Jim Witt, requested that Mayor Pro Tern Robertson give an overview of his role and the role of the Finance Committee pertaining to the budget. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson discussed the steps taken on the budget and complimented Staff on a good job. Alan Johnson, Finance Director, made a presentation of the budget with overviews concerning population; distribution of taxable value; tax rate; distribution of total tax rate; tax revenue by source; general fund revenues; general fund expenditures; general fund undesignated fund balance; walkforward of fund balance; and proposed amendments for fiscal year 1994. The total budget for Fiscal Year 94/95 is as follows: (The supporting documentation for the budget is filed in the official files of the City Secretary's Office.) Projected Expenditures: (general) $ 8,673,023. Proposed Amendments: (increase in revenues) 355,940. (transfer to library capital projects) (250,000.) (transfer to capital replacement) (300,000.) (telephone system) (200,000.) original designation. After discussion with Council, 50,000. was designated for rental of equipment. (ambulance remount) (45,000.) (mobile digital terminals) (135,000.) CM082394 Page 1 of 8 Proposed Fund Balance: $ 2,212,085. with approximately 150,000. more from the telephone system. FY95 Budget Projected Revenues $ 9,416,056. Projected Expenses 9,416,056. Projected Fund Balance 2,212,085. with approximately 150,000. more from the telephone system. III. Debt Service Fund Alan Johnson, Finance Director, continued with his presentation, next covering the debt service fund. Projected Revenues $ 3,488,593. Projected Expenditures 4,008,553. Projected Fund Balance 578,921. IV. Internal Service Fund Jennifer Armstrong, Assistant Finance Director, made a presentation to Council concerning the Self Insurance Fund, Fleet Services Fund and Capital Replacement Fund. Projected Retained Earnings: (self insurance) $ 93,727. (fleet services) 13,313. _.., (capital replacement) 240,494. V. Special Revenue Fund Jennifer Armstrong, Assistant Finance Director, continued her presentation to Council, next covering the special revenue fund which consists of a child safety fund, police special revenue fund, park special revenue fund and the donations fund which covers library, fire, parks and recycling. Projected Expenditures: (child safety) -0- (police) -0- (parks) -0- (donations) 35,900. Projected Revenues: (child safety) 2,150. (police) 540. (parks) 112,000. (donations) 18,000. Projected Fund Balance: (child safety) 2,557. (police) 650. (parks) 177,388. (donations) 12,887. CM082394 Page 2 of 8 VI. Water and Sewer Fund Alan Johnson, Finance Director, made a presentation to Council regarding the water and sewer fund. Amount available for debt service $ 2,827,276. Current Debt Service Requirement 1,981,850. Projected Coverage Ratio 1.4266 VII. Capital Improvement Program Alan Johnson, Finance Director, discussed Capital Improvement Program and answered questions of Council. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson requested that the Finance Committee be allowed to meet and bring a proposal to Council regarding special projects for the unallocated funds. Mayor Morton advised that dedication funds must have a contract executed as the State of Texas does not allow funds to be given to an entity without services being rendered. Tickets may be purchased for a fundraiser and given to City employees. Consensus of Council was to approve the budget and have the Finance Committee bring a proposal on the unallocated funds to the first council meeting in November. At this time Council adjourned for dinner and thereafter convened into Regular Session. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 1. Call to order Mayor Morton called the meeting to order and adjourned into Executive Session. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public) 2. Convene Executive Session A. Texas Government Code, Section 551.071, Consultation with City Attorney. 1. Discussion concerning the status of the appointment of the City Secretary. 2. Discussion concerning Code of Conduct. Mayor Morton convened into Executive Session at 6:06 p.m. as allowed under the above-stated article. Mayor Morton adjourned the Executive Session at 6:46 p.m. and opened the Work Session. WORK SESSION (Open to the Public) 3. Convene Work Session .-- A. Discussion concerning the status of the Economic and Business Development Board. B. Discussion concerning a City-wide telephone system to allow the City Manager to negotiate a contract for Mayor and Council consideration. C. Consideration of facility needs assessment. D. Discussion of the preliminary design of Sandy Lake Road from MacArthur Blvd. to Denton Tap Road. CM082394 Page 3 of 8 E. Discussion concerning revising the design for Sandy Lake Road from MacArthur Blvd. to the east City Limits to accommodate an on-street Bike Path. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 4. Reconvene Regular Session. 5. Invocation. Councilmember Stahly led those present in the Invocation. 6. Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Morton led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. 7. Citizen's Appearances. There were no citizen's signed up to appear under this item. CONSENT AGENDA 8. Consider approval of the following consent agenda items: A. Minutes of: August 9. 1994 August 16, 1994 B. Consideration and approval of the certification of the 1994 anticipated tax collection rate for the period of July 1, 1994 through June 30, 1995 ~-' and the amount of excess debt collections during the period of July 1, 1993 through June 30, 1994. C. Consideration of accepting the resignation of Tim Torno, Alternate Commissioner, on the Board of Adjustment. D. Consideration of the preliminary design of Sandy Lake Road from MacArthur Blvd. to Denton Tap and gaining Council approval to proceed with the final plans. E. Approval to authorize Dallas County to proceed with revising the design for Sandy Lake Road from MacArthur Blvd. to the east City Limits to accommodate an on-street Bike Path. F. Consideration and approval of an ordinance abandoning a sanitary sewer easement in The Estates of Cambridge Manor in exchange for the dedication of a sanitary sewer easement to the City of Coppell and authorizin the Mayor to sig n. ---' G. To consider the renewal of the Trinity River Authority contract for laboratory services for a period of October 9, 1994, to September 30, 1995, in an amount not to exceed $4,384.00 and authorizing the Mayor to sign. CM082394 Page 4 of 8 H. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance amending Article 203 of the Code of Ordinances, providing for the establishment of a Keep Coppell Beautiful Committee, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. I. To consider extending the Sandy Lake Animal Hospital contract for services for a period from September 1, 1994, to August 31, 1995, in an amount not to exceed $18,150.00. J. Consideration and approval of a proposal from Plant Systems, Inc. for the design and installation of a Sanitary Sewer Lift Station Monitor and Control System, not to exceed $38,870.00. K. Request from Joe Bob Fikes for a sign variance extension on his banner advertising his new produce business. L. Consideration and approval of contract with cities of Irving and Lewisville for Dallas Water Supply Line No. 3, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. M. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Coppell, Texas, by repealing Chapter 2, Article 208, Code Advisory and Appeals Board, effective October 1, 1994, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Items 8 D & K were pulled for further consideration. Items 8 A, B, C, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, &M-- Mayor Pro Tem Robertson moved to approve Consent Agenda Items 8 A, B, C, E, F carrying Ordinance No. 94662, G, H carrying Ordinance No. 94663, I, J, L and M carrying Ordinance No. 94664. Councilmember Watson seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Alexander, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion. Item 8 D -- Jim Witt, City Manager, addressed the Council concerning the proposal. Kirk King, representing TU Electric, answered inquiries from the Councilmembers concerning the power lines, followed by lengthy discussion. Mayor Pro Tern Robertson moved to approve Consent Agenda Item 8 D with a thirty (30)-day advertising campaign to begin within fifteen (15) days after the completion of a rendering of the Sandy Lake Road expansion showing the utility lines in the center of the median, with appropriate landscaping. Councilmember Mayo seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Alexander, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion. Item 8 K -- Jim Witt, City Manager, made a presentation to the Council. Joe Bob Fikes, 128 Oak Brook, Coppell, addressed the Council and asked to be able to keep the sign up for a longer period of time. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, also addressed the Council. Councilmember Reitman moved to grant Item 8 K for a period of forty-five (45) days. Councilmember Stahly seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Alexander, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion. Item 17 was considered at this time. Please see Item 17 below for minutes. CM082394 Page 5 of 8 9. Consideration of three (3) variance requests and a request to waive associated fees by Ed Hintz on behalf of St. Ann's Parish in conjunction with the St. Ann's Carnival to be held September 9-11, 1994 at 180 Samuel Blvd., Coppell, TX. A. Consideration of a request for a temporary variance to Section 31-2-2 of the City of Coppell Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance which concerns parking on paved concrete surfaces. B. Consideration of a temporary variance from Section 10-8-6.E of the Sign Ordinance-Temporary erect temporary off-premise signs. Request that all fees be waived for these carnival signs. C. Consideration of a temporary variance from Section 10-5-4.B.1 of the Sign Ordinance-Temporary Banner Signs which concerns the size of temporary banner signs that non-profit organizations may display. Request that all fees be waived for this carnival. D. Request all applicable fees required by City Ordinance for this event be waived. Clay Phillips, Assistant City Manager/Fire Chief, made a presentation to the Council. Ed Hintz, representing St. Ann's Parish, presented the Mayor, Council and City Manager with T-shirts. Councilmember Reitman moved to approve Items 9 A, B, C and D. Councilmember Watson seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Alexander, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion. 10. Consideration of awarding a contract to Phillips Swager Associates in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 for the purpose of completing a facility space needs assessment for Town Center, Police/Courts/Jail, future Fire Station facilities, and the Service Center. This item was pulled from the agenda at the request of the City Manager. 11. Consideration and approval of a proposal by PHH Fantus Consulting to conduct an analysis of the economic base and labor force of the Coppell area, a review of critical baseline strengths and weaknesses for economic development, strategic economic master plan development, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Jim Witt, City Manager, made a presentation to the Council. Councilmember Stahly moved to approve a proposal by PHH Fantus Consulting to conduct an analysis of the economic base and labor force of the Coppell area, a review of critical baseline strengths and weaknesses for economic development, strategic economic master plan development, and authorizing the Mayor to sign, with the condition that the proposal be amended to include Ken Griffin, Assistant City Manager/City Engineer as a member of the Steering Committee. Mayor Pro Tern Robertson seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Alexander, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion. 12. Consideration and approval for the City of Coppell to join the membership of the North Texas Commission. -" Jim Witt, City Manager, made a presentation to the Council. Councilmember Reitman moved to approve the City of Coppell joining the membership of the North Texas Commission. Councilmember Alexander seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Alexander, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion. CM082394 Page 6 of 8 13. Necessary action resulting from Executive Session. Mayor Pro Tern Robertson moved to accept the resignation of Dorothy Timmons as City Secretary. Councilmember Mayo seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Alexander, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion. 14. City Manager's Report. Jim Witt, City Manager, announced that Dorothy Timmons would be assuming a title of Assistant to the City Manager and working directly with the City Manager. Mr. Witt stated that Ms. Timmons had been a valued staff member and an asset to the City. 15. Mayor's Report. A. Mayor Morton discussed a letter he had received from a citizen concerning the inability to speak on an agenda item during the Citizen's Appearance portion of the Council Meetings. Mayor Morton announced he had asked that the ordinance be amended to allow citizens to speak on agenda items except for Public Hearings. B. Mayor Morton announced an upcoming TML Region 13 dinner meeting and asked for Mayor Pro Tern Robertson to attend in his absence, and urged members of the Council to notify City Manager Jim Witt if they wished to attend. C. Mayor Morton advised that on September 2, 1994 there will be a meeting of the Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition. D. Mayor Morton stated that he and the City Manager had attended a meeting with Congressman Barton concerning mandates with no funding. The Mayor asked that the City Manager duplicate and distribute to Council a copy of the mandates. E. Mayor Morton reminded everyone of the spaghetti supper sponsored by the Friends of the Library to be held Sunday, August 28, 1994 from 11:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. at Gibbs Station. 16. Liaison Reports. A. Status of Coppell Historic Preservation Commission Library_ Board -- Councilmembcr Shechan attended the Library Board meeting where thc expansion of the Library was discussed and the Library Board would like Council to keep in mind that this space would eventually be needed by the Library. Consensus of Council was that they understand this concept. Metrocrest Hospital Authority -- Councilmember Shcehan attended the meeting of the Metrocrest Hospital Authority and they are looking in Coppell for medical facilities. Citizen's Recognition Committee -- Councilmcmber Sheehan announced that she and Councilmember Reitman would like to attain consensus from Council to recognize the community volunteers who worked for the half cent sales tax committee. Consensus of Council was to give recognition to the volunteers. City/CISD Liaisons -- Councilmember Stahly attended the School Board meeting and stated that this year the school enrolled 5500 students (approximately 700 more than last year). The date of October 8, 1994 was set for a $41,000,000 bond election. Councilmember Stahly also discussed the St. Ann's Carnival and announced that she had raffle tickets for the car to be given away. CM082394 Page 7 of 8 Coppell Historic District Commission -- Councilmember Alexander announced that the chairman of the commission would be resigning and there was only one applicant for the commission. Councilmember Alexander recommended that the Council sunset the commission. Consensus of Council was to sunset the commission for 90 days and bring back to Council. Councilmember Alexander complimented the interview process of the Boards and Commissions. He was a part of the interview committee for the Planning and Zoning and the Building and Standards. No one showed up for the Building and Standards interviews. 17. Consideration and approval of a variance to the Sign Ordinance regarding billboards, as requested by Park and Fly. Jim Witt, City Manager, made a presentation to the Council. Bill Dahlstrom, 4000 Commerce Place, Dallas, representing Park 'N Fly, made a presentation to Council. Councilmember Stahly moved to grant variance to allow the two existing billboard signs on the property described as 16 acres at the northeast corner of LBJ and Royal Lane under contract to purchase by Park 'N Fly to reconstruct both signs, to install a tri-panel and an electrical reader board on the sign at the southeast corner, the signs to be reconstructed at the current heights and effective sign area of 672 square feet exclusive of the reader panel, subject to compliance with the State Beautification Act and any regulations promulgated thereunder, and further conditioned on the submission and approval of plans by the Building Official complying with all other City requirements. Mayor Pro Tem Robertson seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Robertson and Councilmembers Alexander, Stahly, Watson, Reitman, Mayo, and Sheehan voting in favor of the motion. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned. Tom Morton, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Grau, Acting City Secretary CM082394 Page 8 of 8