BL 1996-05-16 CRDC 214 965 0010 05/16/96 16:59 NICHOL~.JACKSON DILLARD HAGER... "" 214 304,3673 NO.910 P00V002 NICHOLS, JACKSON, Dlll..ARD, HAGER & SMITH. L.L.P. LA1MIIINCi W. JACKSON ~ L Clu.MO '11 ~ E. HAGl!It JI'PI'IIIII G. SMITH DAllIO lot, IIAMAN IDWCli ,., STOOWlC Altnmeys &: CouneclotS at Law 1800 Lincoln Plaza 500 North A1catd Dallas. Texas 75201 (214) 96S-!J900 Fax (214) 9605-0010 JOHN F. ROEHfoIIIII JeNNIFER R. OIIiTZE IIOSliRT L DIl.I.ARCl, JI'I. H. LOUIS NtCHOUS OF COUNSEL TELECOPY (FAX) TRANSMISSION LETTER DELNER TO: Linda Grau City Secretary Cappello Texas FAX NO. 304-3673 FROM: Lawrence W. Jackson Number of pages (including this page) _2_ Please advise if ttansmission error occurs (214) 965-9900 *********************************************************************** May 16, 1996 Dear Linda: Sent with. this fax is a Certificate of City Secretary for you to use to certify the Ordinance Canvaf:ising the result of the Sales Tax Election. If there has been any annexations since you last sen: l:l map to the cOlnptroller, you need to also send city boundary map together with the o(dinance. Send by Certified Mail to: Comptroller of Public Accounts State of Texas P. O. Box 13528 Austin. Texas 78711 Attention: Ms. Joyce Gamer, Revenue Account Division If you have any questions the you can contact Ms. Joyce Gamer at 1-800-531-5441, Ext. 50465 or Mr. Bob Bearden at the same 800 number, Ext. 34289. If your notice is received by the comptroller by the end of May, this additional sales tax will rake effect in the city on the 1st day of October 1996, the same being the October 1st after the expiration of the first complete calendar quarter after the date on which the comptroller receives the notice from the city of the adoption of the additional sales tax. If you have any questions please call. ~"....o'."_".'_"__."",.,,,,,,,,,~"~,'---~~"""""""""""""';'"._^......._".~,.._"'.._,.~-,~... "'<........",-,,,.>,,,-"'.,~, l' _--......-...,_-...-~.~.......- 1215/16/96 16:59 NICHOLS JRCKSON DILLRRD HRGER... ~ 214 31214 3673 NO. 91121 PI2l12l2/12I121~~ CITY OF COPPELL. TEXAS CERTIFICATE OF CITY SECRETARY THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS CITY OF COPPELL I, the undersigned, Linda Gran. City Secretary of the City of Cappell, Texas, a municipal cOIpJration, in the perfonnance of the functions of my office, hereby certify that the attached ordiAance is a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 96-761, as the same appears of record in tae Official Ordinance Book of the City of Coppell, having been passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Coppell on the 9th day of May, 1996, and that I am the lawful po&aessor and have legal custody of said record. WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE at my offlCe in Cappell, Texas this the _ day of , 19 Linda Grau City Secretary, City of Coppell, Texas (MIi) AOOO8S(;~ '~~'-'~-'''''-';_'''''_-'_'''"~''''''''__'''''"'''''''""";_;''''''",",",,.<,''''.-.__.,,_,.....".,"~"'~-..,.,.'~_,.=~_~.c..~.,............_.__'....._4.~_="'_M,-'--""~_.__~..--=..._,___ .--...~__...___._