CM 1998-03-24 MINUTES OF MARCH 24, 1998
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Called Session on Tuesday,
March 24, 1998, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255
Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following members were present:
Candy Sheehan, Mayor
Marsha Tunnell, Mayor Pro Tem (late arrival)
Norm Alexander, Councilmember
Chuck Sturges, Counci]member
Danny L. Watson, Councilmember
Lanny Mayo, Councilmember
Larry Wheeler, Councilmember
Councilmember York was absent from the meeting. Also present were City
Manager Jim Witt, City Secretary Kathleen Roach and Bob Hager from the City
Attorney's office.
REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public)
1. Call to order.
Mayor Sheehan cslled the meeting to order and adjourned into Executive Session.
EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public)
2. Convene Executive Session
A. Section 551.072, Texas Government Code - Deliberation
regarding real property.
1. Park land acquisition regarding Wagon Wheel
2. Park land acquisition regarding Riverview property.
Mayor Sheehan convened into Executive Session at 6:14 p.m. as allowed under the
above-stated article. Mayor Sheehan adjourned the Executive Session at 6:17 p.m.
and opened the Work Session.
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WORK SESSION (Open to the Public)
3. Convene Work Session
A. Discussion of Coppell Center for the Arts.
B. Discussion of Living Legacy Program.
C. Discussion of Agenda Items.
Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell arrived during Work Session.
REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public)
4. Invocation.
Councilmember Mayo led those present in the Invocation.
5. Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Sheehan led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
A. Consider approval of a Proclamation presented to Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Dupey in recognition of planting numerous
trees on their property, therefore, enhancing the quality
of life in Coppell; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
B. Consider approval of a Proclamation naming April 24,
1998 as Arbor Day in the City of Coppell; and authorizing
the Mayor to sign.
A. Mayor Sheehan announced that the Dupeys were unable to attend the
meeting and this proclamation would be tabled until such time as they could
B. Mayor Sheehan read the proclamation for the record and presented the ssme
to Gary Sims, Director of Leisure Services, Brad Reid, Staff Liaison to the
Tree Board, and Jay Halpin, Chairman of the Tree Board. Councilmember
Watson moved to approve a proclsmation nsmlng April 24, 1998 as Arbor
Day in the City of Coppell, and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Councilmember Mayo seconded the motion; the motion carded 6-0 with
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Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell and Councilmembers Alexander, Sturges, Watson,
Mayo and Wheeler voting in favor of the motion.
7. Swearing in of Louisa Garcia to the Keep Coppell Beautiful
Committee and Ceilia Smith to the Special Events Committee.
Mayor Sheehan swore in Louisa Garcia to the Keep Coppell Beautiful Committee.
Mayor Sheehan advised that Ceilia Smith was not able to be present.
8. Quarterly presentation to Council by the Telecommunications
Peggy Quinn, Chairman of the Telecommunications Board, made the Board's
quarterly presentation to Council and covered Internet consideration, Channel 19
considerations, Tele-Works System considerations and future goals and
9. Presentation by Ray Turco of results of Citizen Survey.
Ray Turco made a presentation to Council highlighting the results of this year's
citizen survey. (A copy of the survey is on file in the City Secretary Department.)
10. Citizen's Appearances.
A. Melvin Gross, 152 Cottonwood Drive, discussed the budgetary issues
concerning the recreation center and the animal shelter°
11. Consider approval of the following consent agenda items:
A. Consider approval ofmlnutes: March 10, 1998.
B. Consider approval of the proposed Bylaws for the Coppell
Tree Board.
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· -- C. Consider approval of an electrical easement as requested
from T. U. Electric at the Mac, Arthur Park site; and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
D. Consider approval of the Living Legacy Program
E. Consider approval of an Ordinance amending Section
2-7-4 of the Code of Ordinances to add subsection E. to
allow members of the Telecommunication Board to
teleconference into board meetings, and authorizing the
Mayor to sign.
F. Consider approval of an amendment to the
Telecommunication Board bylaws, Article IV, Meetings,
Section 8, allowing members of the Telecommunication
Board to teleconference into board meetings; and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Items E and F were pulled for further consideration.
Items A, B, C, and D --
Couneilmember Mayo moved to approve Consent Agenda Items A, B, C and D.
Couneilmember Alexander seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor
Pro Tern Tunnel] and Couneilmembers Alexander, Sturges, Watson, Mayo and
Wheeler voting in favor of the motion.
Item E --
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell stated that the people who are chosen to serve on the
boards and committees make a commitment to be at the meetings and she does not
wish to send a signal that persons can attend and participate at the meetings
without physically being present. Councilmember Sturges concurred with Mayor
Pro Tem Tunnell. Councilmember Mayo stated the matter had been discussed
previously to use this board as a test for teleconferencing and that this would be the
appropriate board to perform a test. Mayor Sheehan concurred with
Counc. ilmember Mayo. Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell moved to deny Consent Agenda
Item E. Councilmember Sturges seconded the motion; the motion to deny carried
4-2 with Mayor Pro Tern Tunnel] and Coune-ilmembers Sturges, Watson, and
Wheeler voting in favor of the motion to deny and Councilmembers Alexander and
Mayo voting against the motion to deny.
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Item F ....
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell moved to deny Consent Agenda Item F. Councilmember
Sturges seconded the motion; the motion to deny carried 4-2 with Mayor Pro Tern
Tunnell and Councilmembers Sturges, Watson, and Wheeler voting in favor of the
motion to deny; and Councilmembers Alexander and Mayo voting against the
motion to deny.
12. Consider approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppell,
Texas, granting to Denton County Electric Cooperative, Inc.,
d/b/a Coserv Electric, a franchise for the purpose of
constructing, maintaining and operating its electric power
utility system in the City; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Councilmember Wheeler advised that he desired to have this item tabled as he had
questions to address to the representatives of Denton County Electric.
Councilmember Mayo inquired as to the issues. Councilmember Wheeler stated he
had some questions to ask of the Denton County Electric and they were not present.
City Manager Jim Witt concurred stating that staff had questions which had not
been answered. Councilmember Wheeler moved to table this item until the
April 14, 1998 City Council meeting. Councilmember Watson seconded the motion;
the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell and Councilmembers
Alexander, Sturges, Watson, Mayo and Wheeler voting in favor of the motion.
13. Consider approval of the Coppell Family Y.M.C.A., Lot 1, Block
1, Final Plat and Site Plan, to allow the development of a
private fitness center with an indoor gymnasium, swimming
pool, weight room and childcare facilities on 5.366 acres of
property located at the southwest corner of Town Center
Boulevard and Town Center Drive.
Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to
the Council. Councilmember Alexander inquired whether the plans met a 100%
masonry structure. Mr. Sieb stated that they did. Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell asked
whether Mr. Sieb had recommended brick or tiltwall on the building during the
process. Mr. Sieb stated that staff had some concern about tiltwall versus brick and
it would be the only tiltwall structure in the Town Center zoning. Mayor Sheehan
asked Mr. Sieb to review the future expansion of the project. Councilmember
Sturges asked if the plans complied with all of the City's ordinances.
Couneilmember Sturges asked the City Attorney ff this item met all the
requirements, should it be approved. The City Attorney stated that was correct.
Councilmember Wheeler inquired as to whether Mr. Sieb felt the design met the
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spirit of what the Town Center concept had been as far as architectural design. Mr.
Sieb stated in his opinion it did not meet the old world architectural style. Bill
Anderson made a presentation to the Council on behalf of the Applicant. Mayor Pro
Tern Tunnell voiced her concerns regarding the tiltwall. Councilmember Mayo
inquired as to the projected cost on the project. Mr. Anderson stated the cost was
projected at $4.4 million including the land. Couneilmember Sturges asked if the
sidewalk on the north end would be a six-foot or eight-foot width. Mr. Anderson
stated that the sidewalk they are committed to build would be eight feet wide.
Councilmember Sturges moved to approve the Coppell Family Y.M.C.,A, Lot 1,
Block 1, Final Plat and Site Plan, to allow the development of a private fitness
center with an indoor gymnasium, swimming pool, weight room and child care
facilities on 5.366 acres of property located at the southwest corner of Town Center
Boulevard and Town Center Drive. Councilmember Alexander seconded the
motion; the motion carried 5-1 with Counc. ilmembers Alexander, Sturges, Watson,
Mayo and Wheeler voting in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell voting
against the motion.
14. Consider approval of an ordinance amending the Code of
Ordinances to add a new Article 9-20 "Telecommunications" to
establish rules governing the use of City rights-of-way by
providers of telecommunications services, establishing a fee
structure for the use of City rights-of-way, and authorizing the
Mayor to sign.
City Manager Jim Witt made a presentation to the Council. Mayor Pro Tern
Tunnell inquired as to which cities in the metroplex had passed such an ordinance.
Mr. Witt stated that Piano had passed an ordinance and Lewisville and Carrollton
would be passing an ordlnsnce soon. Councilmember Mayo moved to approve
Ordinance No. 98825 a_mending the Code of Ordinances to add a new Article 9-20
"Telecommunications" to establish rules governing the use of City rights-of-way by
providers of telecommunications services, establishing a fee structure for the use of
City rights-of-way, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilmember Watson
seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell and
Councilmembers Alexander, Sturges, Watson, Mayo and Wheeler voting in favor of
the motion.
15. Consider approval of a Municipal Consent Agreement with
Southwestern Bell Telephone; and authorizing the Mayor to
City Manager Jim Witt made a presentation to the Council. Councilmember Mayo
moved to approve Ordinance No. 98826 granting a Municipal Consent Agreement
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with Southwestern Bell Telephone and authorizing the Mayor to sign. --
Couneilmember Watson seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-0 with Mayor
Pro Tern Tunnell and Councilmembers Alexander, Sturges, Watson, Mayo and
Wheeler voting in favor of the motion.
16. Necessary action resulting from Executive Session.
There was no action taken under this item.
17. City Manager's Report.
A. City Manager Jim Witt advised that bid projects would be coming up on
Wrangler Drive in April; Denton Tap in April; Sandy Lake from MacArthur
to Denton Tap in late April-early May; and Beltline possibly in April.
18. Mayor's Report.
A. Mayor Sheehan discussed the traffic situation at the intersection of Parkway
Drive and Cowboy Drive and suggested that this item be discussed in Work
Session at the next Council meeting.
B. Mayor Sheehan reminded everyone that Trash Off Day would be April 4,
C. Mayor Sheehan announced that the Jaycees had come to Coppell.
D. Mayor Sheehan congratulated Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell on being selected to
serve on the Community and Economic Development Committee of TML and
she has also been asked to chair a subcommittee on planning issues.
E. Mayor Sheehan advised that the March 26th Budget Workshop would be
delayed until after the neighborhood meetings which are scheduled at
Coppell Middle School East Cafeteria on April 1st, Lee Elementary School
Cafeteria on April 2nd and Cottonwood Creek Elementary School Library on
April 6th. All three neighborhood meetings will begin at 7:00 p.m.
F. Mayor Sheehan asked City Manager Jim Witt to update everyone on the
Community Garden. Mr. Witt stated that Amanda VsnHoosier had been
working on the project and a meeting would be held March 26th in the 1st
floor conference room of Town Center. Also the postal service had indicated a
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desire to become involved and donate three acres to the project. Mayor Pro
Tern Tunnell complimented Ms. VanHoosier on her previous work.
G. Councilmember Mayo addressed the matter of the design of the animal
There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was
Candy Sheehan, Mayor-
Kathleen Roach, City Secretary
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