CM 1998-08-11 MINUTES OF AUGUST 11, 1998 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Called Session on Tuesday, August 11, 1998, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chsmbers of Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following members were present: Candy Sheehan, Mayor Marsha Tunnell, Mayor Pro Tem Greg Garcia, Councilmember Chuck Sturges, Councilmember Pat Keenan, Councilmember Doug Stover, Councilmember Larry Wheeler, Councilmember Bill York, Councilmember Also present were City Manager Jim Witt, City Secretary Kathleen Roach and City Attorney Peter G. Smith. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 1. Call to order. Mayor Sheehan called the meeting to order and adjourned into Executive Session. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public) 2. Convene Executive Session A. Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation with City Attorney. 1. Reitman vs. City of Coppell. 2. Airport Noise Impact. 3. Natural Gas Well Drilling. Mayor Sheehan convened into Executive Session at 6:15 p.m. as allowed under the above-stated article. Mayor Sheehan adjourned the Executive Session at 7:17 p.m. and opened the Work Session. CM081198 Page 1 of 17 WORK SESSION (Open to the Public) 3. Convene Work Session A. Review of TU/Lone Star Gas Rate Increase. B. Discussion of Agenda Items. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 4. Invocation. The Reverend Art McNeese from Riverside Church of Christ led those present in the invocation. 5. Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Sheehan led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Sheehan advised that Item 16 had been pulled from the agenda by the developer. 6. Quarterly presentation to Council by the Library Board. Jeanne Heath, Chairman of the Library Board, made a presentation to the Council indicating that the library had experienced a quiet summer except for the children's library. 7. Citizen's Appearances. Mack McCurry, 108 Woodcrest Lane, addressed the Council concerning rezoning cases being put before the Council and the fact that most seem to be downsizin g. CONSENT AGENDA 8. Consider approval of the following consent agenda items: -- CM081198 Page 2 of 17 A. Consider approval of minutes: July 20, 1998 July 28, 1998. B. Consider approval of awarding Bid]Contract #Q-0798-01 to Durable Specialties, Inc. in the amount of $82,700.00 for the installation of a traffic signal at Belt Line Road]Airline Drive; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. C. Consider approval of an Ordinance for Case No. S-1145, Zuka Juice, zoning change request from LI (Light Industrial) to LI-S.U.P. (Light Industrial, Special Use Permi0, to allow a juice store to operate in the Valley Ranch Centre located at the southeast corner of MacArthur Blvd. and Beltline Road, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. City Secretary Kathleen Roach pointed out that the minutes of July 28, 1998 contained an error in Item 19 and the word "Weaver" should be changed to "Wheeler.' Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell pointed out that the vote was recorded erroneously in Item 20 and should be corrected to show that Councilmember York voted in favor of the motion and Councilmember Stover voted against the motion. Councilmember Sturges moved to approve Consent Agenda Items A, subject to the two corrections noted, B and C. Couneilmember York seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Couneilmembers Garcia, Sturges, Keenan, Stover, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion. 9. Consider approval of the certification of the 1998 anticipated collection rate for the period of July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999 and the amount of excess debt collections during the period of July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998. City Manager Jim Witt made a presentation to the Council. CounciImember Sturges moved to approve the certification of the 1998 anticipated collection rate for the period of July 1, 1998 through June 30, 1999 and the amount of excess debt collections during the period of July 1, 1997 through June 30, 1998. Couneilmember York seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell and Couneilmembers Garcia, Sturges, Keenan, Stover, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion. CM051198 Page 8 of 17 10. Consider approval of a vote to propose a tax revenue increase while decreasing the tax rate to .6486, and to announce the Public Hearing at the next regularly scheduled Council Meeting on August 25, 1998 at 7:30 p.m. City Manager Jim Witt made a presentation to the Council. Councilmember Sturges moved to approve a vote to propose a tax revenue increase while decreasing the tax rate to .6486, and to announce the Public Hearing at the next regularly scheduled Council Meeting on August 25, 1998 at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Tunnel] and Counc. ilmembers Garcia, Sturges, Keenan, Stover, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion. 11. Reconsider the action taken by the Coppell City Council on July 14, 1998, regarding The Hollows at Northlake Woodlands, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of 71 residential lots on 32.327 acres of property located along the north side of the DART Right-of-Way; between Mockingbird Lane and MacArthur Boulevard. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Councilmember York moved to reconsider the action taken by the Coppell City Council on July 14, 1998, regarding The Hollows at Northlake Woodlands, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of 71 residential lots on 32.327 acres of property located along the north side of the DART Right-of-Way; between Mockingbird Lane and MacArthur Boulevard. Councilmember Garcia seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Tunnel] and Councilmembers Garcia, Sturges, Keenan, Stover, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion. 12. Consider approval of The Hollows at Northlake Woodlands, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of 71 residential lots on 32.327 acres of property located along the north side of the DART Right-of-Way; between Mockingbird Lane and Mac. Arthur Boulevard. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Fire Chief Bob Kruse answered inquiries regarding the removable gates. Steve Parsons, Developer, discussed the fencing issue and advised that Lone __ Star Gas did not wish to have a fence placed on the south side of the alley for safety CM081198 Page 4 of 17 reasons. Councilmember Sturges moved to approve The Hollows at Northlake Woodlands, Pre]imlnary Plat, to allow the development of 71 residential lots on 32.327 acres of property located along the north side of the DART Right-of-Way; between Mockingbird Lane and MacArthur Boulevard, subject to the following conditions: 1) that the applicant provide sufficient access for municipal fire and hazardous material emergency response; 2) that homeowner association easement be included in the plat with 25 foot setback on lots 34 and 35, including the addition of a decorative metal fence to be inst~l]ed and m~int~ined by the homeowner association; 3) that removable gates be installed on both sides of the easement as approved by the Fire Chief; and 3) that an 8-foot wooden screening fence with metal posts and boards on the outside (Belt. line Road side) be installed along the rear of Lots 42 through 62. Counci]member York seconded the motion; the motion carried 5-2 with Counci]members Garcia, Sturges, Keenan, Stover, and York voting in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councl]member Wheeler voting agslnst the motion. 13. Consider approval of an Ordinance for Case No. PD-108R2, The Reserve, zoning change request from R and PD-LI (Retail and Planned Development, Light Industrial) to PD-SF-9 (Planned Development, Single Family-9), to allow the development of 23 -- residential lots on 9.71 acres of property located along the south side of Bethel Road; approximately 970' west of Denton Tap Road, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Councilmember Sturges moved to approve Ordinance No. 91500-A-199 for Case No. PD-108R2, The Reserve, zoning change request from R and PD-LI (Retsil and Planned Development, Light Industrial) to PD-SF-9 (Planned Development, Single Fsmily-9), to allow the development of 23 residential lots on 9.71 acres of property located along the south side of Bethel Road; approximately 970' west of Denton Tap Road, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilmember York seconded the motion; the motion carried 4-3 with Councilmembers Garcia, Sturges, Keenan, and York voting in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell and Councilmembers Stover and Wheeler voting against the motion. 14. Consider approval of an extension of time as it applies to the expiration date of the Preliminary Plat of Georgian Place, property located at the southeast corner of Sandy Lake Road and Whispering Hills Drive, approximately 2,000' west of Denton Tap Road, granting a nine-month extension to allow for CM081198 Page & of 17 Final Plat submission within 18 months after City Council approval of the Preliminary Plat (4~8~97). Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Councilmember Sturges moved to approve an extension of tme as it applies to the expiration date of the Preliminary Plat of Georgian Place, property located at the southeast corner of Sandy Lake Road and Whispering I-lil]s Drive, appro~rimately 2,000' west of Denton Tap Road, granting a nine-month extension to allow for Final Plat submission within 18 months after City Council approval of the Preliminary Plat (4/8/97) and that the final plat be brought back to the City Council for approval. Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell and Councilmembers Garcia, Sturges, Keenan, Stover, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion. 15. Consider approval of an extension of time as it applies to the filing expiration date of the Final Plat of The Mansions by the Lake, property located along the east side of Coppell Road, approximately 967 feet north of Parkway Boulevard, granting a six-month extension to allow for the Final Plat to be filed with Dallas County Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Couneilmember Sturges moved to approve an extension of time as it applies to the filing expiration date of the Final Plat of The Mansions by the Lake, property located along the east side of Coppell Road, approximately 967 feet north of Parkway Boulevard, granting a six-month extension to allow for the Final Plat to be filed with Dallas County. Couneilmember Garcia seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell and Couneilmembers Garcia, Sturges, Keenan, Stover, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion. 16. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of Case No. PD-108R3, Westchase, zoning change request from R, HO-R, PD-LI and HO-PD-LI (Retail, Historic Overlay, Retail, Planned Development, Light Industrial and Historic Overlay, Planned Development, Light Industrial) to PD-SF-9 (Planned Development, Single Family-9) to allow the development of 127 residential lots on 46.8 acres of property along the south side of Bethel Road and along the east side of South Coppell Road ....... CMOS 1198 Page 6 of 17 This item was withdrawn at the request of the Applicant. 17. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of Case No. S-1146, Blue Willow Market Design, zoning change request from HO-R (Historic Overlay, Retail) to HO-R-S.U.P. (Historic Overlay, Retail-Special Use Permit) to allow a business within a residential structure in a commercial district and on-site asphalt paving in the Historic Overlay District located at 416 W. Bethel Road. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one had signed up to speak. Counc. ilmember Sturges moved to closed the Public Hearing and approve Case No. S-1146, Blue Willow Market Design, zoning change request from HO-R (Historic Overlay, Retail) to HO-R-S.U.P. (Historic Overlay, Retail-Special Use Permit) to allow a business within a residential structure in a commercial di.~trict and on-site asphalt paving in the Historic Overlay District located at 416 W. Bethel Road, subject to the following conditions: 1) retail use shall be limited to no more than 400 square feet; signage as submitted to the Plsnnlng Commi.~sion being a maximum of 10 square feet; and 3) all vehicular pavement shall be screened from front and side property lines with a hedge at least 30 inches in height at the time of planting and consisting of a minimum of 30 plants. Ali plants shall be of the ssme variety, the plant variety to be one of the following: abelia, eleagnus, holly or nandina. Fifteen plants shall be placed east of the driveway entrance space at 3 feet on center. The other 15 plants shall be placed west of the driveway entrance spaced at 3 feet on center. Plant materials which shall die shall be replaced with plant material of the some variety and size. Councilmember York seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers Garcia, Sturges, Keenan, Stover, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion. 18. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of Case No. PD-170, Castlebury Court, zoning change request from SF-12 (Single Family-12) to PD-SF-7 (Planned Development, Single Family-7) to allow the development of 20 residential lots on 5.75 acres of property located along the south side of Sandy Lake Road, approximately 278 feet west of Lodge Road. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing and asked for those CM081195 Page 7 of 17 persons wishing to speak regarding this proposal. Fred Phillips, representing the Ryland Group, Developer, addressed the Council. Mack McCurry, 108 Woodcrest, asked the Developer about the property to the west of the subject property. Counci]member Keenan expressed his opposition to higher density developments. Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell inquired as to the ingress and egress from the subdivision. Couneilmember Stover stated he was concerned with increasing the densities. Councilmember Sturges moved to close the Public Hearing and approve Case No. PD-170, Castlebury Court, zoning change request from SF-12 (Single Fsmi]y-12) to PD-SF-7 (Planned Development, Single Fsmily-7) to allow the development of 20 residential lots on 5.75 acres of property located along the south side of Sandy Lake Road, approximately 278 feet west of Lodge Road, subject to the following conditions: 1) correct zoning errors on the PD-Detailed Site Plan relative to the zoning on the TU site to read SF-12; 2) as volunteered by the applicant, use U. S. Brick Canterbury King Size/light limestone combo (Mineral Wells Plant) for the screenwall adjacent to Sandy Lake Road; 3) house sizes to be a minimum of 2,000 square feet; 4) fence line to be moved back to save trees along the property lines and 5) lot coverage will conform to ordinance. Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell seconded the motion; the motion failed 3-4 with Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell and Councilmembers Sturges, and Wheeler voting in favor of the motion and Couneilmembers Garcia, Keenan, Stover and York voting against the motion. 19. Consider approval of the Castlebury Court, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of 20 residential lots on 5.75 acres of land located along the south side of Sandy Lake Road, approximately 278 feet west of Lodge Road. Couneilmember York moved to deny the Castlebury Court, Preliminary Plat, to allow the development of 20 residential lots on 5.75 acres of land located along the south side of Sandy Lake Road, approximately 278 feet west of Lodge Road. Couneilmember Sturges seconded the motion; the motion to deny carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell and Councilmembers Garcia, Sturges, Keenan, Stover, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion. 20. Consider providing that the Planning and Zoning Commission be the authority responsible for the approval of the Final Plat of Castlebury Court to allow the development of 20 residential lots on 5.75 acres of land located along the south side of Sandy Lake Road, approximately 278 feet west of Lodge Road. This item was not considered due to the denial of the preliminary plat in Item 19. CM081198 Page 8 of 17 21. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the Northlake Woodlands East, Phase 10B, Replat of Lot 25, to allow the creation of two lots on 58,042 square feet of property located along the west side of MacArthur Boulevard, approximately 135 feet north of Condor Drive. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one had signed up to speak. Mr. Sieb addressed concerns of Council regarding the trst~ic and the curb cut to service both properties. City Attorney Peter G. Smith confirmed that the lot would have to be given access to MacArthur Boulevard. Couneilmember Sturges moved to close the Public Hearing and approve the Northlake Woodlands East, Phase 10B, Replat of Lot 25, to allow the creation of two lots on 58,042 square feet of property located along the west side of MacArthur Boulevard, approximately 135 feet north of Condor Drive subject to the City Council approval of a variance to Section IA-12 of Appendix C of the Subdivision Ordinance, which otherwise would require that residential lots have no direct access to South MacArthur Boulevard. Councilmember Stover seconded the motion for purposes of the discussion; the motion failed 3-4 with Councilmembers Garcia, Sturges and Keenan votiing in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell and Councilmembers Stover, Wheeler and York voting against the motion. 22. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the Vistas of Coppell, Phase 2C, Replat, to allow a redefinition of a common lot line between Lots 17 and 18, Block D and to extend Lyndsie Drive south to the boundary line which will eventually provide a street connection into Phase 3 of Vistas of Coppell, for 20.4 acres of property located along the south side of Spur 553, east of North Denton Tap Road. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one had signed up to speak. Councilmember Garcia moved to close the Public Hearing and approve the Vistas of Coppell, Phase 2C, Replat, to allow a redefinition of a common lot line between Lots 17 and 18, Block D and to extend Lyndsie Drive south to the boundary line which will eventually provide a street connection into Phase 3 of Vistas of Coppell, for 20.4 acres of property located along the south side of Spur 553, east of North Denton Tap Road, subject to the following condition: modify the Utilities Certificate to reflect a single signature block which reads "TU Electric/Lone Star Gas/Lone Star Gas Pipeline." Councilmember York seconded the CM081198 Page 9 of 17 motion; the motion carried 5-2 with Councilmembers Garcia, Sturges, Keenan, Stover, and York voting in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmember Wheeler voting agsinst the motion. 23. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of Case No. ZC-597 (CH), a Planning and Zoning Commission called hearing regarding a zoning change request from A (Agriculture) to SF-9 (Single Family-9), on approximately 7.6 acres of property located along the north side of DeForest Road, approximately 250 feet east of North MacArthur Blvd. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council indicating that the caption on the agenda request form should be corrected to reflect 5.6 acres instead of 7.6 acres. Councilmember Wheeler clarified that he had asked to have two zoning items to be considered, one for a 1.5 acre retail tract and for a light industrial tract at the corner of MacArthur and Highway 121. Councilmember Wheeler also stated that at any time Plannlng and Zoning can ask for any reevaluation of any zoning they desire, but he had only asked for the two specified tracts to be evaluated. Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing and asked for persons wishing to speak regarding this proposal. Rosrio Martinez, 722 DeForest; Christi Hernandez, 724 DeForest; Lupe Estrada, 724 DeForest; Elene Owen 4427 Bonham; and Mack McCurry, 108 Woodcrest all indicated they were against the proposal. Ed Campbell, 720 DeForest, indicated he owned the property that was proposed to be rezoned and he was against the rezonlng. City Manager Jim Witt made a presentation regarding zoning and tax issues and read a letter from the Dallas County Appraisal District. Council was advised that the Master Plan calls for this property to be zoned residential. Councilmember Sturges stated he felt the property should be rezoned in accordance with its appropriate use. City Attorney Peter G. Smith stated that a zoning change should not in itself trigger an increase in property value. Counciilmember Stover indicated he felt the retail should be changed to SF something. Counciilmember Sturges stated that taxes are not the issue but the issue is appropriate use of the land. Councilmember Stover asked if there was support to change the zoning to SF-12. Councilmembers Stover, Keenan and Garcia indicated they were not pleased with the method of notification to the property owners. After failed motion to change zoning to SF-12, Councilmember York moved to deny Case No. ZC-597 (CH), a Planning and Zoning Commission coiled hearing regarding a zoning change request from A (Agriculture) to SF-9 (Single Family-9), on approximately 7.6 acres of property located along the north side of DeForest Road, approximately 250 feet east of North MacArthur Blvd. Councilmember Garcia seconded the motion; the motion to deny carried 4-3 with Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell and Councilmembers Garcia, Wheeler and York voting in CM081198 Page 10 of 17 favor of the motion and Couneilmembers Sturges, Keenan and Stover voting against the motion. Councilmember Wheeler asked for an Executive Session. EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public) Convene Executive Session A. Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation with City Attorney. Mayor Sheehan convened into Executive Session at 10:00 p.m. as allowed under the above-stated article. Mayor Sheehan adjourned the Executive Session at 10:05 p.m. and re-opened the Regular Session. REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public) 24. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of Case No. ZC-598 (CH), a Planning and Zoning Commission called hearing regarding zoning change request from R (Retail) and A (Agriculture) to SF-7 (Single Family-7), on two adjoining properties, the first currently zoned Retail measuring approximately 1.5 acres and located along the east side of North Mac_Arthur Blvd. approximately 600 feet north of DeForest Road, and the second currently zoned Agriculture measuring approximately 5.6 acres located along the east side of North Mac. Arthur Blvd. and along the north side of DeForest Road. Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing and asked for persons who wished to speak regard;ng this proposal. Rosrio Martlnez, 722 DeForest; Christi Hernandez, 724 DeForest; Lupe Estrada, 724 DeForest; Elene Owen 4427 Bonhsm; and Mack McCurry, 108 Woodcrest all indicated they were against the proposal. Ed Campbell, 720 DeForest, stated this property is his homestead and he was against this zoning change; Steve Kimbrel, 137 S. Holly, stated he was one of the property owners and he was against the rezonlng; Steve Wright, 663 Glen Lakes, indicated he was representing the homeowners of Waterford at Lake Park and they were in favor of the zoning change; and R. G. Harrell, 548 Oak Grove; expressed his opposition to the rezoning of the property. Councilmember Sturges determined that all of the parcels involved in the proposed rezoning were being used as residential CM081198 Page 11 of 17 or was vacant land. Couneilmember Keenan indicated he was in favor of denial if the whole property is not going to be rezone& Couneilmember Wheeler inquired as to what retail uses could be placed on the retail zoned property. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, stated that the uses that would be allowed are office uses, consumer repair services, personal services, pet services, day nursery, dry cleaning, film developing, fix-it shops, furniture stores, hardware stores, printing shops, meat market, moving picture theater, veterinarian, auto part sales, etc. Councilmember Wheeler indicated he would vote agsinst the zoning change. After failed motion to change zoning to SF-7, Councilmember Keenan moved to deny Case No. ZC-595 (CH), a Planning and Zoning Commission called hearing regarding zoning change request from R (Retail) and A (Agriculture) to SF- 7 (Single Fsmily-7), on two adjoining properties, the first currently zoned Retail measuring approximately 1.5 acres and located along the east side of North MacArthur Blvd. approximately 600 feet north of DeForest Road, and the second currently zoned Agriculture measuring approximately 5.6 acres located along the east side of North MacArthur Blvd. and along the north side of DeForest Road. Coun~.ilmember Garcia seconded the motion; the motion to deny carried 5-2 with Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell and Councilmembers Garcia, Keenan, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion and Couneilmembers Sturges and Stover voting against the motion. A short recess was held at this time. 25. Consider approval of the Northlake Center, Site Plan, to allow the development of 3 retail/office buildings with limited warehousing to be located on a 4.6 acre site, located along the east side of South Denton Tap Road, approximately 240 feet north of East Beltline Road, at the request of Dale Veenker. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Dale Veenker, Applicant, addressed the Council concerning the proposal. Councilmember Keenan indicated that he was against Planning and Zoning passing something with eight or more changes before it comes to Council. Councilmember Sturges stated that procedurally the cases could not be handled any other way. Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell inquired as to the determination for a deceleration lane, the gate and driveway. Councilmember Stover asked about curb cuts that would be needed for the property. Mike Martin, Assistant City Engineer, addressed the concerns regarding the traffic matters. Councilmember Stover stated he would be in favor of a deceleration lane. Councilmember Wheeler stated he would be in favor of approval of this proposal. Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell asked if the Fire Department was concerned about the points of ingress and egress. Fire Chief Bob Kruse addressed the issues regarding ingress and egress. Councilmember Sturges moved to approve the Northlake Center, Site Plan, to allow the CM051195 Page 12 of 17 development of 3 retail/office buildings with limited warehousing to be located on a 4.6 acre site, located along the east side of South Denton Tap Road, approximately 240 feet north of East Belt. line Road, at the request of Dale Veenker, subject to the following conditions: 1) the northern access from the Advantage Self-Storage be removed; 2) a second access point about 120' north of the southern access point on Denton Tap Road be provided, ff requested; 3) provide a deceleration lane on Denton Tap Road for southern driveway; 4) a mutual access agreement, approved by the City Attorney, shall be provided stating that the Riverside Church of Christ intends to connect and share the proposed driveway shown on the Site Plan; 5) impact fees will be required; 6) the proposed roll-up doors will be replaced by double doors, approved by the City; 7) the standard equipment and meter screening reads as follows: Mechanical equipment shall be screened. There shall be no additional power poles or overhead wiring, and utility meter shall be placed in inconspicuous locations;" and 8) the brick specification shall be Royal Crimson and all building elevations will be brick. Councilmember York seconded the motion; the motion carried 6-1 with Councilmembers Garcia, Sturges, Keenan, Stover, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion and Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell voting against the motion. 26. Consider approval of the Service Center Administration Offices, Site Plan, to allow the development of a 5,771 square foot building to be located at 732 DeForest Road, at the request of the City of Coppell. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. City Manager Jim Witt made a presentation to the Council covering the history of this proposal. Couneilmember Stover inquired as to the estimated cost of the facility and the number of personnel housed there. City Manager Jim Witt stated the estimated cost was half a million. Sheri Moino, Facilities Manager, advised the number of personnel would include twelve administrative positions. Councilmember Sturges moved to approve the Service Center Administration Offices, Site Plan, to allow the development of a 5,771 square foot building to be located at 732 DeForest Road, at the request of the City of Coppell; subject to the following conditions: 1) the property be platted prior to obtaining a building permit; 2) the standard equipment and meter screening reads as follows: Mechanical equipment shall be screened. There shall be no additional power poles or overhead wiring, and utility meter shall be placed in inconspicuous locations;" and 3) the brick specification shall be Redwine. Councilmember York seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell and Councilmembers Garcia, Sturges, Keenan, Stover, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion. CM081198 Page 13 of 17 27. PUBLIC HEARING: Consider approval of the designation of a reinvestment zone, pursuant to Section 312.201 of the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act. The property to be considered for Reinvestment Zone designation is that property owned by Primera Coppell Properties III, Ltd. described as Freeport North Addition, pt. of Tract 2 (known as Tract 7) (16.588 acres) located at the northwest corner of Royal Lane and Northpoint Drive. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Mayor Sheehan opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one had signed up to speak. Coun~lmember York moved to close the Public Hearing and approve the designation of a reinvestment zone, pursuant to Section 312.201 of the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act. The property to be considered for Reinvestment Zone designation is that property owned by Primera Coppell Properties III, Ltd. described as Freeport North Addition, pt. of Tract 2 (known as Tract 7) (16.588 acres) located at the northwest corner of Royal Lane and Northpoint Drive. Councilmember Garcia seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers Garcia, Sturges, Keenan, Stover, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion. 28. Consider approval of an Ordinance designating Primera Coppell Properties III, Ltd. property as Reinvestment Zone No. 19, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Gary Sieb, Director of Planning and Community Services, made a presentation to the Council. Couneilmember York moved to approve Ordinance No. 98841 designating Primera Coppell Properties III, Ltd. property as Reinvestment Zone No. 19, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell and Councilmembers Garcia, Sturges, Keenan, Stover, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion. 29. Consider approval of an Ordinance for Case No. S-1143, Cowboy Barbecue, zoning change request from C (Commercial) to C- S.U.P. (Commercial, Special Use Permit), to allow a private club restaurant to be located in the future Coppell Crossing Shopping Center at the northwest corner of MacArthur Blvd. and Beltline Road, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. CMOS 1198 Page 14 of 17 Counci]member Sturges asked for a point of personal privilege and stated this was an ordinance for a zoning change that had been approved at a prior meeting. He voiced his concern about the hours of operation. Discussion was held regarding the procedure of changing the hours. Councilmember Stover stated he was in agreement with Councilmember Sturges to change the hours to close at 10:00 p.m. Councilmember Wheeler stated that the SUP was approved with the times set and he would be in favor of leaving it at that. After failed motion to approve with time of operation changed to 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., Couneilmember Keenan moved to approve Ordinance No. 91500-A-200 for Case No. S-1143, Cowboy Barbecue, zoning change request from C (Commercial) to C-S.U.P. (Commercial, Special Use Permit), to allow a private club restaurant to be located in the future Coppell Crossing Shopping Center at the northwest corner of MacArthur Blvd. and Belfline Road, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Couno. ilmember Garcia seconded the motion; the motion camed 5-2 with Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell and Councilmembers Garcia, Keenan, Stover and Wheeler voting in favor of the motion and Councilmembers Sturges and York voting agsinst the motion. 30. Consideration of complaint by Mr. John Robinson. Mr. Robinson was not present for this item. Mayor Sheehan advised that Mr. Robinson had filed a complaint against an employee of the City of Coppell and she had responded on behalf of the City Council. Councilmember Sturges stated that a complaint does not require any action or response by the Council and he would not consider giving any credence to the intferences of the complaint. Mayor Sheehan advised that it was not the complaint that the Council would be voting on but the investigative responsibility that the City Charter has given the City Council. Councilmember York stated he was in agreement with the Mayor that there was no credibility to the complaint. Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell stated the response to the request was made within the time provided by law. Councilmember Stover stated he would prefer that the complainant tell Council specifically what his complaints are. Councilmember Garcia agreed with Councilmember Stover. Councilmember Wheeler stated he believed there was no intent for wrongdoing. Councilmember Keenan stated he had looked into this matter and he feels the complaint is baseless and advised that the City had received 1300 open records fxom 1996 to 1997 and to date we have 1400 in 1998. Councilmember Keenan advised Mr. Robinson to hire an attorney to pursue his complaint. Councilmember York moved to not pursue any investigation as to the complaint filed by Mr. Robinson. Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell and Councilmembers Garcia, Sturges, Keenan, Stover, Wheeler and York voting in favor of the motion. CM081198 Page 15 of 17 31. Necessary action resulting from Executive Session. There was no action needed under this item. 32. City Manager's Report. A. Update City Water System. B. Coppell Independent School District Request. ,~_ City Manager Jim Witt advised that the City was functioning very well under the Water Conservation Plan. B. City Manager Jim Witt stated that the school district had requested that the gated access on Oak Trail adjacent to the high school be opened after home football games in order to disburse traffic. Mr. Witt recommended approval of the request. Council raised questions regarding lighting, parking and notification to residents on Oak Trail. City Manager Witt advised that he would recommend the gate be closed off within 30-45 minutes after the end of the game. 33. Mayor's Report. A. Mayor Sheehan reminded everyone of the September 12th retreat. Council agreed to hold a special meeting on September 29 instead to redefine priorities. B. Mayor Sheehan stated she had ingormation regarding the Lewisville ISD bond campaign. C. Mayor Sheehan attended a meeting of the Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition and members of DART want to determine how cities who are not members of DART become members of DART. D. Mayor Sheehan advised that legislation was being introduced prohibiting carrying of a handgun in a city park and legislation regarding inspection and maintenance of amusement rides. E. Mayor Sheehan remln ded everyone of the benefit luncheon being held to help twin boys of a City employee who was in need of surgery. CM081198 Page 16 of 17 __ F. Mayor Sheehan stated City Manager Jim Witt met with a representative fom Paragon Cable regarding a merger of TimeWarner Cable and TCI Cable. G. Councilmember York advised all of City Staff that he appreciated the jobs they do and he has every confidence that they do their jobs very well and he appreciates it. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned. Candy Sheehan,Mayor ATTEST: Kathleen Roach, City Secretary CM051198 Page 17 of 17