CM 1998-09-10 MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1998
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Special Called Session on Thursday,
September 10, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chsmbers of Town Center, 255
Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following members were present:
Candy Sheehan, Mayor
Marsha Tunnell, Mayor Pro Tern
Greg Garcia, Councilmember
Pat Keenan, Councilmember
Doug Stover, Councilmember
Larry Wheeler, Councilmember
Bill York, Councilmember
Also present were City Manager Jim Witt and Deputy City Secretary Libby Ball.
REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public)
1. Call to order.
Mayor Sheehan called the meeting to order.
2. Presentation by Coppell Recreation Development Corporation: A. Discussion of the Design Development Documents.
B. Discussion of Revised Cost Estimates.
C. General Discussion.
Gary Tanel, representing the Coppell Recreation Development Corporation, made a
presentation to Council. Dwayne Brinkley, Architect, introduced Patrick
Schoenfeld who made a presentation regarding the proposed design. Mr. Brinlrley
then discussed the cost aspects of the project.
3. Public comments. ~
A. Steve Berens, 328 Woodhurst Place, indicated he and his family were excited
about the project, but would like to have the Jacuzzi as part of the project.
B. Melvin Gross, 152 Cottonwood Drive, asked if the $300,000 was included in
-- the $7.794 million and Mr. Brinldey stated that it was. Mr. Gross stated he
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had been against the $9.1 million project but he felt the current proposal was
a good plan.
C. Sandy Edwards, 241 Whispering Hills, thinks this is a good plan, but would
like the running track included.
D. Chris Ruska, 233 Chestnut Lane, is pleased with the current plan but is
concerned about the revenue and income side of the facility.
E. Ruth Archer, 113 Newcastle Court, encouraged Council to look into having
more for older children in the project and would llke to see more lanes in the
indoor pool.
F. Jerry Baker, 215 Salem Court, spoke concerning the fact that food would be
served in the facility thereby making it a restaurant and restaurants are
required to have Special Use Permits. He also addressed the issue of people
outside the City of Coppell utilizing the facility and about funding for the
G. Bennett Ratliff, 504 Sora Lane, stated his feelings that Council should move
forward on the project and discussed contingencies.
H. Beatrice D'Amico, 256 Enclaves Court, spoke regarding her feeling that
people do not want a Wally World" and she feels people want a ~Town Pool"
and not have it open to people outside the City of Coppell.
4. Consider approval of design development plans for Recreation
and Aquatic Center and authorize the Architect to proceed
with construction documents and bidding of the project.
Mayor Sheehan reminded everyone of the motion made by Councilmember
Alexander in April calllng for a cap of $7.3 million with a $500,000 contingency and
she felt the current proposal fell short of meeting that motion. She stated she
wanted Council to be faithfid to the motion made in April.
Gary Tanel responded to some of the speakers' questions. Dwayne Brinkley also
addressed some of the speakers' comments. City Manager Jim Witt responded to
Mr. Baker's comments regarding SUP zoning for the food portion of the facility.
Councilmember Stover indicated the community would never be in unanimous
agreement as to the aspects of the facility. He inquired as to the cost of adding a
walking track to the building, both at the initial construction and after the fact.
Mr. Brinkley estimated with initial construction the track would cost approximately
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$200,000 to $240,000 and after the fact he estimated the cost to be 15% to 20%
Mayor Pro Tem Tunnell inquired as to the recapture rate under the Enterprise
Plan. Deputy City Manager Clay Phillips estimated the recapture rate to be 95.7%
to 103% with $758,000 expenses per year.
Couneilmember Stover commented on the Mayor's statement regarding the April
motion. He stated he felt Council needed to move forward and he would rather be
criticized for being $159,322 over the $7.3 million than for delaying the project.
Couneilmember Keenan discussed financial and construction issues and asked if
the City had revenue to cover the costs. Deputy City Manager Clay Phillips stated
that more than ample funds were available for the project.
Couneilmember Garcia commended the CRDC and stated he understood the
Mayor's concerns but he felt if the City delayed longer that costs would continue to
rise. He felt it was time to move on and asked Mr. Brinkley how confident he was
with the $7.8 million. Mr. Brinkley stated he could not guarantee the es~mate but
was comfortable with it.
-- Mayor Sheehan stated she did not want to stall the project but cost increases had
already caused a lower contingency and she would recommend to have construction
come in at $7.3 million with additives of $500,000.
Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell stated she felt citizens want to build the pool, the bottom
line is still $7.8 million and she wished to move forward with the project.
Councilmember Wheeler recognized the present and former CRDC members and
stated compromises had been met along the process and he was pleased with the
plan even though he understood the Mayor's concerns.
Mayor Sheehan reiterated the April motion and stated that motion was a
Couneilmember Keenan moved to approve the plan and authorize the architect to
proceed with construction documents for $7.45 million proposed by the CRDC and
have deductive alternatives of $150,000 with a contingency of $350,000 or $500,000
to bring the total to $7.8 million. Couneilmember Stover seconded the motion.
Councilmember Wheeler stated he was not in favor of deleting any element from
the current plan.
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Councilmember Keenan advised that the spirit of the motion was to approve the
CRDC recommendations, but to see which elements would reduce the cost to $7.3
Mayor Sheehan asked again for the April motion to be considered.
Councilmember York stated he was tired of beating the issue to death and believed
everyone was doing their best and they should move forward with the project.
Mayor Sheehan asked if deductive bids were more costly than additive bids. Mr.
Brinkley stated that some_times this was the case.
Councilmember Keenan amended his motion and moved to approve the design as
presented. Councilmember Stover amended his second; the motion carried 6-0 with
Mayor Pro Tern Tunnell and Councilmembers Garcia, Keenan, Stover, Wheeler and
York voting in favor of the motion.
There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was
Candy Sheehan, Mayor
Libby Ball, Deputy City Secretary
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