RE 05-20-68.1 (J5~o~~..1 M-aA. ACCEF'lAi.iCB or ABRDATOJll orna WBBIlBAS, the United States of America (herein called the IIGovertlllat") made an Offer of a loan dated A'Dl'il .... 1.?66 to tM City ot ~ll. .-- (herein called tbe "Borrower") to assist in defrayins tbe cost of conltruction of the public works therein described, identified as Project No. Pft.Jlex..144 , which Offer was accepted by the Borrower on April It-.t 1966 ; and WHBWS, the Govermaent has subalitted an Amendatory Offer, Amel'lCl.-nt No. 2 dated _ 10, 1968 . to said Offer, which .AmendMnt No. .!.. has been duly read in open meeting, fully considered in accordance with all pertinent rules of procedure and lesal requirements, and made a part of the Borrower's public records; and WHEREAS, it is deemed advisable and in the public interest that said Amendment No. !-. be accepted; NOW~ THER.EP'ORE, be it Resolved by the Oity l"'-~-il (herein called the "Governing Body"), that tbe said Amendment No. L, a true and correct copy of which is hereto attached, be and the same hereby is accepted without reservation or qualification. Pass"d by the aforementioned governing boc:1y of the Borrower on the ~ /1 ~ay of?nA1 · 196L. ~ ~_ fl- Date:S-'A.O- 6~ -a)/ ~ Title: MaJor Approved as a Valid Acceptance of the above-mentioned Amendatory Offer. Attorney at Law Address: CERTIFICATE OJ! RBCOBDING OP'1!ICER I, the unders1lned, the duly qualified and acting Recording Officer of tb8 C1ty ot CopptU, ... (herein called the "Borrower"), and the keeper of the records of the Borrower, including the Journal of Proceed- ings of the 01t7 aow.11 (herein called the "Governing Body"), do hereby certify: 1. That the above resolution is a true and correct copy of the resolution as finalUt adopted at a meeting of the soverning body held on the ~ /j z:Il,~day of ~A:I'1- ' 196L, and duly recorded in my office; 2. That said meeting was duly convened and held in all respects in accord- ance with law and to the extent required by law due and proper notice of such meeting was given; and a legal quorum was present throughout the meeting, and a legally sufficient number of members of the governins body voted in the proper manner and for the adoption of said resolution; that all other requirements and proceedinss under tbe law incident to the proper adoption or passage of said resolution, inc1udins publication, if required, have been duly fulfilled, carried out, and otherwise observed; and that I am authorized to execute this certificate. D wrnmss WBDIOP', I have hereunto set my hand this At) ~ day of ~ · 1961:... r!l.J~ (Signature of ,fiCer) (SEAL) City lea1Wb8.ry (Official title) (If Applicant has no seal, make and 8ign statement to that effect here.)