RE 04-09-68.2 (!) L./ 0 q b ~ "C;J... wo. 87-311-D STATS 01' TDla 08 "latloa of I JOD _. . I. R. IIcUOaL8 I va. I TOW1f 01' COPPBLL, TIDAl, ft AL I I. DB DISftICT COURT 81th JUDICIAL DIBftlft DlLI.A8 COUJft'1', THAS CAlIYASI OF IlftURD op sncUL YftIJIG __In USD I. .If BLJIC'I"JO. IIBLD JR '.I'D CITY OF COPPaLL, ftXAS, OR APRIL I, 1_, fOR TO BLlCTIOJI O' ..... CITf C01IICIL- _ fOB ftO ftlR ftUl AD OD CITY C01JJfCJUIO na A OR YEAR TBRII TO 'l'JIB ......BLB JUDGI or SAID COURT: 8B IT __DD tllat OIl tlte 21th 1Ia, of February, 1"', 't1l18 Court ..'er" an Order direct1.. tbe at t, of COp,.11 , '1'_._. to provide aD addltlo_1 alld ..parate votl.e ..abl.8 to be .... 1n tb. aun1el,.1 el_t108 belel OJ& April 8, 1988, by tboa. ~aoD8 r..ld1B1 ia tbe area be..et.tore di.aDa.xed by tbe Clt, of Co".11, Texas. b, Ci t, Ordluao.. B08. 10 aad 18 aa. tlaa" ,.. vote I'M.rded on ..1d additional votl.. ..olae be certified to tb18 Court. For tbe ao1. pur,.. of pr..ervlq aad record1.. the _...r 18 will... ..141 penons _ald ..... vot.. 80 tJaat taa. .... alellt be used In ..1d.ace in '.18 or aD, future ."1 t. D IT F1J.RTJID . ,If "1 ~ r ~ c.ti tba t OIl tb18 the m.c:' day of April, 116', at a ""lac ., tbe City CoQDC11 of tbe City of Cowell, Te... a quOl'UIl -lAc pr...at. tbe ..atlac ... called to order au 'tIla 1011ow1.. h.i.... wa. tn....ct... gpoa ..t:1.. of Couacllau W,H. U(~ I &ad ......... by CoeDoll_ ~ -.4:~. 1t .. tlau1llou1, ......4 tbt tile Cl t, 0....11 ...aider tll. YOt. reo...... oa _1d ...1 tlema1 .pecial ".tl.. __lae. . tlte r_lt. reG.ca.. .. ..1d vottal ....Ili.. It, tile 81_t10. official. ..,.. ope..., ...1... aDd tll. ""_It. declal"ed a. toll...,y ftat tlM 'o11OW1q a_bel' of yot_ were out tor ,.... fOll..1ac ..... oaad1__.. f. tile .'floe ., Clt, CCMUlGllan tor a two (2) ,ear 'era: 'J " 4 ' , ' ~ 1 DO - ......ICB I. WILI01f c. L. P...... A. 1IIOIIA8 C.. SI. aVIK W. 8B&L ... is. Oftl_" It .....1"1.. tbat aad reee1"ad tile 1&I"_t a..bel' of 'VOte. tor tile off10e of Ctt,. eoullc1laeD for. two (I) ,..1' 'era, aa4 tile, are hereby declared to __ elected to tbe .ff1.. aDd to aerve alt. qualif,l.. for a two (I) ,ear 'era oo.a...l.. April, 1988. ft. t tile fol1owl.. aWl... of yot. WWe cut for tile t.11ow11l1 ..... caadldat.. tor tbe off1oe ot City CouDell_11 tor a ODe (1) year tera, to-wit: lfAD KG. 01' VOTB8 - JOIDf DOBlCKA 'f AD4 it appeariq that 400 DOBBCD reo.lyecl tbe 1ar...t auaber of YO'" tor tbe .ttl.. of Cit, C....l1aaa tor a Gae (1) ,ear '.ra a.. be 1s ~__, declare. to be 81eot.. to tbe off lee aD. ..ve atter qUl1f,u. for . ..e (1) ,ear hr. _...1_ April, 1988. BOW. TlDlRBIOItB. .. IT UBOLVIID by tIM Cit, Couael1 01 tlt.e Cit,. of Coppel1 t Texaa. atter ....10.1.. tlae r..ul t. of ..id _,..lal ..ottq "'Iliae. &ad t1lldlD1 _1d ...ut. to ... .. ..tor.- ...tio.e., tbe _14 1"...1'. be eat...a' 18 t.. Mlaut.. of tll. Ctt, CouDOil .f tbe City of Cop..11, T..... ... tltat . oopy 01 tJai. C...... of ....... to........ w1 tIl . oOPY ., t"e report of tb. 11"'loa 1..,. 18 reprd to eai4 ..lUae ... lenard.. to tb. ..tll Jtldle1al Di..lot Ceu't t Ball.. CouIlt, . TIt.., f. tbeptJl',... ot IaaVl.. tile .... .11.. wi... tile paper_ of tbe abo"a ut1 tlM ...a....... __. fte Ctt, eou.el1 .f tbe C1t,. 01 c.ppell, Texa.. .....,".. IM..e.tore ca....... tile o.ttolal ..,..... &ad ,,"lara'lOa of ....1_ .f tile eleet1.. Ia_ld .. April .,l 1188. fur'''' llade ttaat 1f "b. yot_ _t .. aid "Speela1" yoti.. __1.. ..... to 1M o...ld..... 1D tile .fllela1 ea...... 01 ...t.. ia ..14 e1_tl.. t tile .....1 ta of a.l. a1..ttea would ..'I be ......... IT II, '8M'JIBa, USOL'fD tlaat thia ".ollltlO8 .ba11 bee._ eft..l.. w..dlately .tter 1ta ....... DULY PASIID by ,be Ctt, CouBoll .f 'Ile Cl', ., 0.".11, 'fuu. Cl8 tIli. t... tj.~fa' 01 r'" . 1.... -V~;r ~ Aftlft , ~~~~ . t, .' \1 y f 'I'D SftTB 0., TDAS I COUl'f'l' 0'1 DALLAS I 8BJQlB 0, tile ......1.... au*'-lt" ... tb18 cia, ,..__11, appeared I. C. "'fl.l', w..., a.te~ bel" b, .. dul, .wor. .. oa'll .tat.. as tol1Gw8: "I .. tile ..1, cpal111ed Ctt, ....tary of ibe City of Coppell, Yeaa, ..d Mid .. a part of tile 1'..01'_ ., .,. ..tl.., tbe ofl1cia1 ....1.tl... of tbe City of Cop,.11, ,.....; 'IiIat tlae "(':aD"'. of ....u_ of Special .,.t.... Maollla8" att""" ....to i. a true ... ..reo' eop, 0::;10 ....1:1m.., tile City of Coppel1, Te_, OIl tile da, of , 1_, t1\. oriel...1 of ....101l ie a par 0 tile of. . 0" of ., off1ee. --dr!-, ~~ of #f~IIJD~:- to ...f....e .. 'IIi. tile ~ fa, ,