RE 03-26-74 (2) I I I F~SOLUTION OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS V:II~REA:'::. the City Council of the City of Coppell has heretofore made it known by l'esolution and otherwise that its number one priority for in1l1lcdiate thoroughfare development within the City is the construction of the Bethel- Belt Line Road extension and, WHEREAS, this resolution is not intended to reflect a change In the cities position in this regard and should not be so construed but, WHEREAS, the thorou2hfare plan of the city does include the developrnent of Esters Road as a major thoroughfare in the foreseeable fl1rtllre and, WHEREAS, Ester s Road from State High\vay 114 to Sandy Lake Roaclis a designated thoroughfare on the Dallas County Coordinated Thorough- (are Plan ?,nd, \VHEREAS, t],e Texas Highway Department plans to construct Stat' llig]w:a\' Loop 63~ fronl the Dallas - Fort Wortn Regional Airport Spi: _ Hoad to Interstae 3~E according to the approved schenlatic; and, WH.EREAS. the schernatic does not provide for the inter section of the Thoroughfare and the State I-lighway; and, WHEREAS, The City of Coppell desires that the Highway be con- structed so that the Thoroughfare may be constructed as proposed. NOW, TI{EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TlIE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS THAT: Section 1. The City of Coppell request that the Texas lIighway Department ill<'lude in the construction of State Highway'Loop 635 a grade sept.'ration at the intersection of Loop 63::; v'.'ith Esters Road~ ~)ection 2. This rL'solution be sent to the agencies presently 1n- vol\'ed in ti'e plannin~ of said roadv..'ay. Texas, DLLY ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, on the ~ -rI day oI IJ~ZC~. , 1974. . ~) ., /' '-~'d '/ //'i, L L f..:-e" z-f- /!" Mayor / / - ~~~/;~-;;:Jt-W ATTEST: ), ,) '> ,',.,f""I, City Se; retaky - y 'I 'l- II . <. ." .'_ ~. BID TABULATION I \ '. " . , , - " i ----.> , / ., \ OWNER CITY OF COPPELL 2/6/74 : JOB NO. HEARTZ ROAD DATE ( TRANS- TEX SUPPLY BOWLES & EDENS CORP. UNIVERSAL i P.Oo BOX 188 P.Oo BOX 47085 P.Oo BOX 28537 LOCA TION & DESCRIPTION HEART Z ROAD WATER LINE I Arlington, Texas " Dallas, T exa s 75 247 Dalla s, Texas 75228 I . ; " ! , PLAN , UNIT COST UNIT .COST UNIT COST QUANTITY i PRICE PRICE PRICE . . I 1 ) 8" 160 PVC Pipe 4, 600 ft. 1. 88 ft. 8,648.00 1. 7817 ft. 8,195.82 190. 88per C ft 8,780.48 2) 611 160 PVC Pipe 200 ft. 1. 10ft. 220.00 \ . 9923 ft. 198.46 110. 67per eft 221. 34 \ i 1 \ I J TOTAL AMOUNT BID (BASE) \ $8,868.00 $8,394.28 $9,001. 82 \ !/ " ",- '........ , - ca "" ," -", C~'- c? '/9, 7t/ . i. . ... .,..t.-..."