RE 12-14-76 '. I RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELLI TEXAS, DESIGNATING THE GENERAL MANAGER OF THE TRINITY RIVER AUTHORllY OF TEXAS (TRA), AS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTA TIVE FOR THE COPPELL INTERCEPTOR, SECTION 1, UNDER FEDERAL GRANT WPC-TEX-1203 BEING CONSTRUCTED UNDER PUBLIC lAW 92-500. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas adopted Resolution No. -- which authorized and directed the Mayor of Coppe", Texas to make application for a grant under Public Law 92-500, and to sign necessary documents required to complete the project on behalf . of the City of Coppell, Texas; and, -~ WHEREAS, the City of Coppel', Texas, on January 13, 1976 executed t a Contract with the Trinity River Authority of Texas whereby the Authority will treat all waste discharges of the City of Coppell at the Central Regional Wastewater System; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: Section 1 That the General Manager of the Trinity River Authority of Texas (TRA), is hereby designated as Authorized Representative for that portion of Project WPC-Tex-1203 covering construction of the Coppelllnter- ceptor, Section 1, wi th the Mayor of Coppelll Texas remaining Authorized Representative for construction of all other facilities under Project WPC-Tex-1203. I -1- .... Section 11 . That the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with the Trinity River Authority of Texas to establish the Assignment and acceptance of responsibilities of Coppell and the Authority for construction of the proposed co lIection facil ities under Proj ect WPC - TEX-12031 a II in accordance with Publ i c Law 92-500. Section 111. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, THIS THE / vttc DAY OF I ~/;LC[1-~vbJ ,19 7b i /7 -<? ,I / / d. ~~ ~ ~~ - -' !,' /, ~--- ~ -i9 ~1i1:~1 - ,7~~ Hulen A. Scott Mayor A TTES T: '1/1_, -, / fllc-vJ!4d.1Cd' // t~/.4"6~v Margar tV. Johnionl City Secretary , I -2-