RE 02-22-77 a I I RESOLUTI ON WHEREAS, the City of Coppell, an incorporated City within the State of Texas is incorporated as a General Law City, and WHEREAS, the statutes relating to General Law Cities and granting them annexation powere require that in order for adjacent lands to be annexed, such city must acquire the petition of occupants and/or land owners of such adjacent lands, and WHEREAS, such requirements act as a deterrent to the orderly growth and development of such General Law Cities within the State of Texas, and also creates problems relating to police and fire protection and other city services to these adjacent territories, and WHEREAS, the best interest of the citizenry of the State of Texas and especially the populace of some 950 General Law Cities throughout the State would best be served if General Law Cities were afforded the annexation flexibility enjoyed by Cities chartered within the Statutes pertaining to Home Rule Cities, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas that: the legislature of the State of Texas enact Legislation which would afford to General Law Cities the powers of annexation necessary to implement orderly growth and development commensurate with Home Rule Cities, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be mailed to members of the Texas Legislature representing Coppell. PASSED AND APPROVED this 22nd day of February , 1977. :' ~~ ,,, '-,. ,"'- ~ .'-;' - .I ~,.( d Hulen A. Scott, Mayor \, : / ATTEST: " ~~\ /1/1 (1{{ {(1U Ii 1/ Ma rga ret V. Johnson, : l j/ ) ~-" l.- (l,[.l.-{) -vL.../