RE 04-29-77
WHEREAS, Hulen A. Scott has served as Mayor of the City of
Coppell, Texas, beginning his first term April 5, 1971 and serving
continuously until April 12, 1977; and,
WHEREAS, he has diligently performed his duties as Mayor of
the City of Coppell, serving the citizens unselfishly and dedicating
his time and talents to this office; and,
WHEREAS, during his six years as Mayor significant planning
for the future of the city was accomplished, including adoption of
plans and policies for the orderly growth and development of the
community; and,
WHEREAS, he has provided guidance and leadership in the admin-
istration of municipal affairs; and,
WHEREAS, he was not a candidate for re-election to another term
as Mayor in 1977;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the
City of Coppell does hereby express, on behalf of the citizens of
Coppell, their appreciation to Hulen A. Scott for his dedicated
service as Mayor to this community and wish him success in the future.
PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 26th day of April, 1977.
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