RE 09-13-77 (2) I I RESOLUTION WHEREAS, George C. Campbell has been employed as City Administrator of the City of Coppell since ncto~er 16, 1972, and, WHEREAS, he has provided leadership in all functions of the City government, and, WHEREAS, he has ~emGnstrated his skills 3S a City Administrator in a most satisfactory nanner, and, WHEREAS, he has ~emonstrated ln a most admiral fashion his ability to work with the public, the City Council of Coopell, and the staff of the City of Coppell, and, WHEREAS, the City Council of Coppell regrets the resignation effective P.ugust 31, 1977, of such a worthy and corpetent city administrator, but supports him in his opportunity to advance in his chosen profession, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Coppell does exoress to George Campbell their sincere appreciation for his dedicated and professional service to the citizens of Coppell, and also wish him and his family all the success in the futJre, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a CODY of this resolution be sent to the City of ~'Iea therford. ADOPTED this 13th day of September, 1977. Qi '/:~V"'V' ;/1 I '_" ~ ~ 1/2 ~f- ~AcA- Mayor Pro re. ) /7 C-J j ( ~ __-? '> ",'2- Councilman