CM 2008-01-08
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Called Session on
Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town
Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following members were
Doug Stover, Mayor
Brianna Hinojosa-Flores, Mayor Pro Tern
Tim Brancheau, Councilmember
Jayne Peters, Councilmember
Marsha Tunnell, Councilmember (late arrival)
Billy Faught, Councilmember
Marvin Franklin, Councilmember
Bill York, Councilmember
Also present were City Manager Jim Witt, City Secretary Libby Ball and City
Attorney Robert Hager.
1. Call to order.
Mayor Stover called the meeting to order, determined that a quorum was
present and convened into Executive Session.
(Closed to the Public)
2. Convene Executive Session
A. Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation
with City Attorney.
1. The City of Coppell and Coppell Independent School
District opposition to a change of zoning request of
the Billingsley Corporation in the City of Dallas,
Zoning Case Number Z045-107; and City of Coppell
vs. CB Parkway Business Center VI, et al in the
County Court at Law No.3; and CB Parkway
Business Center, et al vs. City of Coppell, et al; and
City of Dallas vs. Douglas Stover, et al in the 191st
District Court; and City of Coppell, et al vs. City of
Dallas, et al in the 101st District Court.
2. Discussion regarding Streamlined Sales Tax.
B. Section 551.087, Texas Government Code - Economic
Development Negotiations.
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1. ED Prospects West of Beltline/Denton Tap and south
of Bethel Road.
c. Section 551.074, Texas Government Code - Personnel
1. City Manager Evaluation.
Mayor Stover convened into Executive Session at 5:43 p.m. as
allowed under the above-stated article. Councilmember Tunnell
arrived during Executive Session. Mayor Stover recessed the
Executive Session at 6:37 p.m. and opened the Work Session.
(Open to the Public)
3. Convene Work Session
A. Safelight Coppell Demonstration.
B. Discussion regarding revisions to Sec. 6-15-6, Temporary
(on-premise) signs.
c. Discussion regarding Stormwater Management Plan.
D. Christmas Parade Review.
E. Discussion of Agenda Items.
(Open to the Public)
4. Convene Regular Session.
5. Invocation.
Pastor Jennifer Scott of First Methodist Church led those present in the
6. Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Stover led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
7. Presentation by City Staff and Kasner and Associates regarding
the Impact of proposed Streamlined Sales Tax Legislation.
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Chad Beach, Assistant Finance Director, and Kyle Kasner, Kasner &
Kasner Associates, made a presentation to Council regarding
Streamlined Sales Tax. Jim Witt, City Manager, answered questions
from Council.
8. Citizens' Appearances.
There was no one signed up to speak under this item.
9. Consider approval of the following consent agenda items:
A. Consider approval of minutes: December 11, 2007.
B. Consider approval of a grant agreement between the City
of Coppell, The Coppell Education Development
Corporation and the Lewisville Independent School
District in the amount of $9,660.00 and authorizing the
City Manager to sign.
c. Consider approval for the procurement of two 2008
Chevrolet HD2500 Silverados and one 2008 Chevrolet
HD2500 Crewcab CC20943 through Buy board from
Caldwell Country Chevrolet for the amount not to exceed
$92,238.00, as budgeted in the Motor Vehicle Fund in the
Parks and Ballfields Capital Outlay; an authorizing the
City Manager to sign all required documents relative to
the purchase.
D. Consider approval of an Ordinance for Case No. PD-232-C,
Chicken Express, zoning change from C (Commercial) to
PD-232-C (Planned Development 232-Commercial) to
allow the construction of a 3,348-square-foot freestanding
restaurant with drive-thru, drive-in and eat-in service on
approximately 1.1 acres of property located on the north
side of E. Belt Line Road, approximately 175 feet east of
S. Denton Tap Road and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
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Councilmember Peters moved to approve Consent Agenda Items A, B, C,
and D, carrying Ordinance No. 91500-A-489. Councilmember Franklin
seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern
Hinojosa-Flores and Councilmembers Brancheau, Peters, Tunnell,
Faught, Franklin and York voting in favor of the motion.
Consider approval of Case No. PD-228R-HC, Bank of America
zoning change request from PD-228-HC (Planned Development-
228-Highway Commercial) to PD-228R-HC (Planned
Development-228 Revised-Highway Commercial) to attach a
Detail Site Plan to allow the development of a 4,634-square-
foot bank with five drive-thru lanes on 1.028 acres of property
located at the northeast corner of S.H. 121 and Denton Tap
Gary Sieb, Director of Planning, made a presentation to the Council.
Joshua Griffith, applicant, addressed the Council.
Public Hearing:
Mayor Stover opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one had
signed up to speak on this proposal.
Councilmember York moved to close the Public Hearing and approve
Case No. PD-228R-HC, Bank of America zoning change request from PD-
228-HC (Planned Development-228-Highway Commercial) to PD-228R-
HC (Planned Development-228 Revised-Highway Commercial) to attach a
Detail Site Plan to allow the development of a 4,634-square-foot bank
with five drive-thru lanes on 1.028 acres of property located at the
northeast corner of S.H. 121 and Denton Tap Road, subject to the
following conditions:
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1) Dimension total length of landscape area in front of drive-thru
2) That the applicant looks to reduce the landscaping shortage to
within 500 feet of code by using the following range of options:
a. A lane reduction from five to four lanes.
Councilmember Peters seconded the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with
Mayor Pro Tern Hinojosa-Flores and Councilmembers Peters, Tunnell,
Faught, Franklin and York voting in favor of the motion.
11. Consider approval of an ordinance establishing a Crime Control
and Prevention District; providing for the adoption of a Crime
Control Plan and Budget; establishing a method for the
appointment of a Crime Control Board; providing a sunset
provision; and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Jim Witt, City Manager, made a presentation to the Council.
Councilmember Franklin moved to approve Ordinance No. 2008-1189
establishing a Crime Control and Prevention District; providing for the
adoption of a Crime Control Plan and Budget; establishing a method for
the appointment of a Crime Control Board; providing a sunset provision;
and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Councilmember Brancheau seconded
the motion; the motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Hinojosa-Flores
and Councilmembers Peters, Tunnell, Faught, Franklin and York voting
in favor of the motion.
12. Consider a resolution casting its vote for the fourth member of
the board of directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District,
and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Jim Witt, City Manager, made a presentation to the Council.
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Councilmember York moved to approve Resolution No. 2008-0108.1
casting it's vote for Scott Wheeler for the fourth member of the board of
directors of the Dallas Central Appraisal District, and authorizing the
Mayor to sign. Councilmember Brancheau seconded the motion; the
motion carried 7-0 with Mayor Pro Tern Hinojosa-Flores and
Councilmembers Peters, Tunnell, Faught, Franklin and York voting in
favor of the motion.
13. Mayor and Council Reports.
A. Report by Mayor Stover regarding New
Technology / Academy High School choice for CHS
B. Report by Mayor Pro Tem Hinojosa-Flores regarding
Metroplex Mayors' Meeting.
A. Mayor Stover and Mayor Pro Tern Hinojosa-Flores were among the
few invited to view one of the technology academies in action in
California. They were highly impressed and excited for Coppell ISD
to open one next year for incoming freshmen and sophomores.
Informational sessions will be held and can be found on the
Coppell lSD's website.
B. Mayor Pro Tern Hinojosa-Flores attended the Metroplex Mayors'
Meeting and listened to speakers from the North Central Texas
Council of Government. They discussed needed improvements in
terms of transportation, air and water quality, and education.
They encouraged all cities to come together and to become
At this time, Council reconvened into Work Session.
(Open to the Public)
Reconvene Work Session
B. Discussion regarding revisions to Sec. 6-15-6, Temporary
(on-premise) signs.
c. Discussion regarding Stormwater Management Plan.
D. Christmas Parade Review.
E. Discussion of Agenda Items.
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(Closed to the Public)
Reconvene Executive Session
F. Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation
with City Attorney.
1. The City of Coppell and Coppell Independent School
District opposition to a change of zoning request of
the Billingsley Corporation in the City of Dallas,
Zoning Case Number Z045-107; and City of Coppell
vs. CB Parkway Business Center VI, et al in the
County Court at Law No.3; and CB Parkway
Business Center, et al vs. City of Coppell, et al; and
City of Dallas vs. Douglas Stover, et al in the 191st
District Court; and City of Coppell, et al vs. City of
Dallas, et al in the 101st District Court.
2. Discussion regarding Streamlined Sales Tax.
G. Section 551.087, Texas Government Code - Economic
Development Negotiations.
1. ED Prospects West of Beltline/Denton Tap and south
of Bethel Road.
H. Section 551.074, Texas Government Code - Personnel
1. City Manager Evaluation.
Mayor Stover reopened the Executive Session as allowed under the
above-stated article. Mayor Stover adjourned the Executive Session at
9:45 p.m. and reopened the Regular Session.
(Open to the Public)
14. Necessary action resulting from Work Session.
There was no action necessary under this item.
15. Necessary action resulting from Executive Session.
There was no action necessary under this item.
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There being no further
meeting was adjourned.
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