BM 2008-01-07 PB
January 7, 2007
Meeting Time: 6:30 p.m.
Meeting Place: Coppell Road Service Center
816 S. Coppell Road
Coppell, Texas 75019
Members Present: Mark Tepper, Greg Garcia, Mike Ridgley, Jack Clark, Brent Holdridge,
Craig Pritzlaff, Catherine Smithson, Anthony Ho
Staff Present: Brad Reid, Guy McLain, Jane Anne Sellars, John Elias, Kevin Price,
Cecilia Gandara
Item 1: Call the meeting to order.
- Mr. Greg Garcia called the meeting to order at 6:28pm.
Item 2: Citizen’s Forum.
- David McIntyre
736 Madison Street
Mr. McIntyre, of the Coppell Youth Football Association expressed his concern in regards to
allowing additional sports to use the ballfields and starting a new software for the sports
associations to use.
- Mr. Gautam Sircam
331 Copperstone
Mr. Sircam, of Coppell Girls Softball Association, also expressed his concern in regards to
allowing additional sports to use the ballfields and starting a new software for the sports
associations to use.
Item 3: Consider approval of the minutes from the December 3, 2007, meeting.
- Mr. Mark Tepper motioned to approve the December 3, 2007 minutes.
- Mr. Mike Ridgley seconded the motion.
Vote: (5-0), approved
Item 4: Consider approval of a Professional Services Agreement with TBG in the amount of
$13,750.00 for design and construction documentation related to an ADA trail at the Coppell
Nature Park in Wagon Wheel Park, and authorizing the President to sign.
- Mr. Mike Ridgley motioned to approve.
- Mr. Jack Clark seconded the motion.
Vote: (5-0), approved
Item 5: Consider approval of a Professional Services Agreement with TBG in the amount of
$23,000.00 for design and construction documentation related to the Trail Amenities Project,
including identification, safety and instructional signage, and authorizing the President to sign.
- Mr. Mark Tepper motioned to approve.
- Mr. Jack Clark seconded the motion.
Vote: (5-0), approved
Item 6: Consider approval of the purchase and installation of Thor-Guard Lighting Prediction System
for Wagon Wheel Park, Andrew Brown West Park, Andrew Brown Central Park and Andrew
Brown East Park; and authorizing the President to sign.
- Mr. Mark Tepper motioned to approve.
- Mr. Mike Ridgley seconded the motion.
Vote: (5-0), approved
Item 7: Consider approval of creating and implementing a process by which The Coppell Park &
Recreation Board evaluate field utilization for new groups (as well as existing members of the
sports council) looking to use the city fields.
- Mr. Jack Clark motioned to table the item to the February meeting and have a plan to
- Mr. Brent Holdridge seconded.
Vote: (3-2), approved
Mr. Mike Ridgley and Mr. Mark Tepper opposed.
Item 8: Consider approval of employing the use of scheduling software for practice and game
- Mr. Brent Holdridge moved to disapprove the implementation of new software.
- Mr. Jack Clark seconded.
Vote: (5-0),
Item 9: Consider approval of making a recommendation to City Council to amend Ordinance No.
2003-1027 that states “no practices or unauthorized games” are allowed on fields that have
been designated as “game fields”.
- Mr. Brent Holdridge motioned to disapprove.
- Mr. Jack Clark seconded.
Vote: (5-0), approved
Item 10: Consider approval of changing the number of fields that are designated “game” under the
stipulations of Ordinance No. 2003-1027.
- Mr. Mike Ridgley motioned to disapprove.
- Mr. Brent Holdridge seconded.
Vote: (5-0), approved
Item 11: Youth Advisor’s Report
- Mr. Anthony Ho expressed his concern in regards to littering at Andre Brown East Park
and suggested adding additional trash can in the parks.
Item 12: Director's Report
- Special Events
- Grand opening for the Town Center Plaza is planed for April.
- Family Fish, March 1
- Community Egg Hunt, March 22
- Clean Coppell, April 5
- Project Update
- Playground shade structure will be added at MacArthur and Riverchase Park.
- Rubberized surface will be installed to replace the mulch.
- Senior Center bids exceed the budgeted amount. The architect will meet with the
contractor to find ways of lowering the cost.
Item 13: Chair Report
- Adopt a Location
Item 14: Adjourn
- Meeting adjourned at 8:42 PM
*Note: Copies of handouts provided at this meeting available upon request at the
Parks and Recreation Department administrative offices.