BM 2008-11-12 EducDevThe Coppell Education Development Corporation met at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 12,
2008 at Coppell Town Center, 2nd Floor Conference Room, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell,
Texas 75019.
In attendance:
Antonio Altemus
Gina Mote
Brian Letzkus
Thomas Massimi
Bill Elieson
Ab sent
Marilyn Kibler
April Terry
November 12, 2008
Also present:
Jim Witt, City Manager
Kathy Bowling, Recording Secretary
Item 1. Call to Order.
President Antonio Altemus called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Item 2. Citizens Appearance.
No citizens appeared.
Item 3. Approval of Minutes: October 8, 2008
Gina Mote made a motion to accept the minutes, and Brian Letzkus seconded. The vote to
approve was unanimous.
Item 4.
Thomas Massimi made a motion to approve the grant application, and Bill Elieson seconded.
Dr. Charles Fruge reviewed the grant application. After some discussion, the vote to approve
was unanimous.
Item 5.
Review and potential approval of a grant application from the Lewisville
Independent School District for licenses for test preparation software at
Lewisville High School in the amount of $9,754.00.
Review and potential approval of a grant application from the Lewisville
Independent School District for technology at Durham Middle School in the
amount of $8,871.00.
Thomas Massimi made a motion to approve the grant application, and Bill Elieson seconded.
Dr. Fruge explained the reason for this grant. After some discussion, the vote to approve was
Item 6. General Discussion.
City Manager Jim Witt briefly discussed new construction in Coppell and the North Lake
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Brian Letzkus, Vice President
Katherine Bowling, Recording Secretary