CM 2009-09-011. Call to order. Presentation: Public Hearing: MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2009 The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Special Called Session on Tuesday, September 1, 2009, at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. The following members were present: Jayne Peters, Mayor Karen Hunt, Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau, Councilmember Bob Mahalik, Councilmember Brianna Hinojosa Flores, Councilmember Marsha Tunnell, Councilmember Billy Faught, Councilmember Marvin Franklin, Councilmember Also present were City Manager Clay Phillips, City Secretary Libby Ball and City Attorney David Dodd. Mayor Peters called the meeting to order and determined that a quorum was present. 2. PUBLIC HEARING: To receive public comment concerning the proposed 2009- 2010 tax rate of 0.69146. Mayor Peters and City Manager Clay Phillips made presentations to clarify misinformation being circulated throughout the community. Mayor Peters opened the Public Hearing and asked for those persons wishing to speak. 1. Tom Sheehan, 321 Quiet Valley, spoke against the proposal; 2. Steve Berens, 328 Woodhurst Place, spoke against the proposal; 3. Jeff Burgher, 622 DeForest, spoke against the proposal; 4. Frank Kretzschmar, 110 Mapleleaf, spoke against the proposal; 5. Barb Schmidt, 622 Pheasant Lane, spoke against the proposal; cm090109 Page 1 of 2 Action: ATTEST: 6. Kent Moore, 400 Southwestern, addressed the Council; 7. Joan Capezzuto, 956 Hidden Hollow, spoke against the proposal; 8. Dave Capps, 542 Rolling Hills Road, spoke against the proposal; 9. Jim Woodward, 180 Park Valley, spoke against the proposal; 10. Jerry Starkweather, 140 Wrenwood, spoke against the proposal; 11. Mark Stewart, 463 Grace Lane, spoke against the proposal; 12. Jack Clark, 718 Beal Lane, spoke against the proposal; 13. David VonZurmuehlen, 301 Forestcrest, spoke against the proposal; 14. Joe Shirley, 582 Villawood Lane, spoke against the proposal; and 15. Jeff Powell, 150 London Way, spoke against the proposal. Councilmember Tunnell moved to close the Public Hearing. Councilmember Brancheau seconded the motion; the motion carried 7 -0 with Mayor Pro Tem Hunt and Councilmembers Brancheau, Mahalik, Hinojosa Flores, Tunnell, Faught and Franklin voting in favor of the motion. 3. Discussion regarding the proposed Budget and Tax Rate for FY 2009 -2010. Council discussed the possible scenarios regarding the tax rate and the budget. The consensus of the majority of Council was to have a zero tax increase for 2009/2010 and a five cent increase for 2010/2011. There being no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting was adjourned. cm090109 Page 2 of 2 ne Deters, Mayor