OR 297 Amends Basic Zoning Ordinance No. 204
1 Enacting Clause ....................................... 3
2 Purpose ............................................... 3
3 Zoning Districts Established .......................... 3
4 Zoning District Map ................................... 6
5 Zoning District Boundaries ............................ 6
6 Temporary Zoning - Annexed Territory .................. 8
7 Compliance Required ................................... 8
8 "A" - Agricultural .................................... 9
9 "SF-ED" - Single Family Residential
Estate District ................................... 11
10 "SF-18" - Single Family Residential District
Regulations ....................................... 13
11 "SF-12" Single Family Residential District
Regulations ....................................... 16
12 "SF-9" Single Family Residential District
Regulations ....................................... 17
13 "SF-7" Single Family Residential District
Regulations ....................................... 18
14 "SF-0" Single Family Residential - Zero Lot Line ...... 20
15 "2F-9" Two Family Residential - 9 District Regulations. 22
16 "TH-i" Townhouse Residential - 1 District Regulations.. 24
17 "TH-2" Townhouse Residential - 2 District
Regulations ....................................... 26
18 "MF-I" Multi - Family Residential District Regulations. 28
19 "MF-2" Multi-Family Residential - 2 District
Regulations ....................................... 31
20 "MH" Mobile Home Park District Regulations ............ 33
21 "0" Office District Regulations ....................... 34
22 "R" Retail District Regulations ........................ 37
23 "C" Commercial District Regulations ................... 39
24 "TC" Town Center District Regulations .................. 41
25 "LI" - Light Industrial District ...................... 45
26 "HI" - Heavy Industrial District Regulations ........... 48
27 "PD" Planned Development District Prefix .............. 50
28 "FP" - Flood Plain District ........................... 55
29 "S" or "SUP" - Specific Use Permits ................... 56
30 Off - Street Parking Requirements ..................... 67
31 Special and Additional Regulations .................... 74
32 Screening Standards ................................... 78
33 Landscaping Requirements ............................... 81
34 Accessory Building Regulations ........................ 85
35 Glare and Lighting Standards .......................... 88
36 Platting Property Not Permanently Zoned ............... 88
37 Classification of New and Unlisted Uses ............... 89
38 Creation of Building Site ............................. 89
39 Nonconforming Uses and Structures ..................... 90
40 Zoning Board of Adjustment ............................ 91
41 Special Definitions ................................... 95
42 Certificates of Occupancy and Compliance ............. 108
43 Changes and Amendments to Ail Zoning Ordinances and
Districts and Administrative Procedures .......... 110
44 Application and Filing Fees .......................... 112
45 Preserving Rights In Pending Litigation and
Violations Under Existing Ordinances ............. 113
46 Penalty for Violations ............................... 113
47 Validity ............................................. 113
48 Declaration of Necessity ............................. 114
WHEREAS, under the laws of the State of Texas, authority is
conferred upon the City of Coppell to establish zoning districts within
the City for the purpose of regulating the use of land and controlling
the density of population to the end that congestion may be lessened in
the public streets and that the public health, safety, convenience and
general welfare be promoted; and,
WHEREAS, the Zoning Commission thoroughly studied and did
recommend that a joint public hearing be held by the City Council and
the Zoning Commission concerning revisions in the Zoning Ordinance; and,
WHEREAS, pursuant to such recommendation, a joint public
hearing was held on December 8, 1983, after written notice was mailed to
all owners of real property as their names appeared upon the last
approved tax roll, at least fifteen days before the date set for hearing
in accordance with Article 1011e, Texas Revised Civil Statutes and
notice was published in a paper of general circulation in the City of
Coppell in accordance with Article 1011d, Texas Revised Civil Statutes;
WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Commission, after public
hearing, reviewed all testimony and requests and did present to the City
Council the revised Zoning Ordinance in final form recommending its
1-100 That the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas, as
passed and approved on the 23rd day of October, 1979, together
with all amendments thereto is hereby amended in its entirety
to read as follows:
2-100 The Zoning Regulations and Districts as herein established
have been made in accordance with a Comprehensive Plan for the
purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and general
welfare of the City. They have been designed to lessen the
congestion in the streets; to secure safety from fire, panic
and other dangers; to provide adequate light and air; to
prevent the overcrowding of land, to avoid undue concentration
of population; to facilitate the adequate provision of trans-
portation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public
requirements. They have been made with reasonable consid-
eration, among other things, for the character of the dis-
trict, and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses
specified; and with a view to conserving the value of build-
ings and encouraging the most appropriate use of land through-
out the City.
3.1 The City of Coppell, Texas, is hereby divided into
twenty-two(22) zoning districts. The use, height and area
regulations as set out herein are uniform in each district.
The districts established herein shall be known as:
Designation Zoning District Name
A Agricultural District
SF-ED Single Family Residential Estate
SF-18 Single Family Residential District
SF-12 Single Family Residential District
SF-9 Single Family Residential District
SF-7 Single Family Residential District
SF-O Single Family Residential - Zero Lot
2F-9 Two Family Residential District
TH-1 Town House Residential District - 1
TH-2 Town House Residential District - 2
MF-1 Multi-Family Residential District - 1
MF-2 Multi-Family Residential District - 2
MH Mobile Home Park District
O Office District
R Retail District
C Commercial District
TC Town Center District
LI Light Industrial District
HI Heavy Industrial District
PD Planned Development District
FP Flood Plain District
S Specific Use Permit
A - A~ricultural District. This district shall be used for
farming, ranching, forestry, and mining uses not hazardous by
reasons of odors, dust, fumes, noise or vibration; single
family dwellings; and is considered the proper classification
for large areas of undeveloped land or newly annexed land in
the City.
SF-ED - Sin~le-Famil~ Residential - Estate District - This
district is intended to be composed of single-family detached
dwellings on lots not less than one acre (43560 sq. ft.).
SF-18 - Single-Family Residential District. This district is
intended to be composed of Single-Family detached dwellings on
lots not less than eighteen thousand (18,000) square feet.
SF-12 - Single-Family Residential District. This district is
intended to be composed of Single-Family detached dwellings on
lots not less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet.
SF-9 - Single-Family Residential District. This district is
intended to be composed of Single-Family detached dwellings on
lots not less than nine thousand (9,000) square feet together.
SF-7 - Single-Family Residential District. This district is
intended to composed of Single-Family detached dwellings on
lots not less than seven thousand (7,000) square feet.
SF-0 - Single-Family Residential-Zero Lot Line. This district
is intended to be composed of Single-Family detached dwellings
on lots not less than (4,000) four thousand square feet.
2F-9 - Two Family Residential District. This district pro-
vides a low-density dwelling classification in the form of
two-family or duplex dwellings and to facilitate individual
ownership of each unit.
TH-1 - Town House Residential District - 1. This district is
intended to be composed of Single-Family attached dwellings,
provided that no more than six (6) units are attached, and
that no dwelling unit is constructed above another unit. The
minimum lot area is 2720 square feet per dwelling unit.
TH-2 - Town House Residential District - 2. This district is
intended to composed of Single-Family attached dwellings,
provided that no more than six (6) units are attached, and
that no dwelling unit is constructed above another unit. The
minimum lot area is 2000 square feet per dwelling unit.
MF-1 - Multi-Family Residential District. This district is
intended to be comprised of attached dwellings for more than
two families. The maximum density is 18 units per acre (with
MF-2 - Multi-Family Residential District. This district is
intended to be comprised of attached dwellings for more than
two families. The maximum density is 24 units per acre.
(With conditions).
MM - Mobile Home Park District. This district is intended for
the management and maintenance of a Mobile Home Park, recre-
ational building, swimming pool, private club, laundry and
storage facilities for use of the residents of the mobile home
O - Office - This district is intended to be composed of
professional and administrative offices and medical services
activities and related supporting services.
R - Retail District - This district provides for areas of
convenience shopping and other residential service oriented
C - Commercial District. This district concentrates business
warehouse and service activities not normally locating within
retail service centers.
TC - Town Center District. This district is intended to
provide a mixture of residential and compatible non-
residential uses creating a center of identity for the commu-
LI - Light Industrial District. This district permits those
industries and manufacturing plants that are predominantly
light in character, have their operations conducted wholly
within buildings, are more compatible than heavy manufacturing
uses, and do not emit noxious odors, noises, dust, smoke, and
vibrations as do the heavy manufacturing processes.
HI - Heavy Industrial District. This district provides for
the location of enterprises that tend to emit odors, noises,
dust and vibrations and that are least compatible with other
PD - Planned Development District. This district provides
flexibility in planninE and development throuEh the
combination of uses. The PD prefix may be attached to any
district as outlined in this ordinance.
FP - Flood Plain - Prefix - When added to any of the afore-
listed districts, the prefix specifies a sub-district subject
to the provision of Section 28.
Four (4) original, official and identical copies of the Zoning
District Map are hereby adopted bearing the signature of the
Mayor and attestation of the City Secretary and shall be filed
and maintained as follows:
a. Two copies shall be filed with the City Secretary, one of
which shall be retained as the original record and shall
not be changed in any manner, and the second shall be
maintained up-to-date by posting thereon all changes and
subsequent amendments.
b. One copy shall be filed with the Building Official and
shall be maintain up-to-date by posting thereon all
changes and subsequent amendments for observation in
issuing Building Permits, Certificates of Occupancy and
Compliance and for enforcing the Zoning Ordinance.
c. One copy shall be maintained in the records of the
Planning and Zoning Commission for reference purposes and
shall be maintained up-to-date by posting thereon all
changes and subsequent amendments.
d. Reproductions for information purposes may, from time to
time, be made of the official Zoning District Maps. The
map may be updated as individual zoning requests are
5-2 Boundaries indicated as approximately following streets,
highways or alleys shall be construed to follow the centerline
of such street, highway or alley.
5-3 Boundaries indicated as approximately following platted lot
lines shall be construed as following such lines.
5-4 Boundaries indicated as approximately following city limits
shall be construed as following city limits.
5-5 Boundaries indicated as following railroad or utility lines
shall be construed to be the centerline of the right-of-way or
if no centerline is established, the boundary shall be inter-
preted to be midway between the right-of-way lines.
5-6 Boundaries indicated as approximately following the
centerlines of streams, drainage-ways or other bodies of water
shall be construed to follow such centerlines.
5-7 Boundaries indicated as paralleled to or extensions of fea-
tures indicated in 5-1 through 5-6 above shall be so con-
strued. Distances not specifically indicated on the original
Zoning Map shall be determined from the graphic scale on the
5-8 Whenever any street, alley or other public way is vacated by
official action of the City Council, or whenever street or
alley area is franchised for building purposes, the zoning
district line adjoining each side of such street, alley or
other public way shall be automatically extended to the
centerline of such vacated street, alley or way, and all area
so involved shall then and henceforth be subject to all
regulations of the extended districts.
5-9 Where physical features of the ground are at variance with
information shown on the official Zoning District Map, or if
there arises a question as to how or whether a parcel of
property is zoned and such question cannot be resolved by the
application of Subsections 5-1 through 5-8 or the zoning of
property is invalidated by a final Judgment of a Court of
competent jurisdiction, the property shall be considered as
classified "A", Agricultural District, temporarily.
5-10 In an area determined to temporarily classified as "A",
Agricultural District, no person shall construct any building
or add to or alter any building or structure or cause the same
to be done nor shall any use be located therein or on the land
which is not permitted in an "A", Agricultural District,
unless and until such territory has been classified in a
zoning district other than the "A", Agricultural District, by
the City Council.
6-2 In an area temporarily classified as "A", Agricultural Dis-
a. No person shall erect, construct or proceed or continue
with the erection or construction of any building or
structure or cause the same to be done in any newly
annexed territory to the City of Coppell without first
applying for and obtaining a Building Permit or Certifi-
cate of Occupancy from the Building Official or the City
Council as may be required.
b. No permit for the construction of a building or use of
land shall be issued by the Building Official other than
a permit which will allow the construction of a building
permitted in the "A", Agricultural District, unless and
until such territory has been classified in a zoning
district other than the "A", Agricultural District, by
the City Council in the manner prescribed by law except
as provided in 6-2c. following.
c. An application for a permit for any other use than that
specified in paragraph b. above shall be made to the
Building Official of the City of Coppell and by him
referred to the Planning and Zoning Commission for
consideration and recommendation to the City Council and
the action and recommendation of each body concerning any
such permit shall take into consideration the appropriate
land use for the area. The City Council, after receiving
and reviewing the recommendations of the Planning and
Zoning Commission may, by majority vote, authorize the
issuance of a Building Permit or Certificate of Occupancy
or may disapprove the application.
General Purpose and Description - This district is intended to
provide a location for land situated on the fringe of an urban
area and used for agricultural purposes, but then may become
an urban area in the future. Generally, A Agricultural
Districts, will be near development; therefore, the agricul-
tural activities conducted in the A, Agricultural District,
should not be detrimental to urban land uses. The types of
uses and the area and intensity of use permitted in this
district shall encourage and protect agricultural uses until
urbanization is warranted and the appropriate change in
district classification is made.
8.0 Permitted Uses - A building or premise shall be used only for
the following purposes:
1. Single-family dwellings on building lots of three (3)
acres or more in areas where said dwellings can be
adequately served by water wells and septic tanks located
on the building lot.
2. Ail general and special agricultural, farming, ranching,
stables, stock and poultry raising, dairy, and other
related uses so long as same do not cause a hazard to
health by reason of unsanitary conditions; and not
offensive by reason of odors, dust, fumes, noise or
vibration; and are not otherwise detrimental to the
public welfare; and in no cause shall poultry, fowl or
swine be kept nearer than one hundred (100) feet from any
property line.
3. Public buildings, including libraries, schools, churches,
museums, auditoriums, police and fire stations, and
similar public uses or facilities.
4. Telephone exchange provided no public business and no
repair or outside storage facilities are maintained.
5. Accessory buildings and structures clearly incidental to
the above operations, including but not limited to barns,
stables, equipment sheds, granaries, private garages,
pump houses, and servants quarters not for rent, provided
that accessory buildings and structures shall be limited
to fifty (50) percent of the area of the principal
6. Temporary metal buildings less than six hundred (600)
square feet which are used for tool and supply storage.
7. Greenhouse, green nursery and general gardening activ-
8. Riding Academy or other equestrian related activities.
9. Sewage treatment plant. (public operated)
10. Water Treatment plant.
11. Such uses as may be permitted under the provisions of
Specific Use Permits, Section 29.4.
8.1 Height Regulations - No building shall exceed thirty-five (35)
feet or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height.
8.2 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards
(a) Front Yard: There shall be a front yard of not less than
forty (40) feet.
(b) Side Yard: Ten (10) percent of the width of the lot not
to exceed fifty (50) feet.
(c) Rear Yard: Twenty-five (25) feet.
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: No lot shall have an area of less than three
(3) acres.
(b) Lot Width: Two hundred (200) feet minimum.
(c) Lot Depth: Three hundred (300) feet minimum.
3. Minimum Dwelling Size: The minimum floor area of any dwelling
shall be two thousand four hundred (2400) square feet exclu-
sive of garages, breezeways and porches.
4. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than ten (10) per cent of
the total area of the lot be covered by the combined area of
the main buildings and accessory buildings.
8.3 Parkin~ Regulations: Two (2) enclosed spaces behind the front
yard line. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in
accordance with the requirements for specific uses set forth
in Section 30.
8.4 Type of Exterior Construction: At least eighty (80%) percent
of the exterior walls of the first floor of all structures
shall be of masonry construction exclusive of doors, windows,
and the area above the top plate line. Each story above the
first floor of a straight wall structure shall be at least
eighty (80%) percent masonry exclusive of doors, windows and
the area above the top plate line. Stucco type construction
is permitted only by a specific use permit.
General Purpose and Description of the Single Family Dis-
tricts: The Single Family Districts are the most restrictive
residential districts. The principal use of land in these
districts is for low density single-family dwellings and
related recreational, religious and educational facilities
normally required to provide the basic elements of a balanced,
orderly, convenient, and attractive residential area. Low
density residential areas shall be protected from higher
density residential development and from the encroachment of
incompatible uses. Internal stability, harmony, attractive-
ness, order and efficiency are encourage by providing for
adequate light, air and open space for dwellings and related
facilities and by consideration of the proper functional
relationship and arrangement of the different uses permitted
in these districts.
9.0 Permitted Uses: A building or premise shall be used only for
the following purposes:
1. Single-family dwellings.
2. Farms, nurseries, greenhouses or truck gardens, limited
to the propagation and cultivation of plants, provided no
retail or wholesale business is conducted on the prem-
3. The keeping of dogs, cats, and other normal household
pets, but limited to four (4) animals over six (6) months
old. No more than three (3) large animals, specifically
horses, cattle and sheep, can be maintained per acre of
lot area. Swine and poultry are expressly prohibited.
4. Parks, playgrounds, community buildings, museums and
other public recreational facilities, owned and/or
operated by the municipality or other public agency; and
privately owned and maintained recreation areas.
5. Public buildings, including libraries, museums, police
and fire stations, and similar public uses or facilities.
6. Real estate sales offices during the development of
residential subdivisions, but not to exceed two (2)
7. Public schools (Kindergarten through high school)
8. Temporary buildings for uses incidental to construction
work on the premises, which said buildings shall be
removed upon the completion or abandonment of con-
struction work.
9. Water supply reservoirs, pumping plants and towers.
10. Accessory buildings and uses, customarily incident to the
above uses and located on the same lot therewith, not
involving the conduct of a retail business except as
provided herein:
(a) The term accessory use shall include customary home
occupations as herein defined. Accessory buildings,
including a private garage, bona fide servants
quarters, not for rent but for the use of servants
employed on the premises, when located not less than
sixty (60) feet from the front lot line, nor less
than five (5) feet from either side line, provided
said accessory building shall not occupy more than
fifty (50%) per cent of the minimum required rear
yard in the case of a one-story building. When the
accessory building is directly attached to the main
building it shall be considered an integral part of
the main building. When the accessory building is
attached to the main building by a breezeway, the
breezeway is considered a part of the accessory
building. Temporary metal buildings less than six
hundred (600) square feet which are used for tool
and supply storage.
11. Telephone exchange provided no public business and no
repair or outside storage facilities are maintained.
12. Sewage treatment plant (Public Operated).
13. Water treatment plant.
14. Non-commercial stables as an accessory use to the housing
of animals owned by the resident.
15. Such uses as may be permitted under the provisions of
Specific use permits, Section 29.5.
9.1 Height Regulations: No buildings shall exceed thirty five
(35) feet or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height.
9.2 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yards: Fifty (50) feet minimum.
(b) Side Yard: Ten (10%) per cent of the width of the lot
not to exceed thirty (30) feet maximum.
(c) Rear Yard: Twenty (20) feet minimum
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: One (1) acre (43560 sq. ft.) minimum.
(b) Lot Width: One hundred fifty (150) feet minimum.
(c) Lot Depth: Two hundred fifty (250) feet minimum.
3. Minimum Dwelling Size: Two thousand four hundred (2400)
square feet, exclusive of garages, breezeways and porches.
4. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than twenty (20%) per
cent of the total area of the lot be covered by the combined
area of the main buildings and accessory buildings.
9.3 Parking Regulations: Two (2) enclosed spaces per dwelling
unit behind the front yard line. Off-street parking spaces
shall be provided in accordance with the requirements for
specific uses set forth in Section 30.
9.4 Type of Exterior Construction: At least eighty (80%) percent
of the exterior walls of the first floor of all structures
shall be of masonry construction exclusive of doors, windows,
and the area above the top plate line. Each story above the
first floor of a straight wall structure shall be at least
eighty (80%) percent masonry exclusive of doors, windows and
the area above the top plate line. Stucco type construction
is permitted only by a specific use permit.
10.0 Permitted Uses: A building or premise shall be used only for
the following uses:
1. Single-family dwellings.
2. Farms, nurseries, greenhouses or truck gardens, limited
to the propagation and cultivation of plants, provided no
retail or wholesale business is conducted on the prem-
3. The keeping of dogs, cats, and other normal households
pets, but limited to three (3) animals over six (6)
months old. No more than three (3) large animals,
specifically horses, cattle and sheep, can be maintained
per acre of lot area. Swine and poultry are expressly
4. Parks, playgrounds, community buildings, museums and
other public recreational facilities, owned and/or
operated by the municipality or other public agency; and
privately owned and maintained recreation areas.
5. Public buildings, ~n~luding libraries, museums, police
and fire stations, and similar public uses or facilities.
6. Real estate sales offices during the development of
residential subdivisions, but not to exceed two (2)
7. Public schools (kindergarten through high school).
8. Temporary buildings for used incidental to construction
work on the premises, which said buildings shall be
removed upon the completion or abandonment of con-
struction work.
9. Water supply reservoirs, pumping plants and towers.
10. Accessory buildings and uses, customarily incident to the
above uses and located on the same lot therewith, not
involving the conduct of a retail business except as
provided herein:
(a) The term accessory use shall include customary home
occupations as herein defined. Accessory buildings,
including a private garage and bona fide servants
quarters, not for rent but for the use of servants
employed on the premises, when located not less than
sixty (60) feet from the front lot line, nor less
than five (5) feet from either side line, provided
said accessory building shall not occupy more than
fifty (50%) per cent of the minimum required rear
yard in the case of a one-story building. When the
accessory building is directly attached to the main
building it shall be considered an integral part of
the main buildings. When the accessory building is
attached to the main building by a breezeway, the
breezeway is considered a part of the accessory
building. Temporary metal buildings less than six
hundred (600) square feet which are used for tool
and supply storage.
11. Telephone exchange provided no public business and no
repair or outside storage facilities are maintained.
12. Sewage treatment plant (Public Operated)
13. Water treatment plant.
14. Non-commercial stables as an accessory use to the housing
of animals owned by the resident.
15. Such uses as may be permitted under provisions of
Specific Use Permits, Section 29.6.
10.1 Height Regulations: No buildings shall exceed thirty-five
(35) feet or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height.
10.2 1. Area Regulations:
(a) Front Yard: There shall be a front yard having a depth
of not less than thirty (30) feet. Where lots have
double frontage, running through from one street to
another, the required front yard shall be provided on
both streets. No required parking shall be allowed
within the required front yard.
(b) Side Yard: There shall be a side yard on each side of
the lot having a width of not less than ten (10%) percent
of the lot width. A side yard adjacent to a side street
shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet. No side yard
for allowable non-residential uses shall be less than
twenty-five (25) feet.
(c) Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard having a depth of
not less than twenty (20) feet.
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: No building shall be constructed on any lot of
less than eighteen thousand (18,000) square feet.
(b) Lot Width: One hundred (100) feet.
(c) Lot Depth: One hundred fifty (150) feet.
3. Minimum Dwelling Size: The minimum floor area of any dwelling
shall be two thousand (2000) square feet, exclusive of ga-
rages, breezeways, and porches.
4. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than twenty-five (25%)
percent of the total lot area be covered by the combined area
of the main buildings and accessory buildings.
10.3 Parking Regulations: Two enclosed parking spaces behind the
front yard line. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided
in accordance with the requirements for specific uses set
forth in Section 30.
10.4 Type of Exterior Construction: At least eighty (80%) percent
of the exterior walls of the first floor of all structures
shall be of masonry construction exclusive of doors, windows,
and the area above the top plate line. Each story above the
first floor of a straight wall structure shall be at least
eighty (80%) percent masonry exclusive of doors, windows and
the area above the top plate line. Stucco type construction
is permitted only by a specific use permit.
11.1 Permitted Uses: A building or premise shall be used only for
the following purposes:
1. Any use permitted in the SF-18 district. Uses permitted
by Specific use permit only
2. Any use permitted in the SF-18 district.
3. Such uses as may be permitted under provisions of Specif-
ic Use Permits, Section 29.6.
11.2 Height Regulations: No building shall exceed thirty-five (35)
feet or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height.
11.3 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: There shall be a front yard having a depth
of not less than thirty (30) feet. Where lots have
double frontage, running through from one street to
another, the required front yard shall be provided on
both streets. No required parking shall be allowed
within the required front yard.
(b) Side Yard: There shall be a side yard on each side of
the lot having a width of not less than (10%) per cent of
the lot width. A side yard adjacent to a side street
shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet. No side yard
for allowable non-residential uses shall be less than
twenty-five (25) feet.
(c) Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard having a depth of
not less than twenty (20) feet.
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: No building shall be constructed on any lot of
less than twelve thousand (12,000) square feet.
(b) Lot Width: The width of the lot shall be not less than
eighty-five (85) feet.
(c) Lot Depth: The average depth of the lot shall not be
less than 110 feet.
3. Minimum Dwellin~ Size: The minimum floor area of any dwelling
shall be eighteen hundred (1,800) square feet, exclusive of
garages, breezeways and porches.
4. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than thirty-five (35%)
per cent of the total lot area be covered by the combined area
of the main buildings and accessory buildings.
11.4 Parkin~ Regulations: Two (2) enclosed spaces behind the front
yard line. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in
accordance with the requirements for specific uses set forth
in Section 29.
11.5 T~pe of Exterior Construction: At least eighty (80%) percent
of the exterior walls of the first floor of all structures
shall be of masonry construction exclusive of doors, windows,
and the area above the top plate line. Each story above the
first floor of a straight wall structure shall be at least
eighty (80%) percent masonry exclusive of doors, windows and
the area above the top plate line. Stucco type construction
is permitted only by a specific use permit.
12.1 Use Regulations: A building or premise shall be used only for
the following purposes:
1. Any use permitted in District "SF-18", "SF-12", Section
2. Such uses as may be permitted under the provisions of
Specific Use Permits in the SF-18, SF-12 districts.
12.2 Height Regulations: No building shall exceed thirty-five (35)
feet or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height.
12.3 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: There shall be a front yard having a
depth of not less than thirty (30) feet. Where lots
have double frontage, running through from one
street to another, the required front yard shall be
provided on both streets. No required parking shall
be allowed within the required front yard.
(b) Side Yard: There shall be a side yard on each side
of the lot having a width of not less than eight (8)
feet. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall
not be less than fifteen (15) feet. No side yard
for allowable non-residential uses shall be less
than twenty-five (25) feet.
(c) Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard having a
depth of not less than twenty (20) feet.
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: No building shall be constructed on any
lot of less than nine thousand (9,000) square feet.
(b) Lot Width: The width of the lot shall be not less
than seventy-five (75) feet at the front street
building line.
(c) Lot Depth: The average depth of the lot shall not
be less than one hundred (100) feet.
3. Minimum Dwellin~ Size: The minimum floor area of any
dwelling shall be sixteen hundred (1,600) square feet,
exclusive of garages and breezeways and porches.
4. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than thirty-five
(35) per cent of the total lot area be covered by the
combined area of the main buildings and accessory build-
12.4 Parkin~ Regulations: Two (2) enclosed parking spaces per unit
behind the front yard line. Off-street parking spaces shall
be provided in accordance with the requirements for specific
uses set forth in Section 29.
12.5 Type of Exterior Construction: At least eighty (80%) percent
of the exterior walls of the first floor of all structures
shall be of masonry construction exclusive of doors, windows,
and the area above the top plate line. Each story above the
first floor of a straight wall structure shall be at least
eighty (80%) percent masonry exclusive of doors, windows and
the area above the top plate line. Stucco type construction
is permitted only by a specific use permit.
13.1 Use Regulations: A building or premise shall be used only for
the following purposes:
1. Any use permitted in District "SF-18", "SF-12", "SF-9".
2. Such uses as may be permitted under the provisions of
specific use permits in the "SF-18", "SF-12", "SF-9"
Districts, Section 29.6.
13.2 Height Regulations: No building shall exceed thirty-five (35)
feet or two (2) stories in height.
13.3 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: There shall be a front yard having a depth
of not less than thirty (30) feet. Where lots have
double frontage, running through from street to another,
the required front yard shall be provided on both
streets. No required parking shall be allowed with the
required front yard.
(b) Side Yard: There shall be a side yard on each side of
the lot having a width of no less than eight (8) feet. A
side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less
than fifteen (15) feet. No side yard for allowable
non-residential uses shall be less than twenty-five (25)
(c) Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard having a depth of
not less than twenty (20) feet.
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: No building shall be constructed on any lot
less than seven thousand (7,000) square feet.
(b) Lot Width: The width of the lot shall not be less than
sixty-five (65) feet at the front street building line.
(c) Lot Depth: The average depth of the lot shall not be
less than one hundred (100) feet.
3. Minimum Dwelling Size: The minimum floor area of any dwelling
shall be twelve hundred (1,200) square feet, exclusive of
garages, breezeways, and porches.
4. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than forty (40%) per cent
of the total area be covered by the combined area of the main
buildings and accessory buildings.
13.4 Parking R~gulations: Two (2) enclosed off-street parking
spaces behind the front building line. Off-street parking
spaces shall be provided in accordance with the requirements
for specific uses set forth in Section 30.
13.5 ~ype of Exterior Construction: At least eighty (80%) percent
of the exterior walls of the first floor of all structures
shall be of masonry construction exclusive of doors, windows,
and the area above the top plate line. Each story above the
first floor of a straight wall structure shall be at least
eighty (80%) percent masonry exclusive of doors, windows and
the area above the top plate line. Stucco type construction
is permitted only by a specific use permit.
14.1 Use Regulations: A building or premise shall be used only for
the following purposes:
1. Any use permitted in the SF-7 districts.
2. Zero lot line residential detached dwelling in a platted
3. Clustering of detached single family units on private
streets or approved places are permitted when the density
does not exceed an average of six (6) units per acre and
subdivision and engineering design standards are approved
as part of a final plat or site plan.
4. Common open space, community center, recreational build-
ings and facilities provided they are incidental to the
above described residential uses and are approved on a
final plat. Homeowners association rules and by-laws
shall be approved by the City Planning Commission and
City Council.
5. Such uses as may be permitted under the provisions of
Specific Use Permits, Section 29.6.
14.2 Height Regulations: No building shall exceed thirty-five (35)
feet or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height.
14.3 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards
(a) Front Yard: There shall be a front yard having a
depth of not less than fifteen (15) feet; however, a
twenty (20) foot building line shall be observed for
the structure or portion of a structure accommodat-
ing the required off-street parking spaces when the
structure or portion of a structure faces onto and
has vehicular access from a dedicated or private
Where lots have double frontage, from one street to
another, the required front yard shall be provided
on both streets.
No required parking shall be allowed within the
required front yard.
A fence may be permitted within the front yard set
back, provided it is no closer than ten (I0) feet to
the street right-of-way and the fence is constructed
of masonry and shall not exceed six (6) feet in
height. A minimum opening of eight (8) feet is
required in any fence in the front yard for the
purpose of emergency access.
(b) Side Yard: No side yard is required on one side of
the lot. A minimum of ten (10) feet separation is
required between structures.
A side yard adjacent to a street shall not be less
than fifteen (15) feet. No side yard for allowable
non-residential uses shall be less than twenty-five
(25) feet.
Any required off-street parking space within a side
yard area on a corner lot shall observe a twenty
(20) foot side building line.
Each lot shall provide an access or use easement
from the lot adjacent to the zero side to allow the
adjacent property owner access for maintenance of
his dwelling. The majority of one side of the
structure shall be located within three (3) feet of
one side lot line.
(c) Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard, a depth of
not less than five (5) feet; however, a twenty (20)
foot rear building line shall be observed for the
structure, or portion of a structure, accommodating
the required off-street parking spaces when the
structure or portion of a structure faces onto and
has vehicular access from a dedicated or private
2. Size of Lot
(a) Lot Area: No structure shall be constructed on any
lot less than four thousand (4000) square feet.
(b) Lot Width: The width of the lot shall be not less
than ten (10) feet at the building line with an
average width of thirty (30) feet.
(c) Lot Depth: The depth of a lot shall not be less
than eighty (80) feet at any point.
3. Minimum Dwelling Size: The minimum floor area of any
dwelling unit shall be twelve thousand (1200) square feet
exclusive of garage, breezeways, and porches.
4. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than seventy (70%)
per cent of the total lot area be covered by the combined
area of main buildings and accessory buildings.
14.4 Parkin~ Regulations - Two enclosed off-street parking spaces
shall be provided behind the front building line for each unit
in accordance with the requirements in Section 30.
14.5 Type of Exterior Construction: At least eighty (80%) percent
of the exterior walls of the first floor of all structures
shall be of masonry construction exclusive of doors, windows,
and the area above the top plate line. Each story above the
first floor of a straight wall structure shall be at least
eighty (80%) percent masonry exclusive of doors, windows and
the area above the top plate line. Stucco type construction
is permitted only by a specific use permit.
General Purpose and Description: The "2F-9" district is
intended to provide the opportunity to have development which
is two-family (duplex) in character, but which encourages
individual ownership of all dwelling units. This is permitted
by dividing the typical duplex lot from front to back, thus
encouraging the sale of each dwelling unit and the land upon
which it sits, to the occupant.
15.1 Use Regulations: A building or premise shall be used only for
the following purposes:
1. Any use permitted in the SF-0 district.
2. Two family residence (duplex)
3. Such uses as may be permitted in Specific Use Permits,
Section 29.6.
15.2 Height Regulations: No building shall exceed thirty-five (35)
feet or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height.
15.3 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: There shall be a front yard having a
required depth of not less than thirty (30) feet. No
required parking shall be allowed within the required
front yard.
(b) Side Yard: There shall be a side yard on each side of a
continuous row or group of dwellings of not less than ten
(10) feet. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall
not be less than fifteen (15) feet. No side yard for
allowable non-residential uses shall be less than twen-
ty-five (25) feet.
(c) Rear Yard: 20 feet minimum.
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: No buildin~ shall be constructed on any lot of
less than nine thousand (9000) square feet or four
thousand five hundred (4500) per unit.
(b) Lots in the SF-9 District may be platted in pairs such
that a duplex unit may be placed on each pair of lots.
The subdivision plat shall designate the pairs of lots
and which lot lines are to be outside lot lines of each
pair. There shall be only one dwelling unit per lot, and
no dwelling unit shall cross a lot line. No single-
family detached dwelling may be constructed on one of the
designated pair of lots.
(c) Where lots in the SF-9 District are not platted in pairs,
the lots may be further resubdivided into two (2) sepa-
rate lots (but no such further resubdivision shall be
permitted) by metes and bounds survey prepared by li-
censed surveyor of the State of Texas, such resubdivision
to accomplish the division of said lots into two (2)
separate parcels so as to allow the separate use of each
portion of the property as an individual dwelling. There
shall be only one(l) dwelling unit per parcel, and no
single-family detached dwelling may be constructed on one
of the resubdivided parcels.
(d) Lot Width: The width of the lot shall be determined by
the construction width of individual dwelling units or
continuous rows or groups of dwelling units considering
side yards as required above, but in no case shall a lot
width be less than eighty (80) feet.
(e) Lot Depth: The average depth of the lot shall not be
less than one hundred (100) feet.
3. Minimum Dwellin~ Size: The minimum floor area of any dwelling
unit shall be one thousand two hundred (1200) square feet
exclusive of garages, breezeways, and porches.
4. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than forty (40%) per cent
of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the
main buildings and accessory buildings.
15.4 Parkin~ Regulations: Two (2) enclosed off-street spaces per
unit behind the front yard line. Off-street parking spaces
shall be provided in accordance with the requirements for
specific uses set forth in Section 30.
15.5 Type of Exterior Construction: At least eighty (80%) percent
of the exterior walls of the first floor of all structures
shall be of masonry construction exclusive of doors, windows,
and the area above the top plate line. Each story above the
first floor of a straight wall structure shall be at least
eighty (80%) percent masonry exclusive of doors, windows and
the area above the top plate line. Stucco type construction
is permitted only by a specific use permit.
General Purpose and Description: The TH-1 and TH-2 District
is intended to provide for medium density dwellings platted on
individual lots. These districts function as a buffer or
transition between major streets or non-residential areas or
higher density zones and lower density residential areas.
16.1 Use Regulations: A building or premise shall be used only for
the following purposes:
1. Any use permitted in District "2F-9".
2. Three (3) or more single family attached dwelling units,
provided that no more than six (6) dwelling units are
attached in one continuous row or group, and provided
that no dwelling unit is constructed above another unit.
3. Any uses permitted by specific use permit, Section 29.6.
16.2 Height Regulations: No building shall exceed thirty-five (35)
feet or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height.
16.3 Area Re~ulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: There shall be a front yard having a
required depth of not less than twenty-five (25) feet.
Required parking shall not be allowed within the required
front yard.
(b) Side Yard: There shall be a side yard on each side of a
continuous row or group of dwellings of not less than ten
(10) feet. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall
not be less than fifteen (15) feet. No side yard for
allowable non-residential uses shall be less than twen-
ty-five (25) feet.
(c) Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard having a depth of
not less than twenty (20) Feet.
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: No building shall be constructed on any lot
less than two thousand seven hundred twenty (2720) square
feet, or equivalent thereof, per dwelling unit.
(b) Lot Width: The width of a lot shall be not less than
twenty-five (25) feet at any point.
(c) Lot Depth: The depth of a lot shall be not less than one
hundred (100) feet at any point.
3. Minimum Dwelling Size: The minimum floor area of any dwelling
unit shall be one thousand (1000) square feet, exclusive of
garages, breezeways, and porches. The total average for the
entire project shall be one thousand three hundred (1300)
square feet.
4. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than seventy (70%) per
cent of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of
the main buildings and accessory buildings.
16.4 ParkinG Regulations: Two (2) enclosed off street spaces per
unit located behind the front yard line. Off-street parking
spaces shall be provided in accordance with the requirements
for specific uses set forth in Section 30.
In addition to the required off-street parking, another 1/2
space behind the curb line per unit is required for guest
parking. These required spaces are to be located within six
hundred (600) feet of the respective units.
16.5 Type of Exterior Construction: At least eighty (80%) per cent
of the exterior walls of ali structures shall be of masonry
construction exclusive of doors and windows. Twenty-five
(25%) of each story above the first story may be masonry if
approved by specific use permit. Stucco type exteriors are
permitted by specific use permit only.
16.6 Single-Family detached, patio home or zero lot line type and
two family dwellings constructed in the TH-1 district shall
conform to the SF-7,SF-0 and 2F-9 district standards respec-
16.7 When a townhouse is constructed so as to create balconies or
patios facing a public (dedicated) street such balconies or
patios shall be recessed and the exterior shall not extend
beyond the building line. When such a balcony or patio fronts
a public street, a solid sight barring fence or wall at least
42 inches high is required around the balcony or patio.
16.8 Mechanical Equipment: Mechanical equipment shall be con-
structed, located and screened so as not to interfere with the
peace, comfort and repose of the occupant(s) of any adjacent
building or residence.
17.1 Use Regulations: A building or premise shall be used only for
the following purposes:
1. Any use permitted in District "TH-l"
2. Clustering ( see definition, "Cluster") of attached or
detached single family units on private streets or places
are permitted when subdivision and engineering design
standards are approved as part of a final plat or site
3. Two (2) or more single family attached dwelling units,
provided that no more than six (6) dwelling units are
attached in one continuous row or group, and provided
that no dwelling unit is constructed above another unit.
4. Common open space, community center, recreational build-
ings and facilities provided they are incidental to the
above described residential uses and are approved on a
final plat. Any homeowners association rules and by-laws
shall be approved by the City Planning Commission and
City Council.
5. Such uses as may be permitted under provisions of Specif-
ic Use Permits, Section 29.6.
17.2 Height Regula.~ions: No building shall exceed thirty-five
(35) feet or two and one-half (2-1/2) stories in height.
17.3 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: There shall be a front yard having a
depth of not less than fifteen (15) feet; however, a
twenty (20) foot building line shall be observed for
the structure or portion of a structure accommodat-
ing the required off-street parking spaces when the
structure or portion of a structure faces onto and
has vehicular access from a dedicated or private
(b) Side Yard: No side yard is required. A building
separation of ten (10) feet shall be observed
between structures containing no more than three
dwelling units and fifteen (15) feet between struc-
tures having four or more units, not to exceed a
maximum of six (6) units per structure. A side yard
adjacent to a street shall not be less than fifteen
(15) feet. Side yard for non-residential structures
shall not be less tan twenty-five (25) feet. Any
required off-street parking within the side yard
area on a corner lot shall observe a twenty (20)
foot side building line.
(c) Rear Yard: There shall be a ten (10) foot minimum
rear yard as measured from the property line on a
platted lot, or twenty (20) feet separation between
structures located on the same lot.
There shall be observed a rear yard of twenty (20)
feet for any off-street parking area or structure
located in the rear yard having a vehicular access
from a dedicated alley. Non-residential structures
shall not be closer than twenty-five (25) feet to an
adjacent street.
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: No structure shall be constructed on any
lot less than two thousand (2000) square feet, or
equivalent of, per dwelling unit.
(b) Lot Width: The width of th~ lot shall not be less
than ten (10) feet at the front line; however, its
average width shall be not less than twenty-five
(25) feet.
(c) Lot Depth: There shall be no required lot depth.
3. Minimum Dwellin~ Size: The average floor area of the
dwelling units shall not be less than one thousand (1000)
square feet with each unit not less than nine hundred
(900) square feet, exclusive of garages, breezeways, and
4. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than seventy (70%)
per cent of the total lot area be covered by the combined
area of the main buildings and accessory buildings.
17.4 Parkin~ Regulations: Two (2) enclosed off street spaces per
unit located behind the front yard line. Off-street parking
spaces shall be provided in accordance with the requirements
for specific uses set forth in Section 30.
In addition to the required off-street parking, another 1/2
space behind the curb line per unit is required for guest
parking. These required spaces are to be located within six
hundred (600) feet of the respective units.
17.5 Type of Exterior Construction: At least eighty (80%) per cent
of the exterior walls of all structures shall be of masonry
construction exclusive of doors and windows. Twenty-five
(25%) of each story above the first story may be masonry if
approved by specific use permit. Stucco type exteriors are
permitted by specific use permit only.
17.6 Outside storage areas shall be enclosed and screened from
public view.
17.7 Single-Family detached, "zero lot line" type and two family
dwellings constructed in the TH-2 district shall conform to
the SF-7, SF-O and 2F-9 district standards respectively unless
approved on a final plat or site plan according to section
17.1, 2-3.
17.8 When a townhouse is constructed so as to create balconies or
patios facing a public (dedicated) street such balconies or
patios shall be recessed and the exterior shall not extend
beyond the building line. When such a balcony or patio fronts
a public street, a solid sight barring fence or wall a minimum
of 42" inches is required around the balcony or patio.
17.9 Mechanical equipment: Mechanical equipment shall be con-
structed, located and screened so as not in interfere with the
peace, comfort and repose of the occupant(s) of any adjacent
building or residence.
General Purpose and Description: The MF-1 and MF-2, Multi-
ple Family Dwelling Districts are residential attached dis-
tricts intended to provide for the highest residential density
ranging from sixteen (16) dwelling units per acre to twenty-
four (24) dwelling units per acre. The principal use of land
in this district is for a wide variety of dwelling types,
including single-family dwellings, low-rise multiple-family
dwellings, garden apartment, condominiums, and townhouses.
Recreational, religious, health and educational uses normally
located to service residential areas are permitted in this
district in order to provide convenient and attractive res-
idential areas. The Districts are usually located adjacent to
a major street and serves as a buffer or transition between
retail/commercial development or heavy automobile traffic and
medium or low density residential development.
MF- 1
18.1 Use Regulations: A building or premise in the MF-1 district
shall be used only for the following purposes:
1. Any use permitted in District TH-2
2. Multi-Family Dwelling (Apartment Building)
3. Day Nurseries.
4. Hospitals, clinics, and sanitariums, except a criminal, mental
or animal hospital.
5. Institutions of a religious, educational, charitable or
philanthropic nature, but not a penal or mental institution.
6. Nursing and convalescent homes.
7. Private clubs and fraternal orders when not operated for
private profit.
8. Accessory buildings and uses, customarily incident to the
above uses and located on the same lot therewith, not involv-
ing the conduct of a retail business.
9. Such uses as may be permitted under a Specific Use Permit,
Section 29.6.
18.2 Height Regulations: No building shall exceed forty-five (45)
feet or three (3) stories high.
18.3 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: Twenty-five (25) feet minimum.
(b) Side Yard: There shall be a side yard on each side of
the lot having a width of not less than ten (10) feet.
There shall be ten (10) feet separation between buildings
without openings (windows) and fifteen (15) feet between
buildings with openings. A side yard adjacent to a side
street shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet. No side
yard for allowable non-residential uses shall be less
than fifteen (15) feet. If a side yard is adjacent to a
single family zoning district then paragraph "d" shall
(c) Rear Yard: Twenty (20) feet minimum.
(d) There shall be a total of sixty (60) feet setback from
the adjacent property line for buildings in excess of one
(1) story in height when an MF district is next to a
single family zoning district or single family use. No
three (3) story structures are permitted within (100) one
hundred feet of a single family zoning district line or
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: Two thousand seven hundred twenty (2720)
square feet per dwelling unit or 16 dwelling units per
acre (calculated on gross acreage). For exceptions see
(b) Lot Width: 70 feet minimum as measured along the front
building line.
(c) Lot Depth: The average depth of the lot shall not be
less than one hundred (100) feet.
3. Minimum Dwellin~ Size: The minimum living area for Mul-
ti-Family Dwelling units, "MF-I" shall be as follows:
(a) One (1) Bedroom Apartment - 650 square feet.
(b) Two (2) Bedroom Apartment - 800 square feet.
(c) Three (3) Bedroom Apartment - 1000 square feet.
Maximum number at three (3) bedroom units shall be fifteen
(15%) per cent of the total units.
4. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than forty (40%) per cent
of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the
main buildings and accessory buildings.
18.4 Parkin~ Regulations: Two (2) spaces for every one (1) and two
(2) bedroom units and two and one-half (2-1/2) for every three
(3) bedroom unit. Required parking may not occur within the
front yard. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in
accordance with the requirements for specific uses set forth
in Section 30. If covered parking spaces for at least 50% of
the total dwelling units is provided, the density may be
increased to 18 dwelling units per acre (or 2420 sq. feet per
18.5 Type of Exterior Construction: At least eighty (80%) per cent
of the exterior walls of all structures shall be of masonry
type (see def.) construction exclusive of doors and windows.
Twenty-five (25%) of each story above the first story may be
masonry or stucco if approved by specific use permit.
18.6 Single Family Detached, Single Family Zero Lot Line, Two
Family (duplex), and Townhouse construction in this district
shall conform to the SF-7, SF-O, 2F-9 and TH-1 district
standards respectively.
18.7 Patios and Balconies: When an apartment building is erected
so as to create balconies or patios facing a public street
such balconies or patios shall be recessed and the exterior
shall not extend beyond the building line. When such balcony
or patio fronts a public street, a solid sight barring fence
or wall 42" inches in height is required to screen such
balcony or patio from view.
18.8 Mechanical Equipment: Mechanical equipment shall be con-
structed, located and screened so as not in interfere with the
peach, comfort and repose of the occupant(s) of any adjacent
building or residence.
18.9 Refuse Facilities: Every dwelling unit shall be located
within two hundred fifty (250) feet of a refuse facility,
measured along the designed pedestrian and vehicular travel
way. There shall be available at all times at least (6) six
cubic yards of refuse container per 30 multi-family dwelling
units. For complexes with less than 30 units no less than(4)
four cubic yards shall be provided. Each refuse facility shall
be screened from view on three sides from persons standing at
ground level on the site or immediately adjoining property, by
a fence or wall not less than six (6) feet, no more than eight
(8) feet in height or by an enclosure within a building.
Refuse containers shall be provided and maintained in a manner
to satisfy local public health and sanitary regulations. Each
refuse facility shall be located so as to provide safe and
convenient pickup by refuse collection agencies.
19.1 Use Regulations: A building or premise shall be used only for
the following purposes:
1. Any use permitted in District "MF-i".
2. Any use permitted by Specific Use permit, Section 29.6.
19.2 Height Regulations: No building shall exceed forty-five (45)
feet or three (3) stories in height.
19.3 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: Twenty-five (25) feet minimum.
(b) Side Yard: There shall be a side yard on each side of
the lot having a width of not less than ten (10) feet.
There shall be ten (10) feet separation between buildings
without openings (windows) and fifteen (15) feet between
buildings with openings. A side yard adjacent to a side
street shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet. No side
yard for allowable non-residential uses shall be less
than fifteen (15) feet. If the side yard is adjacent to
a single family district or use then paragraph "d" below
shall apply.
(c) Rear Yard: Twenty (20) feet minimum.
(d) There shall be a total of sixty (60) feet setback from
the adjacent property line for buildings in excess of one
story in height when an MF district is next to a single
family zoning district line or use. No three (3) story
structures are permitted within 100 feet of a single
family residential zoning district line or use.
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: 1980 square feet per dwelling unit or 22
dwelling units per acre (exceptions-see sections 19.4 and
calculated on gross acreage).
(b) Lot Width: The width of the lot shall not be less than
fifty (50) feet at the front street building line.
(c) Lot Depth: The average depth of the lot shall be not
less than one hundred (100) feet.
3. Minimum Dwelling Unit Size: The minimum living area for
Multi-Family Dwelling Units, "MF-2", shall be as follows:
Unit Size Max. Percentage
(Square Feet) of Units
a. Efficiency Apartment 550 10%
b. One (1) Bedroom Apts. 600 -
c. Two (2) Bedroom Apts. 700 -
d. Three (3) Bedroom Apts. 900 10%
4. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than fifty (50) per cent
of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of the
main buildings and accessory buildings.
19.4 Parking Regulations: Two (2) spaces for every 1 and 2 bedroom
unit and 2~ spaces per 3 bedroom unit. No required parking is
allowed within the front yard. Off-street parking spaces
shall be provided in accordance with the requirements for
specific uses set forth in Section 30. If one-half (½) of the
required amount of parking is covered an additional two (2)
dwelling units per acre is permitted (for a total of 1815
square feet per unit or 24 dwelling units per acre).
19.5 Type of Exterior Construction: At least eighty (80%) per cent
of the exterior of all structures shall be of masonry type
(see def.) construction exclusive of doors and windows.
Twenty-five (25%) of each story above the first story may be
masonry or stucco if approved by specific use permit.
19.6 Single Family Detached, Single Family Zero Lot Line, Two
Family (duplex) and Townhouse construction in this district
shall conform to the SF-7, SF-O, 2F-9 and TH-2 district
standards respectively.
19.7 Patios and Balconies: When an apartment building is erected
so as to create balconies or patios facing a public street
such balconies shall not extend beyond the building line.
When such balcomy or patio fronts a public street, a solid
sight barring fence or wall is required to screen such balcony
or patio from view.
19.8 Mechanical E~uipment: Mechanical equipment shall be con-
structed, located and screened so as not to interfere with the
peace, comfort and repose of the occupant(s) of any adjacent
building or residence.
19.9 Refuse Facilities: Every dwelling unit shall be located
within two hundred fifty (250) feet of a refuse facility,
measured along the designed pedestrian and vehicular travel-
ways. There shall be available at all times at least (6) six
cubic yards of refuse container per 30 multi-family dwelling
units. For complexes with less than 30 units no less than (4)
four cubic yards shall be provided. Each refuse facility
shall be screened from view on three sides from persons
standing at ground level on the site or immediately adjoining
property, by a fence or wall not less than six (6) feet nor
more than eight (8) feet in height or by enclosure within a
building. Refuse containers shall be provided and maintained
in a manner to satisfy local public health and sanitary
regulations. Each refuse facility shall be located so as to
provide safe and convenient pickup by refuse collection
General Purpose and Description: The MM-Mobile Home district
is intended to provide for quality mobile home subdivision
development containing many of the characteristics and atmo-
sphere of a standard single family subdivision.
20.1 Use Regulations: A building or premise shall be used only for
the following purposes:
1. A mobile home park.
2. Such uses as are normally accessory to a mobile home park,
including office and/or maintenance buildings for management
and maintenance of the mobile home park only, recreation
buildings and swimming pools, private clubs, laundry facil-
ities and storage facilities for use of the residents of the
mobile home park, and open recreation areas.
3. Any uses permitted in the MF-1 district.
4. Such uses as may be permitted under the provisions of Specific
Use Permits, Section 29.6.
20.2 Height. Regulations: Fifteen (15) feet maximum
20.3 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: 30' from a dedicated street
15' from any private street or drive
(b) Side Yard: 5' minimum
20' minimum between mobile homes
20' minimum from district line
(c) Rear Yard: 10' minimum
20' from district line
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: 4500' square feet per unit
(b) Lot Width: 40' minimum
(c) Lot Depth: 95' minimum
3. Minimum Dwelling Size: 480 square feet
4. Lot Coverage: N/A
20.4 Parkin5 Requirements: 2 spaces per unit located on the lot
plus additional spaces for accessory uses as required in
Section 30.
20.5 Maximum area for a mobile home park is thirty-five (35) acres
and the minimum area required twenty (20) acres.
20.6 Single Family Detached, Single Family Zero Lot Line, Two
Family (duplex), Townhouse, and Multiple Family construction
in this district shall conform to the SF-7, SF-O, 2F-9, TH-i,
MF-1 district standards respectively.
21.1 General Purpose and Description: The "O" Office District is
intended for offices and other selected non-residential uses
predominately serving community and city-wide needs. Site
development regulations and standards are intended to ensure
that uses will be compatible and complementary in scale and
appearance with a residential environment.
Permitted Uses: A building or premise shall be used only for
the following purposes:
1. Professional and administrative offices where services are
provided only and no chattels or goods are offered for sale on
the premises, including but not limited to doctors, dentists,
attorneys, architects, engineers, urban planners, insurance,
real estate, banks and similar offices.
2. Business or trade school.
3. Business support services.
4. Communications services.
5. Financial services.
6. Personal improvement services.
7. Restaurant located within office building.
8. Day nursery or day care center.
9. Nursing home or convalescent home.
10. Laboratory: Scientific, research, testing, medical,
dental, or optical so long as all operations are not
conducted outdoors.
11. Florist (no outside storage).
12. Barber and beauty shop.
13. Drug store or pharmacy.
14. Hospital
15. Fraternal club or lodge.
16. Postal facilities.
17. Crop production.
18. Municipal buildings.
19. Churches or rectory.
20. Telephone exchange.
21. Golf course or country club.
22. Such uses as may be permitted under the provisions of
Section 29.7, Specific Use Permits.
21.2 Height Regulations: Maximum height of one hundred fifteen
(115) feet or ten (10) stories, but limited to thirty-five
(35) feet on any portion of the site within one hundred fifty
(150) feet of property zoned or used for A, SF-ED, SF-18,
SF-12, SF-9, SF-7, SF-O, 2F-9, TH-1 or TH-2.
21.3 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: Minimum required setback, thirty (30)
feet with no front yard parking. If front yard
parking is utilized, then sixty (60) feet front yard
shall be observed.
(b) Side Yard: Minimum required setback, fifteen (15)
feet, unless adjacent to property in a residential
district then a minimum of twenty-five 25 feet shall
be observed.
(c) Rear Yards: Minimum required, ten (10) feet, unless
adjacent to property in a residential district than
a minimum of twenty (20) feet shall be observed.
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: Five thousand (5,000) square feet mini-
(b) Lot Width: Fifty (50) feet minimum.
(c) Lot Depth: none
3. Lot coverage: In no case shall more than fifty (50%)
percent of the total lot area be covered by the combined
area of the main buildings and accessory buildings. An
additional 10% coverage is allowed in parking structures.
4. Floor Area Ratio: Maximum F.A.R., 1.0 to 1.
21.4 Parking Requirements: One parking space per 300 gross square
feet of space or in accordance with parking requirements of
Section 29.
In addition, no parking area shall be allowed within ten (10)
feet of the front property line or within five (5) feet of the
rear property line.
Along existing or future divided arterials which have been
identified as primary image zones in the Streetscape Plan, no
parking will be allowed within fifteen (15) feet of the
property line except under conditions specified in Section 33.
At all intersections, the no parking areas shall include a
nine (9) feet by nine (9) feet triangle whose sides coincide
with the ten (10) or fifteen (15) feet no parking lines
adjacent to the right-of-way lines. (See figure 13 of the
Coppell Streetscape Plan) These no parking areas shall be
landscaped in accordance with standards established in Section
21.5 Type of Exterior Construction: Exterior wall construction in
districts permitting non-residential uses shall be of such
material that is required to conform with the City of Coppell
Building Code for the particular non-residential use or
occupancy involved. Ail structures shall be eighty (80%)
percent masonry exterior exclusive of doors and windows.
Glass may be counted in place of masonry. Stucco type con-
struction is permitted be specific use permit only.
21.6 Landscape requirements: Landscaped areas shall be provided
according to Section 33.
General purpose and description: The "R" Retail District is
intended for neighborhood shopping facilities which provide limited
business service and office facilities predominately for the
convenience of residents of the community.
22.1 Use Regulations:
1. Any use permitted in the "O" Office District.
2. Consumer Repair Services.
3. Personal services.
4. Pet services.
5. Day nursery or day care centers.
6. Dry cleaning and laundry.
7. Other general retail sales of similar nature and charac-
ter provided that the business establishment is subject
to the following conditions:
(a) That it be conducted wholly within an enclosed
(b) That required yards not be uSed for display, sale or
storage or merchandise, or for the storage of
vehicles, equipment, containers or waste material.
(c) That all merchandise be first-hand and be sold at
retail on the premises.
(d) That such use not be objectionable because of odor,
excessive light, smoke, dust, noise, vibration or
similar nuisance.
8. Film developing and printing.
9. Fix-it shops for such items as bicycles and lawn mowers
but without outside storage.
10. Furniture stores.
11. Hardware store.
12. Printing shop or company (retail only).
13. Meat market (retail only).
14. Moving picture theatre (indoor).
15. Seed store.
16. Veterinarian or animal hospital (no outside kennels).
17. Auto parts sales (new).
18. Community centers (public or private).
19. Museum.
20. College or university.
21. Uses permitted by Specific Use Permit according to
Section 28.8.
22.2 Height Regulations: No building shall exceed thirty-five (35)
feet or two and one-half (2½) stories in height.
22.3 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: Minimum required setback, thirty (30)
feet, with no front yard parking. If front yard
parking is utilized, then sixty (60) feet front yard
shall be observed.
(b) Side Yard: (adjacent to a street or property line);
minimum required, thirty (30) feet.
(c) Side Yard: (interior): none
(d) Rear Yard: Minimum required, ten (10) feet unless
adjacent to a residential zoning district in which
case twenty (20) feet minimum be observed.
2. Side of lot:
(a) Lot Area: none
(b) Lot Width: none
(c) Lot Depth: none
3. Lot coverage: In no case shall more than forty (40%)
percent of the lot area be covered by buildings.
22.4 Parking Regulations: One (1) space per two hundred (200)
square feet of gross leaseable floor area or in accordance
with Section 30. In addition, no parking area shall be
allowed within ten (10) feet of the front property line or
within five (5) feet of the rear property line.
Along existing or future divided arterials which have been
identified as primary image zones in the Streetscape Plan, no
parking will be allowed within fifteen (15) feet of the
property line except under conditions specified in Section 33.
At all intersections, the no parking areas shall include a
nine (9) feet by nine (9) feet triangle whose sides coincide
with the ten (10) or fifteen (15) feet no parking lines
adjacent to the right-of-way lines. (See figure 13 of the
Coppell Streetscape Plan) These no parking areas shall be
landscaped in accordance with standards established in Section
22.5 Type of Exterior Construction: Exterior wall construction in
districts permitting non-residential uses shall be of such
material that is required to conform with the City of Coppell
Building Code for the particular non-residential use or
occupancy or as approved by City Council. Ail structures
shall be eighty (80%) percent masonry exterior exclusive of
doors and windows. Glass may be counted in place of masonry.
Stucco type construction is permitted by specific use permit.
22.6 Landscape requirements: Landscaped areas shall be provided
according to Section 33.
General Purpose and Description: The "C" Commercial district
is intended predominately for commercial activities of service
nature which typically have operating characteristics (limited
outside or open storage) or traffic service requirements
generally incompatible with office, retail shopping and
residential environments.
23.1 Use Regulations:
1. Any use permitted in the "R" Retail District.
2. Building material sales.
3. Carpentry, painting, plumbing or tinsmithing shops.
4. Automobile and truck rental.
5. Equipment sales.
6. Funeral services.
7. Limited warehousing and distribution.
8. Boarding or rooming house.
9. Radio, television or micro-wave tower or micro-wave
receiving dish.
10. Motorcycle sales and service.
11. Auto parking lot or garage (commercial).
12. Tire dealership.
13. Bus terminal.
14. Heating and air conditioner shop.
15. Newspaper printing.
16. Trailer rental.
17. Specific use permits according to Section 29.9.
23.2 Height Regulations: No building shall exceed thirty-five (35)
feet or two and one-half (2½) stories in height.
23.3 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: Minimum required setback, thirty (30)
feet, with no front yard parking. If front yard
parking is utilized, then the sixty (60) feet front
yard setback shall be observed.
(b) Side Yard: (adjacent to a street or property line):
Minimum required, thirty (30) feet.
(c) Side Yard: (interior): none
(d) Rear Yard: Minimum required, twenty (20) feet.
2. Side of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: none
(b) Lot Width: none
(c) Lot Depth: none
3. Lot coverage: In no case shall more than forty (40%)
percent of the lot area be covered by buildings.
4. Floor area ratio: Maximum F.A.R. 1.0 to 1.
23.4 Parkin~ Requirements: Off street parking requirements shall
be provided in accordance with Section 30.
In addition, no parking area shall be allowed within 10 feet
of the front property line or within five (5) feet of the rear
property line.
Along existing or future divided arterials which have been
identified as primary image zones in the Streetscape Plan, no
parking will be allowed within fifteen (15) feet of the
property line except under conditions specified in Section 33.
At all intersections, the no parking areas shall include a
nine (9) feet by nine (9) feet triangle whose sides coincide
with the ten (10) or fifteen (15) feet no parking lines
adjacent to the right-of-way lines. (See figure 13 of the
Coppell Streetscape Plan) These no parking areas shall be
landscaped in accordance with standards established in Section
23.5 Type of Exterior Construction: Exterior wall construction in
districts permitting non-residential uses shall be of such
material that is required to conform with the City of Coppell
Building Code for the particular non-residential use or
occupancy or as approved by City Council. Ail structures
shall be eighty (80%) percent masonry exterior exclusive of
doors and windows. Glass may be counted in place of masonry.
Stucco is permitted by specific use permit only.
23.6 Landscape requirement: Landscaped areas shall be provided
according to Section 33.
23.7 Areas used for open storage shall not exceed 20% of the lot
area and shall be confined to the rear two-thirds (2/3) of the
lot. Areas used for open storage shall be screened according
to Section 32.1;5.
General purpose and description: The "TC" ~Town Center Dis-
trict is intended to provide for a wide variety of office,
retail and residential uses for the purpose of creating a
focal point to the City of Coppell.
24.1 Use Regulations: A building or premise shall be used only for
the following purposes:
1. Any uses permitted in the "R" and "0" Districts.
2. Any use permitted in the "C" District except:
(a) Used automobile sales or display, repair garages,
tire and seat cover shops, and auto laundries unless
incidental to a service station.
(b) Building material sales not having approved outside
storage or display of materials.
(c) Plumbing and air conditioning shops.
(d) Farm implement sales with outdoor display.
(e) Radio broadcasting towers.
(f) Veterinarian clinic with outside kennels.
(g) Carpentry, painting or tinsmithing shops.
(h) Public utility substations by specific use permit.
(i) Any uses requiring outside storage.
(j) Truck sales or rental.
(k) Pawn shop.
(1) Warehousing activities.
3.Hospital or nursing home.
4. Community center (public or private).
5.College or university.
6. Museum.
i~./ ~7i i Any use permitted in the "TH-i", "TH-2", "MF-i", and
"MF-2" districts provided that not more than thirty
,. ~ percent (30%)of the total Town Center area is utilized
for residential purposes, or as is shown on the approved
~;,~'; location plan for the existing TC.
8 Such uses as may be permitted under the provisions of
Specific Use Permit, Section 29.10.
24.2 Height Regulations:
1. Non-residential: Maximum height shall be one hundred
twenty (120) feet but shall not exceed sixty (60) feet on
any portion of a site within one (100) feet of property
zoned or developed as MF, TH, or SF. A set back of two
(2) feet for each one (1) foot in height over two (2)
stories is also required in addition to the normal
required set back when non-residential uses are adjacent
to residential uses.
2. Residential: Refer to the individual section governing
each residential use.
24.3 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard:
(1) Non-residential: none required
(2)Residential: Refer to the individual sections
governing each residential use.
(b) Side Yard:
(1) Non-residential: None required except that a
side yard of ten (10) feet shall be provided
when the side yard is adjacent to a residential
(2) Residential: Refer to the individual sections
governing each residential use.
(c) Rear Yard:
(1) Non-residential: None required unless adjacent
to a residential use in which case a rear yard
of ten (10) feet is required.
(2) Residential: Refer to the individual sections
governing residential use.
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area:
(1) Non-residential: none required
(2) Residential: Refer to the individual section
governing each residential use.
(b) Lot Width:
(1) Non-residential: None required
(2) Residential: Refer to the individual section
governing each residential use.
(c) Lot Depth:
(1) Non-residential: None required
(2) Residential: Refer to the individual section
governing each residential use.
3. Minimum Dwelling Size: Refer to the individual section
governing each residential use.
4. Lot Coverage:
(a) Non-residential: No minimum coverage is required.
(b) Residential: Refer to the individual section
governing each residential use.
24.4 Parking and Loadin~ Regulations: Off-street parking spaces
shall be provided in accordance with the requirements for the
uses set forth in Section 30 or in accordance with the stan-
dards of the district for the respective use. In addition, no
parking area shall be allowed within 10 feet of the front
property line or within five (5) feet of the rear property
Along existing or future divided arterials which have been
identified as primary image zones in the Streetscape Plan, no
parking will be allowed within fifteen (15) feet of the
property line except under conditions specified in Section 33.
At all intersections, the no parking areas shall include a
nine (9) feet by nine (9) feet triangle whose sides coincide
with the ten (10) or fifteen (15) feet no parking lines
adjacent to the right-of-way lines. (See figure 13 of the
Coppell Streetscape Plan) These no parking areas shall be
landscaped in accordance with standards established in Section
24.5 Screenin~ Regulations: In the event that a non-residential
district sides or backs upon a residential use, a screening
structure or fence of not less than six (6) or more than eight
(8) feet in height shall be erected on the property line
separating these uses with a visual barrier as herein provid-
ed. The owner of such property shall be responsible for and
shall build the required wall or fence on his property divid-
ing his use from the residential use. In cases where the City
Council finds this requirement to be impractical for immediate
or future construction, it may grant a temporary or permanent
waiver of the required screening wall.
24.6 Special Conditions:
(a) Non-residential: An approved site plan may be required
by either the Planning Commission or City Council prior
to issuance of building permit.
Residential: Ail residential uses shall be located in
the designated area shown on the location plan for the
purpose of insuring proper transition and compatibility
between the proposed residential uses and non-residential
(b) Any special conditions required by the Planning and
Zoning Commission or City Council shall be incorporated
or made a part of the amending ordinance granting Town
Center Zoning.
(c) An architectural Review Board shall be established by the
property owner consisting of five members for the purpose
of reviewing development proposals for the Town Center
District. One elected City official shall be a member of
this committee.
(d) A Merchants Association shall be established for the Town
Center District.
(e) Screening of mechanical equipment, patio and balconies
and refuse facilities in townhouse or multi-family type
construction shall conform to the respective districts.
24.7 Usable Open Space: Each lot or parcel of land, which is used
for multiple-family residences, shall provide on the same lot
or parcel of land usable open space. The ratio of usable open
space shall be one hundred (100) square feet per bedroom.
24.8 Type of Exterior Construction: Ail non-residential structures
shall be eighty (80%) percent masonry exterior exclusive of
doors and windows (glass may be counted as masonry). Residen-
tial structures shall be at least eighty (80%) percent exteri-
or masonry construction. Twenty-five (25%) percent of each
story above the first story may be masonry if approved by
specific use permit. Stucco is permitted on non-residential
and residential structures by specific use permit only.
24.9 Landscape Requirements (Non-Residential Areas): See Section
General Purpose and Description: The LI Light Industrial
District is intended to provide for commercial and light
manufacturing uses.
25.1 Use Regulations: The following uses are permitted in the "LI"
District, provided that such manufacturing or industrial
operation shall not disseminate dust, fumes, gas, noxious
odor, smoke, glare, or other atmospheric influence beyond the
boundaries of the property on which such use is located and
which produces no noise exceeding in intensity at the boundary
of the property the average intensity of noise of street
traffic at that point and provided that such use does not
create fire hazards on surrounding property.
1. Any use permitted in any of the "R", and "C" Districts.
2. Apparel and other products assembled from finished
3. Bottling works.
4. Carting, express, hauling or storage yard.
5. Contractor's yard.
6. Cosmetic manufacturer.
7. Drugs and pharmaceutical products manufacturing.
8. Electronic products manufacturing.
9. Fur goods manufacture, but not including tanning or
10. Glass products from previously manufactured glass.
11. Household appliance products assembly and manufacture
from prefabricated parts.
12. Industrial and manufacturing plants including the pro-
cessing or assembling of parts for production of finished
equipment where the process of manufacturing or treatment
of materials is such that only a nominal amount of dust,
odor, gas, smoke or noise is emitted and not more than
twenty (20%) per cent of the lot or tract is used for the
open storage of products, materials, or equipment.
13. Musical instruments assembly and manufacture.
14. Plastic products manufacture, but not including the
processing of raw materials.
15. Sporting and athletic equipment manufacture.
16. Testing and research laboratories.
17. Housing prefabrication.
18. General warehousing activities (including convenience
storage or "mini warehouse).
19. Veterinarian clinic (outside kennels).
20. Any uses permitted by Specific Use Permit, Section 29.11.
25.2 Height Regulations: Maximum height for office or industrial
use - None except limited to thirty-five (35) feet on any
portion of the site within one hundred fifty (150) feet of
property zoned or used for A, SF-ED, SF-18, SF-12, SF-9, SF-7,
SF-0, 2F-9, TH-l, TH-l, MF-I or MF-2.
25.3 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: Minimum required, sixty (30) feet with
no front yard parking. If front yard parking is
utilized then sixty (60) feet front yard setback
shall be observed.
(b) Side Yard: Minimum required, ten (10) feet. unless
adjacent to property in residential district then a
minimum of fifty (50) feet shall be observed.
(c) Rear Yards: Minimum required, ten (10) feet unless
adjacent to property in a residential district then
a minimum of fifty (50) feet shall be observed.
(d) For structures requiring railroad access, setback
requirements from the centerline of the Railroad
Right-of-way shall be in accordance with applicable
state laws.
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: Five thousand (5,000) square feet mini-
(b) Lot Width: Fifty (50) feet minimum.
(c) Lot Depth: none
3. Lot Cove~a~: In no case shall more than fifty (50) per
cent of the lot area be covered by the main building and
accessory buildings. An additional ten (10%) per cent
coverage is allowed for parking structures.
4. Floor Area Ratio: Maximum F.A.R. 2.0 to 1 (See illus-
tration 15)
25.4 Parking Regulations: Required off-street parking shall be
provided in accordance with the specific uses set forth in
Section 30.
In addition, no parking or loading shall be allowed within
thirty (30) feet of the front property line or within five (5)
feet of the rear property line.
25.5 Type of Construction: Exterior wall construction in districts
permitting non-residential uses shall be of such material that
is required to conform with the City of Coppell Building Code
for the particular non-residential use or occupancy involved.
Ail structures shall be eighty (80%) percent masonry exterior
exclusive of doors and windows. Glass may be counted in place
of masonry. Stucco is permitted.
25.6 Landscape Requirements: Landscape areas shall be provided
according to Section 33.
25.7 Areas used for open storage shall be £creened according to
Section 32.1; 5. Open storage areas shall be confined to the
rear 2/3 ( two thirds) of the lot.
General Purpose and Description: The "HI", Heavy Industrial
district is intended to provide for basic and heavier man-
ufacturing uses than may be inappropriate in the LI District.
26.1 Use Regulations: Any building or premises may be used for any
purpose, including the below enumerated uses unless otherwise
prohibited by other ordinance or laws; provided, however, that
no building shall be erected, reconstructed, or structurally
altered for residential purposes.
1. Any use permitted in the LI District.
2. Acid manufacture.
3. Cement, lime, gypsum or plaster of paris manufacture.
4. Distillation of bones and glue manufacture.
5. Fat rendering and fertilizer manufacture.
6. Magnesium manufacture or processing.
7. Paper or pulp manufacture.
8. Petroleum or its products, refining or bulk tank storage.
9. Smelting of tin, copper, zinc or iron ores, and other
10. Stockyards or slaughter of animals.
11. Wrecking yards and junk yards but only on the condition
that the premises upon which such activities are conduct-
ed area wholly enclosed within a building or by a solid
fence not less than eight (8) feet in height.
12. Salvage or reclamation of products.
13. Any uses permitted by Specific use permit, Section 29.12.
26.2 Height Regulations: Maximum height for office or industrial
use-none except limited to thirty-five (35) feet on any
portion of the site within one hundred fifty (150) feet of
property zoned or used for A, SF-ED, SF-18, SF-12, SF-9, SF-7,
SF-0, 2F-9, TH-I, TH-I, MF-1 or MF-2.
26.3 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: Minimum required, sixty (60) feet along
major thoroughfares. Thirty (30 feet on all other
streets. No parking or loading shall be permitted
within thirty (30) feet of the right-of-way.
(b) Side Yard: Minimum required, ten (10) feet unless
adjacent to property in a residential district then
a minimum of fifty (50) feet shall be observed.
(c) Rear Yards: Minimum required, five (5) feet unless
adjacent to property in a residential district then
a minimum of fifty (50) feet shall be observed.
(d) For structures requiring railroad access, setback
requirements from the centerline of the Railroad
Right-of way shall be in accordance with applicable
State laws.
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: Five thousand (5,000) square feet minimum
(b) Lot Width: Fifty (50) feet minimum
(c) Lot Depth: none
3. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than fifty (50%) per
cent of the lot area be covered by the main building and
accessory buildings. An additional ten (10%) per cent
coverage is allowed for parking structures.
4. Floor Area Ratio: Maximum F.A.R. 2.0 to 1 (See illus-
tration 15)
26.4 Parkin~ Regulations: Required off-street parking shall be
provided in accordance with the specific uses set forth in
Section 29. In addition, no parking or loading shall be
allowed within (30) thirty feet of the front property line.
26.5 Type of Construction: Exterior wall construction in districts
permitting non-residential uses shall be of such material that
is required to conform with the City of Coppell Building Code
for the particular non-residential use or occupancy involved.
Ail structures shall be eighty (80%) percent masonry exterior
exclusive of doors and windows. Glass may be counted in place
of masonry. Stucco is permitted. Concrete block type exteri-
or is permitted by specific use permit only.
26.6 Landscape Requirements: Landscape areas shall be provided
according to Section 33.
26.7 Areas used for open storage shall be screened according to
section 32.1 (5), and shall be confined to the rear two-
thirds (2/3) of the lot.
General Purpose and Description: The Planned Development
District "PD" prefix is intended to provide for combining and
mixing of uses allowed in various districts with appropriate
regulations, and to permit growth flexibility in the use and
design of land and buildings in situations where modification
of specific provisions of this Ordinance is not contrary to
its intent and purpose or significantly inconsistent with the
planning on which it is based and will not be harmful to the
neighborhood. A PD District may be used to permit new and
innovative concepts in land utilization.
While great flexibility is given to provide special re-
strictions which will allow development not otherwise permit-
ted, procedures are established herein to insure against
misuse of the increased flexibility.
27.1 Permitted Uses - Any use shall be permitted if such use is
specified in the Ordinance granting a Planned Development
District. The size, location, appearance, and method of
operation may be specified to the extent necessary to insure
compliance with the purpose of this Ordinance.
Development Requirements:
1. Development requirements for each separate PD District
shall be set forth in the Ordinance granting the PD
District and may include, but not be limited to; uses,
density, lot area, lot width, lot depth, yard depths and
widths, building height, building elevations, coverage,
floor area ratio, parking, access, screening, landscap-
ing, accessory buildings, signs, lighting, management
associations, and other requirements as the City Council
and Planning and Zoning Commission may deem appropriate.
2. The Ordinance granting a PD District shall include a
statement as to the purpose and intent of the PD granted
3. The Planned Development district shall conform to all
other sections of the ordinance unless specifically
excluded in the granting ordinance.
4. In the PD district, if uses conform to the standards and
regulations of the zoning district to which it is most
similar, the particular district must be stated in the
granting ordinance. Ail applications shall state all
requested variances from the standard requirements set
forth throughout this ordinance.
27.2 In establishing a Planned Development District in accordance
with this section, the City Council shall approve and file as
part of the amending Ordinance appropriate plans and standards
for each Planned Development District. During the review and
public hearing process, the Planning and Zoning Commission and
City Council shall require a Conceptual Plan and/or a Develop-
ment Plan ( or detail site plan).
1. Conceptual Plan - This plan shall be submitted by the
applicant. The plan shall show the applicant's intent
for the use of the land within the proposed planned
development district in a graphic manner and as may be
required supported by written documentation of proposals
and standards for development.
(a) A Conceptual Plan for residential land use shall
show general use, thoroughfares and preliminary
lotting arrangements. For residential development
which does not propose platted lots, the conceptual
plan shall set forth the size, type and location of
buildings and building sites, access, density,
building height, fire lanes, screening, parking
areas, landscaped areas and other pertinent develop-
ment data.
(b) A Conceptual Plan for uses other than residential
uses shall set forth the land use proposals in a
manner to adequately illustrate the type and nature
of the proposed development, Data which may be
submitted by the applicant, or required by the
Planning and Zoning Commission or City Council, may
include but is not limited to the types of use(s),
topography and boundary of PD area, physical fea-
tures of the site, existing streets, alleys and
easements, location of future public facilities,
building height and location, parking ratios and
other information to adequately describe the
proposed development and to provide data for ap-
proval which is to be used in drafting the final
Development Plan.
(c) Changes of detail which do not alter the basic
relationship of the proposed development to adjacent
property and which do not alter th uses permitted or
increase the density, building height or coverage of
the site, or which do not decrease the off-street
parking ratio or reduce the yards provided at the
boundary of the site or does not significantly alter
the landscape plans as indicated on the approved
conceptual plan may be authorized by the City
Manager or his designated representative.
2. Development Plan or Detail Site Plan - This plan shall
set forth the final plans for development of the Planned
Development District and shall conform to the data
presented and approved on the conceptual plan. Approval
of the Development Plan shall be the basis for issuance
of a building permit. The Development Plan may be
submitted for the total area of the PD or for any section
or part as approved on the Conceptual Plan. The Develop-
ment Plan must be approved by the Planning and Zoning
Commission and City Council, but a public hearing is not
required. A public hearing for the Development Plan
shall be required only if specifically stated at the time
of Conceptual Plan approval in the original amending
The Development plan shall include:
(a) A site inventory analysis including a scale drawing
showing existing vegetation, natural water courses,
creeks or bodies of water and an analysis of planned
changes in such natural features as a result of the
development. This should include a delineation of
any flood prone areas.
(b) A scale drawing showing any proposed public or
private streets and alleys; building sites or lots;
and areas reserved as parks, parkways, playgrounds,
utility easements, school sites, street widening and
street changes; the points of ingress and egress
from existing streets; general location and descrip-
tion of existing and proposed utility services,
including size of water and sewer mains; the lo-
cation and width for all curb cuts and the land area
of all abutting sites and the zoning classification
thereof on an accurate survey of the tract with a
topographical contour interval of not more than five
(5) feet.
(c) A site plan for proposed building complexes showing
the location of separate buildings and the minimum
distance between buildings,and between buildings and
property lines, street lines and alley lines. Also
to be included on the site plan is a plan showing
the arrangement and provision of off-street parking.
(d) A landscape plan showing screening walls, ornamental
planting, wooded areas and trees to be planted. The
landscaping plan shall conform to the minimum
standards established in Section 33 and in the
approved Coppell Streetscape Plan.
(e) An architectural plan showing elevations and signage
style to be used throughout the development in all
districts except single-family, and two-family.
Any or all of the required information may be
incorporated on a single drawing if one drawing is
clear and can be evaluated by the City Manager or
his designated representatives.
3. Ail Development Plans may have supplemental data describ-
ing standards, schedules or other data pertinent to the
development of the Planned Development District which is
to be included in the text of the amending Ordinance.
Procedure for establishing a Planned Development District
shall follow the procedure for zoning amendments as set
forth in Section 43. This procedure is further expanded
as follows for approval of Conceptual and Development
A. Separate public hearings shall be held by the
Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council for
the approval of the Conceptual Plan and the Develop-
ment Plan or any section of the Development Plan
unless such requirement is waived by the City
Council when it is determined a single public
hearing is adequate. A single public hearing is
adequate when:
(1) The applicant submits adequate data with the
request for the Planned Development District to
fulfill the requirements for both Plans;
(2) Information on the Concept Plan is sufficient
to determine the appropriate use of the land
and the Detail Site Plan will not deviate
substantially from it.
(3) The requirement is waived at the time the
amending ordinance is approved.
B. The Ordinance establishing the Planned Development
District shall not be approved until the Conceptual
Plan is approved.
(1) The Development Plan may be approved in
sections. When the Plan is approved in
sections, then separate approvals by the
Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council
for the initial and subsequent sections will be
(2) An initial Development Plan shall be submitted
for approval within six (6) months from the
approval of the Conceptual Plan. If the
Development Plan is not submitted within six
(6) months, the Concept Plan is subject to
re-approval by the Planning and Zoning Commis-
sion and City Council.
(3) Regardless of whether the public hearing is
waived for the Development Plan, approval by
the Planning and Zoning Commission and City
Council is still required.
27.3 When a PD is being considered, a written report from the City
Manager discussing the impact on planning, engineering, water
utilities, electric, sanitation, building inspection, tax,
police, fire, and traffic, and written comments from the
applicable public school district, and from private utilities
may be submitted to the Planning Commission prior to the
Commission making any recommendations to the Council. In the
event written comments are not forthcoming in a reasonable
amount of time, the Commission may at its discretion make a
recommendation to the Council.
If three (3) or more buildings are situated on one lot,
regardless of the zoning classification, a Conceptual Plan
and/or a Development Plan (Detail Site Plan) shall be approved
by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council. No
public hearing is required unless so stated in the original
27.4 Ail Planned Development Districts approved in accordance with
the provisions of this ordinance in its original form, or by
subsequent amendments thereto, shall be referenced on the
Zoning District Map, and a list of such Planned Development
Districts, together with the category of uses permitted
therein, shall be maintained in the appendix of this ordi-
27.5 Planned Development Ordinances Continued - Prior to adoption
of this ordinance, the City Council had established various
Planned Development Districts, some of which are to be con-
tinued in full force and effect. The ordinances or parts of
ordinances approved prior to this ordinance shall be carried
forth in full force and effect and are the conditions, re-
strictions, regulations and requirements which apply to the
respective Planned Development Districts shown on the Zoning
Map at the date of adoption of this ordinance.
General Purpose and Description - To provide for the appropri-
ate use of land which has a history of inundation or is
determined to be subject to flood hazard, and to promote the
general welfare and provide protection from flooding portions
of certain districts are designated with a Flood Plain Prefix,
FP. Areas designated on the Zoning District Map by an FP
Prefix shall be subject to the following provisions:
28.1 Permitted Uses - The permitted uses in that portion of any
district having a Flood Plain, FP prefix shall be limited to
the following:
1. Agricultural activities including the ordinary cultiva-
tion or grazing of land and legal types of animal
2. Off-street parking incidental to any adjacent main use
permitted in the district.
3. Electrical Substation.
4. Ail types of local utilities including those requiring
Specific Use Permits.
5. Parks, community centers, playgrounds, public golf
courses (no structures), and other recreational areas.
6. Private open space as part of a Community Unit Develop-
ment of Planned Residential Development.
7. Heliport when approved by Specific Use Permit as provided
in Section 29.
28.2 No building or structure shall be erected in that portion of
any district designated with a Flood' Plain, FP, Prefix until
and unless such building or structure has been approved by the
City Council after engineering studies have been made and it
ascertained that such building or structure is not subject to
damage by flooding and would not constitute an encroachment,
hazard, or obstacle to the movement of flood waters and that
such construction would not endanger the value and safety of
other property or the public health and welfare.
28.3 Any dump, excavation, storage, filling, or mining operation
within that portion of a district having a Flood Plain, FP,
Prefix shall be approved in writing by the Public Works
Director before such operation is begun.
28.4 An area may be removed from the Flood Plain, FP, Prefix
designation when by the provision of drainage works, grading,
flood protection, or specific drainage study, it is determined
by the City Council that the flood hazard has been alleviated.
28.5 The fact that land is, or is not, within a district having a
Flood Plain, FP, Prefix shall not be interpreted as assurance
that such land or area is, or is not, subject to periodic
local flooding.
29.1 Specific Uses: The City Council by an affirmative vote may
after public hearing and proper notice to all parties affect-
ed, and after recommendations from the Planning and Zoning
Commission that the use is in general conformance with the
Master Plan of the City and containing such requirements~and
safe guards as are necessary to protect adjoining property,
authorize application and shall be accompanied by a site plan
(see section 27) drawn to scale and showing the general
arrangement of the project, together with essential require-
ments such as off-street parking facilities; size, height,
construction materials, and locations of buildings and the
uses to be permitted; location and construction of signs;
means of ingress and egress to public streets; the type of
visual screening such as walls, plantings and fences; and the
relationship of the intended use to all existing properties
and land uses in all directions to a minimum distance of two
hundred (200) feet. The Planning Commission or City Council
may require information, operating data and expert evaluation
concerning the location and function and characteristics of
any building or use proposed.
29.2 Specific Use Permit Regulations:
1. In recommending that a Specific Use Permit for the
premises under consideration be granted, the Planning and
Zoning Commission shall determine that such uses are
harmonious and adaptable to building structures and uses
of abutting property and other property in the vicinity
of the premises under consideration, and shall make
recommendations as to requirements for the paving of
streets, alleys and sidewalks, means of ingress and
egress to public streets, provisions for drainage,
adequate off-street parking, protective screening and
open space landscaping, heights of structures, and
compatibility of buildings.
2. Every Specific Use Permit granted under these provisions
shall be considered as an amendment to the zoning ordi-
nance as applicable to such property under consideration,
but shall not be considered as a permanent change in
zoning. In the event the building, premise, or land uses
under the Specific Use Permit is voluntarily vacated or
if the ownership is voluntarily transferred, or if such
buildings, premise, or land is more than fifty (50%) per
cent destroyed by fire or other cause, the use of the
same shall thereafter conform to the regulations of the
original zoning district of such property unless a new
and separate Specific Use Permit is granted for continua-
tion of the use.
3. In granting a Specific Use Permit, the City Council may
impose conditions which shall be complied with by the
owner or grantee before a certificate of occupancy may be
issued by the building inspector for use of the building
on such property pursuant to such Specific Use Permit;
and such conditions precedent to the granting of the
certificate of occupancy.
4. No Specific Use Permit shall be granted unless the
applicant, owner, and grantee of the Specific Use Permit
shall be willing to accept and agree to be bound by and
comply with the written requirements of the Special Use
Permit, as attached to the site plan drawing (or draw-
ings) and approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
5. A building permit shall be applied for and secured within
six (6) months from the time of granting the Specific Use
Permit provided; however, the City Council may authorize
an extension of this time upon recommendation by the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
6. No building, premise, or land used under a Specific Use
Permit may be enlarged, modified, structurally altered,
or otherwise significantly changed unless a separate
Specific Use Permit is granted for such enlargement,
modification, structural alteration, or change.
7. The Board of Adjustment shall not have jurisdiction to
hear, review, reverse, or modify any decision, determina-
tion, or ruling with respect to the granting, extension,
revocation, modification or any other action taken
relating to such Specific Use Permit.
8. When the City Council authorizes granting of a Specific
Use Permit, the Zoning Map shall be amended according to
its legend to indicate that the affected area has condi-
tional and limited uses, and said amendment is to indi-
cate the appropriate zoning district for the approved use
and suffixed by a "S" designation.
29.3 Use Regulations: A building or premise used for any of the
following purposes shall be permitted by specific use permit
29.4 "A" - Agricultural District
1. Sand or gravel extraction or storage and other mining
2. Country clubs or golf courses and related uses such as
driving ranges but not including similar forms of commer-
cial amusement such as miniature golf.
3. University, college or Parochial school and related
4. Sewage treatment plan. (Private operated)
5. Broadcasting facilities including towers.
6. Campgrounds.
7. Carnival. (By resolution of City Council for specific
time period)
8. Construction office. (By authority of the building
official for specific time periods.)
9. Cemetery.
10. Charitable organizations other than churches.
11. Batching plant. (temporary)
12. Day nursery or camp.
13. Dirt storage or sales.
14. Electric substation, transmission line or other public
15. Florist, Retail.
16. Garden or farm equipment sales.
17. Gun club or shooting range.
18. Heliport or helistop.
19. Hospital.
20. Ice manufacture.
21. Kennel inside or outside.
22. Parking lot.
23. Rodeo arena.
24. Stadium (Public or Private)
25. Zoo. (Public)
26. Airport. (Public or Private)
27. Amateur radio operation or other receiving device for
vocal or visual communications.
28. Home occupation.
29. Stucco type construction.
29.5 "SF-ED" - Single Family Estate District:
1. Airport. (Private)
2. Cemetery.
3. Charitable organizations.
4. Churches, lodges and similar public organizations.
5. University, college or parochial school and related
facilities. (Public or Private)
6. Country Club or golf course and related uses such as
driving ranges but not including similar forms of commer-
cial amusement such as miniature golf.
7. Day Nursery or day care.
8. Public utilities such as electric substation and trans-
mission line.
9. Hospital and related uses.
10. Post Office.
11. Riding Academy or other equestrian related facilities.
12. Sewage treatment plant. (Private)
13. Stadium.
14. Home occupation.
15. Stucco type construction.
29.6 "SF- 18"
"MF- 1"
1. Cemetery.
2. Charitable organization.
3. Churches, lodges and similar public organizations.
4. University, college or parochial school and related
facilities. (Public or Private)
5. Country Club or golf course and related uses such as
driving ranges but not including similar forms of commer-
cial amusement such as miniature golf.
6. Day Nursery.
7. Public utilities such as electric substation and trans-
mission line.
8. Hospital.
9. Post Office.
10. Sewage treatment plant. (Private)
11. Stadium.
12. Home Occupation
13. Stucco type construction.
29.7 "O" Office:
1. Airport. (Public or Private)
2. Broadcasting facilities, Radio, television or micro-wave
3. Cemetery.
4. University, college, or parochial school and related
5. Electric substation, transmission line or other public
use utilities.
6. Exhibition Hall.
7. Carnival. (By resolution of City Council for specific
time period)
8. Fairgrounds.
9. Motel or Hotel.
10. Nursing home or home for the aged.
11. Instrument testing.
12. Janitor service.
13. Jeweler, Retail.
14. Laboratory.
15. Movie theatre. (Indoor)
16. Night club or private club.
17. Photograph studio.
18. Rodeo Arena.
19. Service or Gas station.
20. Stadium.
21. Television studio.
22. Zoo. (Public)
23. Incidental retail and service uses.
24. Mortuary or funeral parlor
25. Institution for care of alcoholic, narcotic or psychiat-
ric patients
26. Restaurant or private club
29.8 "R" - Retail
1. Airport. (Public or Private)
2. Broadcasting facilities, radios, television or micro-wave
3. Cemetery.
4. College, University, or parochial school and related
5. Candle manufacturing.
6. Candy manufacturing.
7. Carnival. (By resolution of City Council for specific
time periods)
8. Electric substation, transmission lines or other public
use utilities.
9. Fairgrounds.
10. Fur goods manufacturing.
11. Grocery and convenience stores
12. Heliport or helistop.
13. Instrument manufacturing or testing.
14. Motel or Hotel
15. Rodeo or other sports arena.
16. Telegraph office.
17. Zoo. (public)
18. Indoor amusement. (video games)
19. Restaurants or private clubs
20. Gasoline service stations, provided that the activities
permitted do not include major automobile repairs,
storage or dismantling of motor vehicles for sale.
21. Bowling alley
29.9 "C" Commercial
1. Airport
2. Automobile repair garages
3. Boat storage
4. Butane storage and sales
5. Candle manufacturing
6. Candy manufacturing
7. Cemetery
8. Electronic manufacturing
9. Grocery and convenience stores
10. Motel or Hotel
11. Nursing home or home for the aged
12. Instrument manufacturing or testing
13. Kennels (outside)
14. Motor freight terminal
15. Moving and storage company
16. Open storage
17. Pawn shop
18. Rodeo or other sports arena
19. Heliport or helistop
20. Electric substation, transmission line or other public
use utility
21. Motion picture theater (outdoor)
22. Auto laundries or car wash
23. Indoor sports, recreation and entertainment
24. Commercial amusement (indoor or outdoor)
25. Automobile, truck or mobile home display or sales
26. Restaurant (drive in type).
27. Private club
28. Convenience warehouse ("mini-warehouse").
29. Gasoline service station.
29.10 "TC" Town Center
1. Cemetery
2. College, university, or parochial school and related
3. Electric substation, transmission line or other public
use utility
4. Gasoline service station.
29.11 "LI" Light Industrial
1. Airport
2. Arsenal
3. Cemetery
4. Electric substation, transmission line and other public
use utility
5. Gravel, sand stone or petroleum extraction
6. Gun club or shooting range
7. Lumber mill
8. Other mining activities
9. Petroleum products storage
10. Planing mill
11. Printing plant
12. Rooming house
13. Coal, coke or wood yard.
14. Concrete or asphalt batching plant on temporary basis.
15. Drive-in theatre (outdoor).
16. Adult Uses (adult bookstores, adult motion pictures,
massage parlors and nude modeling or photography studios
17. Gasoline service stations.
29.12 HI Heavy Industrial
1. Airport (public or private)
2. Acetylene gas manufacture or storage
3. Acid manufacture
4. Alcohol manufacture
5. Ammonia, bleaching powder or cholorine manufacture
6. Arsenal
7. Asphalt manufacture or refining
8. Blast furnace
9. Bag cleaning, unless clearly accessory to the manufacture
of bags
10. Boiler works
11. Brick, tile, pottery or terra cotta manufacture other
than the manufacture of handcraft or concrete products
12. Candle manufacture
13. Celluloid manufacture or treatment
14. Cement, lime, gypsum, or plaster of paris manufacture
15. Central mixing plant for cement, mortar, plaster, or
paving materials
16. Coke ovens
17. Cotton gins
18. Cotton seed oil manufacture
19. Creosote manufacture or treatment
20. Disinfectants manufacture
21. Distillation of bones, coal or wood
22. Exterminator and insect poison manufacture
23. Emery cloth and sandpaper manufacture
24. Explosives or fireworks manufacture or storage
25. Fat rendering
26. Fertilizer manufacture
27. Fish smoking and curing
28. Forge plant
29. Gas manufacture or storage, for heating or illuminating
30. Gasoline service station.
31. Glue, size or gelatine manufacture
32. Hatchery
33. Iron, steel, brass or copper foundry or fabrication plant
34. Junk, iron or rag storage or baling
35. Metal or aluminum exterior siding on buildings.
36. Match manufacture
37. Oilcloth or linoleum manufacture
38. Oiled rubber goods manufacture
39. Paint, oil, shellac, turpentine or varnish manufacture
40. Paper and pulp manufacture
41. Petroleum or its products, refining or wholesale storage
42. Pickle manufacturing
43. Planing mills
44. Potash works
45. Pyroxline manufacture
46. Rock crusher
47. Rolling mill
48. Rubber or gutta-percha manufacture or treatment but not
the making of articles out of rubber
49. Sauerkraut manufacture
50. Salt works
51. Shoe polish manufacture
52. Smelting of tin, copper, zinc, or iron ores
53. Soap manufacture other than liquid soap
54. Soda and compound manufacture
55. Stock yard or slaughter of animals or fowls
56. Stone mill or quarry
57. Stove polish manufacture
58. Tallow grease or lard manufacture or refining from or of
animal fat.
59. Tanning, curing or storage of raw hides or skins
60. Tar distillation or manufacture
61. Tar roofing or water proofing manufacture
62. Tobacco (chewing) manufacture or treatment
63. Vinegar manufacture
64. Yeast plant
65. Salvage or reclamation of products
66. Auto wrecking yard
Purpose: To secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers; to les-
sen congestion in the streets; to facilitate the adequate provisions of
transportation; to conserve the value of buildings; and to encourage the
most appropriate use of land, minimum off-street parking and loading
shall be provided as set forth in the following schedules and pro-
30.1 Special Off-Street Parkin~ Provisions--Residential Districts
1. Ail required off-street parking spaces shall be located
behind all setback lines in any agriculture, single-
family, duplex, or townhouse district. Ail required
parking spaces shall be located behind the required front
setback line in the MF-1 and MF-2 districts.
2. Required off-street parking shall be provided on the same
site as the use it is to serve.
3. No parking shall be allowed except on a paved concrete or
asphalt parking space or other impervious surface.
4. An enclosed parking space shall mean a garage attached to
the main structure, covered and enclosed on at least
three sides and can fully conceal the vehicle.
30.2 Special Off-Street Parkin~ Provisions--Non-Residential Dis-
1. In non-residential districts, surface parking may extend
into the front yard except for required screening,
landscaping, or as specifically stated in various
sections of this ordinance.
30.3 Off-Street Loadin~ Space - Ail Districts
1. Ail retail, commercial, and industrial structures having
five thousand (5,000) square feet or more of gross floor
area shall provide and maintain off-street parking
facilities for the loading and unloading of merchandise
and goods at a ratio of at least one (1) space for the
first twenty thousand (20,000) square feet of gross floor
area and one (1) space for each additional twenty thou-
sand (20,000) square feet of gross floor area or fraction
thereof for a building larger than five thousand (5,000)
square feet. A loading space shall consist of an area of
a minimum of twelve (12) by thirty (30) feet. Ail drives
and approaches shall provide adequate space and clear-
ances to allow for the maneuvering of trucks off-street.
2. Kindergartens, day schools, and similar child training
and care establishments shall provide paved off-street
loading and unloading space on a through "circular" drive
4except when otherwise provided for when a Specific Use
Permit has been granted (also see section 31.10).
3. Uses not listed in Schedule 30.6 shall provide required
off-street parking according to the most similar use
listed in the Schedule, as determined by the City Coun-
4. Loading docks and areas shall not be located on the
street side of any structure unless screened according to
section 32.1 (4).
30.4 Parkin~ Access From a Public Street - Ail Districts
1. In all districts (except all single-family, duplex, and
multi-family districts) building plans shall provide for
entrance/exit drive(s) appropriately designed and located
to minimize traffic congestion or conflict within the
site and with adjoining public streets as approved by the
City Engineer. Where based upon analysis by the City
Manager, projected volumes of traffic entering or leaving
the proposed development are likely to interfere with the
projected peak traffic flow volumes on adjoining streets,
additional right-of-way, and paving in the form of a
deceleration lane or turn lane may be required to be
furnished by the developer in order to reduce such
2. In the approval of a Development Plan (Detail Site Plan)
as required in Section 27, consideration shall be given
to providing entrance/exit drives which extend into the
site to provide adequate queuing of vehicles on the site.
Such drives shall have curbs or other barriers to prohib-
it access from parking areas and other drives.
3. The radius of all drive approaches shall be constructed
so that the curb return shall not extend beyond any
projection of the property line which the drive does not
cross, except by written agreement of both property
owners filed for record with the County Clerk with proof
supplied to the City Council.
4. Vehicular access to non-residential uses shall not be
permitted from alleys serving residential areas.
5. Parking space configuration, location, arrangement, size
and circulation in all districts shall be constructed
according to Illustrations 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.
30.5 Off-Street Parkin~ Requirements - Ail Districts
1. Ail parking, loading spaces, and vehicle sales areas on
private property shall have a vehicle stopping device
installed so as to prevent parking of motor vehicles in
any required landscaped areas, to prevent any parked
vehicle from overhanging a public right-of-way line, or
public sidewalk. An overwide sidewalk on private proper-
ty may be permitted so as to allow encroachment of
vehicle overhang while maintaining an unobstructed three
(3) foot minimum sidewalk width. The requirement shall
apply only where spaces are adjacent to the walks,
right-of-way, and landscaping. Parking shall not be
permitted to overhang public right-of-way in any case.
2. Refuse storage facilities placed in a parking lot shall
not be located in a designated parking or loading space.
Each refuse facility shall be maintained so as to comply
with all public health and sanitary regulations. Each
refuse facility shall be located so as to facilitate
pickup by refuse collection agencies and shall be
screened according to Section 32.1 (6).
30.6 Parkin~ ReQuirements Based on Use
In all districts there shall be provided at the time any
building or structure is erected or structurally altered,
off-street parking spaces in accordance with the following
1. Auto laundry: One (1)1 space per five hundred (500)
square feet of gross floor area
2. Bowling alley: Six (6) parking spaces for each alley or
3. Business or professional office, (general): One (1)
space per three hundred (300) square feet of gross floor
4. Church or other place of worship: One (1) parking space
for each three (3) seats in the main auditorium
5. College or University: One (1) space per each day
6. Community Center, Library, Museum, or Art Gallery: Ten
(10) parking spaces plus one (1) additional space for
each three hundred (300) square feet of floor area in
excess of two thousand (2,000) square feet. If an
auditorium is included as a part of the building, its
floor area shall be deducted from the total and addition-
al parking provided on the basis of one (1) space for
each four (4) seats that it contains.
7. Commercial Amusement: One (1) space per 3 guests or one
(1) space per 100 square feet of gross floor area,
whichever is greater.
8. Dance Hall, Assembly or Exhibition Hall Without Fixed
Seats: One (1) parking space for each one hundred (100)
square feet of floor area thereof.
9. Day Nursery: One (1) space per 10 pupils
10. Dwellings, Multi-Family: Two (2) spaces per one and two
bedroom units and two and one-half (2½) spaces per three
bedroom unit.
11. Fraternity, Sorority, or Dormitory: One (1) parking
space for each two (2) beds.
12. Furniture or Appliance Store, Hardware Store, Wholesale
Establishments, Machinery or Equipment Sales and Service,
Clothing or Shoe Repair or Service: Two (2) parking
spaces plus one (1) additional parking space for each
three hundred (300) square feet of floor area over one
thousand (1,000).
13. Gasoline Station: Minimum of six (6) spaces
14. Hospital: One (1) space per employee on the largest
shift, plus one and one-half (1½) spaces for each bed.
15. Hotel: One (1) parking space for each one (1) sleeping
rooms or suites plus one (1) space for each two hundred
(200) square feet of commercial floor area contained
16. Library or Museum: Ten (10) spaces plus one (1) space
for every three hundred (300) square feet.
17. Lodge or Fraternal Organization: One (1) space per two
hundred (200) square feet.
18. Manufacturing or Industrial Establishment, Research or
Testing Laboratory, Creamery, Bottling Plant, Warehouse,
Printing or Plumbing Shop, or Similar Establishment: One
(1) parking space for each employee on the m-ximum
working shift plus space to accommodate all trucks and
other vehicles used in connection therewith, but not less
than one (1) parking space for each one thousand (I,000)
square feet of floor area.
19. Medical or Dental Office: One (1) space per one hundred
seventy-five (175) square feet of floor area.
20. Mini-Warehouse: Four (4) per complex plus (1) one per
five thousand (5000) square feet of storage areas.
21. Mobile Home Park: Two (2) spaces for each mobile home
plus additional spaces as required herein for accessory
22. Mortuary or Funeral Home: One (1) parking space for each
fifty (50) square feet of floor space in slumber rooms,
parlors or individual funeral service rooms.
23. Motel: One (1) parking space for each sleeping room or
suite plus one (1) space for each two hundred (200)
square feet of commercial floor area contained therein.
24. Motor-Vehicle Salesrooms and Used Car Lots: One (1)
parking space for each five hundred (500) square feet of
sales floor for indoor uses, or one (1) parking space for
each one thousand (1,000) square feet of lot area for
outdoor uses.
25. Nursing Home: One (1) space per five (5) beds and one
(1) for each day staff.
26. Private Club, Country Club or Golf Club: One (1) parking
space for each one hundred-fifty (150) square feet of
floor area or for every five (5) members, whichever is
27. Retail Store or Personal Service Establishment, except as
otherwise specified herein: One (1) space per two
hundred (200) square feet of gross floor area.
28. Restaurant, Night Club, Cafe or Similar Recreation or
Amusement Establishment: One (1) parking space for each
one hundred (100) square feet of floor area.
29. Rooming or Boarding House: One (1) parking space for
each sleeping room.
30. Sanitarium, Convalescent Home, Home for the Aged or
Similar Institution: One (1) parking space for each five
(5) beds
31. School, Elementary: One (1) Parking space for each five
(5) seats in the auditorium or main assembly room, or one
(1) space for each classroom plus six (6) spaces, which-
ever is greater.
32. School, Secondary, and College: One (1) parking space
for each four (4) seats in the main auditorium or eight
(8) spaces for each classroom, whichever is greater.
33. Theater, Auditorium (except school), Sports Arena,
Stadium, or Gymnasium: One (1) parking space for each
three (3) seats or bench seating spaces.
34. Warehouse, Wholesale, Manufacturing and Other Industrial
Type Uses: One (1) space for one thousand (1,000) square
feet of gross floor area.
35. Golf Course: Three (3) parking spaces per hole.
30.7 Rules for Computin~ Number of Parkin~ Spaces: In computing
the number of parking spaces required for each of the above
uses the following rules shall govern:
1. "Floor Area" shall mean the gross floor area of the
specific use.
2. Where fractional spaces result, the parking spaces
required shall be constructed to be the nearest whole
3. The parking space requirement for a use not specifically
mentioned herein shall be the same as required for a use
of similar nature.
4. Whenever a building or use constructed or established
after the effective date of this Ordinance is changed or
enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of
dwelling units, seating capacity or otherwise, to create
a need for an increase of ten (10) percent or more in the
number of existing parking spaces, such spaces shall be
provided on the basis of the enlargement or change.
Whenever a building or use existing prior to the effec-
tive date of this Ordinance is enlarged to the extent of
fifty (50) percent or more in floor area or in the area
used, said building or use shall then and thereafter
comply with the parking requirements set forth herein.
5. In the case of m~xed uses, the parking spaces required
shall equal the sum of the requirements of the various
uses computed separately.
30.8 Location of Parkin~ Spaces: All parking spaces required
herein shall be located on the same lot with the building or
use served, except as follows:
1. Nhere an increase in the number of spaces is required by
a change or enlargement of use or where such spaces are
provided collectively or used jointly by two (2) or more
buildings or establishments, the required spaces may be
located not to exceed three hundred (300) feet from an
institutional building served and not to exceed six
hundred (600) feet from any other non-residential build-
ing served.
2. Not more than fifty (50) per cent of the parking spaces
required for theaters, bowling alleys, dance halls, night
clubs, cafes, or similar uses and not more than eighty
(80) per cent of the parking spaces required for a church
or school auditorium or similar uses may be provided and
used Jointly by similar uses not normally open, used or
operated during the same hours as those listed; provided,
however, that written agreement thereto is properly
executed and filed as specified below.
In any case where the required parking spaces are not
located on the same lot with the building or use served,
or where such spaces are collectively or Jointly provided
and used, a written agreement thereby assuring their
retention for such purposes, shall be properly drawn and
executed by the parties concerned, approved as to form by
the City and executed by the parties concerned, approved
as to form by the City Attorney and shall be filed with
the application for a building permit.
30.9 Use of Parking Spaces - All Districts: Required off-street
parking and loading spaces shall be used only for these
respective purposes and shall Dot be used for storage or
display of boats, trailers, campers, motor vehicles or other
goods, materials, products for sale.
30.10 Off-Street Loadin~ Space - Shall be provided on each lot in
accordance with the following:
1. All retail, commercial and industrial structures shall
provide and maintain off-street facilities for the
loading and unloading of merchandise and goods within the
building or on the lot adjacent to a public alley or
private service drive.
Such space shall consist of a minimum area of twelve (12)
feet by twenty-five (25) feet for each twenty thousand
(20,000) square feet of floor space or fraction thereof
in excess of five thousand (5,000) square feet in the
building or on the lot.
2. Kindergartens, day schools, and similar child training
and car establishments shall provide loading and unload-
ing space on a private drive, off-street to accommodate
one (1) motor vehicle for each ten (10) students or
children cared for by the establishment.
3. Screening of loading and truck parking areas facing a
street shall be provided in accordance with Section 32
31.1 Lot Area:
1. The minimum residential lot area for the various Dis-
tricts shall be in accordance with the individual use
schedule except that a lot having less area than herein
required which was an official "lot of record" prior to
the adoption of this Ordinance may be used for a one-
family dwelling and no lot existing at the time of
passage of this Ordinance shall be reduced in area below
the minimum requirements set forth in the respective
2. Public and Semi-Public Institutions such as hospitals,
churches and schools located in any district shall have a
minimum site area of two (2) acres.
3. Location of Dwellings and Buildings - Only one main
building for one-family and two-family use with permitted
accessory buildings may be located upon a lot or un-
platted tract. Every means of access shall have a
minimum width of twenty-five (25) feet. Where a lot is
used for retail and dwelling purposes, more than one (1)
main building may be located upon the lot, but only when
such buildings conform Co all the open space, parking and
density requirements applicable to the uses and dis-
tricts. Whenever two or more main buildings, or portions
thereof, are placed upon a single lot or tract and such
buildings do not face upon a public street, the same may
be permitted when the site plan for such development is
approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission so as to
comply with the normal requirements for platting. No
parking area, storage area, or required open space for
one building shall be computed as being the open space,
yard, or area requirements for any other dwelling or
other use.
31.2 Front Yard:
1. On corner lots, the front yard set back shall be observed
along the frontage of both intersecting streets ( unless
shown specifically otherwise and a final plat according
to section 31.3 (1).
2. Where the frontage on one side of a street between two
intersecting streets is divided by two or more zoning
districts, the front yard shall comply with the require-
ments of the most restrictive district for the entire
frontage. (See Appendix Illustration 6)
3. Where a building line has been established by a plat
approved by the City Council or by ordinance and such
line required a greater or lesser front yard setback than
is prescribed by this Ordinance for the district in which
the building line is located, the required front yard
shall comply with the building line so established by
such Ordinance or plat provided no such building line
shall be less than twenty-five (25) feet (except in the
SF-0 and TH-2 districts).
4. The front yard shall be measured from the property line
to the front face of the building, covered porch, covered
terrace or attached accessory building. Eaves and roof
extensions or a porch without posts or columns may
project into the required front yard for a distance not
to exceed four (4) feet and subsurface structures,
platforms or slabs may not project into the front yard to
a height greater than thirty (30) inches above the
average grade of the yard. (See Appendix Illustration 7)
5. Where lots have double frontage, running through from one
street to another, a required front yard shall be provid-
ed on both streets unless a building line for accessory
buildings has been established along one frontage on the
plat or by ordinance, in which event only one required
front yard need be observed. (See Appendix Illustration
6. In all residential districts ( except SF-0 and TH-2
districts), the minimum front yards specified may be
reduced by a maximum of five (5) feet if twenty five
(25%) per cent of the dedicated street lengths in the
subdivision are curvilinear in design. In no case shall
the required front yard be less than twenty-five (25)
feet. The term "curvilinear in design" shall refer to
any street segment which is designed with a degree of
curvature not less than 3° 30' and not greater than 22°
55', and which shall offset a minimum distance of 30
feet, said offset being measured perpendicular to the
initial tangent line of the curve. Computation of
percentage of curvilinear streets shall utilize the
centerline of all interior streets. (See illustration 9)
7. The minimum front yard setback requirements may be
reduced by five (5) feet in all Single Family (except
SF-O) and 2F-9 districts provided that at least fifty
(50Z) percent of the structures on a giwen block are set
back an additional five (5) feet from the original
setback. The average setback would equal the original
setback requirement. The purpose of this requirement is
to encourage a variety of front yard setbacks along a
street creating a more pleasing appearance of houses in
the subdivision. In no case shall the front yard setback
be less than twenty (20) feet. (See Appendix Illus-
tration 10)
8. Minimum front yard setbacks for lots with predominate
frontage on the curved radius of a cul-de-sac shall be
twenty-five (25) feet. (See illustration 14)
9. No fence, wall, screen billboard, sign structure or
foliage of hedges, trees, bushes or shrubs shall be
erected, planted or maintained in such a position or
place so as to obstruct or interfere with the following
minimum sight line standards.
a. Vision at all intersections where streets intersect
at or near right angles shall be clear at elevations
between two and one-half (2%) feet and nine (9) feet
above the average street grade, within a triangular
area formed by extending the two curb lines from
their point of intersection (see Figure 4 of the
Subdivision Ordinance) forty-five (45) feet, and
connecting these points with an imaginary line,
thereby making a triangle. If there are no curbs
existing, the triangular area shall be formed by
extending the property lines from their point of
intersection twenty-five (25) feet and connecting
these points with an imaginary line, thereby making
a triangle.
10. Gasoline service station pump islands may not be located
nearer than eighteen (18) feet to the front property
line. An enclosed canopy for a gasoline filling station
may extend beyond the front building line but shall never
be closer than ten (10) feet to the property line.
11. Where a future right-of-way line has been established for
future widening or opening of a street or thoroughfare,
upon which a lot abuts, then the front or side yard shall
be measured from the future right-of-way line.
31.3 Side Yards:
1. On a corner lot used for one-family dwellings, both
street exposures shall be treated as front yards on all
lots platted after the effective date of this Ordinance,
except that where one street exposure is designated as a
side yard by a building line shown on a plat approved by
the Planning and Zoning Commission containing a side yard
of fifteen (15) feet or more the building line provisions
on the plat shall be observed. On lots which were
official lots of record prior to the effective date of
this Ordinance, the minimum side yard adjacent to a side
street shall comply with the minimum required side yard
for the respective districts.
2. Every part of a required side yard shall be open and
unobstructed except for accessory buildings as permitted
herein and the ordinary projections of window sills, belt
courses, cornices, and other architectural features not
to exceed twelve (12) inches into the required side yard,
and roof eaves projecting not to exceed thirty-six (36)
inches into the required side yard.
31.4 Lot Coverage:
1. Up to ten (10X) per cent additional coverage of the lot
or tract will be permitted for accessory buildings such
as garages, carports, and storage buildings. Specified
maximum coverage shall apply to schools, churches, and
other non-residential buildings permitted in residential
31.5 Special Height Regulations
1. In the districts where the height of buildings is re-
stricted to two and one-half (2½) or three (3) stories,
cooling towers, roof gables, chimneys and vent stacks may
extend for an additional height not to exceed forty (40)
£eet above the average grade line of the building. Water
stand pipes and tanks, church steeples, domes, and spires
and school buildings and institutional buildings may be
erected to exceed three (3) stories in height, provided
that one (1) additional foot shall be added to the width
and depth of front, side, and rear yards for each foot
that such structures exceed three (3) stories.
2. Antennas and other sending and receiving devices of
micro-wave or electromagnetic waves shall be permitted in
all districts for private or amateur radio broadcasting
use. Such devices shall not interfere with radio or
television reception of adjoining property owners and
shall comply with all regulations of the Federal Commu-
nications Commission (FCC). In no case shall the height
of such antennas exceed thirty-five (35) feet and proper
guy wire securement shall be followed. In no manner
shall the use of such equipment infringe upon adjoining
property owners.
31.6 Ail measurements of setback requirements shall be made accord-
ing to illustrations 11, 12 and 13.
31.7 Metal exterior construction buildings are not permitted in any
district as a primary use except as provided in other
ordinances of the City of Coppell.
Purpose: To encourage the most appropriate use of land and
conserve and protect the privacy and value of adjacent permit-
ted uses, regulations are prescribed for the location and type
of various screening devices to be used when required in the
various zoning districts or in this section in accordance with
the following standards.
32.1 Location of Required Screening
1. Where the side, rear, or service side of an apartment, or
the side, rear, or service side of a non-residential use
is adjacent to a single-family or two-family residential
district, screening not less than six (6) feet in height
shall be erected separating the use from the adjacent
residential district. No screening is required adjacent
to a street except as required in Paragraph 2 in this
Section. All screening walls shall conform to 32.1.7.
2. When the rear or service side of a non-residential use is
adjacent to a public thoroughfare with greater than 60
feet of Right-of-way screening six (6) feet in height
shall be provided. All screening walls shall conform to
3. In a non-residential district where parking space for
motor vehicles is provided adjacent to or within ten (10)
feet of a residential district, whether the district
boundary lines are separated by a street or alley or not,
screening two (2) feet in height shall be provided
between the boundary of such parking areas and the
residential district. This requirement does not waive
the requirements of Paragraph 1, however, providing
screening as required in Paragraph 1 may fulfill the
requirements of this paragraph.
4. In all districts where screening of loading areas facing
a street is required, screening shall be provided not
less than six (6) feet in height adjacent to the loading
area at the property line. Said screening shall be
required along all streets except where such use was in
existence at the date of adoption of this Ordinance.
Screening adjacent to a street shall be brick. Other
types of screening devices may be approved by the Plan-
ning and Zoning Com~ission and City Council.
5. In all districts where screening of open storage is
required such screening shall be required only for those
areas used for open storage. A six (6) feet high fence
shall be provided and maintained at the property line
adjacent to the area to be screened. If the screening
wall for open storage is required along a street edge,
the screening wall should be brick and be located ten
(10) feet from the street R.O.W./property line. Brick
wall shall conform to 32.1.7.
The brick screening wall for the loading areas shall be
located ten (10) feet from the right-of-way line. Brick
wall shall conform to 32.1.7.
6. Refuse storage areas not adjacent to an alley for all
uses other than single-family and duplex dwellings shall
be visually screened by a six (6) foot high solid fence
on all sides except the side used for garbage pickup
service, such side shall not be required to be screened.
7. Where subdivisions are platted so that the rear yards of
single-family two family, or townhouse residential lots
are adjacent to a dedicated roadway, or separated from a
roadway by an alley or service road, the developer shall
provide, at his sole expense, one of the following types
of screening. The City Council and the Planning and
Zoning Commission may waive or modify, in exceptional
cases, this requirement. Ail forms of screening shall
conform to the requirements of the ordinances of the City
governing the sight distance for traffic safety and other
City ordinances. The types of permissible screening are:
A. A brick wall with a minimum height of six (6) feet
and a maximum height of eight (8) feet shall be
located on the street right-of-way line. The color
of the wall shall be limited to earth-tone colors,
(i.e. brown, tan, red, gray, etc.) The color of the
wall shall be uniform and/or compatible on both
sides of a thoroughfare for the entire length of the
thoroughfare between two intersecting thoroughfares.
When walls are built in sections, the colors shall
be as closely similar as possible, but shall, in no
case, be incompatible. Plans and specifications for
the wall shall be approved by the City. Masonry
columns shall be expressed at a minimum of thirty
(30) feet on centers and should typically be taller
than the remainder of the wall.
Brick detailing at the top of the wall shall produce
a change in plane or texture. Developers are
encouraged to create offsets in the wall to provide
visual variety. The wall shall be placed on an
appropriate structural concrete footing; trees shall
be planted in the landscaping strip between the curb
and screening wall according to standards set in
Section 33 for non-residential and multi-family
lots. Landscaping, in the form of trees and shrubs,
shall be used to break up long continuous lengths of
wall. In general, a minimum of fifteen (15) percent
of the wall elevation should be screened with
vegetation. The developer may, at his option,
install planter beds adjacent to the wall. In such
event, the developer shall provide total maintenance
for the beds until an owners association is in
existence to provide maintenance in accordance with
Section 33. The developer shall install automatic
irrigation bubblers or other means of irrigation
approved by the City. Plant materials shall be
selected from the plant palette in the approved
Coppell Streetscape Plan.
B. Where appropriate, a combination of brick and
ironwork can be utilized. The masonry portion shall
be constructed according to the criteria described
in the previous paragraph A. Landscaping and
maintenance requirements are also identical except
that a landscaped area must be provided behind open
ironwork to provide an appropriate view beyond.
These landscaped areas beyond shall also become the
responsibility of an owners association or individu-
al property owner to provide proper maintenance.
C. Where subdivisions are platted so that the side
yards of single-family residential lots are adjacent
to a roadway that is identified as a primary or
secondary image zone in the approved City Street-
scape Plan, the developer shall provide a screening
wall to screen the rear portion of the lots. The
wall shall conform to criteria established in
paragraphs A and B of this subsection. The length
of wall shall be equal to one half of the depth of
the lot or to the fenced in rear portion of the lot,
whichever is greater.
D. Where subdivisions are platted so that the side
yards of single-family residential lots are adjacent
to a dedicated roadway and where a cul-de-sac
approaches the paved roadway, but does not intersect
with it, the developer shall provide, at his sole
expense, a living screen composed of plants in the
approved plant palette. Plants shall be a minimum
of three (3) feet in height. Plant spacing shall
vary, depending on the type of plants, as required
by the City Council; however, suggested maximum
spacings are twenty-five (25) feet for trees and
twelve (12) feet for shrubs. A solid living screen
is not required. The living screen shall not be
planted opposite the front yard of residential lots
which front on streets which intersect with the
paved roadway. The developer shall provide total
maintenance for the living screen until adjacent
lots are sold. At the end of the maintenance
period, all plants in the living screen shall be in
a healthy and growing condition. The living screen
shall be planted between the sidewalk and the
right-of-way line.
E. At development and subdivision entry features, all
walls and raised planter beds shall be of brick or
stone construction unless otherwise approved by the
Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council.
The wall construction and landscaped requirements of
paragraphs A and B shall apply to development and
subdivision entry features. In addition, the design
of the entry feature must conform to the visibility
requirements of the Subdivision and Zoning Ordi-
nances. Paving materials should be incorporated
into the design of the pavement at entry features in
a manner compatible with that used at major or
secondary intersections in the City.
32.2 Maximum Height and Widths
Ail required plant screening material shall be trimmed and
pruned to prevent heights and widths which will cause visibil-
ity problems for traffic or other safety hazards, but not to a
height less than the required minimums.
Purpose: Landscaping is accepted as adding value to property
and is in the general welfare of the City. Therefore, land-
scaping is required hereafter of all new development or use of
previously undeveloped land except that single-family, duplex
and agricultural uses shall be exempt because single-family
uses rarely fail to comply with the requirements set forth and
agricultural uses are expected to be temporary and will be
replaced with other uses as the City develops.
33.1 Landscape Plan: Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occu-
pancy for any use other than agriculture, single-family
dwelling, or duplex dwelling in any zoning district, a Land-
scape Plan shall be submitted to the City for approval. It
shall show location, name, quantity, and size of any landscape
plants, landscape paving, benches, living screens, screening
walls, fountains, statues, sprinkler or water system, or other
landscape features; buildings, parking areas, drives, walks,
adjacent streets, and alleys. Unless waived by the City, the
Landscape Plan shall be prepared by a Registered Landscape
Architect and confor~ to guidelines established by the City
Staff for their plan review. Landscaping shall extend beyond
the property line to the curb or paving line in all adjacent
streets and alleys except where landscaping of common areas
and parkway areas adjacent to screening walls has been provid-
ed in the platting process. The Landscape Plan does not need
to be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City
Council unless so stated in the amending ordinance in a
Planned Development District. The Plan must conform to
criteria established in the approved Streetscape Plan, as well
as other requirements in Section 33.
33.2' Minimum Standards
1. Except where otherwise provided, all yard, setback,
parking, service, and recreational areas shall be land-
scaped with lawns, trees, shrubs, or other landscape
2. Where the use of a living screen is required or proposed,
such screen must be included as an element of the land-
scape plan.
3. A minimum of five (5~) percent of all required parking
areas shall be landscaped. On lots where the required
parking is not adjacent to a dedicated street, the five
(SZ) percent landscaping requirement shall apply to the
area between the buildings or structure and the street.
The (SZ) five percent requirement shall be calculated in
addition to areas contained in street right-of-way or
within 10 (10) feet of the front property line. It is
the intent of this section to require design and con-
struction of parking areas in a manner whereby areas
usable for parking or maneuvering space be landscaped.
4. Along primary image zones, the fifteen (15) foot no
parking strip may be reduced to ten (10) ieet i~ every
five (5) continuous parking spaces is separated by a
landscaped island planted with a tree. The island shall
be equal in size to a required parking space. When the
no parking strip is reduced in this manner, the corner no
parking triangles shall be increased in size to fourteen
(14) feet by fourteen (14) feet. (Figure 13 of the
Coppell Streetscape Plan)
5. For non-residential lots, screening devices shall be used
to obscure the view of parking areas in the required
front or side yards along dedicated streets. Such
screening shall be a maximum of thirty (30) inches high
measured from the bottom of curb at the parking pavement.
The screening shall be located within the required
landscaped setback adjacent to the street. The screening
shall be located or designed so as to minimize damage by
the automobile. (Figure 19 of the Coppell Streetscape
6. On all non-residential and multi-family lots which have
frontage along a dedicated street, the property owner
must plant trees in the no parking landscape setback
according to the guidelines established in the approved
Coppell Streetscape Plan and the following minimum
ratios. Along arterials identified as major image zones
in the Streetscape Plan, the ratio is one (1) tree for
every forty (40) feet of frontage. Along other arterials
and collectors identified as secondary image zones, the
ratio is one (1) tree for every fifty (50) feet of
frontage. The trees may be clustered for maximum visual
On all non-residential and multi-family lots which have
frontage on a primary or secondary image zone and on
which lot utility poles are located in that zone, the
property owner shall locate trees so as to help obscure
the utility poles from behind. The trees shall be
located so as to minimize future interference with the
overhead lines.
7. The type of plants to be placed within the parkway
adjacent to dedicated streets shall be selected from
approved plant palette found in the Streetscape Plan.
The minimum caliper of trees shall be two (2) inches.
8. Ail landscaping shall be irrigated by a sprinkler system
designed by a licensed Landscape Irrigator. The required
sprinkler plan shall bear the seal of the Licensed
Irrigator designing the system.
9. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation
to cut or break any branch of any tree or shrub or injure
in any way the bark of said tree or shrub growing on
public property unless such action be done as part of a
reasonable landscaping maintenance operation.
33.3 Certificate of Occupancy:
1. No certificate of occupancy for any use except an ag-
ricultural use shall be issued until all common area
landscaping is installed according to the Conceptual
Landscape Plan that was approved as an element of the
Final Plat for the subdivision in which that use is
located. In the event that the landscaping has not been
installed due to seasonal considerations, the certificate
of occupancy may be issued if conditions of Section
33.3.3 are met. This paragraph is applicable only when a
Conceptual Landscape Plan had been approved. In the
event that a subdivision is being developed in phases,
only installation of the landscaping within the phase
being developed shall be required.
2. Per the conditions established in Section 33.1, no
certificate of occupancy for any use shall be issued
until all landscaping that is shown on the required
Landscape Plan for the use has been installed. In the
event that landscaping has not been installed, due to
seasonal considerations, the certificate of occupancy may
be issued if conditions of Section 33.3.3 are met.
3. In the event that landscaping shown on an approved
Landscape Plan or Conceptual Landscape Plan cannot be
installed, due to seasonal considerations, a certificate
of occupancy may be issued if the following conditions
are met: 1) the project conforms to all other applicable
codes relating to C.O. issuance and 2) the developer
either obtains a letter of credit or deposits into an
escrow account a dollar amount equal to one hundred ten
(110) percent of the value of the landscaping not yet
installed. Either effort shall conform to approved city
guidelines to include the submission of an itemized
estimate of value of said landscaping not yet installed.
If at or before the end of s six (6) month period, the
landscaping has been installed per the approved Plan,
control of the letter of credit or funds in the escrow
account will be returned to the Developer. If the
landscaping has not been installed at the end of that
period, the City may, at their option, deposit the funds
into their account and use the funds to carry out instal-
lation of the landscaping. Any funds remaining after
installation will be returned to the Developer.
33.4 Maintenance: All required landscaping shall be maintained in
a neat and orderly manner at all times. This shall include
mowing, edging, pruning, fertilizing, watering, weeding, and
other such activities common to the maintenance of landscap-
ing. Landscaped areas shall be kept free of trash, litter,
weeds, and other such materials or plants not a part of the
landscaping. Ail plant material shall be maintained in a
healthy and growing condition as is appropriate for the season
of the year. Plant material which dies shall be replaced with
plant material of similar variety and size. Property owners
and/or homeowners associations are responsible for maintenance
of the parkway area between the curb and their property lines.
They are also responsible for the maintenance of the brick
screening walls built along their property line.
33.5 Visibility: Where the rigid enforcement of these landscaping
requirements will result in a conflict with 30.2-9, the
requirements shall be reduced to the extent to remove the
conflict. In any event, the requirements of Section 31 shall
take precedence.
34.1 In a residence or apartment district, an accessory building is
a subordinate building, attached to or detached from the main
building, without separate bath or kitchen facilities, not
used for commercial purposes and not rented.
34.2 In other districts, an accessory building is a subordinate
building, the use of which is incidental to and used only in
conjunction with the main building.
34.3 Accessory Dwelling Units in the SF-ED District shall be
allowed as an incidental residential use of a building on the
same lot as the main dwelling unit and used by the same person
and meets the following standards:
1. Accessory buildings must be designed and constructed so
that they are in keeping with the general architecture of
the development.
2. Buildings with corrugated metal siding shall not be
permitted, but "Delta" type metal siding is acceptable.
Corrugated metal roofing will be acceptable.
3. No temporary buildings, mobile homes, or travel trailers
may be used for on-site dwelling purposes.
4. The accessory dwelling unit must be constructed to the
rear of the main dwelling and located on an integral area
not less than one-half (~) acre separate from that upon
which the main dwelling is constructed. Each lot must
have a minimum of one (1) acre per dwelling unit con-
structed upon it.
5. The accessory dwelling unity must be constructed to a
minimum of Single-Family-3 construction standards.
6. The accessory dwelling unit may be constructed only with
the issuance of a Specific Use Permit.
7. The accessory dwelling unit may not be sold separately
from sale of the entire property, including the main
dwelling unit, and shall not be rented or leased.
34.4 Outbuildings in the SF-ED District, except ~arages, must be
located behind the main dwelling in the rear yard.
1. Outbuildings shall be at least fifty (50) feet from any
side property line and twenty-five (25) feet from rear
property line unless the rear property line is adjacent
to a railroad track then no setback is required.
2. Outbuildings must be fifty (50) feet or more from the
dwelling on adjoining property.
3. The number of outbuildings should be limited to one (1)
except as may be granted by Specific Use Permit.
34.5 Area Regulations for Accessory Buildings in Residential aid
Apartment Districts:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: Attached front accessory buildings
shall have a front yard not less than the main
building. Detached accessory buildings shall be
located in the area defined as the rear yard.
(b) Side Yard: There shall be a side yard not less than
three (3) feet from any side lot line, alley line,
or easement line for any accessory building provided
that such building is separated from the main
building by a minimum distance of fifteen (15) feet.
In the case of an accessory building being closer
than fifteen (15) feet to the main building, the
minimum side yard requirements for the main building
shall be observed. Accessory buildings adjacent to
a side street shall have a side yard not less than
fifteen (15) feet. Garages located and arranged so
as to be entered from the side yard shall have a
minimum distance of twenty (20) feet from the side
lot line, alley line, or easement line. Carports
arranged to be entered from the side yard, whether
adjacent to an alley or street, shall have a minimum
distance equal to the required side yard for the
main building.
(c) Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard not less than
three (3) feet from any lot line, alley line, or
easement line, except that if no alley exists, the
rear yard shall be not less than ten (10) feet as
measured from the rear lot line. Where apartments
are permitted, the main building and all accessory
buildings shall not cover more than fifty (50)
percent of that portion of the lot lying to the rear
of a line erected Joining the midpoint of one side
lot line with the midpoint of the opposite side lot
line. Carports, garages, or other accessory build-
ings, located within the rear portion of a lot as
heretofore described, constructed closer than
fifteen (15) feet to the main building, shall have a
rear yard equivalent to the rear yard requirement
for the main building, except that a carport may be
constructed within three (3) feet of the rear
property line if there is an alley between that
property line and the lot to the rear. Accessory
buildings constructed fifteen (15) feet or more from
the main buildings shall have no required rear yard
except where no alley exists. If such an accessory
building is located within three (3) feet of a rear
lot line, the height of the building shall be no
greater than eight (8) feet and a solid fence or
wall of the same height shall be built on the rear
lot line to screen the building from property
located to the rear. Garages arranged so as to be
entered by a motor vehicle from an alley or rear
alley easement shall be set back from the rear yard
or alley easement line s minimum distance of twenty
(20) feet.
34.6 Accessory Buildings in M~ District: In the MR District, no
carport, garage, storage building, office, or caretaker's
dwelling, laundry house, or other permitted structure may be
located nearer than ten (10) feet to any side or rear line of
a plot, lot, tract, or stand except that such structure may be
located within five (5) feet of the side or rear line of a
plot, lot, tract, or stand when such structures are located
within the rear twenty-five (25) percent of the trailer lot,
plot, or tract. Such structures shall also be subject to
front yard requirements above.
Purpose of Section: Standards for controlling lighting and
glare are set forth to reduce the annoyance and inconvenience
to property owners and traffic hazards to motorist. These
standards are intended to allow reasonable enjoyment of
adjacent and nearby property by their owners and occupants
while requiring adequate levels of lighting of parking areas.
35.1 Glare: Any use shall be operated so as not to produce
obnoxious and intense glare or direct illumination across the
bounding property line from a visible source of illumination
of such intensity as to create a nuisance or detract from the
use or enjoyment of adjacent property. All outside lights
shall be made up of a light source and reflector so selected
that acting together the light beam is controlled and not
directed across any bounding property line above a height of
three (3) feet. The allowable maximum intensity measured at
the property line of a residential use in a residential
district shall be 0.25 foot candles.
35.2 Non-Residential Site Lighting:
1. Ail off-street parking areas for nonresidential uses in
nonresidential district which are used after dark, shall
be illuminated beginning one-half hour after sunset and
continuing throughout the hours of use or until midnight,
whichever is earlier. In case only a portion of a
parking area is offered for use after dark, only that
part is required to be illuminated in accordance with
these standards. However, the portion offered for use
shall be clearly designated. Lighting within the parking
areas shall meet the following minimum requirements. No
intermittent or flashing lights are permitted.
2. Intensity:
(a) On the parking area surface, an average of at least
two (2) foot candles, initial measurement, and a
minimum average of one (1) foot candle on a main-
tained basis.
(b) Minimum at any point on the parking area surface to
be at least 0.6 foot candles initial, and at least
0.3 foot candles maintained or 1/3 of the average,
whichever is greater.
35.3 Luminaires: Light sources shall be of a down-light type,
indirect, diffused, or shielded type luminaires and/or so
installed as to reduce glare effect and consequent interfer-
ence with use of adjacent properties and boundary streets.
Bare bulbs above 15 watts or strings of lamps are prohibited
except for temporary lighting not exceeding forty-five (45)
days per year and as provided in 34.4.
35.4 Special Lighting: Low Wattage: Holiday special lighting
shall be permitted for a maximum time period of forty-five
(45) days for each holiday used.
36.1 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Coppell
shall not approve any plat of any subdivision within the City
Limits of the City of Coppell until the area covered by the
proposed plat shall have been permanently zoned by the City
Council of the City of Coppell.
36.2 The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Coppell
shall not approve any plat or any subdivision within any area
where a petition or ordinance for annexation or a recommenda-
tion for annexation to the City of Coppell is pending before
the City Council unless and until such plat shall have been
approved by resolution by the City Council.
36.3 In the event the Planning and Zoning Commission holds a
hearing on proposed annexation, it may, at its discretion, at
the same time hold a hearing upon the permanent zoning that is
to be given to the area or tract to be annexed, and make a
recommendation on both matters to the City Council so that the
City Council, can if it desires, act on the matter of perma-
nent zoning and annexation at the same time.
37.1 It is recognized that new types of land use will develop and
forms of land use not anticipated may seek to locate in the
City of Coppell. In order to provide for such changes and
contingencies, a determination as to the appropriate classi-
fication of any new of unlisted form of land use shall be made
as follows:
a. The Building Inspector shall refer the question concern-
lng any new or unlisted use to the Planning and Zoning
Commission requesting an interpretation as to the zoning
classification into which such use should be placed. The
referral of the use interpretation question shall be
accompanied by a statement of facts listing the nature of
the use and whether it involves dwelling activity, sales,
processing, type of product, storage and amount, and
nature thereof, enclosed or open storage, anticipated
employment, transportation requirements, the amount of
noise, odor, fumes, dust, toxic material, and vibration
likely to be generated and the general requirements for
public utilities such as water and sanitary sewer.
b. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the
nature and described performance of the proposed use and
its compatibility with the uses permitted in the various
districts and determine the zoning district or districts
within which such use should be permitted.
c. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall transmit its
findings and recommendations to the City Council as to
the classification proposed for any new or unlisted use.
The City Council shall by resolution approve the rec-
ommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission or make
such determination concerning the classification of such
use as is determined appropriate based upon its findings.
d. Standards for new and unlisted uses may be interpreted as
those of a similar use. When determination of the
minimum requirements cannot be readily ascertained, the
same process outlined in paragraphs a, b, and c above
shall be followed.
38.1 No Permit for the construction of a building or buildings upon
any tract or plot shall be issued until a building site,
building tract, or building lot has been created by compliance
with one of the following conditions:
1. The lot or tract is part of a plat of record, properly
approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, and filed
in the Plat Records of Dallas County, Texas.
2. The plot, tract, or lot faces upon a dedicated street and
was separately owned prior to the effective date of this
Ordinance or prior to annexation to the City of Coppell
whichever is applicable, in which event a building permit
for only one main building conforming to all the require-
ments of this Ordinance may be issued on each such
original separately owned parcel without first complying
with paragraph 1 preceding.
39.1 A nonconforming status shall exist under the following pro-
visions of this ordinance:
1. When a use or structure which does not conform to the
regulations prescribed in the district in which such use
or structure is located was in existence and lawfully
operating prior to the adoption of the previous Zoning
Ordinance and has been operating since without discontin-
2. When on the effective date of this Ordinance, the use or
structure was in existence and lawfully constructed,
located and operating in accordance with the provisions
of the previous Zoning Ordinance or which was a noncon-
forming use thereunder, and which use or structure does
not now confom to the regulations herein prescribed for
the district in which the use or structure is located.
39.2 No nonconforming use or structure may be expanded or increased
beyond the lot or tract upon which such nonconforming use is
located as of the effective date of this Ordinance except to
provide off-street loading or off-street parking space upon
approval of the Board of Adjustment.
39.3 Repairs and normal maintenance may be made to a nonconforming
building provided that no structural alterations or extensions
shall be made except those required by law or ordinance,
unless the building is changed to a conforming use.
39.4 My nonconforming use may be changed to a conforming use and
once such change is made, the use shall not thereafter be
changed back to a nonconfoming use.
39.5 %dhere a conforming use is located in a nonconforming struc-
ture, the use may be changed to another conforming use by
securing a Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Offi-
39.6 Whenever a nonconforming use is abandoned, all nonconforming
rights shall cease and the use of the premises shall thence-
forth by in conformity with this Ordinance. Abandonment shall
involve the intent of the user or owner to discontinue a
nonconforming operation and the actual act of discontinuance.
Discontinuance of a business or the vacancy of a building or
premises occupied by a nonconforming use for a period of one
(1) year shall be construed as conclusive proof of intent to
abandon the nonconforming use. Any nonconforming use which,
not involving a permanent type of structure, is moved from the
premises shall be considered to have been abandoned.
39.7 If a nonconforming structure or a structure occupied by a
nonconforming use is destroyed by fire, the elements or other
cause, it may not be rebuilt except to conform to the pro-
visions of this Ordinance. In the case of partial destruction
of a nonconforming use not exceeding fifty (50) percent of its
reasonable value, reconstruction may be permitted after a
hearing and favorable action by the Board of Adjustment, but
the size and function of the nonconforming use shall not be
The word "Board" when used in this Ordinance shall be con-
strued to mean the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
40.1 Organization and Procedure:
1. Establishment: A Board of Adjustment is hereby re-
established in accordance with the provisions of Article
lOllg, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, regarding the
zoning of cities and with the powers and duties as
provided in said Statutes.
2. Membership: The Board shall consist of five citizens,
each to be appointed or re-appointed by the Mayor and
confirmed by the City Council, for staggered terms of two
years respectively. At least one member of the Board
shall be a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission
and his term shall expire at the same time as his term on
such Commission. Each member of the Board shall be
removable for Just cause by City Council upon written
charges and after public hearings. Vacancies shall be
filled by the City Council for the unexpired term of any
member whose term becomes vacant. The Board shall elect
its own chairman, who shall serve for a period of two (2)
years or until his successor is elected. The City
Council may appoint four (4) alternate members of the
Board who shall serve in the absence of one or more
regular members ~hen requested to do so by the Hayor or
City Hanager. These alternate members, ~-hen appointed,
shall serve for the same period as regular members when
requested to do so by the Mayor or City Administrator.
These alternate members, when appointed, shall serve for
the same period as regular members and any vacancies
shall be filled in the same manner and shall be subject
to removal as regular members.
3. Rules and Re~ulations: The Board shall adopt rules and
regulations and keep minutes of its proceedings, showing
the vote of each member. The Board shall adopt from t~ne
to trine such additional rules and regulations as it may
deem necessary to carry into effect the provisions of the
Ordinance, and shall furnish a copy of the same to the
Building Inspector, all of which rules and regulations
shall operate uniformly in all cases. A~l of its resolu-
tions and orders shall be in accordance therewith. All
proceedings of the Board shall be a public record, and
all meetings shall be open to the public.
4. Heetinz: Meeting of the Board shall be held at the call
of the chairman and at such other trines as the Board may
determine. The chairman or acting chairman may adminis-
ter oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses. All
meetings, hearing or proceedings shall be heard by at
least four (4) members of the Board.
1. Procedure: Appeals may be taken to and before the Board
of Adjustment by any person aggrieved, or by any officer,
department, board, or bureau of the City. Such appeal
shall be made by filing with the office of the Board a
notice o£ appeal and specifying the grounds thereof. The
office or department from which the appeal is taken shall
forthwith transmit to the Board of Adjustment all of the
minutes constituting the record upon which the action
appealed from was taken.
2. Stay of Proceedings: An appeal shall stay all proceed-
ings in furtherance of the action appealed from unless
the Build[ns Inspector shall cer~i£y to ~he Board of
Adjustmen~ that by reason of facts in the ceru2f~cate, a
s~ay ~ould, in his opinion, cause imminent peril ~o life
or property, in which case proceedings shall not be
stayed other~ise than by a restraining order which may be
granted by the Board of Adjustment or by a court of
equity, after notice to the office from ~hom the appeal
is taken and on due cause sho~n.
Notice of RearinS on Appeal: The Board shall fix a
reasonable t~me for the hearing of the appeal or other
matter referred to it, and shall mail notices of such
hearing to the petitioner and to the owners of property
lying within two hundred (200) feet of any point of the
lot or portion thereof on which a variation is desired,
and to all other persons deemed by the Board to be
affected thereby, such owners and persons being de-
termined according to the current tax rolls of the City
depositing of such written notice in the mail shall be
deemed sufficient compliance therewith.
4. Decision by Board: The Board shall decide the appeal
within a reasonable time. Upon the hearing, any party
may appear in person or by agent or attorney. The Board
may reverse or affirm wholly or partly or may modify the
order, requirements, decision, or determination as in its
opinion ought to be made in the premises, and to that
end, shall have all powers of the officer or department
from whom the appeal is taken.
40.3 Powers and Duties of Board:
1. Subpoena Witnesses, Etc.: The Board shall have the power
to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, and punish for
contempt, and may require the production of documents,
under such regulations as it may establish.
2. Appeals Based on Error: The Board shall have the power
to hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is
error of law in any order, requirements, decision or
determination made by the Building Inspector in the
enforcement of this Ordinance.
3. Special Exceptions: The Board shall have the power to
hear and decide special exceptions to the terms of this
ordinance upon which the Board is required to pass as
follows or elsewhere in this ordinance:
(a) Permit the erection and use of a building or the use
of premises for railroads if such uses are in
general conformance with the Master Plan and present
no conflict or nuisance to adjacent properties.
(b) To permit a public utility or public service or
structure in any district, or a public utility of
public service building of a ground area and of a
height at variance with those provided for in the
district in which such public utility or public
service building is permitted to be located, when
found reasonably necessary for the public health,
convenience, safety, or general welfare.
(c) To grant a permit for the extention of a use, height
or area regulation into an adjoining district, where
the boundary line of the district divides a lot in a
single ownership on the effective date of this
(d) Permit the reconstruction of a nonconforming build-
ing which has been damaged by explosion, fire, act
of God, or the public enemy, to the extent of more
than fifty (50) per cent of its fair market value,
where the Board finds some compelling necessity
requiring a continuance of the nonconforming use and
the primary purpose of continuing the nonconforming
use is not to continue a monopoly.
(e) Waive or reduce the parking and loading requirements
in any of the districts, whenever the character or
use of the building is such as to make unnecessary
the full provision of parking or loading facilities,
or where such regulations would impose an unreason-
able hardship upon the use of the lot, as contrasted
with merely granting an advantage or a convenience.
(f) To determine whether an industry should be permitted
within District "LI", Light Industrial, and District
"HI", Heavy Industrial, because of the methods by
which it would be operated and because of its effect
upon uses within surrounding zoning districts.
(g) To determine in cases of uncertainty the classifica-
tion of any use not specifically named in this
3. Variances: An application or request for a variance
shall not be heard or granted with regard to any parcel
of property or portion thereof upon which a Concept Plan,
Detail Site Plan or Development Plan, Preliminary Plat or
Final Plat, when required by this Ordinance for any
parcel of property or portion thereof, has not been
finally acted upon by both the Planning & Zoning commis-
sion and the City Council. The administrative procedures
and requirements of this Ordinance, with regard to both
Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council consid-
eration and action, on Concept Plans, Detail Site Plans,
Preliminary Plats, and Final Plats, must be exhausted
prior to requesting a variance from the terms of this
The Board shall have the power to authorize upon appeal
in specific cases such variance from the terms of this
Ordinance as will not be contrary to the public interest,
where, owning to special conditions, a literal enforce-
ment of the provisions of this Ordinance will result in
unnecessary hardship, and so that the spirit of this
Ordinance shall be observed and substantial justice done,
including the following:
(a) Permit a variance in the yard requirements of any
district where there are unusual and practical
difficulties or unnecessary hardships in the carry-
ing out of these provisions due to an irregular
shape of the lot, topographical or other conditions,
provided such variance will not seriously affect any
adjoining property or the general welfare.
(b) Authorize upon appeal, whenever a property owner can
show that a strict application of the terms of this
Ordinance relating to the construction or al-
terations of buildings or structures will impose
upon him unusual and practical difficulties or
particular hardship, such variances from the strict
application of the terms of this Ordinance as are in
harmony with its general purpose an intent, but only
when the Board is satisfied that a granting of such
variation will not merely serve as a convenience to
the applicant, but will alleviate some demonstrable
and unusual hardship or difficulty so great as to
warrant a variance from the standards or regulations
established by this Ordinance, and at the same time,
the surrounding property will be properly protected.
4. Chan~es: The Board shall have no authority to change any
provisions of this Ordinance and its jurisdiction is
limited to time. The Board may not change the district
designation of any land either to a more restrictive or
less restrictive zone.
Certain words in this Ordinance not heretofore defined are
defined as follows: Words used in the present tense include
the future; words in the singular number include the plural
number, and words in the plural number include the singular
number; the word "building" includes the word "structure"; the
word "lot" includes the words "plot" or "tract"; the word
"shall" is mandatory and not discretionary.
41.1 Accessory Building or Use: An "accessory building or use" is
one which: (a) is subordinate to and serves a principal use;
and (b) is subordinate in area, extent, or purpose to the
principal building or principal use served; and (c) contrib-
utes to the comfort, convenience and necessity of occupants of
the principal building or principal use served; and (d) is
located on the same building lot as the principal use served.
"Accessory" when used in the text shall have the same meaning
as accessory use. An accessory building may be a part of the
principal building. Servants' quarters, as defined, are an
accessory building or use.
41.2 Alley: An "alley" is a public right-of-way which affords a
secondary means of access to abutting property.
41.3 Alterations: The term "alterations" shall mean any change,
addition, or modification in construction, any change in the
structural members of a building, such as walls or partitions,
columns, beams or girders, the consummated act of which may be
referred to herein as "altered" or "reconstructed."
41.4 Auto Laundry: An "auto laundry" or "car wash" is a building,
or portion thereof containing facilities for washing automo-
biles using automated methods including chain conveyor,
blower, steam cleaning device, or other mechanical devices. A
self-service type carwash is an auto laundry.
41.5 Automobile Repair, Major: Major repair, rebuilding, or
reconditioning of engines or transmissions for motor vehicles;
wrecker service with vehicle storage; collision services
including body, frame or fender straightening or repair;
customizing; overall painting or paint shop; those uses listed
under "Automobile Repair, Minor"; and other similar uses.
41.6 Automobile Repair, Minor: Minor repair or replacement of
parts, tires, tubes, and batteries; diagnostic services; minor
motor services such as grease, oil, spark plug, and filter
changing; tuneups; emergency road service; replacement of
starters, alternators, hoses, brake parts; mufflers; automo-
bile washing, steam cleaning, and polishing; performing state
inspections and making minor repairs necessary to pass said
inspection; servicing of air-conditioning systems, and other
similar minor services for motor vehicles except heavy load
vehicles, but not including any operation named under "Automo-
bile Repair, Major" or any other similar use.
41.7 Awning: An "awning" is a roof-like cover of a temporary
nature that projects from the wall of a building.
41.8 Apartment: An "apartment" is a dwelling unit in an apartment
building occupied as a place of residence.
41.9 Apartment Building: An "apartment building" is a building or
any portion thereof, which contains three or more dwelling
units, located in the same building lot. An apartment build-
ing is a multi-family dwelling.
41.10 Basement: A "basement" or "cellar" is a story wholly or
partly (at least 50 per cent) measured from floor to ceiling,
below the level of the ground on the street side of the
building. A basement or cellar is not counted when measuring
the height of a building.
41.11 Bakery: A "bakery" shall be a place for preparing, baking and
selling all products on the premises where prepared.
41.12 Block: A "block" is a tract of land bounded by streets, or by
a combination of streets and public parks, cemeteries, rail-
road rights-of-way, highways, streams, or corporate boundary
lines. There may be more than one numbered block as shown on
a plat falling within a single block as herein defined.
41.13 Block Face: A word used as a term of measurement. It shall
mean the distance along a side of a street between the nearest
two streets which intersect said street on the said side.
41.14 Board: The word "board" shall mean the Board of Adjustment
established in Section 39 of this Ordinance.
41.15 Build: The word "build" means to erect, convert, enlarge,
reconstruct, or alter a building or structure.
41.16 Buildable Width: The "buildable width" of a building site is
the width of the building site left to be built upon after the
required side yards are provided.
41.17 building: A "building" is any structure built for the sup-
port, shelter, or enclosure of persons, animals, chattels, or
movable property of any kind.
41.18 Building, Detached: A "detached building" is a building
surrounded by yards or open space on the same building lot.
41.19 Buildin~ Height: See Height
41.20 Buildin~ Line: A "building line" is the rear line of a
required front yard which is generally parallel to the street
line forming the front lot line.
41.21 Building Lot: A "building lot" is a single tract of land
located within a single block which, (at time of filing for a
building permit) is designed by its owner or developer as a
tract to be used, developed, or built upon as a unit, under
single ownership or control. It shall front upon a street or
approved place. Therefore, a "building lot" may be subse-
quently subdivided into two or more "building lots", and a
number of "building lots" may be cumulated into one "building
lot", subject to the provisions of this Ordinance and the
Subdivision Ordinance.
41.22 Building, Mixed: A "mixed building" is a building used partly
for residential use and partly for community facility and/or
commercial use. A mixed building is a commercial use.
41.23 Buildin~ Official: The building inspector or administrative
official charged with responsibility for issuing permits and
enforcing the Zoning Ordinance and Building Code.
41.24 Building, Principal: A "principal building" is a building in
which the principal use of the lot, on which it is located, is
conducted. All residential uses, except bona fide servants
quarters, are principal uses.
41.25 Building, Residential: A "residential building" is a building
which is arranged, designed, used, or intended to be used £or
residential occupancy by one or more families or lodgers.
41.26 Carport: A structure open on a minimum of three (3) sides
designed or used to shelter the owner's vehicle(s), not to
exceed twenty-four (24) feet on its longest dimension.
41.27 Cellar: See Basement
41.28 Certificate of Occupancy or Compliance: An official certifi-
cate issued by the City through the enforcing official which
indicates conformance with or approved conditional waiver from
the Zoning Regulations and authorizes legal use of the prem-
ises for which it is issued.
41.29 City: The word "city" shall mean the City of Coppell, Texas
41.30 City Council: The governing body of the City of Coppell,
41.31 City Manager: The Chief City Administrative officer.
41.32 Clinic: A "clinic" is the office of one or more medical
doctors, dentists, optometrists, or similar members of the
medical professions who may or may not have associated in the
practice of their professions.
41.33 Cleaning: A custom cleaning shop not exceeding five thousand
(5,000) square feet of floor area.
41.3 Clustering: A land development concept whereby the buildings
on a site are grouped closely together but not attached to
allow for communal open space and economies in development.
Clustering permits variation in lot size, shape and orien-
tation without an increase in the overall density of the
41.35 Concrete Block: Any of the molded load-bearing or non-load-
bearing concrete units normally 8"x 8"x 16".
41.36 Convalescent Home: Any structure used for or customarily
occupied by persons recovering from illness or suffering from
infirmities of age.
41.37 College or University: An institution established for educa-
tional purposes and offering a curriculum similar to the
public schools or an accredited college or university, but
excluding trade and commercial schools.
41.38 Court: A "court" is an open, unoccupied space, bounded on
more than two sides by the walls of a building. An inner
court is a court entirely surrounded by the exterior walls of
a building. An outer court is a court having one side open to
a street, alley, yard, or other permanent open space.
41.39 Coverage: The percent of a lot or tract covered by the first
floor or the largest floor of a building or structure whichev-
er is larger, including all covered porches, patios, garages,
accessory buildings, etc. Unsupported roof overhangs and
other allowed architectural projections shall be excluded from
coverage computation.
41.40 Custom Personal Service: A "custom personal service" shall
mean a tailor, shoe repair, barber, beauty shop, health studio
or travel consultant.
41.41 Day Nursery or Day Care Center: A "day nursery" shall mean an
establishment where four (4) or more children are left for
care or training during the day or portion thereof.
41.42 Density: The relationship of the total number of dwelling
units to the area of the total site area commonly expressed as
"dwelling units per acre."
41.43 Depth of Lot: The mean horizontal distance between the front
and rear lot lines. See illustration # 12.
41.44 Development, or the Develop: A "development" includes the
construction of a new building or any structure on a building
lot, the relocation of an existing building on another build-
ing lot, or the use of open land for a new use. To "develop"
is to create a development.
41.45 District: A "district" is a zoning district which is a part
of the City wherein regulation of this Ordinance is uniform.
41.46 Dwellins, One-Family: A dwelling having accommodations for
and occupied by not more than one family, or by one family and
not more than four (4) boarders and lodgers.
41.47 Dwelling, Two-Family: A dwelling having separate accommo-
dations for and occupied by not more than two families, or by
two families and not more than four (4) boarders and lodgers.
(Two boarders or lodgers to each unit).
41.48 Dwelling, Multiple-Family: Any building or portion thereof,
which is designed, built, rented, leased, or let to be oc-
cupied as three or more dwelling units or apartments or which
is occupied as a home or residence of three or more families.
41.49 Dwelling Unit: A building or portion of a building which is
arranged, occupied, or intended to be occupied as living
quarters of a family and including facilities for food prepa-
ration and sleeping.
41.50 Family: A "family" consists of one or more persons, each
related to the other by blood, marriage, or adoption; or a
group of not more than four persons (excluding servants) who
are living together in a dwelling unit.
41.51 Farm: An area of five (5) acres or more which is used for
growing of usual farm products, vegetables, fruits, trees and
grain and for the raising thereon of the usual farm poultry
and farm animals such as horses, cattle and sheep and includ-
ing the necessary accessory uses for raising, treating and
storing products raised on the premises, but not including the
commercial feeding of offal or garbage to swine or other
animals and not including any type of agriculture or husbandry
specifically prohibited by ordinance or law.
41.52 Floor Area: The total square feet of floor space within the
outside dimensions of a building including each floor level,
but excluding cellars, carports, or garages.
41.53 Floor Area Ratio (FAR): An indicated ratio between the number
of square feet of total floor area in the main building(s) on
a lot and the total square footage of land in the lot; it is
the number resulting from dividing the main building floor
area by the lot area. (See illustration 15)
41.54 Garage, Private: A "private garage" is an accessory building
designed or used for the storage of motor vehicles owned and
used by the occupants of the building to which it is neces-
41.55 Garage, Public: A "public garage" is a building or portion
thereof, other than a private or storage garage, designed or
used for storing motor driven vehicles.
41.56 Gasoline Station or Filling Station: Any building or premises
used for the dispensing, sale, or offering for sale at retail
of any automobile fuels or oils. If the dispensing, sale or
offering for sale is incidental to a public garage, the
premises shall be classified as a public garage.
41.57 Health Service: A "health service" is a charitable or govern-
ment operated facility offering to the public medical examina-
tions, diagnosis and limited treatment not for profit.
41.58 Heavy Load Vehicle: A self-propelled vehicle having a load
capacity greater than one and one-half (1~) tons, such as
large recreation vehicles, tractor-trailers, buses, and other
similar vehicles; the term "truck" shall be construed to mean
"heavy load vehicle" unless specifically stated otherwise.
41.59 Height: The vertical distance of a building measured from the
average established grade at the street line or from the
average natural front yard ground level, whichever is higher,
to (1) the highest point of the roof's surface if a flat
surface, (2) to the deck line of mansard roofs or, (3) to the
mean height level between eaves and ridge for hip and gable
roofs and, in any event, excluding chimneys, cooling towers,
elevator bulkheads, penthouses, tanks, water towers, radio
towers, ornamental cupolas, domes or spires, and parapet walls
not exceeding ten (10) feet in height. If the street grade
has not been officially established, the average front yard
grade shall be used for a base level.
41.60 Home Occupation: A "home occupation" is a business, occupa-
tion, or profession conducted within a residential dwelling
unit by the resident thereof, and which shall have the follow-
ing characteristics:
(a) The activity shall employ only members of the immediate
family of the resident of the dwelling unit;
(b) There shall be no external evidence of the occupation
detectable at any lot line, said evidence to include
advertising signs or displays, smoke, dust, noise, fumes,
glare, vibration, electrical disturbance, storage of
materials or equipment, or traffic or parking of vehicles
in a manner evidencing the conduct of a business;
(c) Said home occupation shall not have a separate entrance
for the business and shall not include continual visits
by the general public.
Any business, occupation or profession conducted within a
dwelling unit and which does not meet the aforesaid charac-
teristics shall be construed to be a commercial activity and
shall therefore be cause for the City to order a cease to all
such activity within said dwelling unit.
41.61 Hospital: A "hospital" is a legally authorized institution in
which there are complete facilities for diagnosis, treatment,
surgery, laboratory, X-ray, and the prolonged care of bed
patients. Clinics may have some but not all of these facil-
41.62 Hotel: A "hotel" is an establishment offering lodging to the
transient public for compensation. A hotel is distinguished
from a motel in that access to the majority of the guest rooms
is through a common entrance and lobby. A hotel is a non-
residential use.
41.63 Household Appliance Service and Repair: Enclosed radio and
television, but not involving the use of equipment which
generates noise, odor or electrical frequencies so as to
interfere with the use and enjoyment of adjacent property.
41.64 Junk or Salvage Yard: A "Junk or salvage yard" is a lot upon
which waste or scrap materials are bought, sold, exchanged,
stored, packed, disassembled, or handled, including but not
limited to scrap iron and other metals, paper, rags, rubber
tires and bottles. A "Junk yard" includes an automobile
wrecking yard and automobile parts yard. A "Junk yard" does
not include such uses conducted entirely within an enclosed
41.65 Loadin~ Space: A space within the main building or on the
same lot therewith, providing for the standing, loading or
unloading of trucks, and having minimum dimensions of twelve
(12) by sixty (60) feet for industrial and warehouse uses and
twelve (12) by thirty (30) feet for commercial, retail and
institutional uses with a vertical clearance of at least
fourteen (14) feet, together with access and maneuvering areas
provided on the same building lot as the principal use for
which the loading space is intended.
41.66 Lot Area: The "lot area" is the area of a horizontal plane
intercepted by the vertical projections of the front, side,
and rear lot lines of a building lot (See ill. # 12 ).
41.67 Lot Area per Dwellin~ Unit: "Lot area per dwelling unit" is
the lot area required for each dwelling unit located on a
building lot.
41.68 Lot, Corner: A "corner lot" is a building lot situated at the
intersection of two streets, the interior angle of such
intersection not to exceed 135 degrees.
41.69 Lot Depth: "Lot depth" is the mean horizontal distance
between the front lot line and the rear lot line of a building
lot measured at the respective mid-points of the front lot
line and rear lot line within the lot boundary (See ill. I12).
41.70 Lot, Interior: An "interior lot" is a building lot other than
a corner lot.
41.71 Lot Line: A "lot line" is a boundary of a building lot.
41.72 Lot Line, Front: A "front lot line" is that boundary of a
building lot which is the line of an existing or dedicated
street. Upon corner lots either street line may be selected
as a front lot line providing a front and rear yard are
provided adjacent and opposite, respectively, to the front lot
line (See ill. i 11).
41.73 Lot Line, Side: A "side lot line" is that boundary of a
building lot which is not a front lot line or a rear lot line.
41.74 Lot Line, Rear: The "rear lot line" is that boundary of a
building lot which is most distant from and is, or is most
nearly, parallel to the front lot line.
41.75 Lot of Record: A "lot of record" is an area of land designat-
ed as a lot on a plat of a subdivision recorded, pursuant to
statutes of the State of Texas, with the County Clerk of
Dallas County, Texas or an area of land held in single owner-
ship described by metes and bounds upon a deed recorded of
registered with the County Clerk.
41.76 Lot, Reverse Corner: A "reverse corner lot" is a corner lot,
rear lot line of the street which abuts the side lot line of
the lot to its rear.
41.77 Lot, Through: A "through lot" or "double frontage" lot is a
building lot not a corner lot, both the front and rear lot
lines ~hich adjoin street lines. On a "through lot" both
street lines shall be deemed front lot line.
41.78 Lot Width: The "lot width" is the minimum distance between
the side lot lines of a building lot measured along a straight
line at the rear of the required front yard and parallel to
the street line or a line tangent thereto (See ill. ~11).
41.79 Masonry: Brick, stone, concrete or other similar materials
but excluding stucco and "concrete blocks". The masonry
requirement shall be computed for the area from the foundation
to the top plate of the first floor and from plate to plate
for each floor above the first.
41,80 Mobile Home: A "mobile home" is a vehicle used for living or
sleeping purposes and standing on wheels or on rigid supports,
but which when properly equipped and situated can be towed
behind a motor vehicle. A trailer coach is a mobile home.
41.81 Mobile Home Park: A "mobile home park" is any premises on
which two or more mobile homes are parked or situated and used
for living or sleeping purposes, or any premises used or held
out for the purpose of supplying to the public a parking space
for two or more mobile homes whether such vehicles stand on
wheels or on rigid supports. A trailer park is a mobile home
41.82 Modular Home: A "modular home" is a factory-built dwelling
unit, attached or detached, which is wholly or partially
constructed away from its building lot and moved to a building
lot where it is affixed or situated as a permanent building.
A modular home is a residential use. A mobile home shall not
be construed to be a modular home.
41.83 Motel, Motor Hotel, or Tourist Court: A "motel, "motor
hotel", or "tourist court" is an establishment offering to the
transient public the use of guest rooms or sleeping accommo-
dations for compensation. Such an establishment consists of a
group of attached or detached guest rooms or sleeping accommo-
dations the majority of which have private and direct access
from parking areas not through common entrance and lobby. The
establisbanent furnishes customary hotel services and many
contain a restaurant, club, lounge, banquet hall and/or
meeting rooms. A motel is a non-residential use.
41.84 Hotorcycle: A usually two-~heeled self-propelled vehicle
having one or two saddles or seats, and may have a sidecar
attached. For purposes of this ordinance, motorbikes, motor-
scooters, mo-peds, and similar vehicles are classified as
41.85 Motor Freight Terminal: A "motor freight terminal" is a
building or area in which freight brought by motor truck is
assembled and/or stored for shipping in interstate and intra-
state commerce by motor truck. A motor fright terminal is a
truck terminal.
41.86 Nonconformin~ Use: A "nonconforming use" is any building or
land lawfully occupied by a use at the time of the adoption of
this Ordinance or amendments thereto, not permitted by the use
regulations, lot requirements or other regulations of this
Ordinance of the district in which it is attained.
41.87 Noxious Matter: "Noxious matter" is a material which is
capable of causing injury to living organisms by chemical
reaction or is capable of causing detrimental effects upon the
physical or economic well-being or comfort of humans.
41.88 Occupancy: The use or intended use of the land or buildings
by proprietors or tenants.
41.89 Open Space: "Open space" is that part of a building lot,
including courts or yards, which:
(a) Is opeD and unobstructed from its lowest level to the
sky, and
(b) Is accessible to all residents upon a building lot, and
(c) Is not part of the roof of that portion of the building
containing dwelling units.
41.90 Open Storage: "Open storage" is the storage of any equipment,
machines, commodities, raw, semi-finished materials, and
building materials, not accessory to a residential use which
is visible from any point on the building lot line when viewed
from ground, level to six feet above ground level.
41.91 Parking Space: An enclosed or unenclosed all-weather surfaced
area of not l~ss than one hundred eighty (180) square feet
(measuring appYoximately 9 feet by 20 feet) not on a public
street or alley, together with an all-weather surfaced drive-
way connecting the area with a street or alley permitting free
ingress and egress without encroachment on the street or
alley. Any parking adjacent to a public street wherein the
maneuvering is done on the public street shall not be clas-
sified as off-street parking in computing the parking area
requirements for any use.
41.92 Patio Home: a single family detached dwelling unit on an
individually platted lot. The structure is situated on or
near one side lot line to facilitate use of the remaining side
yard on the opposite side of the building.
41.93 Planning and Zonin~ Commission: The agency appointed by the
City Council as an advisory body to it and which is authorized
to recommend changes in the zoning.
41.94 Plat: A plan of a subdivision of land creating building lots
or tracts and showing all essential dimensions and other
information essential to comply with the subdivision standards
of the City of Coppell subject to approval by the Planning and
Zoning Commission. Reference to a Plat in the Ordinance means
an official Plat of Record which has been approved by the
Planning and Zoning Commission and filed in the plat records
of Dallas County.
41.95 Premises: Land together with any buildings or structures
occupying it.
41.96 Public Park: A "public park" is any publicly owned park,
playground, beach, parkway, greenbelt, or roadway within the
Jurisdiction and control of the City.
41.97 Recreation Area: A "recreation area" is a privately owned
park, playground, or open space maintained by a community
club, property-owners association, or similar organization.
41.98 Residential Districts: Includes the following districts:
SF-ED, SF-18, SF-12, SF-9, SF-7, SF-O, 2F-9, TH-I, TH-2, MF-1,
MF-2 and M~.
41.99 Rest Home or Nursin~ Home: A "rest home" or "nursing home" is
a private facility for the care of children or the aged or
infirm or a place of rest for those suffering bodily disor-
ders. Such homes do not contain facilities for surgical care
or the treatment of disease or injury.
41.100 Retail Stores and Shops: "Retail stores and shops" shall
offer all types of consumer goods for sale, but excluding the
display and sale in the open, outside a building, of new or
used automobiles, heavy machinery, building materials, used
appliances, furniture or salvage materials.
41.101 School: A school under the sponsorship of a public or reli-
gious agency having a curriculum generally equivalent to
public elementary or secondary schools, but not including
private or trade or commercial schools.
41.102 Screening Device: A "screening device" shall consist of a
barrier of stone, brick, uniformly colored wood, or other
permanent material of equal character, density, and acceptable
design, at least six (6) feet in height.
41,103 Servant's quarters: A "servant's quarters" is an accessory
building or portion of a main residential building located on
the same lot as the principal residential building, occupied
only by such persons and their families as are employed full
time by the occupants of the principal residence.
41.104 Sign: A "sign" is a name, identification, description,
display, or illustration which is affixed to, or represented
directly or indirectly upon a building, structure, or piece of
land and which directs attention to an object, produce, place,
activity, institution, or business. A "sign" is not a display
of official court or public office notices nor is it a flag,
emblem, or insignia of a nation, political unit, school, or
religious group. A "sign" shall not include a sign located
completely within an enclosed building.
41.105 Sign, Advertising: An "advertising sign" is a sign which
directs attention to a business or profession conducted or to
a counnodity, service, or entertainment sold or offered upon
the premises.
41.106 Sign, Flashing: A "flashing sign" is an illuminated sign on
which the artificial light is not maintained stationarily, or
in constant intensity or color at all times when such sign is
in use. Flashing signs are expressly prohibited by this
Ordinance. For the purpose of this Ordinance, any revolving
illuminated sign shall be considered a flashing sign.
41.107 Sign, Business: A "business sign" is a sign which directs
attention to a business or profes~ion conducted, or to a
commodity, service, or entertainment sold or offered upon the
41.108 Sign, Illuminated: An "illuminated sign" is a sign which
directs attention to a business or profession conducted, or to
a commodity, service, or entertainment sold or offered upon
the premises.
41.109 Story: A "story" is that part of a building between the
surface of a floor and the ceiling immediately above. A
standard story is eleven feet six inches (11'6").
41.110 Street: A "street" is a public right-of-way which affords a
primary means of access to abutting property. A driveway or
alley which serves only to give secondary vehicular access to
a building lot or to an accessory parking or loading facility,
or to allow vehicles to take or discharge passengers at the
entrance to a building shall not be considered a street.
41.111 Street, Private: A street which has no publicly dedicated
41.112 Street Line: A "street line" is the right-of-way of a street.
41.113 Stucco: A continuous plaster or mortar exterior veneer,
finished by hand trowling over wire lath.
41.114 Tennis or Swim Club: A private recreational club with re-
stricted membership, usually of less area than a Country Club,
but including a club house and swimming pool, tennis courts
and similar recreational facilities, none of which are avail-
able to the general public.
41.115 Top Plate Line: That point at which'the ceiling plane of the
upper most story intersects the vertical wall plane.
41.116 Townhouse: attached single family dwelling units on indi-
vidually platted lots.
41.117 Toxic Materials: "Toxic materials" are those materials which
are capable of causing injury to living organisms by chemical
means when present in relatively small amounts.
41.118 Use: The "use" of property is the purpose or activity for
which the land, or building thereon, is designed, arranged, or
intended, or for which it is occupied or ;maintained, and
shall include any manner of such activity with respect to the
standards of this Ordinance.
41.119 Use, Principal: A "principal use" is the main use of land or
buildings as distinguished from a subordinate or accessory
41.120 Vidio Amusement: Arcade and other commercial indoor coin
operated amusement facility.
41.121 Visual Screen: A "visual screen" is a wall, not of living
plant material, permanently affixed to the ground in which the
area of all openings and cracks in each square foot of wall is
of sufficient height so that the objects being screened are
not visible from any point on the lot line when viewed from
any height between ground level and six (6) feet above ground
level. No wall shall exceed eight (8) feet in height.
41.122 Yard: A "yard" is an open space on the same building lot with
a building, unoccupied and unobstructed by any portion of a
structure from the ground upward, except as otherwise provid-
ed. In measuring a yard for the purpose of determining the
width of a side yard, the depth of a rear yard, and the depth
of a front yard, the minimum horizontal distance between the
building site and the lot line shall be used. A "yard"
extends along a lot line and at right angles to such lot line
to a depth or width specified in the yard regulations of the
zoning district in which such building is located. (See
Illustration #13)
41.123 Yard, Front: A "front" yard is a yard extending along the
whole length of the front lot line between the side lot liens,
and being the minimum horizontal distance between the street
line and the main building or any projections thereof other
than steps, planter box, unenclosed porches, and driveways.
(See ill. # 13).
41.124 Yard, Rear: A "rear yard" is a yard extending across the rear
of a lot between the side lot lines and being the minimum
horizontal distance between the rear lot line and the rear of
the principal building or any prolections thereof other than
steps, unenclosed balconies, unenclosed porches, or driveways.
41.125 Yard, Side: A "rear yard" is a yard extending across the rear
of a lot between the side lot lines and being the minimum
horizontal distance between the rear lot line and the rear of
the principal building or any projections thereof other than
steps, unenclosed balconies, unenclosed porches, or driveway.
(See ill. # 13).
41.126 Zonin~ District Map: The "zoning district map" is the map or
maps incorporated into this ordinance as a part thereof by
reference thereto.
42.1 Certificates of Occupanc~ shall be required for an~ of the
1. Occupancy and use of a building hereafter erected or
structurally altered.
2. Change in use of an existing building to a use of a
different classification.
3. Occupancy and use of vacant land, except agricultural
4. Change in the use of land to a use of a different classi-
5. Any change in the use of a nonconforming use.
No such use, or change of use, shall take place until a
Certificate of Occupancy therefore shall have been issued by
the Inspector of Buildings.
42.2 Procedure for New or Altered Buildings: Written application
for a Certificate of Occupancy for a new building or for an
existing building which is to be altered shall be made at the
same time as the application for the Building Permit for such
building. Said Certificate shall be issued within ten (10)
days after a written request for the same has been made to
said Building Inspector or his agent after the erection or
alteration of such building or part thereof has been completed
in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance.
42.3 Procedure for Vacant Land or a Change in Use: Written appli-
cation for a Certificate of Occupancy for the use of vacant
land, or for a change in the use of land or a building, or for
a change in a nonconforming use, as herein provided, shall be
made to said Building Inspector. If the proposed use is in
conforming use, as herein provided, shall be made to said
Building Inspector. If the proposed use is in conformity with
the provisions of this Ordinance, the Certificate of Occupancy
therefore shall be issued within ten (10) days after the
application for same has been made.
42.4 Contents: Every Certificate of Occupancy shall state that the
building or the proposed use of a building or land complies
with all provisions of the building and fire laws and Ordi-
nances. A record of all Certificates of Occupancy shall be
kept in file in the office of the Building Inspector or his
agent and copies shall be furnished on request to any person
having proprietory or tenancy interest in the building or land
42.5 ~emporar~ Certificate: Pending the issuance of a regular
certificate, a temporary Certificate of Occupancy may be
issued by the Building Inspector for a period not exceeding
six (6) months, during the completion of alterations or during
partial occupancy of a building pending its completion. Such
temporary certificates shall not be construed as in any way
altering the respective rights, duties, or obligations of the
owners or of the City relating to the use or occupancy of the
premises or any other matter covered by this Ordinance.
42.6 Certificates for Nonconforming Uses: A Certificate of Occu-
pancy shall be required for all lawful nonconforming uses of
land or buildings created by adoption of this Ordinance.
Application for such Certificate of Occupancy for a noncon-
forming use shall be filed with the Building Inspector by the
owner or leasee of the building or land occupied by such
nonconforming use within one (1) year of the effective date of
this Ordinance. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspec-
tor to issue a Certificate of Occupancy for a lawful noncon-
forming use, but failure to apply for such Certificate of
Occupancy for a nonconforming use shall be evidence that said
nonconforming use was either illegal or did not lawfully exist
at the effective date of this Ordinance.
43.1 Declaration of Policy: The City declares the enactment of
these regulations governing the use and development of land,
buildings, and structures as a measure necessary to the
orderly development of the community. Therefore, no change
shall be made in these regulations or in the boundaries of the
zoning districts except:
1. To correct any error in the regulations or map.
2. To recognize changed or changing conditions or circum-
stances in a particular locality.
3. To recognize changes in technology, the style of living,
or manner of doing business.
43.2 Authority to Amend Ordinance: The City Council may from time
to time, after receiving a final report thereon by the Plan-
ning and Zoning Commission and after public hearings required
by law, amend, supplement, or change the regulations herein
provided or the boundaries of the zoning districts. Any
amendment, supplement, or change to the text of the Zoning
Ordinance may be ordered for consideration by the City Coun-
cil, be initiated by the Planning and Zoning Commission, or be
requested by the owner of real property, or the authorized
representative of an owner of real property.
Consideration for a change in any district boundary line or
special zoning regulation may be initiated only with written
consent of the property owner, or by the Planning and Zoning
Commission or City Council on its own motion when it finds
that public benefit will be derived from consideration of such
matter. In the event the ownership stated on an application
and that shown on the City records are different, the appli-
cant shall submit proof of ownership.
43.3 Public Hearin~ and Notice: Prior to making its report to the
City Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall hold at
least one public hearing on each application. Written notice
of all public hearings on proposed changes in district bound-
aries shall be sent to all owners of property, or to the
person rendering the same for City taxes, located within the
area of application an within two hundred (200) feet of any
property affected thereby, within not less than ten (10) days
before such hearing is held. Such notice may be served by
using the last known address as listed on the City tax roll
and depositing the notice, postage paid, in the United States
Mail. Notice of hearings on proposed changes in the text of
the Zoning Ordinance shall he accomplished by one publication
not less than fifteen (15) days prior thereto in the official
newspaper of the City.
43.4 Failure to Appear: Failure of the applicant or his represen-
tative to appear before the Planning and Zoning Commission for
more than one hearing without an approved delay shall consti-
tute sufficient grounds for the Planning and Zoning Commission
to terminate the application.
43.5 Commission Consideration and Report: The Planning and Zoning
Commission, after the public hearing is closed, shall prepare
its report and recommendations on the proposed change stating
its findings, its evaluation of the request and of the rela-
tionship of the request to the Comprehensive Plan. The
Planning and Zoning Commission may defer its report for not
more than ninety (90) days until it has had opportunity to
consider other proposed changes which may have a direct
bearing thereon. In making its determination, the Planning
and Zoning Commission shall consider the following factors:
1. ~nether the uses permitted by the proposed change will be
appropriate in the immediate area concerned and their
relationship to the general area and the City as a whole.
2. Whether the proposed change is in accord with any exist-
ing or proposed plans for providing public schools,
streets, water supply, sanitary sewers, and other util-
ities to the area, and shall note the findings
3. The amount of vacant land currently classified for
similar development in the vicinity and elsewhere in the
City, and any special circumstances which may make a
substantial part of such vacant land unavailable for
4. The recent rate at which land is being developed in the
same zoning classification as the request, particularly
in the vicinity of the proposed change.
5. How other areas designated for similar development will
be, or are unlikely to be, affected if the proposed
amendment is approved, and whether such designation for
other areas should be modified also.
6. Any other factors which will substantially affect the
health, safety, morals, or general welfare.
43.6 Council Consideration
1. Proposal Recommended for Approval: Every proposal which
is recommended favorable by the Planning and Zoning
Commission shall be forwarded to the Council for setting
and holding of public hearing thereon. No change,
however, shall become effective until after the adoption
of an ordinance for same and its publication as required
by law.
2. Proposal Recommended for Denial: ~en the Planning and
Zoning Commission determines that a proposal should be
denied, it shall so report and recommend to the Council
and notify the applicant. A hearing before the City
Council shall be set on an application recommended for
denial only when an appeal is filed by the applicant with
the City Manager within fifteen (15) days of the date of
the recommendation for denial. Nhen a proposed zoning
request is heard by the City Council that has been denied
by the Planning and Zoning Commission, a three-forths
(3/4) majority vote by the City Council shall be required
for approval.
3. Council Hearin8 and Notice: Notice of Council hearing
shall be given by publication one time in the official
newspaper of the City, stating the time and place of such
hearing, which shall be at least fifteen (15) days after
the date of publication.
4. Three-Forths Vote: A favorable vote of three-fourths of
all members of the City Council shall be required to
approve any change in zoning when written objections are
received which comply with the provisions of the state
laws commonly referred to as the "twenty percent (20I)
rule." If a protest against such proposed amendment,
supplement or change has been filed with the City Secre-
tary, duly signed and acknowledged by the owners of
twenty (20) percent or more, either of the area of the
lots included in such a proposed change or those immedi-
ately adjacent to the rear thereof extending two hundred
(200) feet therefrom or of those directly opposite
thereto extending two hundred (200) feet from the street
frontage of such opposite lots, such amendments shall not
become effective except by a three-fourths vote of the
City Council.
43.7 Final Approval and Ordinance Adoption: Upon approval of the
zoning request by the City Council, the applicant shall submit
a metes and bounds description to the City within thirty (30)
days for the preparation of the amending ordinance. The
amending ordinance shall be approved within six (6) months.
If the amending ordinance is not approved within six (6)
months, the zoning request, at the option of the City Council
may be recalled for a new public hearing.
All owners, lessees or any other persons, firms or corpo-
rations making an application with the City of Coppell re-
questing a change, amendment or variance to the zoning
ordinance applicable to his property shall be charged a
mandatory fee for processing such request as follows:
1. Standard Filing Fee - $100.00 minimum plus $5.00 per acre
or portion thereof.
2. Specific Use Permit - $200.00 minimum plus $5.00 per acre
or portion thereof.
3. Conceptual Pla~ - No charge when submitted with zoning'
request; $100.00 when submitted separately.
4, Development Plan (Detail Site Plan) - $100.00
45.1 By the passage of this Ordinance, no presently illegal use
shall be deemed to have been legalized unless specifically
such use falls within a use district where the actual use is a
conforming use. Otherwise, such uses shall remain nonconform-
ing uses where recognized, or an illegal use, as the case may
be. It is further the intent and declared purpose of this
Ordinance that no offense committed, and no liability, penal-
ty, or forfeiture, either civil or criminal, incurred prior to
the time the existing zoning ordinance was repealed and this
Zoning Ordinance adopted, shall be discharged or affected by
such repeal; but prosecutions and suits for such offenses,
liabilities, penalties, or forfeitures may be instituted or
causes presently pending proceeded with in all respects as if
such prior ordinance had not been repealed.
$~CTION 46
46.1 Any person or corporation violating any of the provisions of
this Ordinance, shall upon conviction, be fined any sum not
exceeding two hundred dollars ($200.00) i and each and every
day that the provisions of this Ordinance are violated shall
constitute a separate and distinct offense. In addition to
the said penalty provided for, the right is hereby conferred
and extended upon any property owner owning property in any
district, where such property owner may be affected or invad-
ed, by a violation of the terms of the Ordinance, to bring
suit in such court or courts having Jurisdiction thereof and
obtain such remedies as may be available at law and equity in
the protection of the rights of such property owners.
47.1 If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or
provision of this Ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or held
unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of
this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof
other than the part so decided to be invalid or unconstitu-
48.! The fact that the present zonins resulations are inadequate to
properly safesuard the general public welfare, health, peace
and safety, creates an urgency and an emergency, and required
that this Ordinance become effective ~mmediately upon its
passage, and it is accordingly so ordained.
~y~r, City o~'Copp~l, TX.
City of Copp~l, Texas'
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TO: Dorothy Timmons, City Secretary
FROM: Taryon Paster Bowman, P&Z Coordinator~,~-
DATE: January 29, 1991
Attached is a copy of the approved site plat for the (TC) Town Center
zonin§ district, alon§ with the zonin§ request, which should be attached
to the ori§inal ordinance for the (TC) zone. This is the plan which is
commonly referred to as "the approved site plan for Town Center".
Please let me know if you need more information.
xc: Greg Jones, Sr. Building Inspector (Map Only)
767 ACRE
I. Chart #I (Page 6) indicates that in the 1973 zoning ordinance the
four (4) Zoning Types - Coml/Ret, MF, TH, SF - are a certain per-
centage of the total 766.1 AC.
Our 1982 Proposed Zoning Request allows for all catagories to be
a smaller percentage of the total because 22% of the land would
be utilized as a park of the city.
II. Chart #II (Page 7). A calculation was made that demonstrated the
maximum permitted density under the 1973 ordinance would be approx-
imately 12,608 dwelling units. This is to be compared to our maxi-
mum proposed density of 6,960 dwelling units under the requested
zoning plan. We would like to bring to your attention that the
Town Center portion of the requested plan allows up to 30% of that
area to be used for residential purposes. The dwelling units in
this area have been projected at the maximum permitted density on
each chart.
III. Chart #III (Page 8). A separate calculation was made to compute how
we could utilize the property free from any floodway considerations
(A Buildable Land Study).
This study indicates, using the existing zoning, we could reason-
ably anticipate building 7,749 dwelling units on the buildable
site vs. our requested zoning plan which proposes only a maximum
of 6,618 dwelling units on the same buildable site.
IV. Chart #IV (Page 9). The charts set out the overall density for the
entire Chart IV the for each
identifiable tract (#1 - 21) and states average density limitations
proposed for each tract. Refer to the Proposed Zoning Map (Page 3)
for tract locations.
1973 gONING 1982 REQUEST
Retail & TC &
Commercial 235.7 31% Commercial 209 27%
& Park &
Municipal 0 0 Municipal 165 22%
235.7 31% 359.0 49%
MF 117.1 15% MF 115.1 15%
TH 190.1 25% TH 90.2 12%
SF 223.2 29% SF-7& 186.6 24%
766.1 AC 100% 766.1 AC 100%
Permitted Density 12t608 Units Proposed Density 6,960 Units
Assumes development of 100% of See chart IV for density
the land to maximum permitted restrictions for individual
density under 1973 ordinance, tract as shown on Proposed
Zoning Map
Coml/Ret 235.7 (Footnote#l) 5371 TC/Coml 209.3 (Footnote#2) 3123
TC/Park 165.0 -
MF 117.1 29 3396 MF 115.1 ~ 19.3 Avg. 2220
TH 190.1 15.5 2947 TH 90.2 8.0 721
SF-7 223.2 4 894 SF-O/SF-7 186.5 4.8 Avg. 896
TOTALS 766.1' //'~[ L', 6 ~8~ 766.1 ~~~
*All of the land can be made buildable through creek channelization and diking.
The cost of such work would necessitate maximizing the density under the current
(Footnote #1) - The 1973 zoning ordinance permitted apartment use on land zoned
commercial and retail. Assuming that 50 acres will be actually
used for commercial/retail purposes, the remaining 185.7 acres
are projected at the maximum density permitted by Coppell's
MF-1 ordinance (29 DU/AC) = 5371 DU.
(Footnote #2) - Assumes up to 30% of TC area (359 AC) is used to maximum permit-
ted density under MF-1 ordinance:
(30% x 359 AC = 107.7 AC x 29 DU/AC = 3123)
Coml/Ret 220 (Footnote#l) 2057 Coml/TC 209.3 (Footnote#2) 3123
MF 114.7 29 3326 MF 99.9 22.2 Avg. 2220
TH 140.7 15 2111 TH 90.2 8.0 721
SF-7 63.7 4 255 SF-O 101.4 5.5 Avg. 554
Park 38.0 - -
TOTALS 539.1 7749 539.1 6618
(Footnote #1) - Reasonable Man Theory - Because of the demise of Loop 9, a
reasonable man would assume that the 220 buildable acres
zoned commercial and retail at Denton Tap and Sandy Lake
will not be all used as zoned. Therefore, the following
normal mix of uses has been projected: [~
Coml / Re t 15 - -
MF 30 29 870
TH 50 15 750
SF-9 125 3.5 437
TOTAL 220 2057
(Footnote #2) - Up to 30% of TC area (359 AC) is permitted to be used for
residential purposes:
(359 x 30% = 107.7 x 29 DU/AC = 3,123 units)
1 MF-2 75.6 20 1,512
2 TC (Park) 51.3 - -
3 TC* 6.2
4 " 22.3
5 " 6.0 I~'~. (See Footnote*) 3,123
6 " 20.4
8 " 58.2
9 TH-2 22.3 8 178
10 Th-2 30.0 10 240
11 Th-2 37.9 8 303
12 MF 8.3 20 166
13 Coml 4.2 - -
14 Coml 11.0 - -
15 MF-2 20.6 20 212
16 MF-2 10.6 16 330
17 SF-O 92.4 6 554
18 Park 9.0 - -
19 SF-7** 48.4 4 194
20 SF-7** 36.8 4 147
21 TC(Park) 113.6 - -
TOTAL 766.1 Acres DU/AC on 6960
Total Land Area
Less **(Tracts 19&20) -342
DU/AC on 6618
*The Town Center ordinance allows for 30% of the land area to be
used for residential-purposes
(359 x 30% = 107.7 AC x 29 DU per acre = 3,123 DU)
**Not presently available for development - this area is located
in the floodway
City Park Use:
Civic Center 16.0 AC
Remainder of City Park 148.9 AC
Sub-Total 164.9 AC
Municipal Center 6.2 AC
Total Acreage 171.1 Acres
Composite Price 171.1 AC @ $5,844/AC(AVG) = ~!~fi99~999
Park ~
Civic Center 16.0 AC @ $8,500/AC = $136,000
Remainder 148.9 AC @ $3,989/AC.,c = 593,928
Sub-Total 164.9 AC ($4,427/AC) $729,928 $729,928
Municipal Ctr 6.2 AC @ $1.00 psf 270,072
Total 171.1 AC ~%~QQQ~
A. Phase I - On or before Se~ 1, 1982
West Park Site - 51.3 AC @ $3,989/AC $204,636
, Municipal Center- 6.2 AC @ $1.00 psf 270,072
B. Phase II - On or before September 1, 1983
Civic Center 16.0 AC @ $8,500/AC $136,000
East Park Site 46.2 AC @ $3,989/AC 184,292
62.2 AC @ $5,149/AC(AVG) $320,292(2
C. Phase III - On or before September 1, 1984
East Park Site 51.4 AC @ $3,989/AC $205,000(2
Total Price ~1~9Q9~000
Footnotes - See addendum Attached
(1) All terms and conditions insofar as Releases require the con-
sent of and approval by all lien holders. Included is a
requirement that the city release any rights it may have to
a 16 acre option tract whether a valid option exists or not.
(2) The values established assume a September 1, 1982 closing.
If the closing is delayed, the composite prices shall be
increased on a per diem basis computed at 11% per annum for
each day beyond September 1, 1982; however, the closing shall
not occur later than December 1, 1982. The balance of the
purchase of Phase II and III shall be represented by the
City of Coppell's Real Estate Note bearing interest at 11%,
payable interest only semi-annually and the principal payable
September 1, 1983 and 1984 (see Phase II and III schedule).
(3) The proposal is intended to be cor]sidered as a total package
and assumes the acceptance of Zoning Request of owner and
City of Coppell pays for its pro rata share when and as con-
structed for all utility, drainage, and street costs. Where
adjacent to proposed streets, it is assumed the property line
is to the center line of such streets.
(4) In order for the composite values to work, it is assumed
(A) Certain tracts will be required as a borrow area
to construct the Berm and to restore certain areas
previously mined for gravel. These areas to be
designated by owner pending final engineering.
(B) As the drainage study is not finalized for all
of the property lying south of the Berm, certain
alignment adjustments may be necessary pending
final engineering.
'(C) Major subdivision drainage will be permitted as
channel due to the flatness of
and curative problems necessitated by the prior
gravel excavation.
(5) If ~or any reason, the city does not pay off the acquisition
within the agreed times, the property not paid for would be
released from any obligations to the city and would revert
back to Town Center (TC) zoning.
(6) No park fee would be charged against the Parks of Coppell
property in excess of $500 per usable and platted acre.
Any such park fees collected would be used to
purchase and develop the City Park in the Town
(7) Detentio~ areas wilt be constructed in a manner to be used
as recreation fields when they are dry.
10% 3 Years $22,000,000 68,376
30% 5 Years $66,000,000 205,128
40% 8 Years $88,000,000 273,504
20% 10 Years $44~000,000 136,752
100% 10 Years $220,000,000 683,760 Taxes/Year to City
of Coppell
10% 3 Years $ 8,000,000 24,640
20% 5 Years $ 8,000,000 24,640
20% 8 Years $16,000,000 49,280
30% 10 Years $24~000r000 73,920
80% 10 Years $56,000,000 172,480
*Based upon .308¢ per 100 valuation and assuming a normal economy.
I. Value of Park, Municipal Center, and
Civic Center over Cost $1,000,000
II. Annual tax revenue from "The Parks of
Coppell" fully developed (Town Center,
Retail, Single Family, Multifamily,
Town House) $ 856,240
NOTE: 1. In addition to Annual Advalorem Tax Revenue
there would also be Sales Tax Revenue which
is not included in the figures above.
2. The three year projections of tax revenue
would exceed the revenue from the top 10
current tax payers to the City of Coppell.
The following are comments for clarification and/or requested
modifications of the existing Zoning Ordinance of the City
of Coppell, Texas; adopted October 23, 1979:
1) Add the word "Condiminium Housing" (Condo) to the uses
permitted in Multi-Family One and Two classifications
(MF-1 and 2). Although "Condiminium" appears as item
No. 87 as a permitted use in MF-1 and MF-2 of the "Schedule
~ of use by District", it is not defined in Section 34 or
set out as a permitted use in Section 15 (MF-1) or 16 (MF-2).
2) Add new zoning classification for:
a) Townhouse - 2 (TH-2)
b) Single Family (0 Lot Line, Garden, and Patio)
3) Section 30.03, Paragraph 3 on Page 56 to be modified to
"For the of side yard regulations, an purpose
attached dwelling or multi-family dwelling shall
not be considered as one building occupying one
4) Ail front yard, side yard, back yard set backs shall be
interpreted under those regulations set out in the uniform
building code ("UBC") as adopted by the City of Coppell,
5) We will request MF-2 zoning but will restrict as follows:
Unit Size Max %
a) One bedroom efficiency 500 50%
b) Two bedroom 700 100%
c) Three bedroom 850 100%
6) Under 16.01, Page 21, add TH-2 as a permitted use.
21.51 Use Regulations: A building on premise shall be used
only for the following purposes:
1. Any uses permitted in District "C", "O/M", "SC",
"R" "MF-2" "MF-i" "TH-2" and/or "TH-l"; provided
however, that not more than 30% of the total area
is utilized for residential purposes.
2. Community Center (Public or Private)
3. College, University or Seminary
4. Private or Public School or Kindergarten
5. Library, Art Gallery, or Musuem
6. Hospital or Nursing Home
7. Laboratory (Medical, Dental, or Optical)
8. Church
9. Accessory buildings and uses customarily incident
to any of the above uses, provided that such be
not objectionable because of odor, excessive light,
smoke, dust, noise, vibration or similar nuisances.
10. Such uses may be permitted under the provisions of
Specific Use Permits.
21.52 Height Regulations: Refer to the individual sections
governing each individual use.
21.53 Area Regulations: Refer to the individual sections
governing each individual use.
21.54 Parking and Loadinq Regulations: Off-street parking and
shall be in accordance with the
requirements for specific uses set forth in Section 29,
except that the distances to a common parking area shall
not exceed 1,000 feet.
21.55 Screening Regulations: There shall be provided and main-
tained by the owner a screening device on any side abutting
an SF-7, SF-9, SF-12 or an SF-18 Residential Use District.
Refer to the individual section governing each individual
"TH-2" Zoning Ordinance
1.01 Definition of a Townhouse: A townhouse is defined as
two or more attached single family dwelling units,
each being located on a separate platted lot pro-
vided that no more than six (6) units are attached
in a contiguous manner, and provided that no unit is
constructed above another unit.
1.02 Use Regulations: A building or premise shall be used
only for the following purposes:
1. Any use permitted in District "SF-Zero Lot Line".
2. Any use permitted in District "TH".
3. Construction of townhouse dwellings as defined above,
and which meet the specifications hereinafter described.
4. Community center, recreational buildings and facilities,
which are incidental to the above residential uses.
5. Churches, public schools, and other public buildings.
6. Private residential garages and private residential
swimming pools.
1.03 Height Regulations: No building shall exceed thirty-five
(35) feet or two and one-half (2½) stories in height.
1.04 Area Regulations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: There shall be a front yard having a
required depth of not less than twenty (20) feet.
Furthermore, required off-street parking shall not
be allowed within the required front yard. In the
event required off-street parking is provided at
the rear of a lo% which is entered directly from the
alley or rear (side) private driveway, the front
yard may be reduced to a minimum of fifteen (15)
(b) Side Yard: There shall be no side yard required in
the TH-2 District. There shall, however, be no
more than six (6) attached dwelling units located
in a single building structure. There shall be a
minimum separation between every six dwelling units
of at least fifteen (15) feet.
No detached structure shall be closer than five (5)
feet between facing exterior walls of neighboring
dwelling units and no facing walls of neighboring
dwelling units which both contain an opening shall
be closet than ten (10) feet.
No detached structure adjacent to a side street
shall be closer than fifteen (15) feet to the
right-of-way line. The allowable non-residential
uses in the TH-2 District shall have the side yard
requirement of no less than twenty-five (25) feet."
(c)Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard having a
depth of not less than ten (10) feet.
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: No building shall be constructed on any
lot less than two thousand (2,000) square feet,
or the equivalent thereof, per dwelling unit.
(b) Lot Width: The width of the lot shall not be less
than ten (10) feet at any point, however, its
average width shall not be less than twenty-five
(25) feet.
(c) Lot Depth: There shall be no required lot depth
in the TH-2 District.
3. Minimum Dwelling Size: The average floor area of the
attached dwelling units located in a separate detached
structure shall be one thousand (1,000) square feet ex-
clusive of garages, breezeways, and porches for each
separate unit. The miniraum floor area of any dwelling
unit shall be nine hundred (900) square feet, exclusive
of garages, breezeways, and porches.
4. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than seventy percent
of the total lot area be covered by the combined area of
the main building and the accessory buildings.
1.05 Parking Regulations: Two off-street parking spaces shall
be provided for each dwelling unit in accordance with
the requirements for specific uses set forth in Section
29 of the Comprehensive General Ordinance.
1.06 That all ordinances of the city in conflict with the
provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are here-
by repealed and all other ordinances of the city not in
conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall
remain in full force and effect.
1.07 Sub-Division Planning and Development: All areas utilized
for locating the dwelling units hereunder shall be platted
properly and shall be located on dedicated streets, pro-
vided however, that private streets or drives may be
provided if homeowners association or other agency has
control of maintenance of such private streets. All
private streets, alleys, and drives must be shown on
the sub-division plat.
Single-Family - Zero Lot Line "SF-Zero Lot Line"
1.01 Purpose of the District: Because of the newness of
garden homes, cluster homes, patio homes, and other "
single-family housing concepts in Coppell and because
some of such housing does not fall into any existing
zoning the City of Coppell,
the City of Coppell finds a set of regulations are
necessary to set forth the City's policy and attitude
toward these housing types. The City does encourage
new and creative ideas when such ideas are in the best
interest of the City as a whole. Therefore, this
district is intended to permit detached single-family
dwelling units, which are surrounded by open space on
at least three sides on the same building lot, and which
are intended for occupancy by one family. This zoning
to permit detached single-family
dwelling units which are located on separately platted
lots. The use and occupancy of the single-family dwell-
ing units permitted in this district shall be identical
to all other single-family dwelling units except that
the set backs and other requirements must comply with
the standards specified herein.
1.02 Use Regulations: A building or premise shall be used
only for the following purposes:
1. Any use permitted in District "SF-7".
2. Detached single-family dwellings, cluster homes, zero
lot line homes, patio homes, and/or garden homes pro-
vided the setbacks and other requirements comply with
the standards specified in this ordinance.
3. Community center, recreational buildings, and facili-
ties which are incidental to the above described
residential uses.
4. Churches, public schools, and other public buildings.
5. Private residential garages and private residential
swimming pools.
1.03 Height Regulations: No'building shall exceed thirty-
five (35) feet or two and one-half (2%) stories in
1.04 Area Requlations:
1. Size of Yards:
(a) Front Yard: There shall be a front yard having a
required depth of not less than twenty (20) feet
unless off-street parking is provided at the rear
of the lot that is entered directly from the alley
or rear (side) private driveway, in which event
the following may be permitted:
i. Front yard may be reduced to a minimum of
fifteen (15) feet.
ii. A fence may be permitted within the front
set back, provided it is no closer than ten
(10) feet to the street right-of-way and the
fence is constructed of masonry or materials
similar to those utilized in the princip
single-family structure and shall not exceed
six (6) feet in height.
Required off-street parking shall not be allowed
within the required front yard.
{b) S±de Yard: There shall be no side yard requ±red
on one side of the dwelling un±t. A minimum side
yard of five (5) feet shall be required on the
opposite side. No detached structures shall be
closer than five (5) feet between facing exterior
walls of neighboring dwelling units and no facing
walls of neighboring dwelling units which both
contain an opening shall be closer than ten (10)
feet. Further, each lot shall provide an access
easement of three (3) feet, which shall be pro-
vided and so indicated on the subdivision plat,
to allow the adjacent owned' access to the exte-
rior wall of his dwelling.
2. Size of Lot:
(a) Lot Area: No building shall be constructed on any
lot less than three thousand (3,000) square feet.
(b) Lot Width: The width of the lot shall not be less
than ten (10) feet at any point. However, the
average width of the lot shall not be less than
thirty (30) feet.
(c) Lot Depth: The depth of the lot shall not be less
than eighty (80) feet at any point.
3. Minimum Dwelling Size: The minimum floor area of any
dwelling shall be one thousand two hundred (1,200) square
feet exclusive of garages, breezeways, or porches.
4. Lot Coverage: In no case shall more than sixty percent
of the total lot be covered by the combined area of
building accessory buildings.
1.05 Parking Regulations: Two off-street parking spaces
shall be provided for each dwelling unit in accordance
with the requirement for specific uses set forth of
Section 29 of the Comprehensive General Ordinance.
1.06 Alleys: Shall not be required in this district except
where necessary to provide ingress and egress to lots
facing a collector size of larger street.
1.07 That all ordinances of the city in conflict with the
provisions of the ordinance be, and the same are here-
by repealed and all other ordinances of the city not
in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall
remain in full force and effect.
1.08 Subdivision Planninq and Development: Ail areas utilized
for locating the dwelling units hereunder shall be platted
property and shall be located on dedicated streets, pro-
vided however, that private streets and drives may be
provided if a home owners association or any other agency
has control of maintenance of such private streets. All
private streets, alleys, and drives must be shown on the
subdivision plat.
The following items are submitted as part of the Zoning Request
by the Parks of Coppell. It is intended that agreements on these
issues will be drafted and become part of the approved Zoning
(1) In selected areas half streets, a minimum of lk2
feet in paving width, with 100% ROW dedication ~
would be permitted until such time as the property
across the half street is final platted and devel-
oped. (i.e., Moore Road and Lodge Road extensions
and certain parts of Parkway Blvd.).
(2) The City of Coppell shall submit an application
for floodway amendment to the Corps of Engineers
in accordance with the study of Carter & Burgess.
The Berm and Drainage Design of Carter and Burgess,
shall be approved prior to closing Phase I, II
or III.
(3) Aproved ROW and street widths not to exceed the
A) 60' ROW and 44' paving for:
Moore Road (Extension)
Deforest Road (Improvement)
Lodge Road (Extension)
Heartz Road (Extension)
Parkway Blvd. (New)
B) The following roads are County or State roads
and require not more than 120' ROW (60' each
side of existing center line) with no paving
cost or expense to property owner:
Sandy Lake
Denton Tap (Belt Line Extension)
(4) alleys required any sepa-
rate zoning classification.
(5) Where perimeter street escrow is required without
street construction, owner may use funds so escrowed
to construct other collector sized streets within the
property; provided however, funds so used are secured
by documents acceptable to the city.
(6) Fill shall be permitted within the floodway in approved
(7) Residential lots may front on the streets referenced
in (3)(A) above, provided rear driveway access is
(8) Sidewalks, if required, shall be constructed at the
street curb line when the dwelling related thereto
is constructed.
(9) Detention areas (on dry side of the Berm line) con-
structed to be used as recreation areas, and upon
completion will be dedicated to and maintained by
the city as part of the Park system.
(10) City permits will be issued in certain approved areas
to burn cleared vegetation and wood items.
(11) Since the city does not recognize Lodge Road along
the southern boundary of Tract 9, it shall be
abandoned by ordinance.
(12) There shall be no requirement of the owner to extend
Moore Road north of Berm line or participate in con-
struction of any bridge structures across Denton Creek.
(13) Major subdivision drainage will be permitted as open
channel due to the flatness of topography and cura-
tive problems necessitated by the prior gravel
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