OR 297-A-78 Accessory building in residential district AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS
An ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas, Amending the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas, as
heretofore amended, By amending Section 34.5 (1) (B), To provide that an
accessory building located in a residenial district, be located at least
five (5] feet behind the main building; Providing a Regaling Clause;
Providing a Severability Clause Providing Penalties For Violation of this
Ordinance not to exceed the sum of two Thousand dollars ($2,000) For
offense; and declaring an effective date.
~reas, the Clt~ Plying ~d Zoning ~ission ~d the ~eming
~ of t~ City of ~p~ll, T~as, in c~pli~ce ~ith t~ la~s of the
state of T~as ~th refer~ce to ~ding the C~reh~lve Zoning
Ordin~ce of t~ City of Cop~ll, ~ve giv~ ~isite notices
~licatl~ ~d ot~ise, ~d after holding due hearings ~d ~fording a
full ~d fair he~ing to all parties g~rally, t~ said ~e~ing
is of the opinion t~t the C~r~h~asl~ Zoning Ordin~ce of t~ City of
Co~ll, T~as, to ~it: Ordin~ce No 297, should ~ ~ded in the
~ercise of its l~islati~ discret~:
N~, T~refore, ~ it ordai~d ~ the City Co~cil of the City
Cop~ll, T~as:
Section 1. T~t the ~r~sive Z~ing Ordin~ce of the City of
~p~ll, ~ ~ t~ s~ is ~re~ ~d~ ~ ~ding Section 34.5(1)(B)
to read as folly:
........ 34.5(1)(b) ......... ~rea ~lat~on8 for ~sso~ Buildings ~n
~sid~t~al. ~d A~t~t ..D~s~ricts
1. Size of Yards:
Ih) Side Yard : There s~ll ~ a side yard not less t~ thr~
(3) f~t fr~ ~y side lot line, alley line, or eas~t line
for ~y accesso~ ~lding provided t~t su~ ~ilding
locat~ at le~t f~ve [5~ feet .~$nd t~ ~in ~td~ng.
Ac~sso~ ~ildinas that are not l~ated at least five [5) fee~
~h~nd the ~ln ~lldtng, are red, red to ~ly eith t~
· ini~ side yard re~ir~ts for the ~in building. Accesso~
~ildings adJa~t to a side street s~ll have a side yard not
less th~ f~ft~ (15) feet. ~raaes ~09a~ed ~d. arr~ged ~lth
t~ v~cul~ access d~r ~allel Or ~St nearly ~rallel to
the side yard. 19~ s~ll ~ve a ~lni~ dl~t~ of t~ty
fr~ t~ side lot l~ne. ~te sga~ ~t ~ prgvi~_ 0n t~
dri~eav surfak, outside of the aara~ ~d ~ithin t~.
line. to all~ for ~rking O~ t~
SECTION 4. That ~y part of ~y ordin~ of the City in conflict
~ith t~ provisions of th~s o~in~ ~, ~d the s~ are hereby,
· e~aled ~d all other ordi~ces or parts of ordin~ce of the C~ty not
conflict ~ith the provisi~s of this ordl~ce s~ll r~a~n in full force
~d effect.
SECTION 5~ That ~uld any paragra , s ance ivision, clause,
phrase or section of' this ordinance be adjudged or held to be
unconstitutional, illegal or invalid, the sa~e shall not affect the
validity of this ordinance an a whole or any part or provision thereof
other than the part so decided to bo invalid, illegal or unconstitutional
and shall not affect the validity of the Cosprehensive Zoning Ordinance as
a ehole.
SECTION 6. That any person, ftrn or corporation violating any of the
provisions or ter~ of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty
as provided for in the Co~prehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as
heretofore a~ended, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not to
exceed the stm of T~o Thousand Dollars ($2,000) for each offense, and that
each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute a
separate offense.
SECTION 7. This ordinance shall take effect i~ediately from and
after its passage an publication of its caption, as the law in such cases
DULY PASSED by t~Ci}y Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, this
the /O .. day of ._~.i~J~, 1990.