OR 297-A-16 FGR, Inc. Al's Pizzaria AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 297A16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS, AS HERETOFORE AMENDED, TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICATION HEREIN STATED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVEABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT TO EXCEED THE SUM OF ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00) FOR EACH OFFENSE; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. eon~,~ce with t~e iav, s of' the State of '!exss v,,iti~ reference the v'rantin? of zonin? dantms, under the zonin:~ orninanee and ZOhinZ map, have x~x,.r.~' '~ requisite uodeea by c, ublieation ar, c~ otherv, ise, ~mC after i'.olcSnE oue nearires (iI'i'Ol'(~ihp; 8 full alid fair bearish? to ail prooerty owners E'eneraily, the saic Governi~g L;ocv i:~ of ~ ' ~ t,~ opinior tl~at s~iccq",~'~,.x, of zorm~, which is on a~)plicatiob of FOR, ~e. Al's Pizzaria, sf~ou]o Oe aranteo, and the Comprehensive Zonir~e: t~pc,~t~e~r..c~." ':" ~ of the City of Copoell should oe amendes i~ the exercise ol its ie?isiative CisePetion. SECTION i. [hat the Comprehensive Z, crir ? Ordinance of the City of Coppet], ['exas, oe she the same is hereby ame/~oeo by an'et'.oi[~? the Zcr,ing 3:~ap of the City o~ Coppell, to dye tl~e hereinafter ceseribee pro;;epty a ~,ev, zonin:z district classification, t o-wit: , r e.a~, Pistriet fieation ~,.~t,~,' ~ C.m~ Special bse Permit for a ['estaurant. 5aic t)ropet't~ bein,z cescribec as foilov, r3: fSgGINt*Ib(2 at the poil._t of ihterseetior~ of the ~outh li~e of Sanoy Lake RoaC (~ 3.C).W...) afdc: the ':'~ ,"~,'.- Ladt line cf iV~(:,ore h'oac (~t ~(~' ix.O.;~..) ar~ ipoh stake for I'~;;ENCE North 89 degrees 35 mir:utes 44 seeo~tos E;ast, aion? so. id Eouth line of Sane)' l.,:~k~,:, '¢ f{oac, a' cistapo=, ....... of 495 ~ 5 feet to ~ar, iror~ st~ke for ft4ENCE 5otdth U oe~rees '~2 ni~,utes ](; seconds East, }eavir;,~ said South iiL:e of Szmc7 k~ke., bo~(:, ~i distance of 4~',~'..,, feet to ar' irot, stake for corner; 'f/iENCk ~(.utL 89 degrees 1~ mi~:utes 44 seconds ;Sest, a oistanee of 4s'~ u5 feet to a ;:,oint cr~ the East lipe et' .Voope iicoc, ap ircm stako for D!EI~C£ i<orth 0 ee..ffrees 4(: minutes '44 seeopcs East aion~ sale £ast line of ;¢oore ~oac, ~ Cistanee of a~':' ~ ' ~ .... ~ ,c.~ feet to the ~,L2. Lr ~; BiJGINb~ING ~.nc eont~.~inir:~ 5.3~,:1 ,~(tPes oi' IaEa, more or less. AND kXCEFT that portiop more partieulariy cescriDec~ as follows: BEINC a tract of lane situateC ir: tt,e Jarr, es Earrisl~ >urvey, ADstract ~o. 1139, City of Coppell, I)allas County, lexas, anca being part of a 1{;{}.23 aepe tract as eonveyec to l-pc;ti,Er. teroI~,~:::,' "',--<ipe. by oeec fJlec~ Au:?usi 1[:. l,q~c and bein¢, more Dartieuiarlv cesepibeo as foilov,,s: ,r_EGII'zI~:INC at a point on the /~ast lire of 5~oore Hoacl (a 60 foot ~.O.'¢,.) sale point Deir~g Sourly. t~{i oeffr'ees 1(; minutes ac. secones ~,est, a c~ot~nc~ of a~8.ti3 feet frorc the intersecticr, of said East line of Moore Rose ape the South line of Sancy l,ake (a ¢6 foot !i.C.~.) a I/'.2 inch ir'on sta[:e set for eo,-r~er; 'TrtEN(TE North 89 cle~rees 3? minutes 44 seeorms East, leavir~e7 saio East line of' Moore ~oaO, a distance of 492.12 feet to a 1/;~ ineb iron stake set for earner; "I~ENCE South O0 ce~rees=,~'~' mir~utes 16 secones East, a Cistanee of l.t,,:,.(; feet to a 1./2 inch iro~ stake found for cot'per; DIENCE,. South a:9 oegrees a,'" minutes 4si· seeones ¢,.est, a Oistanee of 493.95 feet to a ~oir~t on saic East" of [v~oope a [~oac, J/~ ineb iron stake foupd for eornm'; i}iENCE North ~71! cegrees 40 minutes 44 seeon(ss East, along salt! East line of 5'oore ~oac, a distance of lVt;.t?2 feet to the PbACE OF BEGINNING sno containing 1.132 acres of Iai!g, more or less. SECI'IQN 2. ]bat all opoinanees of tl~e City ir, conflict witl-: the provisions of tMs opcinanee be, anct the same are hereoy, rermalec ano ail ott~er ordinances of the ,_. tv not it': confiiet with the ~rovisions of this ordinance snail remain ir, full force anc. ~EC'I!ON 2. Yhat the aOove ceser'ibec property shall be useO only in the manr:er for the purposes vroviCed for ir',. the Con',Drehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as amended i~ereit by the ?antir? of this zcmir~f:¢ classification. SECTIOa~ .1. Ttmt si~oulc ar~y ~ara~'Trapi~, septer~ee, su:}r:ivision, clause, phrase o:' seeti(m of this orc;ir,~anee be ac!juCffee or belt! to oe uneor, stitutioval, iile,.Tal or inx, aiie, tt:e same stroll not affect the ~-"'", o~ tMs orfinan¢.e as a whole or arty Dart [,rovision thereof other thar~ the part so ceeieed to be fi'valid, flle~ffal or unconstitutional ano simll .~ot affect the vaiioity of tee Comprehensive Zor:in~? Crcd[:ance es a wiiole. SECrlC, t* ,5. 'ft'mt any person, £irm or eorporatic~ vioiati[~:j any of tl~e provisions c:.t' terms (:f this orcir, ance si'mil be subject to tixe same penalty as !:,pox.'icsec for irt the Comorehe~sive Zoni~:? Orc;ir~anee of the "' ' as .. city, l,eretofore anger, ced, ano upon eonvietior: s!:ali r.e ounishec; by fine for eacr, oifense, apo that each cay such violation shall eor~tinue to e~ist shall constitute :'~',EC~fIO:~ £. It is r~eeessar~¢ to :~'i,~e the prope~'ty 6ese.~'fb.ad herein the a~ove me~tior:ec zonin~ elassifiestion in ore:er to perm,it its oroper ~eveloDmert ~nC. i~ or'eer to protect the public interest, eon;fort ar:o ffe~;eral welfare of the City. 'ihepefore, e:r~.ct irr'n:ediatei7 ~rom ape aftep its ~:mssa~e ant publieation of its caption, as the iai; i~ sueb eases provides. DU~Y P~BED by the Cit~ Council oi' the Cit?' of Cc. opell, ~ exas, this the aay oi ~~ , 1985. A i"I'ES i': CF[Y CZ 85-1)11 3