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North Hills Prep 2004/01/29 (2)January 29, 2004 Mr. Jim Witt City Manager 255 Parkway Blvd. P. 0. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Dear Mr. Witt: Sincerely, `1 a-v'Jda Marlene Yanelli Grant Manager NORTHHJLLS SCHOOL A college preparatory school with an international perspective 606 E. Royal Lane • Irving, Texas 75039 USA • 972.501.0645 • Fax 972.501.9439 At the end of the last school year, the two TNHS teacher involved in using the Primary Instructional Materials for teaching French completed the 2002 -2003 year -end grant surveys. With all the commotion of starting the new school year, I inadvertently missed getting them in the mail. Enclosed are the original surveys for your review. Please excuse my oversight. APPENDIX B North Hills Staff Survey — Primary Program How many hours per week did your students use the workbooks, flash vocabulary cards and tapes, which comprise the Primary Instructional Materials? Workbooks: 1 2 3 4 5 1 /A Flash cards: 1 2 3 4 5 N/A Tapes: C1)2 3 4 5 'rn — v -ri - - cz, . ; E &. U cr -rye r'c J ----- How do the materials enhance the teaching of foreign language to primary students by helping them obtain the following objectives? Use the numbers listed next to the objectives 1 Understand short utterances when listening and respond orally; S&tc Compk:led by: Sabr t;yi a- RD we I Fore+) lzthg. Dept. Nta& TeA6a„s frevict-' d-a &r4ts - t. S6 F�� it. M • impact of workbooks (circle one) significant moderate marginal • impact of flashcards (circle one) significant moderate marginal • impact of-- shy-- (circle one_ significan moderate marginal 2 Produce learned words, phrases, and sentences when speaking and writing; • impact of workbooks (circle one) significant moderate marginal NiA • impact of flashcards (circle one) significant moderate marginal • impact of f s (circle on significant Moderate marginal 3 Detect main ideas in familiar material when listening and reading; NIA N/A impact of workbooks (circle one) significant moderate marginal impact of flashcards (circle one) significant moderate marginal impact of flaslicarcts (circle one) significant moderate marginal 4 Make lists, copy accurately, and write from dictation; and • impact of workbooks (circle one) significant moderate NIA :• impact of flashcards (circle one) significant moderate • impact of fl she (circle one) significant moderate 5 Recognize the importance in communication of knowing about other cultures I•3"■ • impact of workbooks (circle one) significant moderate marginal • impact of flashcards (circle one) significant moderate marginal • impact of flashcards (circle one) significant oderate arginal marginal marginal How do you assess the impact these materials have on your students' progress in class? Please attach copies of any assessment materials that you are using for this purpose. ,-DrK b, YNC h cU i 1"-) p c n rcI&r to cc, What measurable results have your students achieved through assessment of the use of the language materials? Ukfok. p con vvr") orb Identify one or more areas for improving the primary instructional environment through modified use of these materials. Please be specific so adjustments can be implemented. AL th 4 rece_tv c 3c .) t3 ho oc cxt h PTher bej t 0\re, 6 -- o -ecurA-1 k \ri n w. t -- cDot L ima± o o n • t+m 1 cr C re- --1 47 7 he, Y`jOrtb400, cDpsfilPt_ GQAD-e PNaiviTY) • • • ' •.` • ' • '• • ••••!, • • •.`• , '■Av . 1 , 111/4\ W W •• •,‘N n IWAX, ._::•••••• 4, •• . o ule ami l •••■\\•\, • • •"rWW rrrArri f Give directions to the following places: 1. De l'ecole au commissariat de police 2. De l'hOtel a l'hOpital 3. De la poste a l'autoroute 4. De la cabine telephonique a la banque Listen to the following statements: A. La poste est a gauche de la banque B. L'h6tel est.& drolte du parc C. L'ocole est gauche de !'autoroute D. La cabine tole honique est a cote du parc E. La banque est en face de la poste 1 3 5 Page 24 2 4 Statement A goes Statement B goes Statement C goes Statement D goes Statement E woes with picture with picture with picture with picture with picture Place a red dot on the items called by the speaker. 10 Atit41. Listen for some new vocabulary: le sol sol) = the floor l'evier (leh-vyeh) = the sink le four (luh foor)= the oven le gazon (luh gah-zohn) = the lawn Circle the pictures as the speaker calls them out. Draw a line from a picture in the left column to a matching picture in the right column. 1. Ecoutez! 2. Draw a circle around the number as each picture is called out. 3. Place an. X. over each number as each picture is wed- out in a different order. 10 100 1,000 20 200 2,000 30 300 3,000 40 400 4,000 50 500 5,000 60 600 6,000 70 700 7,000 80 800 8,000 90 900 9,000 27 24 25 Number the pictures in the order the mayor's wife mentions them in the song. APPENDIX B North Hills Staff Survey — Primary Program How many hours per week did your students use the workbooks, flash vocabulary cards and tapes, which comprise the Primary Instructional Materials? Workbooks: Flash cards: Tapes: 2 3 4 5 l 1e vC('rteS 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 How do the materials enhance the teaching of foreign language to primary students by helping them obtain the following objectives? Use the numbers listed next to the objectives 1 Understand short utterances when listening and respond orally; • impact of workbooks (circle one) significan moderate marginal • impact of-flashcards (circle one) significan moderate marginal • impact of (circle one) signs ican moderate marginal 2 Produce learned words, phrases, and sentences when speaking and writing; • impact of workbooks (circle one) si&nifica moderate marginal • impact of flashcards (circle one) s lgnific e moderate marginal • impact of ilasds (circle one) signlfican9 moderate marginal c, 3 Detect main ideas in familiar material when listening and reading; SLArVe Co vv.% p I.e kc( . V ; c-4-o he Y (+€-&ckeS sack t' M t did r • impact of workbooks (circle one) i ifica moderate marginal • impact of flashcards (circle one) signiflcan moderate marginal • impact of (circle one) signifi t) moderate marginal 4 Make lists, copy accurately, and write from dictation; and • impact of workbooks (circle one) si: ificant marginal • impact of flashcards (circle one) 'significant mo erate marginal • impact of #lashrards (circle one) gn1 scant) moderate ' marginal 5 Recognize the importhnce in c ommunication of knowing about other cultures p g tures • impact of workbooks (circle one) lfica moderate marginal • impact of flashcards (circle one) significant � ant moderate marginal • impact of flashcards (circle one) s gnlficant moderate marginal How do you assess the impact these materials have on your students' progress in class? Please attach copies of any assessment materials that you are using for this purpose. l6u tU - p-e- S <funk 5-6 Pic rS 4tr&P ( et olA S re cxc *cttfLr5 1 M.r“-- s (ftelt9Alt t k 1 • L o r lL (mks tit 1-7'e5 1U--tp Criiictatd> rein i cam, 1& vU 1 • ,,, x'0 V OA) td taco( A c ,i 4 -e- What measurable results have your students achieved through assessment of the use of the language materials? ? vw-f),vov e i vet,.S k-t:k (� S Ul-P�E (,715 s i�i■1�►' read,(' V Ctt1 ck ik,�r '.1 t/ { e•' ' r1 Identify one or more areas for improving the primary instructional environment through modified use of these materials. Please be specific so adjustments can be implemented. e_ wup., Ire,e v .(Z c(„ 5 eAk t 'pc S ki ` �( ' o � d- o ii LY\o -x,t VYwZe t ac nti (J c ( I ear OA: tAA ,� o r e4 •)U ' vu:l a 1 C 1 if) R -es co. 0,0f 4-i e;u (4tv e e- s4-ANA- Name \'IC -7 bt A Date a-MIL ; S nu? c C. c9 Gwt,e NIALQ-K-e_ 4 i