OR 297-A-10 Implements streetscape plan; add'l parking requirements AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS
WHEREAS, the City Zoning Commission and the Governing Body of the City of
Coppell, Texas, in compliance with the laws of the State of Texas with reference to
the granting of zoning changes under the zoning ordinance and zoning map, have given
requisite notices by publication and otherwise, and after holding due hearings and
affording a full and fair hearing to all property owners general]y, the said Governing
Body is of the opinion that Ordinance Number 979, the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Coppell, should be amended in the exercise of its legislative discretion;
SECTION 1, That Section 21.4, Parking Requirements of the "O" Office District,
be amended by adding thereto the following additional paragraph:
"Along existing or future divided arterials which have been identified as primary
image zones in the Streetscape Plan, no parking will be allowed within fifteen
(15) feet of the property line except under conditions specified in Section 33.
At all intersections, the no parking areas shall include a nine (9) feet by nine
(9) feet triangle whose sides coincide with lhe ten (10) or fifteen (15) feet no
parking lines adjacent to the right-of-way lines. (See Figure 13 of the Coppell
Streetscape Plan). These no parking areas shall be landscaped in accordance
with standards established in Section 33."
SECTION 2. That Section 22.4, Parking Requirements of the "R" Retail District,
be amended by adding thereto the following additional paragraph:
"Along existing or future divided arterials which have been identified as primary
image zones in the Streetscape Plan, no parking will be allowed within fifteen
(15) feet of the property line except under conditions specified in Section 33.
At all intersections, the no parking areas shall include a nine (9) feet by nine
(9) feet triangle whose sides coincide with the ten (10) or fifteen (15) feet no
parking lines adjacent to the right-of-way lines. (See Figure 13 of the Coppell
Streetscape Plan). These no parking areas shall be landscaped in accordance
with standards established in Section 33."
SECTION 3. That Section 23.4, Parking Requirements of the "C" Commercial
District, be amended by adding thereto the following additional paragraph:
"Along existing or future divided arterials which have been identified as primary
image zones in the Streetscape Plan, no parking will be allowed within fifteen
(15) feet of the property line except under conditions specified in Section 33.
At all intersections, the no parking areas shall include a nine (9) feet by nine
(9) feet triangle whose sides coincide with the ten (10) or fifteen (15) feet no
parking lines adjacent to the right-of-way lines. (See Figure 13 of the Coppell
Streetscape Plan). These no parking areas shall be landscaped in accordance
with standards established in Section 33."
SECTION 4. That Section 24.4, Parking Requirements of the "TC" Town Center
District, be amended by adding thereto the following additional paragraph:
"Along existing or future divided arterials which have been identified as primary
image zones in the Streetscape Plan, no parking will be allowed within fifteen
(15) feet of the property line except under conditions specified in Section 33.
At all intersections, the no parking areas shall include a nine (9) feet by nine
(9) feet triangle whose sides coincide with the ten (10) or fifteen (15) feet no
parking lines adjacent to the right-of-way lines. (See Figure 13 of the Coppe]l
Streetscape Plan). These no parking areas shall be landscaped in accordance
with standards established in Section 33."
SECTION 5. That Subsection 2d of Section 27.2, of the "PD" Planned Development
District, be amended by adding thereto the following additional sentence:
"The landscaping plan shall conform to the minimum standards established in
Section 33 and in the approved Coppell Streetscape Plan."
SECTION 6. That Subsection 1 of Section 29.2 of the "S" or "SUP" Specific Use
Permit Classification, be amended by adding thereto the word "landscaping" so that said
subsection shall read as follows:
"1. In recommending that a Specific Use Permit for the premises under
consideration be granted, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall
determine that such uses are harmonious and adaptable to building structures
and uses of abutting property and other property in the vicinity of the
premises under consideration, and shall make recommendations as to
requirements for the paving of streets, alleys and sidewalks, means of
ingress and egress to public streets, provisions for drainage, adequate off-
street parking, protective screening and open space landscaping, heights
of structures, and compatibility of buildings."
SECTION 7. That Subsection 9 of Section 31.2, Special Additional Regulations,
be amended to read as follows:
"9. No fence, wall, screen billboard, sign structure or foliage of hedges, trees,
bushes or shrubs shall be erected, planted or maintained in such a position
or place so as to obstruct or interfere with the following minimum sight
line standards.
a. Vision at all intersections where streets intersect at or near right
angles shall be clear at elevations between two and one-half (2{)
feet and nine (9) feet above the average street grade, within a
triangular area formed by extending the two curb lines from their
point of intersection (see Figure 4 of the Subdivision Ordinance)
forty-five (45) feet, and connecting these points with an imaginary
line, thereby making a triangle. If there are no curbs existing, the
triangular area shall be formed by extending the property lines from
their point of intersection twenty-five (25) feet and connecting these
points with an imaginary line, thereby making a triangle."
SECTION 8. That Section 32, Screening Standards, and Section 33, Landscaping
Standards, be amended by substituting therefor the new Sections 32 and 33, which are
attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes.
SECTION 9. That all ordinances of the City in conflict with the provisions of
this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the
City not in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shah remain in full force and
SECTION 10. That should any paragraph, sentence, subdivision, clause, phrase
or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid,
the same shah not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or
provision thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional
and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a whole.
SECTION 11. That any person, firm or corporation v~o]ating any of the provisions
or terms of this ordinance shall be subject to the same penalty as provided for in the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City, as heretofore amended, and upon conviction
shall be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00)
for each offense, and that each day such violation shall continue to exist shall constitute
a separate offense.
SECTION 12. It is necessary to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City in order
to permit proper development and in order to protect the public interest, comfort and
general welfare of the City. Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately
from and after its passage and publication of its caption, as the law in such cases provides.
DULY PASSED by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, this the ~,2 a--j
^~,~,~ov~: / ,/ ~ {/
Purpose: To encourage the most appropriate use of lan~ and
conserve and protect the privacy and value of adjacen~ permit-
' 'ted uses, regulations are prescribed for the location and type
of various screening devices =o be used when required in
various zoning districts or in chis section in accordance wi~h
~he following standards.
32.1 Location of Required Screening
l. Where the side, rear, or service side o~ an apartmenC, or"
=he side, rear, or service side of a non-residential use
is adjacent to a single-family or two-famt.ly residential
district, screening hOC less Chun six (6) feec in height
shall be erected separating =he use from the adjacenz
residential district. No screening is required, adJacen=
to a street except as required in Paragraph 2 in chis
2. When the rear or service side of a non-residential use is
adjacent to a public Chorou§hfare with greater chun 60
- . feec of Right-of-way screening six (6) fee~ in heigh=
'' shall be provided.
3. In. a non-residential district where parking space for
motor vehicles is provided adJacen= to or wi=bin tbn (10)
feec of a residen=ial district, whether =he dis=ricc
.. boundary lines are separaCed by a street or alley or not,
screening cwo (2) feec in height shall be provided
between the boundary of such parking areas and the
residential district. This requiremenC does hoc waive
the requirements of Paragraph 1, however, providing
screening as required in Paragraph I may fulfill ~he
requirements of chis paragraph.
4. In all dis=rices where screening of loading areas facing
a street is.required, screening shall be provided no=
less =hen six (6) feec in height adjacen= co che loading
area at the property line. Said screening 'shall be
required along all screecs excep= where such use was in
existence ac the dace of adoption of this Ordinance.
Screening adjacent Co a street shall be brick. Ocher
types of screening devices may be approved by the Plan-
. ning and Zoning Commission and City Council.
5. In all districts where screenin~ of open storage is ..
require'd such screening shall be required only for chose
areas used for open s~orage. A six (6) feec high fence
shall be provided and maintained s= the proper~y line
adjacent to the area to be screened. If the screening
wall for open storage is required along a s=ree= edge,
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the screening wall should be brick and be located 'ten
(10) feet from the street R.O.W./property line. Brick
wall shall conform to 32.1.7.
The brick screening wall for the loading areas shall be
located ten (lO)'feet from the right-of-way line. Brick
wall shall conform to 32.1.7.
6. Refuse storage areas not adjacent to an alley for all
uses other than single-family and duplex dwellings shall
be visually screened by a six (6) foot high solid fence
on all sides except the side used for garbage pickup
service, such side she11 no= be required to be screened.
7. ~ere subdivisions are platted so that =he rear yards of
sin§lc-family two family, or townhouse residential lots
are adjacent to a dedicated roadway, or separated from
roadway by an alley or service road, the developer shall
provide, at his sole expense, one of the following types
of screening. The City Council and the Planning and
Zoning Commission may waive or modify, in exceptional
cases, this requirement. Ail forms of screening shall
conform to the requirements of the ordinances of the City
governing the sight distance for traf£ic safety and other
City ordinances. The types of permissible screening are:
A. A brick wall with a minimum height of six (6) feet
and a maximum height of eight (8) feet shall be
located on the street right-of-way line. The color
of the wall shall be limited to earth-tone colors,
excluding green and white. The 'color of the wall
shall be uniform and/or compatible om both sides of
a thoroughfare for the entire length of the
thoroughfare between two intersecting thoroughfares.
~en walls are built in sections, the colors shall
be as closely similar as possible, but shall, in no
case, 'be incompatible. Plans and specifications for
the wall shall be approved by the City. Masonry
columns shall be expressed at a minimum of
(30) feet on centers and should typically be taller
than the remainder of tile wall.
Brick detailing at the top of the wall shall produce
a change in plane or texture. Developers are
encouraged to create offsets in the wall to provide
visual variety. The wall shall be placed on an
appropriate structural concrete footimg and shall be
a minimum of ten Inches thick. Trees shall be
planted in the landscaping strip between the curb
and screening wall according to standards set in
Section 33 for non-residential and multi-family
lots. In general, thirty (30) percent of the wall
elevation should be screened with gegetation. The
developer may, at his option, install plan~er beds,
maximum size, four hundred (400) square feet' per
bed, adjacent to the wall. In such event, the
developer shall provide total maintenance £or the
beds for a minimum of two years. After that period
of time, a homeowners association .'must be in
exiscance to provide maintenance in accordance with
Section 33, The developer shall install automatic
irrigation bubblers or ocher means of irrigation
approved by the City.- Plant m~terials shall be
selected from the plant palette in the approved
Coppell Streecscape Plan. The developer shall pay a
sum of $1,800.00 per planter bed for a LandscapinS
Maintenance Fund co be paid at £he time ~he
subdivision is accepted by the City of Coppell.
Once the homeowners association accepts maintenance
responsibilities for landscaped areas, the
maintenance fund shall be refunded Co the Developer.
B. ~ere appropriate, a combination of brick and
~ ironwork can be utilized. No more than fifty (50)
percent of the total wall elevation should be
ironwork. The masonry portion shall be constructed
according to the criteria described in the previous
paragraph A. Landscaping and maintenance'
requirements are also identical except tha~ a
landscaped area must be provided behind open
ironwork to provide an appropriate view beyond.
These landscaped areas beyond shall also become the
responsibility of a homeowners association to
provide proper mainCenahc~.
C. Where subdivisions are platted so thaa the side
yards of single-family residential lots are adjacent
to a dedicated roadway and where a cul-de-sac
approaches the paved roadway, but does not intersect'
with it, the developer shall provide, at his sole
expense, a living screen composed of plants approved
by the City of Coppell. Plants shall be a minimum
· of 3 feet in height. Plant spacing mhall vary,
depending on the type of plants, as required by the
City Council; however, suggested maximum spacings
are twenty-five (25) feet for trees and twelve (12)
feet for shrubs. A solid living scraen is no~
required. The living screen £hall not be planted
opposite the front yard of residential lots which
front on streets which intersect with the paved
roadway. The developer shall provide total mainte-
nance for the living screen for a minimum of two
years, or until the houses on the affected lots are
sold for occupancy. At the end of the maintenance
period, all plants in the living screen shall be in
a healthy and growing condition. The living screen
shall be planted between the sidewalk and the
~ight-of-way line. Plant materials 'shall be
selected from the plant palette in the approved
Coppell Streetscape Plan.
D. If after the two (2) year maintenance period has
expired and the landscape treatment-in the above
sections is in a healthy and growing condition and
the City has not provided maintenance, money depos-
Ited in the landscape maintenance fund escrow
account shall be refunded ~o =he installing
developer. If funds are no= available, payment
shall be made from =he account as soon as funds
become available.
.. E. At development and subdivision entry features, all
walls and raised planter beds shall be of brick
construction unless Otherwise approved by the
Planning Commission and City. Council. The wall
construction and landscaped requirements of
paragraphs A and B shall apply to development and '
subdivision entry features. In addition, the design
of the entry feature must conform to the visibility
requirement of =he Subdivision Ordinance.
Concrete pavers should be incorporated into the
design of the pavement entry features in a manner
compatible with that used at major or secondary
intersections in the City.
32.2 Maximum Height and Widths ..
Ail required plant screening material shall be trimmed and
pruned to prevent heights and widths which will cause visibil-
ity problems for traffic or other safety hazards,'bu= no= =o a
height less than the required minimums.
Purpose: Landscaping is accepted as adding value to property
and is in the general welfare of the City. Therefore, land-
scaping is required hereafter of all new development or use of
previously undeveloped land except that single-family, duplex
and agricultural uses shall be exempt because single-family
uses rarely fail to comply with the requirements set forth and
agricultural uses are expected to be temporary and will be
replaced with other uses as the City develops.
33.1 Landscape Plan: Prior to issuance of ~ Bufldimg Permit for
any use other than agriculture, single-family dwelling, or
duplex dwelling in any zoning district, a Landscape Plan shall
be submitted and shall show location, name, quantity, and size
of any landscape plants, landscape paving, benches, screens,
fountains, statues, sprinkler or water system, or other'
landscape features; buildings, parking areas, drives, walks,
adjacent streets, mhd alleys. The Landscape Plan shall be
prepared by a Registered Landscape Architect and drawn to
scale and of such size as to be legible. Landscaping shall
extend beyond the property line to the curb or paving line in
all adjacent streets and alleys. The Landscape Plan can be
submitted as part of the Final Development Plan (Detail Site
Plan). The Landscape Plan does not need to be approved by the
Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council unless so
stated in the amending ordinance in a Planned Developmen~
District. The Landscape Plan shall conform =o the standards
and guidelines set forth in the approved Coppe].l S~rae~scape
33.2 Minimum Standards
1. Except where otherwise provided, all yard, setback,
parking, service, and recreational areas shall be land-
scaped with lawns, trees, shrubs, or other landscaps
2. Where the use of a living screen is required or proposed,
such screen must be included as an element of the land-
scape plan.
3. ,A minimum of five (5%)'percent of all required parking
areas shall be landscaped. On lots where the required
parking is not adjacent to a dedicated street, the five
(5%) percent landscaping requirement shall apply to the
area between the buildings or structure and the street.
· The (5%) five percent requirement shall be calculated in
" addition to areas contained in street right-of-way or
within 10 (10) feet of the front property line. It is
the intent of this section to require design and con-
struction of parking areas in a manet wherby areas
usuable for parking or maneuvering space be landscaped.
4. Along arterials identified as primary image zomes, the
fifteen (15) feet no parking line may be reduced to ten
(10) feet if every five (5) continuous parking spaces is
separated by a landscaped island planted with a tree.
The island shall be equal in size to a required parking
space. When the no parking strip is reduced in this
manner, the corner no parking triangles shall be
increased in size to fourteen (14) feet by fourteen (14)
feet. (Figure 13 of the Coppell Streetscape Plan)
5. For non-residential lots, screening devices shall be use4
to obscure the view of parking areas' in the required
front or side yards along dedicated streets. Such
screening shall be a maximum of thirty-six (36) inches
high measured from the bottom of curb at the parking
pavement. The screening shall be located within the
required no parking landscaped setback adjacent to the
street. The screening shall be located or designed so as
to minimize damage by the automobile. (Figure 17 o£'Che
Coppell Streetscape Plan)
6. In all instances, mechanisms such as wheel suopS shall be
used to provent parked cars from encroaching upon the
landscaped setback. -'
7.. On all non-residential and mulci-f=ily lots which have
frontage along a dedicated street, the property oumer
must plant crees in the no parking landscape setback
according to the guidelines established in the approved
Coppell Streetscape Plan and the following minimum
ratios. Along arterials identified as major image zones
in the Coppell Streetscape Plan, the ratio is one (1)
tree for every thirty (30) feec of frontage. Along other
'arterials and collectors identified as secondary image
zones, the ratio is one (1) tree for every thirty-five
(35) [eet of frontage.
On all non-residential and multi-£amily lo~s which have
fronta§e on collector or an arterial, the property o~mer
shall install a minimum of one (1) additional tree for
every utility pole along his frontage. Placemen: shall
be within ten (10) feet of the poles to help obscure the
view of the pole, but situated so as to minimize
interference with the operation and. maintenance of the
overhead wires.
8. The type of plants to be placed within the parkway
adjacent to dedicated streets shall be selected from
approved plant palatte found in the CoppeI1 Streetscape
Plan. The minimum caliper of trees shall be two (2)
9. Ail landscaped locations shall be irrigated by a system
designed by a licensed landscape irrigator. The required
landscape 'plan shall bear the seal of the licensed
irrigator designing the system.
10. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corproa=iom
to cut or break any branch of any tree or shrub or injure
in any way the bark of sai~ tree or shrub growing on
public property.
33.3 Certificate of Occupancy: Prior to the issuance of a Certifi-
cate of Occupancy ail screening and landscaping must be in
place in accordance with the landscape plan required in 32.1.
A Waiver of Compliance may be given by the City Hanager when
the owner agrees in writing to a specific date after which the
landscaping shall be required to have been installed. Such
date shall not be more than six months after the issuance of a
Certificate of Occupancy.
33.4 Maintenance: All required landscaping shall be maintained in
a neat and orderly manner at all times. This shall include
mowing, edging, pruning, fertilizing, watering, weeding, and
other such activities common to the maintenance of landscap-
ing. Landscaped areas shall be kept free of trash, litter,
weeds, and other such materials or plants not a par= of the
landscaping. All plant material shall be maintained in a
healthy and growing condition as is appropriate for =he season
of the year. Plant material which dies shall be replaced with
plant material of similar variety and size. Property owners
and/or homeowners associations are responsible for maintenance
of the parkway area between :he curb an~ =bet: property lines.
33.5 Visibility: Where the rigid enforcement of these landscaping
requirements will result in a conflict with 30.2-9, the
requiremencs shall be reduced to the extent to remove the
conflict. In any event, the requirements of Section 31 shall
take precedence.