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BM 1995-07-20 PZMinutes of July 20, 1995
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Coppell met in pre -session at 7 p.m., and
in regular session at 7:30 p.m., on Thursday, July 20, 1995, in the Coppell Town Center, 255
Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas 75019. The following members were present:
Chairman George Redford
Vice Chairman Carl Thompson
Commissioner Stan Lowry
Commissioner Karen Reyher
Commissioner Texx Stewart
Commissioner Larry Wheeler
One seat remains vacant at the present time.
Also present were Planning Director Gary L. Sieb; Planning & Zoning Coordinator Isabelle
Moro, and Administrative Secretary Barbara Jahoda.
PRE -SESSION (Open to the Public)
1. Briering on the Agenda.
REGULAR SESSION (Open to the Public)
2. Call to Order
Chairman Redford called the meeting to order.
3. Invocation
Commissioner Stewart gave the invocation.
4. Approval of Minutes dated June 15 and 26, 1995
Commissioner Thompson made a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting
held June 15, 1995, and special meeting held June 26, 1995, as submitted.
Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion; motion carried (6-0) with Commissioners
Lowry, Wheeler, Thompson, Redford, Reyher and Stewart voting in favor. None
5. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider the approval of S-1096. N.Y. Bagel Company,
zoning change from LI (Light Industrial) to LI-S.U.P. (Light Industrial, Special Use
Permit) to allow a bagel store in the Valley Ranch Center located at 820 S.
MacArthur Blvd., at the request of Joe Macchio.
Planning and Zoning Coordinator Isabelle Moro introduced the item to the Commission,
stating that this Special Use Permit request is for a sit-in and take-out restaurant in the
Valley Ranch Shopping Center, next to Baskin-Robbins. No food preparation will occur
on-site, rather at a site in Grapevine. Delivery of foods will occur three times per day;
no dishes nor pans will be cleaned at the Coppell location. The restaurant will occupy
approximately 1,200 square feet of space and will seat approximately 30 people. The
proposed hours of operation will be from 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and
6 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Sunday. It is anticipated that 2-4 employees will be needed to
operate the store. 11 parking spaces will be required and the existing Valley Ranch
Shopping Center parking lot accommodates this proposed use. The exterior signage will
measure 15.97 square feet, below the allowable maximum of 17 square feet. Staff
recommends approval of this Special Use Permit.
Joe Macchio of the N.Y. Bagel Company was present to represent this item before the
Commission and answer any questions. He distributed sample menus to the Commission.
Some discussion followed regarding parking.
Chairman Redford opened the Public Hearing, asking for people present who wanted to
speak in favor of this proposal to come forward.
There were none.
Chairman Redford then asked for people present who wanted to speak in opposition to
this request to come forward.
There were none.
Chairman Redford closed the Public Hearing.
Brief discussion followed regarding public rest room facilities, hours of operation and
Commissioner Wheeler made a motion to approve Case No. S-1096, N.Y. Bagel
Company zoning change from LI (Light Industrial) to LI-S.U.P. (Light Industrial,
Special Use Permit), subject to the site plan and the following conditions: the hours of
operation will be from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 6 a.m. through
3 p.m. on Sunday; a minimum of 11 parking spaces will be provided, and the exterior
attached sign will be less than 17 square feet. Commissioner Thompson seconded the
motion. Motion carried (6-0) with Commissioners Lowry, Wheeler, Thompson,
Redford, Reyher, and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed.
6. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider the approval of S-1097. Couuell Mobile Cell Site,
zoning change from LI-S.U.P. (Light Industrial, Special Use Permit) to LI-S.U.P.
(Light Industrial, Special Use Permit) to change out the existing 50 foot antenna and
install a 100 foot new antenna, located on the east side of Royal Lane, approximately
990 feet south of Thweatt Road, at the request of Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems,
Planning and Zoning Coordinator Isabelle Moro introduced the item to the Commission
stating that the initial Special Use Permit was granted on June 20, 1991, for a 50'
antenna, which is experiencing some reception problems and Southwestern Bell Mobile
Systems, Inc., would like to replace it with a 100' antenna. Since the site is under the
flight path of D/FW International Airport, an obstruction evaluation for the antenna was
performed by Airspace Safety Analysis Corporation and the study concluded that the
proposed structure would not adversely affect the flight path at the airport. Staff
recommends approval of the Special Use Permit subject to the following conditions being
met: a legal description for the site needs to be provided and the applicant needs to
indicate on the site plan the current adjoining property owners.
Peter Kavanagh, 500 South Ervay, Dallas, TX, representing Southwestern Bell Mobile
Systems, Inc., was present to represent this item before the Commission and answer any
Some discussion followed.
Chairman Redford opened the Public Hearing, asking for people present who wanted to
speak in favor_ of this proposal to come forward.
There were none.
Chairman Redford then asked for people present who wanted to speak in opposition to
this request to come forward.
There were none.
Chairman Redford closed the Public Hearing.
Additional discussion was held.
Commissioner Stewart made a motion to approve Case No. S-1097, Coppell Mobile Cell
Site, zoning change from LI-S.U.P. (Light Industrial, Special Use Permit) to LI-S.U.P.
(Light Industrial, Special Use Permit), subject to the site plan and stated staff conditions.
Commissioner Lowry seconded the motion. Motion carried (6-0) with Commissioners
Lowry, Wheeler, Thompson, Redford, Reyher and Stewart voting in favor. None
7. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider the approval of Freeport North, Replat of Lots
1 through 5, to create Lots 1 through 5 and to change the alignment of Creekview
Drive between Lot 4 and Lot 5, located at Royal Lane and Creekview Drive, at the
request of Rust Lichliter/Jameson.
Planning Director Gary Sieb introduced the item to the Commission, stating that this 70
acre tract of property contains five (5) platted lots. Last month the applicant asked that
this plat be withdrawn so that he could work with the abutting property owner in an
attempt to reach some consensus with regard to the realignment of Creekview Drive.
One of the conditions in the Staff recommendations was that the replat would be
approved subject to the provision that all the easements on the MEPC property (Lot 3R)
be shown. During the work session, revised plats were distributed showing all existing
easements. Based on the easement we see on this plat, plus the fact that we have
reviewed in some detail the plat itself, staff would recommend approval of the replat
subject to the 15' utility easement which runs perpendicular to Royal Lane being deleted
from the MEPC Lot 3R and provided that there were are no compelling reasons brought
to the Commission's attention this evening to deny the plat during this Public Hearing.
Steve Heniford, Rust Lichliter/Jameson, 1420 W. Mockingbird Lane, #300, Dallas, TX,
was present to represent this item before the Commission and answer any questions. Jim
McElroy of Emerson Partners also spoke.
Chairman Redford opened the Public Hearing, asking for people present who wanted to
speak in favor of this proposal to come forward.
There were none.
Chairman Redford then asked for people present who wanted to speak in opposition to
this request to come forward.
Bill Nabors, 3141 Hood Street, Suite 200, Dallas, TX, on behalf of and
under power-of-attorney from the adjoining property owners to the north
of Lot 3R on the replat application, spoke opposing the realignment of
Creekview Drive.
Extended discussion followed.
Commissioner Lowry made a motion to close the Public Hearing and approve Freeport
North, Replat of Lots 1-5 with staff recommendations and the additional notation that the
15' easement running perpendicular to Royal Lane be deleted. Commissioner Stewart
seconded the motion. The motion carried (6-0) with Commissioners Lowry, Wheeler,
Thompson, Redford, Reyher and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed.
8. PUBLIC BEARING: To consider the approval of ZC-583. The Estates of DeForest
Road, zoning change from A (Agriculture) to SF -12 (Single Family 12), located on
the north side of Deforest Road and west of Cambridge Manor Lane, at the request
of Tipton Engineering, Inc.
Planning Director Gary Sieb introduced the item to the Commission, stating that Tipton
Engineering had submitted a letter asking to have this case withdrawn from tonight's
agenda so that they can reapply next month as a Planned Development. In addition,
since the zoning case has been withdrawn, the request to approve the Preliminary Plat
(the following case) will need to be denied. It will also come back next month. Both
cases 8 and 9 can be handled simultaneously.
Chairman Redford opened the Public Hearing, asking for people present who wanted to
speak in favor of this proposal to come forward.
There were none.
Chairman Redford then asked for people present who wanted to speak in opposition to
this request to come forward.
There were none.
Chairman Redford closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Thompson made a motion to acknowledge the withdrawal of Case No.
ZC-583, Estates of DeForest Road. Commissioner Lowry seconded the motion. The
motion carried (6-0) with Commissioners Lowry, Wheeler, Thompson, Redford, Reyher
and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed.
9. To consider the approval of Estates of DeForest Road, Preliminary Plat, to allow
development of a residential subdivision, located on the north side of Deforest Road
and west of Cambridge Manor Lane, at the request of Tipton Engineering, Inc.
Commissioner Stewart made a motion to deny Estates of DeForest Road, Preliminary
Plat. Commissioner Thompson seconded the motion. Motion carried (6-0) with
Commissioners Lowry, Wheeler, Thompson, Redford, Reyher, and Stewart voting in
favor. None opposed.
10. To consider the approval of Town Center, Lot 3, Block 1, Preliminary Plat, to allow
the operation of Comerica Bank, located on the east side of Denton Tap Road,
approximately 1035 feet north of Sandy Lake Road, at the request of Dowdey,
Anderson and Associates, Inc.
Planning Director Gary Sieb introduced the item to the Commission, stating that this 1.35
acre tract of ground is proposed to house an approximate 5,000 square foot Comerica
bank building and drive-in facility. Staff has concerns with regard to the sensitivity to
existing environment, i.e., trees, and questions whether or not this plan really reflects
the best site plan for development of this property. Staff recommends approval if staff
concerns are met. The applicant was sent a copy of the staff report and is knowledgeable
of proposed conditions.
Bill Anderson, Dowdey, Anderson & Associates, Inc., 16250 Dallas Parkway, Suite 100,
Dallas, TX 75248, was present to represent this item before the Commission and answer
any questions. Jim Gwisdala, Comerica Dank, also gave an overview of the proposed
bank, and Adena Nichols with Comerica showed the Commission three elevations of the
proposed facility.
Extended discussion followed.
Commissioner Stewart made a motion to approve Town Center, Lot 3, Block 1,
Preliminary Plat, with the following conditions: (1) Provision of the exact location of
the following trees, as well as disposition of those trees (sound or not) : 1 pecan in
excess of 24" caliper; 1 oak in excess of 30" caliper; 3 elms in excess of 16" caliper; 2
elms in excess of 12" caliper each of which are within 3' of a larger elm; a tight and
highly unusual cluster of 9 hackberries each over 8" in caliper; (2) dedication of the full
width of all adjoining public street rights-of-way; (3) notation of existing right-of-way
width on Denton Tap Road and Parkway Boulevard and provision of visibility triangles
at points of ingress and egress; (4) revision of the site plan to eliminate the seven (7)
parking spaces on the south side of the building (it is understood that the applicant may
wish to go before the Board of Adjustment at some future date if additional parking
spaces are needed at this site); to show total stacking spaces for motor bank; to provide
11' of right-of-way for a deceleration lane; to show brick pavers at street and driveway
intersection with Denton Tap Road, and to preserve as many of the more significant
existing trees as possible; (5) provision of a preliminary irrigation layout on the
landscape plans; and (6) there will be no clear cutting of the site. Commissioner
Wheeler seconded the motion. Motion carried (6-0) with Commissioners Lowry,
Wheeler, Thompson, Redford, Reyher, and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed.
11. To consider the approval of Coppell Professional Plaza Addition, Preliminary Plat,
to allow the development of dental/general office space, located on the east side of
Denton Tap Road, approximately 200 feet south of Braewood Drive, at the request
of Dowdey, Anderson and Associates, Inc.
Planning and Zoning Coordinator Isabelle Moro introduced the item to the Commission,
stating that this proposal will be a two-phase development, Phase 1 will consist of the
dental facility approximating 9,800 square feet, and Phase 2 will consist of a two-story
medical building approximating 10,000 square feet. Construction of the fust phase will
take place immediately while there are no construction plans for the second phase. The
proposed parking is more than adequate to meet the demand of this proposal. Staff has
one area of concern regarding the parking spaces facing the Lone Star Gas Company
right-of-way. The applicant has indicated a willingness to go before the Board of
Adjustment to seek a variance regarding the 10' landscape buffer. If this variance is not
granted, the applicant will need to provide a 10' landscape buffer between the parking
spaces and the Lone Star Gas right-of-way. The over-all landscaping plan appears to
conform with all City requirements. Staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat,
subject to the following conditions being met: (1) Dimensions for the one story dental
building on site plan and landscaping plan do not match; (2) if the Board of Adjustment
does not grant a variance, applicant will have to provide a 10 foot wide landscaped buffer
between the parking and southern property line. (3) at the time of Phase 2 development
construct an accessway across the Lone Star Gas Company's right-of-way which connects
the Coppell Professional Plaza with the White Glove property to the south, thus
improving internal circulation for this entire area. Pending Gas Company approval, a
note needs to be made on the plat that this will be a future access linking White Glove
to the Professional building; (4) show visibility triangles on the Landscape Plan; (5) show
storm drain plan, sizes of water mains, meter sizes, drainage easements for meters; and
(6) show on irrigation plan brick pavers and 5' sidewalk along Denton Tap Road.
Bill Anderson, Dowdey, Anderson & Associates, Inc., 16250 Dallas Parkway, Suite 100,
Dallas, TX 75248, was present to represent this item before the Commission and answer
any questions. Dr. Russell Bass, developer, 580 Denton Tap Road, Coppell, TX, was
also present.
Extended discussion followed.
Commissioner Redford made a motion to approve the Coppell Professional Plaza
Addition, Preliminary Plat, with staff conditions. Commissioner Stewart seconded the
motion. Motion carried (6-0) with Commissioners Lowry, Wheeler, Thompson,
Redford, Reyher, and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed.
12. To consider the approval of Town Center, Lot 1, Block 1, Final Plat, to allow the
operation of Overton Bank and Trust, located at the northeast corner of Denton Tap
Road and Sandy Lake Road, at the request of Dowdey, Anderson and Associates,
Planning and Zoning Coordinator Isabelle Moro introduced the item to the Commission,
stating that Council has given the Commission final authority to approve this plat.
Initially, access to the bank will be from Sandy Lake Road and as Lot 2 develops, both
lots will share a mutual access along Denton Tap Road. Since the site is heavily wooded
with numerous large caliper post oak trees, the developer has agreed to clearly mark and
protect the base of all trees to be maintained. Council has expressed a desire for the
development to preserve as many trees as possible (especially at the front entrance of the
proposed facility). The brick screened dumpster needs to be relocated to a site agreed
upon by the City Engineer. Staff recommends approval of this Final Plat subject to the
following conditions being met: (1) Revise signature block for P&Z Chairman, P&Z
Secretary and City Secretary; (2) more sensitivity to main entrance tree preservation; (3)
relocate the brick screened dumpster to a site agreed upon by the City Engineer; and (4)
all impact fees being paid.
Bill Anderson, Dowdey, Anderson & Associates, Inc., 16250 Dallas Parkway, Suite 100,
Dallas, TX 75248, was present to represent this item before the Commission and answer
any questions. Mike Shipman, Overton Bank, was also present.
Extended discussion followed.
Commissioner Stewart made a motion to approve Town Center, Lot 1, Block 1, Final
Plat, with staff conditions, noting that there be a cooperative venture between the
applicant, the engineer, and a member of the Planning Department to preserve as many
trees on-site as possible. Commissioner Reyher seconded the motion. Motion carried
(6-0) with Commissioners Lowry, Wheeler, 'Thompson, Redford, Reyher, and Stewart
voting in favor. None opposed.
Chairman Redford called for a five-minute break.
13. To consider the approval of Town Center, Lot 2, Block 1, Final Plat, to allow the
operation of a Wendy's drive-through restaurant, located on the east side of Denton
Tap Road, approximately 523 feet north of Sandy Lake Road, at the request of
Dowdey, Anderson and Associates, Inc.
Planning and Zoning Coordinator Isabelle Moro introduced the item to the Commission,
stating that this applicant proposed a one-story building approximating 2,800 square feet
in size. The landscape plan attempts to preserve three post oak trees and one hackberry
tree ranging in size from 10" to 17" in caliper. The proposed monument sign is cast
stone on a brick pillar with a cast stone cap. Although the City would prefer the sign
to be 40-50 square feet in size, the proposed 60 square foot sign is acceptable. Parking
is more than adequate and the site plan meets all of the City's landscape requirements.
Staff recommends approval of this Final Plat, subject to the following conditions being
met: (1) revise signature block for P&Z Chairman, P&Z Secretary and City Secretary;
(2) show the existing 17" post oak tree on the eastern property line on the site plan; (3)
show visibility sight triangle easements at all ingress/egress points; (4) show all utility
easements; and (5) elevation(s) of finished building to be placed in plat file for reference.
At Council's request, the applicant has been requested to submit an architectural
rendering, which will also be placed in the file.
Bill Anderson, Dowdey, Anderson & Associates, Inc., 16250 Dallas Parkway, Suite 100,
Dallas, TX 75248, was present to represent this item before the Commission and answer
any questions.
Extended discussion followed.
Commissioner Lowry made a motion to approve Town Center, Lot 2, Block 1, Final
Plat, with staff conditions. Commissioner Reyher seconded the motion. Motion carried
(5-0-1) with Commissioners Lowry, Thompson, Redford, Reyher, and Stewart voting in
favor. None opposed. Commissioner Wheeler abstained. (An abstention is an
affirmative vote.)
14. To consider the approval of Old Copvell Estates, Final Plat, to allow the
development of a residential subdivision, located two-tenths of a mile east of Coppell
Road on the north side of Bethel Road, at the request of W.P.C.-Bethel
Development Corporation.
Planning Director Gary Sieb introduced the item to the Commission, stating that this
proposed development consisting of 5.5 acres will be used in conjunction with the
property which was platted to the east of it some time ago for a total of 32 single-family
homes. Council has given the Planning Commission final authority with regard to this
Final Plat and staff recommends approval with the following three conditions: (1)
relocation to a location outside visibility triangles of all trees shown within visibility
triangle on the landscape plans; (2) provision of brick pavers at entrances be provided
at the time of subdivision construction, and (3) reconsideration of the street name of Old
Coppell Lane. There is some concern on the part of staff that this name is too close to
the existing Coppell Road.
Roger Dietz, GDI and Associates, Plano, TX, was present to represent this item before
the Commission and answer any questions.
No discussion followed.
Commissioner Wheeler made a motion to approve Old Coppell Estates, Final Plat, with
staff conditions. Commissioner Lowry seconded the motion. Motion carried (6-0) with
Commissioners Lowry, Wheeler, Thompson, Redford, Reyher, and Stewart voting in
favor. None opposed.
15. PUBLIC HEARING: To consider the approval of amending Sections 31, 33, 34, 42,
and Appendix 1 through 5 of the City of Coppell Zoning Ordinance with regard to
parking and landscape requirements.
Planning Director Gary Sieb introduced the item to the Commission, showing graphics
of the revisions. When the previous revisions went to Council a week ago, it basically
signed off on all of the amendments with the exception of two clarifications that were felt
to be appropriate: The first concern related to the fact that by reducing the length of the
parking space from 19' to 17', this would allow a parked car to infringe upon the
landscaped area, so that, in effect, you really have a 19' long space in which to park a
vehicle. The concern of Council was that, particularly in hot weather, the landscaping
under the 2' area will die and it wasn't really practical to put landscaping there --
perhaps it would better be served by putting gravel, brick pavers or pave stone there
but they wanted the total landscaping to remain as is. Basically, if the overhang is
utilized, then an extra landscaping area will have to be shown somewhere else in the
landscaping plan. The total parking lot landscaped area is not reduced.
The second concern related to residential property which was adjacent to commercial
property. The present Ordinance specifies that if you have a single-family or duplex area
adjacent to a commercial, office or multi -family property, a 6' solid screening wall is
required to be built by the commercial, office or multi -family use. Council felt that that
wasn't quite enough and wanted to have an additional 10' strip in which landscaping
would be required on the inside of the wall to soften it against the residential area. The
proposal is to provide a 10' landscaped buffer between non-residential and single/2
family uses with trees at either 40 or 50' spacing. The landscaping requirements in the
Ordinance, Section 33-1-8D says 25' spacing between trees, 34-1-8B3 says 50' spacing
between trees and in the Streetscape Plan on page 14, it says 1 tree each 40', on page
15, it says 1 tree for each 50' feet of distance. The distance between trees needs
Some discussion followed
Chairman Redford opened the Public Hearing, asking for people present who wanted to
speak in favor of this proposal to come forward.
Kay Tiller, 625 Kirby Lane, Richardson, TX, spoke as the City's public
relations consultant.
Chairman Redford then asked for people present who wanted to speak in opposition to
this request to come forward.
There were none.
Chairman Redford closed the Public Hearing.
Commissioner Stewart made a motion to approve amending Sections 31, 33, 34, 42, and
Appendix 1 through 5 of the City of Coppell Zoning Ordinance with the provision that
the new 10' landscape buffer include a 40' spacing on center for trees and the total
square footage on the landscaping not be reduced based on relieving the developer from
landscape material under the first 2' of head -in parking areas. Commissioner Wheeler
seconded the motion. Motion carried (6-0) with Commissioners Lowry, Wheeler,
Thompson, Redford, Reyher, and Stewart voting in favor. None opposed.
16. General discussion concerning planning and zoning issues
A. Comprehensive Master Plan update
Planning Director Gary Sieb stated that he had nothing further to discuss. He asked the
Commissioners if they had any questions.
Chairman Redford asked about replacing the seat on the Commission vacated by Marsha
Tunnell. Planning Director Sieb stated that Council has elected to wait until the October
With nothing further to discuss, the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:20 p.m.
H. JahoA, Administrative Secretary