BM 1991-07-01 PZ SPECIAL CALLED MEETINGMinutes of July 1, 1991
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Copped met in
pre -session at 7:00 p.m., and in special called session at 7:30 p.m., on
Monday, July 1, 1991, in the Second Floor Conference Room, of the
Coppell Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas 75019. The
following members were present:
Chairman, Joe Munsch
Commissioner, Robert Green
Commissioner, Charles Cotten
Commissioner, Lanny Mayo
Commissioner, Marsha Tunnell
Commissioners Melvin Gross and George Redford were absent.
Also present was P&Z Coordinator Taryon Bowman.
Chairman Munsch called the meeting to order.
Item 4: Consider approval of a zoning change, Case #ZC-531, from (HC)
Highway Commercial, and (LI) Light Industrial, to (SF -12)
Single -Family -12, (SF -9) Single -Family -9 and (SF -7)
Single -Family -7, located on the west side of Denton Tap Road,
along the north and south sides of S.H. 121 Bypass, at the
request of Thompson Interests.
P&Z Coordinator Taryon Bowman introduced the item to the
Mr. Peter Staks of Nathan Maier Engineers was present to
represent this item.
Chairman Munsch then opened the public hearing and asked for
persons wishing to speak in opposition to the request. There
were none. He then asked for persons wishing to speak in favor
of the request. Again there were none. The public hearing was
then declared closed.
Minutes of July 1, 1991
Planning & Zoning Commission
Page 2
Following discussion, Commissioner Cotten moved to approve Case
#ZC-531 with the following conditions:
1) Deny the SF -12 on 30 acres of the park site, allowing the
zoning to remain as PD -FP;
2) Retain the original park concept plan and amenity package
commitment submitted in the earlier zoning request and that
the specific plan in detail be presented with the plat for
Planning & Zoning Commission review and approval;
3) Allow approval of PD -SF -12 on residential lots adjacent to
the park and PD -SF -9 north of the PD -SF -12;
4) Retain the HC zoning on the 4.67 acre parcel at the
southwest intersection of the S.H. 121 bypass and Denton
Tap Road;
5) In order to insure that the requirements of the streetscape
ordinance are met as well as insuring the landscaping
developments of the overall tracts, the developer shall
present a detailed streetscape plan and a detail landscape
plan to incorporate entrance detail as well as the pocket
park detail;
6) That the developer provide facilities on the pocket park of
some sort -- not only landscaping but playground equipment;
7) Landscaping should address both the north and south side of
8) With regard to the zoning on the north side of 121, approve
the PD -SF -7 as submitted and we ask that specific landscape
plans should include the berm requirement, which is a 10
foot berm and an 18 to 20 foot screening;
9) North side of S. H. 121 will include a pocket park that was
addressed on the site pian;
10) North side of S.H. 121 to include an 8 foot masonry and
appropriate green screening elements along wall adjacent to
the Light Industrial (LI) zoned parcel located in the City
of Lewisville.
11) Submit a detailed plan of the floodplain park area along
with the preliminary and final plat;
Minutes of July 1, 1991
Planning & Zoning Commission
Page 3
12) Both the north and south side to have 8 foot masonry
screening walls between the residential and the
to -be -developed commercial tracts that are within these
13) On the north side an 1,800 s.f. minimum house size is
14) Particularly on the north side, developer should address
additional landscaping within the development and should
look into the possibility of adding landscaping to the
cul-de-sacs and that the details are submitted along with
the preliminary plat.
Commissioner Green seconded the motion; motion carried (5-0)
with Chairman Munsch and Commissioners Green, Cotten, Mayo and
Tunnell voting in favor of the motion.
Item 5: Discussion regarding Board and Commission appointments.
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