AG 2011-02-22NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING AND AGENDA FEBRUARY 22, 2011 DOUG STOVER Mayor BOB MAHALIK, Mayor Pro Tem TIM BRANCHEAU, Place 1 BILLY FAUGHT, BRIANNA HINOJOSA- FLORES, Place 3 MARVIN FRANKLIN, MARSHA TUNNELL, Place 4 KAREN HUNT, CLAY PHILLIPS, City Manager MEETING TIME AND PLACE: Call to Order 6:00 p.m. Council Chambers Executive Session Immediately Following 1 It Fl. Conf. Room Work Session Immediately Following l It Fl. Conf. Room Regular Session 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers Place 2 Place 5 Place 6 Place 7 (Open to the Public) (Closed to the Public) (Open to the Public) (Open to the Public) Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas will meet in Regular Called Session on Tuesday, February 22, 2011, at 6:00 p.m. for Executive Session, Work Session will follow immediately thereafter, and Regular Session will begin at 7:30 p.m., to be held at Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City Attorney on any agenda item listed herein. The City of Coppell reserves the right to reconvene, recess or realign the Work Session or called Executive Session or order of business at any time prior to adjournment. The purpose of the meeting is to consider the following items: ITEM # ITEM DESCRIPTION Call to order. ag022211 • Page 1 of 4 ITEM # ITEM DESCRIPTION EXECUTIVE SESSION (Closed to the Public) 2. Convene Executive Session A. Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation with City Attorney and Section 551.072 - Deliberation regarding Real Property. 1. Seek legal advice from the City Attorney concerning the settlement and land purchase agreements with the Billingsleys at Northlake. WORK SESSION (Open to the Public) 3. Convene Work Session A. Presentation Regarding Updated Regulations for Interactive Water Features and Fountains. B. Discussion of Agenda Items. REGULAR SESSION 4. Convene Regular Session. 5. Invocation. 6. Pledge of Allegiance. (Open to the Public) 7. Consider approval of a proclamation recognizing Mitu Bhattatiry, a senior at Coppell High School, as a recipient of the 2010 Siemens Awards for Advanced Placement, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 8. Citizens' Appearances. 9. Consider approval of minutes: February 8, 2011. 10. Consider approval of an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 2010 -1254, which established the City's participation in the Texas Enterprise Zone Program pursuant to the Texas Enterprise Zone Act, Chapter 2303, Texas Government Code, provided incentives, designated a liaison for communication with interested parties, and nominated The Container Store to the Office of the Governor Economic Development & Tourism (EDT) through an Economic Development Bank (Bank) as an enterprise project, by adding the date of the public hearing; providing for an effective date, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. ag022211 Page 2 of 4 ITEM # ITEM DESCRIPTION F1 11. Consider approval of a Resolution requesting improvements to Interstate 35 East as designed by the Texas Department of Transportation to be fully funded and implemented for the full project length from Interstate Highway 635 in Dallas County to U.S. Highway 380 in Denton County; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 12. Consider approval of a License Agreement between the City of Coppell and Luis and Michelle Pajares, owner of 256 Bethel Road to allow the property owner to construct a stone veneer on a city -owned barrier wall within the right of way of Bethel Road; and authorizing the City Manager to sign and execute any necessary documents. 13. Consider approval of renewing the existing contract for "Sidewalk Pavement Repairs" with California Construction LLC in the amount of $150,000.00, as provided for in the IMF; and authorizing the City Manager to sign and execute any necessary documents. 14. Consider approval of an ordinance amending Ordinance 2010 -1251 of the Code of Ordinances Chapter 2, "Boards and Commissions ", Article 2 -1, "Library Board ", Section 2 -1 -3, "Officers ", and Article 2 -2, "Parks and Recreation Board ", Section 2 -2 -3, "Officers ", by amending subsection A in each article by deleting the words "each October" and replacing with the word "annually;" providing for an effective date, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. 15. City Manager's Report. A. Project Update and Future Agendas. 16. Mayor and Council Reports. A. Discussion Regarding Recent Legislative Trip to Austin. 17. Public Service Announcements concerning items of community interest and no Council action or deliberation is permitted. 18. Council Committee Reports. A. Carrollton /Farmers Branch ISD /Lewisville ISD - Tunnell. B. Coppell ISD - Mahalik and Hinojosa - Flores. C. Coppell Seniors - Brancheau and Faught. D. Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition -Hunt. E. International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) - Brancheau. F. Metrocrest Hospital Authority - Tunnell. G. Metrocrest Medical Foundation - Mahalik. ag022211 Page 3 of 4 Y ITEM # ITEM DESCRIPTION F7 H. Metrocrest Medical Services - Hinojosa- Flores. I. Metrocrest Social Services - Franklin. J. North Texas Council of Governments - Tunnell. K. North Texas Commission - Hunt. L. Senior Adult Services - Franklin. 19. Necessary action resulting from Executive Session. Adjournment. CERTIFICATE I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of the City of Coppell, Texas on this 18th day of February, 2011, at Christel Pettinos, City Secret DETAILED INFORMATION REGARDING THIS AGENDA IS AVAILABLE ON THE CITY'S WEBSITE ( www.coppelltx.aov ) UNDER PUBLIC DOCUMENTS, COUNCIL PACKETS. PUBLIC NOTICES STATEMENT FOR ADA COMPLIANCE The City of Coppell acknowledges its responsibility to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. Thus, in order to assist individuals with disabilities who require special services (i.e. sign interpretative services, alternative audio /visual devices, and amanuenses) for participation in or access to the City of Coppell sponsored public programs, services and /or meetings, the City requests that individuals make requests for these services forty -eight (48) hours ahead of the scheduled program, service and /or meeting. To make arrangements, contact Vivyon V. Bowman, ADA Coordinator or other designated official at (972) 462 -0022, or (TDD 1- 800 - RELAY, TX 1- 800 - 735- 2989). ag022211 Page 4 of 4