AG 2012-02-14V P
City of Coppell, Texas
Meeting Agenda
City Council
255 Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas
75019 -9478
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
6:00 PM
Council Chambers
Place 1
Place 2
Place 3
City Manager
Mayor Pro Tern
Place 5
Place 6
Place 7
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas will meet in Regular
Called Session at 6:00 p.m. for Executive Session, Work Session will follow immediately
thereafter, and Regular Session will begin at 7:30 p.m., to be held at Town Center, 255 Parkway
Boulevard, Coppell, Texas.
As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be
convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice
from the City Attorney on any agenda item listed herein.
The City of Coppell reserves the right to reconvene, recess or realign the Work Session or
called Executive Session or order of business at any time prior to adjournment.
1. Call to Order
2. Executive Session (Closed to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room
Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation with City Attorney.
A. Seek legal advice from the City Attorney concerning the settlement and land
purchase agreements with the Billingsleys at Northlake.
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r Section 551.072, Texas Government Code - Deliberation regarding Real Property.
B. Discussion regarding property closings and related construction matters
at Northlake.
3. Work Session (Open to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room
A. Update regarding the Coppell Aquatic and Recreation Center Expansion Project.
B. Discussion regarding City Council Meeting dates.
C. Discussion of Agenda Items.
Regular Session (Open to the Public)
4. Invocation 7:30 p.m.
5. Pledge of Allegiance
6. Consider approval of a proclamation naming February 19 - February 25, 2012 as
Severe Weather Awareness Week, and authorizing Mayor to sign.
7. Citizens' Appearance
8. Consent Agenda
A. Consider approval of minutes: January 24, 2012 and January 30, 2012.
B. Consider approval of an Ordinance for Case No. S- 1233R -Li. AT&T a zoning
change from LI (Light Industrial) to S- 1233R -LI (Special Use Permit -1233
Revised -Light Industrial), to allow nine (9) flush- mounted panel telecommunication
antennae to be mounted on an existing water tower and an equipment cabinet
within the base of the water tower located at 510 Southwestern Boulevard and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
End of Consent Agenda
Consider approval of Case No. PD- 246R- SF -12, Carter Addition PH III a zoning
change request from SF -12 (Single Family -12) &A (Agricultural) to PD- 246R -SF -12
(Planned Development -246 Revised - Single Family -12), to attach a Detail Site Plan to
permit 23 single - family lots and one common area lot on 20.28 acres of property
located on the south side of Carter Drive, approximately 925 feet west of Moore Road.
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Consider approval of the Carter Addition PH III, Revised Replat being a replat of the
Carter Addition Phase III to re- subdivide the existing 24 single - family lots and two
common area lots into 23 single - family lots and one common area lot on 20.28 acres of
property located on the south side of Carter Drive, approximately 925 feet west of
Moore Road.
Consider approval of Case No. PD- 214R5 -C, Arbor Manors Retail a zoning change
request from PD- 214R2 -C (Planned Development -214 Revision 2- Commercial) to
PD- 214R5 -C (Planned Development -214 Revision 5- Commercial) to attach a Detail
Plan to allow the development of an 11,000- square -foot retail building to contain retail
and office uses including two restaurants, one of which will have drive -thru service on
1.5 acres of property located at 143 South Denton Tap Road, approximately 145 feet
north of West Braewood Drive.
Consider approval of the Arbor Manors Addition, Lot 4R2R, Block A. Replat being
a replat of Lot 4R2, Block A of the Arbor Manors Addition, to relocate the existing fire
lane and mutual access easement and to establish easements to allow the
development of an 1,000- square -foot retail building on 1.5 acres of property located at
143 South Denton Tap Road, approximately 145 feet north of West Braewood Drive.
Consider approval of Case No. PD -251 R- SF -12, Rosebriar Estates a zoning change
request from SF -12 (Single Family -12) to PD -251 R -SF -12 (Planned Development -251
Revised - Single Family -12), to allow the development of six (6) single - family lots, with a
minimum lot size of 12,000 square feet and three (3) common area lots on 2.8 acres of
property located south of East Sandy Lake Road between Dobecka Drive and
Castlebury Court.
14. Consider approval of the Rosebriar Estates, Preliminary Plat to allow the
subdivision of 2.8 acres of property into six (6) single - family lots and three (3) common
area lots on property located south of East Sandy Lake Road between Dobecka Drive
and Castlebury Court.
15. Consider granting the Planning & Zoning Commission authority for final plat approval of
Rosebriar Estates, to allow the subdivision of 2.8 acres of property into six (6)
single - family lots and three (3) common area lots on property located south of Sandy
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Lake Road between Dobecka Drive and Castlebury Court.
Consider approval of Case No. S- 1256 -R/O, Signature Living at Denton Creek a
zoning change request from R (Retail) & O (Office) to S- 1256 -R/O (Special Use
Permit - Retail /Office), to allow a 57,708- square -foot (74 units, 79 beds) assisted living
and memory care facility on 5.3 acres of property located along the north side of East
Sandy Lake Road, east of Riverview Drive.
17. Consider approval of the Signature Living at Denton Creek, Lots 1 & 2, Block A.
Minor Plat to establish a building site with required easements and fire lanes to allow
a 57,708- square -foot assisted living and memory care facility on Lot 1, Block A (5.3
acres of property) with the remainder of vacant land being platted as Lot 2, Block A
(6.1 acres of property) located along the north side of East Sandy Lake Road, east of
Riverview Drive.
18. City Manager Reports
Project Updates and Future Agendas.
19. Mayor and Council Reports
Report by Mayor Stover regarding Metroplex Mayors' Meeting.
20. Public Service Announcements concerning items of community interest and no
Council action or deliberation is permitted.
21. Necessary Action from Executive Session
DouglasJ9. Stever, Mayor
I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board t the City
Hall of the City of Coppell, Texas on this 10th day of February, 2012, at p.Z
Christel Pettinos, City Secretdry
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The City of Coppell acknowledges its responsibility to comply with the Americans With
Disabilities Act of 1990. Thus, in order to assist individuals with disabilities who require
special services (i.e. sign interpretative services, alternative audio /visual devices, and
amanuenses) for participation in or access to the City of Coppell sponsored public programs,
services and /or meetings, the City requests that individuals makes requests for these services
forty -eight (48) hours ahead of the scheduled program, service, and /or meeting. To make
arrangements, contact Vivyon V. Bowman, ADA Coordinator or other designated official at
(972) 462 -0022, or (TDD 1- 800 - RELAY, TX 1- 800 - 735 - 2989).
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