AG 2012-09-11OFFEL� 255 Parkway Boulevard
� , r� �91' City of Coppell, Teras Coppell, Texas
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Meeting Agenda
City Council
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 5:30 PM Council Chambers
Mayor Mayor Pro Tem
Place 2 Place 5
Place 3 Place 6
Place 4 Place 7
City Manager
Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas will meet in Regular
Called Session at 5:30 p.m. for Executive Session, Work Session will follow immediately
thereafter, and Regular Session will begin at 7:30 p.m., to be held at Town Center, 255 Parkway
Boulevard, Coppell, Texas.
As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be
convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice
from the City Attorney on any agenda item listed herein.
The City of Coppell reserves the right to reconvene, recess or realign the Work Session or
called Executive Session or order of business at any time prior to adjournment.
The purpose of the meeting is consider the following items:
1. Call to Order
2. Executive Session (Closed to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room
Section 551.087, Texas Government Code - Economic Development Negotiations.
A. Discussion regarding Economic Development Prospects south of Airline and west of
B. Discussion regarding Economic Development Prospects north of Bethel and east Royal.
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Section 551.072, Texas Government Code - Deliberation regarding Real Property.
C. Discussion regarding property purchases and matters concerning property located at
Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation with City Attorney.
D. Consultation regarding the License Agreement between the City of Coppell and Ronald
D. Hinds and Jeanne Crandall located at 965 Gibbs Crossing.
Section 551.074, Texas Government Code - Personnel Matters.
E. City Manager Evaluation.
3. Work Session (Open to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room
A. Update regarding the Andrew Brown Park redesign.
B. Discussion regarding the Facilities Storage Expansion.
C. Discussion regarding the Oil and Gas Consultants.
D. Discussion regarding NLC Committee Interests.
E. Discussion of Agenda Items.
Regular Session (Open to the Public)
4. Invocation 7:30 p.m.
5. Pledge of Allegiance
6. Presentation by Chief Richardson of the Coppell Fire Department's Life Saving Award.
7. Presentation of an award to the City of Coppell from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts
as the recipient of the 2012 Texas Comptroller Leadership Circle Silver Member.
8. Citizens' Appearance
9. Consent Agenda
A. Consider approval of minutes: August 28, 2012.
B. Consider approval of an Ordinance for Case No. PD-202R-TH-1, Villas of Lake Vista,
PH 2, a zoning change from PD-202-TH-1 (Planned Development -202 -Townhouse -1) to
PD-202R-TH-1 (Planned Development -202 Revised -Townhouse -1), to allow 39
single-family lots and (5) five common area lots to replace 62 townhome lots and (8)
eight common area lots on 9.3 acres of property located on the south side of Lake Vista
Drive, approximately 970 feet east of North MacArthur Boulevard and authorizing the
Mayor to sign.
C. Consider approval of an Ordinance for Case No. PD -229R2 -LI, Minyard Addition, a
zoning change from PD -229 -LI (Planned Development -229 -Light Industrial) to
PD -229R2 -LI (Planned Development -229 Revision 2 -Light Industrial), to allow the
retention of the existing 12,500 -square -foot building and to construct 252 car parking
spaces and 60 trailer storage spaces with a masonry screening wall on 6.9 acres of
property located at 849 Freeport Parkway and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
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D. Consider approval an Ordinance for Case No. PD -250R5 -H, Old Town Addition (Main
St) Retail/Office Cottages, Lots 2R -4R, Block A, a zoning change from PD -250-H
(Planned Development -250 -Historic) to PD -250R5 -H (Planned Development -250
Revision 5 -Historic), for three (3) retail/office cottage buildings on three (3) separate lots
on 0.35 acres of property located on the northwest corner of Main Street and Houston
Street and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
E. Consider approval of an Ordinance for Case No. PD -250R6 -H, Old Town Addition (Main
St) Retail/Restaurant, Lot 1 R, Block D, a zoning change from PD -250-H (Planned
Development -250 -Historic) to PD -250R6 -H (Planned Development -250 Revision
6 -Historic), for a 5,034 -square -foot retail/restaurant building on 0.19 acres of property
located on the southwest corner of West Main Street and Houston Street and authorizing
the Mayor to sign.
F. Consider approval of entering into Professional Services Agreements with David
Lunsford, Cibola Venture Services, to provide application review and inspections for oil
and gas drilling, and with Kenneth S. Tramm, Modern Geosciences, to provide testing,
monitoring activities. Both consultants will also review the regulations of Article 9-26, "Oil
and Gas Drilling" of the Coppell Code of Ordinances.
G. Consider approval of an Ordinance abandoning the City's rights to two 15'x 20' drainage
easements, a portion of a 20' utility easement, and a 50' construction easement in
conjunction with the Ridgecrest Subdivision at the northeast corner of Lodge and Sandy
Lake and as further described in Exhibits "A", "B", "C", and "D" attached hereto;
reserving all existing easement rights of others if any, whether apparent or
non -apparent, aerial, surface, underground or otherwise; providing for the furnishing of a
certified copy of this Ordinance for recording in the Real Property Records of Dallas
County, Texas as a quitclaim deed; and authorizing the Mayor to sign and execute any
necessary documents.
H. Consider approval to award Bid Q-0812-01 for the Facilities Storage Expansion at the
existing City Service Center on South Coppell Road to Copper Mountain Construction in
the amount of $165,000.00 as budgeted; and authorizing the City Manager to sign and
execute any necessary documents.
Consider approval to replace the Facility Alerting System in 4 Fire Department buildings,
as approved in the 2011-12 budget, for the amount of $59,990.14, by Affiliated
Computer Services (ACS), via Interlocal Purchasing agreement with the City of
End of Consent Agenda
10. Consider approval of an Ordinance approving and adopting the budget for the City of Coppell,
Texas for the Fiscal Year of October 1, 2012 through September 30, 2013, and authorizing the
Mayor to sign.
11. Consider the approval of the property tax revenue increase as reflected in the 2012-13 Annual
Operating Budget.
12. Consider approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas levying the ad valorem taxes
for the year 2012 at $.67046 on each One Hundred Dollars ($100) assessed value of taxable
property of which $.46571 is for operations and maintenance and $.20475 is for interest and
sinking, and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
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Consider approval of the Minyard Addition, Lot 4R1, Block 1, Replat, to relocate and abandon
various fire lane easements to permit the retention of the existing 12,500 -square -foot building
and to construct 252 car parking spaces and 60 trailer storage spaces with a masonry screening
wall on 6.9 acres of property located at 849 Freeport Parkway.
Consider approval of Case No. PD -214R6 -C, Arbor Manor Retail (Jersey Mikes), a zoning
change request from PD -214R5 -C (Planned Development -214 Revision 5 -Commercial) to
PD -214R6 -C (Planned Development -214 Revision 6 -Commercial), to allow an additional
1,500 -square -foot restaurant within the retail building proposed to be constructed on 1.5 acres
of property located at 143 S. Denton Tap Road, approximately 155 feet north of West Braewood
Consider approval of Case No. PD -228R4 -HC, Vista Ridge Retail Amended, Lot 3R, Block A,
(Elite Care), a zoning change request from PD -228 -HC (Planned Development -228 -Highway
Commercial) to PD -228R4 -HC (Planned Development -228 Revision 4 -Highway Commercial), to
attach a Detail Plan to Lots 3 and 4 to allow a 14,000 -square -foot medical facility on
approximately 1.8 acres of property located on the north side of S.H. 121 approximately 400
feet east of Denton Tap Road.
Consider approval of the Vista Ridge Retail Amended, Lot 3R, Block A, Replat, being a replat of
Lots 3 and 4, Block A into Lot 3R, of the Vista Ridge Retail Addition to establish necessary
easements and fire lanes to allow a 14,000 -square -foot medical facility on approximately 1.8
acres of property located on S.H. 121 approximately 400 feet east of Denton Tap Road.
Consider approval of CASE NO. PD -238R2 -HC, Coppell Office Village, a zoning change
request from PD -238R -HC (Planned Development -238 Revised -Highway Commercial) to
PD -238R2 -HC (Planned Development -238 Revision 2 -Highway Commercial), to revise the
Detail Site Plan to allow the existing 40 -square -foot monument sign to be externally illuminated
with a four -foot bronze fixture with white florescent lighting in lieu of the existing internal LED
lighting on property located at 225 East S.H. 121.
18. Consider approval of an Engineering Services contract with Verdunity, Inc. in the amount of
$67,695.00 for the design of Southern Belle Drive; as provided for by the '/4 Cent Sales Tax for
Street Maintenance; and authorizing the City Manager to sign and execute any necessary
19. Consider approval of a Resolution approving the terms and conditions of an Interlocal
Agreement between the City of Carrollton and The City of Coppell where the City of Carrollton
agrees to provide detention services for all detainees of the City of Coppell Police Department
at an agreed upon price not to exceed $100.00 per detainee for the first 48 hours of detention;
and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
City Manager Reports
20. Project Updates and Future Agendas.
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21. Mayor and Council Reports
A. Report by Mayor Hunt regarding Metroplex Mayors' Meeting.
B. Report by Mayor Hunt regarding the Plaza Music Series.
22. Public Service Announcements concerning items of community interest and no
Council action or deliberation is permitted.
23. Necessary Action from Executive Session
aren SAbo Hun/,Mayor
I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of
the City of Coppell, Texas on this 7th day of September, 2012, at b:3
Christel Pettinos, dity Secretari
The City of Coppell acknowledges its responsibility to comply with the Americans With
Disabilities Act of 1990. Thus, in order to assist individuals with disabilities who require
special services (i.e. sign interpretative services, alternative audio/visual devices, and
amanuenses) for participation in or access to the City of Coppell sponsored public programs,
services and/or meetings, the City requests that individuals makes requests for these services
forty-eight (48) hours ahead of the scheduled program, service, and/or meeting. To make
arrangements, contact Vivyon V. Bowman, ADA Coordinator or other designated official at
(972) 462-0022, or (TDD 1 -800 -RELAY, TX 1-800-735-2989).
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