CM 2012-09-25.
City of Coppell, Texas
City Council
255 Parkway Boulevard
Coppell, Texas 75019-9478
Tuesday, September 25, 2012 5:30 PM Council Chambers
Mayor Mayor Pro Tem
Place 2 Place 5
Place 3 Place 6
Place 4 Place 7
City Manager
Present 8 - Karen Hunt;Tim Brancheau;Bob Mahalik;Wes Mays;Gary Roden;Billy
Faught;Marvin Franklin and Aaron Duncan
Also present were City Manager Clay Phillips, City Secretary Christel Pettinos and City
Attorney Robert Hager.
The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Called Session on Tuesday,
September 25, 2012, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255
Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas.
1. Call to Order
Mayor Hunt called the meeting to order, determined that a quorum was present
and convened into Executive Session at 5:47 p.m.
Mayor Pro Tem Brancheau arrived prior to convening the Executive Session.
2. Executive Session (Closed to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room
Section 551.087, Texas Government Code - Economic Development Negotiations.
A. Discussion regarding economic development prospects north of
Interstate 635 and west of Freeport Parkway.
Discussed under Executive Session
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City Council Minutes September 25, 2012
B. Discussion regarding economic development prospects north of Bethel
Road and east of Royal Lane.
Discussed under Executive Session
C. Discussion regarding economic development prospects south of
Dividend and west of Belt Line Road.
Discussed under Executive Session
Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation with City Attorney.
D. Seek legal advice concerning Peterson, et al v. OnCor Electric Delivery
Corporation, DC -12-04277, 192 Judicial District, Dallas County, Texas.
Discussed under Executive Session
Section 551.072, Texas Government Code - Deliberation regarding Real Property.
E. Discussion regarding property purchases and matters concerning
property located at Northlake.
Discussed under Executive Session
Section 551.074, Texas Government Code - Personnel Matters.
City Manager Evaluation.
Discussed under Executive Session
Work Session (Open to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room
Regular Session
Mayor Hunt recessed the Executive Session at 6:35 p.m. and convened into
Work Session.
A. Review of the Comprehensive Plan: IH-635/SH 121 Frontage
B. Belt Line/Belt Line Revitalization Development.
C. Great Neighborhoods: Best Practice Evaluation and
D. Sandy Lake/MacArthur Revitalization.
E. Discussion regarding Youth Sports Field Usage.
F. Discussion regarding the 2012-2013 Council Goals & Staff Work
G. Discussion of Agenda Items.
Presented in Work Session
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Mayor Hunt adjourned Work Session and reconvened into Regular Session.
4. Invocation 7:30 p.m.
Councilmember Roden gave the Invocation.
5. Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Hunt led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
6. Consider approval of a proclamation declaring September as "Blood
Cancer Awareness Month;" and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Mayor Hunt read the proclamation for the record and presented the same to
Jeff Stokes, Board Member with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
A motion was made by Councilmember Marvin Franklin, seconded by
Councilmember Gary Roden, that this Agenda Item be approved. The motion
passed by an unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob
Mahal ik;Council member Wes Mays; Council member Gary
Roden; Council member Billy Faught;Councilmember Marvin Franklin and
Councilmember Aaron Duncan
7. Consider approval of a proclamation naming the month of September
as "National Recovery Month;" and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Mayor Hunt read the proclamation for the record and presented the same to
Jerome Dotson, Resource Manager at APAA.
A motion was made by Councilmember Wes Mays, seconded by
Councilmember Bob Mahalik, that this Agenda Item be approved. The motion
passed by an unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob
Mahal ik;Council member Wes Mays; Council member Gary
Roden; Council member Billy Faught;Councilmember Marvin Franklin and
Councilmember Aaron Duncan
8. Consider approval of a proclamation proclaiming "National Night Out"
on Tuesday, October 2, 2012, and providing City Council support and
endorsement of National Night Out festivities, authorizing the Mayor to
Mayor Hunt read the proclamation for the record and presented the same to
Officer RJ Harr, Deputy Chief Matt Kosec, McGruff the Crime Dog and the
National Night Out Knight.
A motion was made by Councilmember Billy Faught, seconded by
Councilmember Marvin Franklin, that this Agenda Item be approved. The
motion passed by an unanimous vote.
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Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob
Mahal ik;Council member Wes Mays; Council member Gary
Roden; Council member Billy Faught;Councilmember Marvin Franklin and
Councilmember Aaron Duncan
9. Consider approval of a proclamation naming the month of October
"National Breast Cancer Awareness Month;" and authorizing the
Mayor to sign.
Mayor Hunt read the proclamation for the record and presented the same to
Pink Soles in Motion.
A motion was made by Councilmember Aaron Duncan, seconded by
Councilmember Bob Mahalik, that this Agenda Item be approved. The motion
passed by an unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob
Mahal ik;Council member Wes Mays; Council member Gary
Roden; Council member Billy Faught;Councilmember Marvin Franklin and
Councilmember Aaron Duncan
10. Presentation by the Coppell Farmers Market
Karen Pearsall, Chair, made a presentation on the Coppell Farmers Market to
the Council.
11. Report by Keep Coppell Beautiful.
Brandi Todd, Chair, made the Board's semi-annual report to the Council.
12. Citizens' Appearance
Mayor Hunt advised that no one signed up to speak.
13. Consider approval of the minutes: September 11, 2012.
A motion was made by Councilmember Marvin Franklin, seconded by
Councilmember Gary Roden, that this Agenda Item be approved. The motion
passed by an unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob
Mahal ik;Council member Wes Mays; Council member Gary
Roden; Council member Billy Faught;Councilmember Marvin Franklin and
Councilmember Aaron Duncan
Consider approval of an Ordinance designating Glazier Foods
Company, Reinvestment Zone No. 73 pursuant to Section 312.201 of
the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act, and authorizing
the Mayor to sign.
Presentation: Mindi Hurley, Economic Development Coordinator, made a
presentation to Council.
Mayor Hunt opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one signed up to
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A motion was made by Councilmember Marvin Franklin, seconded by Mayor
Pro Tem Tim Brancheau, to close the Public Hearing and approve this Agenda
Item. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob
Mahal ik;Council member Wes Mays; Council member Gary
Roden; Council member Billy Faught;Councilmember Marvin Franklin and
Councilmember Aaron Duncan
Enactment No: 2012-1320
15. Consider approval of a Resolution approving a Tax Abatement
Agreement between the City of Coppell and Glazier Foods Company,
and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Presentation: Mindi Hurley, Economic Development Coordinator, made a
presentation to Council.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau, seconded by
Councilmember Billy Faught, that this Resolution be approved. The motion
passed by an unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob
Mahal ik;Council member Wes Mays; Council member Gary
Roden; Council member Billy Faught;Councilmember Marvin Franklin and
Councilmember Aaron Duncan
Enactment No: 2012-0925.1
16. Consider approval of an Economic Development Agreement by and
between the City of Coppell and Glazier Foods Company, and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Presentation: Mindi Hurley, Economic Development Coordinator, made a
presentation to Council.
A motion was made by Councilmember Wes Mays, seconded by
Councilmember Billy Faught, that this Agenda Item be approved. The motion
passed by an unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob
Mahal ik;Council member Wes Mays; Council member Gary
Roden; Council member Billy Faught;Councilmember Marvin Franklin and
Councilmember Aaron Duncan
Consider approval of an Ordinance designating Tradepoint Bldg 2, LP,
Reinvestment Zone No. 74 pursuant to Section 312.201 of the
Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act, and authorizing the
Mayor to sign.
Presentation: Mindi Hurley, Economic Development Coordinator, made a
presentation to Council.
Mayor Hunt opened the Public Hearing and advised that no one signed up to
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A motion was made by Councilmember Aaron Duncan, seconded by
Councilmember Marvin Franklin, to close the Public Hearing and approve this
Agenda Item. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob
Mahal ik;Council member Wes Mays; Council member Gary
Roden; Council member Billy Faught;Councilmember Marvin Franklin and
Councilmember Aaron Duncan
Enactment No: 2012-1321
18. Consider approval of a Resolution approving a Tax Abatement
Agreement between the City of Coppell and Tradepoint Bldg 2, LP,
and authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Presentation: Mindi Hurley, Economic Development Coordinator, made a
presentation to Council.
Dan Tatsch, 3090 Olive St., Ste. 300, representing the applicant, addressed
A motion was made by Councilmember Marvin Franklin, seconded by
Councilmember Aaron Duncan, that this Resolution be approve. The motion
passed by an unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob
Mahal ik;Council member Wes Mays; Council member Gary
Roden; Council member Billy Faught;Councilmember Marvin Franklin and
Councilmember Aaron Duncan
Enactment No: 2012-0925.2
19. Consider approval of an Ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas
approving an amendment to Ordinance No. 2011-1290, the budget for
the Fiscal Year October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012, and
authorizing the Mayor to sign.
Item 20 was heard next. See Item 20 for the action.
Presentation: Chad Beach, Assistant Director of Finance, made a presentation
to Council.
A motion was made by Councilmember Bob Mahalik, seconded by
Councilmember Marvin Franklin, that this Agenda Item be approved. The
motion passed by an unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob
Mahal ik;Council member Wes Mays; Council member Gary
Roden; Council member Billy Faught;Councilmember Marvin Franklin and
Councilmember Aaron Duncan
Enactment No: 2012-1322
20. Consider approval of a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to
negotiate one or more Tax Abatement Agreements pursuant to
Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code and/or Economic Development
Agreements pursuant to Chapter 380 of the Texas Local Government
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Code on behalf of the City of Coppell with LLC
and/or its related or affiliated companies in accordance with the terms
set forth; authorizing the Mayor to execute such agreements on behalf
of the City of Coppell; and providing an effective date.
Presentation: Mindi Hurley, Economic Development Coordinator, made a
presentation to Council.
A motion was made by Councilmember Gary Roden, seconded by
Councilmember Bob Mahalik, that this Resolution be approved. The motion
passed by an unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob
Mahal ik;Council member Wes Mays; Council member Gary
Roden; Council member Billy Faught;Councilmember Marvin Franklin and
Councilmember Aaron Duncan
Enactment No: 2012-0925.3
21. Consider approval of an Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances,
Chapter 1, Article 1-4, Section 1-4-2 entitled "Street Name Changes"
by adding paragraph "T" to rename Hackberry Road to Chartwell
Drive, from its intersection with Belt Line Road eastbound to the east
city limits of Coppell; and authorizing the Mayor to sign and execute
any necessary documents.
Presentation: Ken Griffin, Director of Engineering, made a presentation to
A motion was made by Councilmember Bob Mahalik, seconded by
Councilmember Wes Mays, that this Agenda Item be approved. The motion
passed by an unanimous vote.
Aye: 6 - Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob
Mahal ik;Council member Wes Mays; Council member Gary
Roden; Council member Billy Faught and Councilmember Marvin Franklin
Enactment No: 2012-1323
22. Consider approval of award of a Professional Services Agreement with
Teague Nall and Perkins, in the amount of $113,200.00, to provide
engineering and surveying services related to the planning and design
of erosion mitigation and trail protection at Andrew Brown Park East,
and authorizing the President of the CRDC and the City Manager to
Presentation: Brad Reid, Director of Parks and Recreation, made a
presentation to Council.
A motion was made by Councilmember Billy Faught, seconded by
Councilmember Bob Mahalik, that this Agenda Item be approved. The motion
passed by an unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob
Mahal ik;Council member Wes Mays; Council member Gary
Roden; Council member Billy Faught;Councilmember Marvin Franklin and
Councilmember Aaron Duncan
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23. Consider approval of a contract with Flair Data Systems in the amount
of $306, 750 to replace the city's entire existing telephone system with
a Cisco VolP system and authorizing the City Manager to sign.
Presentation: Rick Moore, Director of Information Systems, made a
presentation to Council.
A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau, seconded by
Councilmember Gary Roden, that this Agenda Item be approved after the City
Attorney has reviewed the contract and the City Manager has signed any
necessary documents. The motion passed by an unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob
Mahal ik;Council member Wes Mays; Council member Gary
Roden; Council member Billy Faught;Councilmember Marvin Franklin and
Councilmember Aaron Duncan
24. Consider approval of adopting the 2012-2013 Council Goals & Staff
Work Plan.
Presentation: Clay Phillips, City Manager, made a presentation to Council.
A motion was made by Councilmember Marvin Franklin, seconded by Mayor
Pro Tem Tim Brancheau, that this Agenda Item be approved. The motion
passed by an unanimous vote.
Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob
Mahal ik;Council member Wes Mays; Council member Gary
Roden; Council member Billy Faught;Councilmember Marvin Franklin and
Councilmember Aaron Duncan
25. City Manager Reports
Project Updates and Future Agendas.
Read and Filed
City Manager Clay Phillips reported that Brinks will be hosting a Bike for the
Cure on October 17th during the lunch hour. They have invited the community
to ride with them if interested.
26. Mayor and Council Reports
A. Report by Mayor Hunt regarding the Texas SmartScape Tour on
September 29, 2012.
B. Report by Mayor Hunt on Kid Country 2012.
C. Report by Mayor Hunt on the Plaza Music Series and upcoming
Fall Events.
Read and Filed
A. Mayor Hunt announced that the Coppell Community Garden is hosting a
Texas SmartScape Tour on Saturday, September 29 from 9am-12pm. Maps and
refreshments will be available beginning at 8:30am at Helping Hands Garden,
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City Council Minutes September 25, 2012
located next to Town Center. This self -guided tour will feature seven Coppell
residential landscapes as well as the two Coppell Community Gardens. It is
free to the public and no registration is required. For more information visit
B. Mayor Hunt reported that the Kid Country 2012 Committee has asked the
community to sign up to help with the building of a new Kid Country. They
have been working for many months on the plans and fundraising efforts to
bring a new Kid Country Playground to Coppell. They are almost where they
need to be, but time is of the essence and your involvement is needed to make
sure the playground build is a success.
The Pre -Build occurs the week of Sept 24th and the community will come
together to rebuild the playground beginning on October 2nd -7th, after which
there will be a celebration and grand opening of the new playground. The
committee is still looking for volunteers to help with the construction,
childcare for the workers' kids, food service, tool loaners, and they still need
additional donors and sponsors to help in the acquisition of needed materials
and supplies.
Please get involved with this community initiative! Come out and be a part of
the new Kid Country playground, strengthen friendships, create new
friendships, get a little exercise and see what can be accomplished when a
community like Coppell comes together with a common goal.
Go to for information about getting involved.
C. Mayor Hunt announced the last Music Series concert is this Saturday,
September 29th — Moving Colors (variety of current pop music) is the
performer. This will be a fun and up beat event beginning at 7pm at Town
Center Plaza. Admission is free!
Also, Oak Fest will be held October 20th, from 3pm — 10pm (New Extended
Hours!). There will be a live concert featuring Emerald City, along with face
painting, bounce houses, food vendors, train rides, and more! Also new this
year, Run Oak Fest: The Haunted Mile will be hosted by the Chamber of
Commerce. Run begins at 3:30pm! More info to come!
27. Council Committee Reports
A. Carrollton/Farmers Branch ISD/Lewisville ISD - Faught and Roden
B. Coppell ISD - Mahalik and Mays
C. Coppell Seniors - Brancheau and Faught
D. Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition -Hunt
E. International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) -
F. Metrocrest Medical Foundation - Mahalik
G. Metrocrest Family Medical Services - Mays
H. Metrocrest Social Service Center - Franklin
I. North Central Texas Council of Governments - Duncan
J. North Texas Commission - Roden
K. Senior Adult Services - Franklin
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Read and Filed
A. Councilmember Faught reported on CFBISD. Robyn Elliot, with RL Turner,
was named Texas History Teacher of the Year. RL Turner will also be
performing Romeo and Juliet (with a punk rock twist) October 12 -21st.
Councilmember Roden reported on LISD and attended the Annual Cities and
Schools Meeting on September 20th.
B. Councilmember Mays reported that enrollment numbers were 10,870 for
CISD. College Night was held on September 13th. A new website will be
debuting soon. Also, Austin Elementary celebrated its 25th anniversary.
C. Councilmember Faught mentioned some of the activities at the Senior
Center: September 22nd - Identity Theft Seminar; September 26th -Pot
Luck/Birthday Lunch; and September 27th -Visit the Dallas Heritage Village.
D. Mayor Hunt announced that DRMC held its first meeting of the season. They
discussed the overall mobility of the region and the lack of funding.
E. Nothing to report.
F. Nothing to report.
G. Councilmember Mays announced that the clinic is staffed by volunteers and
that the $15 cash payment per visit is actually a donation. They are always in
need of volunteers.
H. Councilmember Franklin gave a report on the following served: 3,400
households; 11,000 individuals; 80,000 services rendered. The Food Pantry
produced: 426,000 pounds of food and fed 4,700 individuals.
I. Councilmember Duncan announced that NCTCOG was reviewing
transportation projects to alleviate traffic, reduce emmissions and provide
safety. TXDOT awarded a $10M grant for the next two years to implement the
studies. NCTCOG was also concerned about the region's water supply and are
looking into ways to supply for the next 50 years.
J. Councilmember Roden announced he attended the Annual Luncheon at the
Irving Convention Center. He also attended the Leadership North Texas Retreat
where 10 cities were represented.
K. Councilmember Franklin reported that the Board Meeting was held on
September 25th at the Dallas Medical Center. Upon reviewing the budget, they
see that cities have stepped up their funding this year. Also, Mary Joyner has
returned as Interim CEO. Finally, the next Board Meeting will be October 9th.
28. Public Service Announcements concerning items of community interest and no
Council action or deliberation is permitted.
Nothing to report.
At this time, Council reconvened into Executive Session at 9:20 p.m.
29. Necessary Action from Executive Session
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Mayor Hunt adjourned Executive Session at 11:03 p.m. and reconvened into
the Regular Session.
The next item on the agenda was Necessary Action from Executive Session.
Mayor Pro Tem Brancheau moved to increase the City Manager's salary 5.3%
in addition to the contractual 3% increase. The motion was seconded by
Councilmember Faught. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
no further business to come before the City Council, the meeting
Christel Pettinos, City Secretary
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