CM 1961-03-06The STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The Town 6ouncil of the Town of Coppell, Texas, convene~ on this the 6th day of March, 1961 with the following members present, to-wit: W T Cozby, Mayor k E Parker C T Waters L A Johnson John burns Frank Harwe 11, Aldermen Bill Harwell, S~cretary constitutiag a quorum, when among other proceedings had was the following: Mr Parker made a motion that T . own of Coppell, Texas accept the resignation of Fire Chief and Fire Marshall Daniels. Mr. ~¥~ters seconded the motion. Vote unam&ous. Mr. V,~aters made a motion for the Twwn of Coppell Texas to buy Assistant Police Chief King Tutt a badge. Mr. Jo~hnson seconded the motion. Vote carried. There being no further business to come ~efore the Town Oouncil of Copoell on motion duly ma~e, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. PASSED AND AP?20VED, this the 6th day of ~arch, 1961. ~a~or ~ '± own~f~p 0e 11, Texas ATTEST: ~'own S'~cre t~ry