CM 1961-06-05THE STATE 0F TFD[AS
The Town Council of the Town of Coppell, Texas, convened on
this the 5th day of June 1961, ,:~it].i the followins ~ ~' ','~'~-~ '°
present, to-wit:
Bill Cozby, Mayor
E E Parker
Frank Ha~.well
L A Johnson
C T Waters
John i~urns Aldermen
~ill Ha rwell, Secretary
constituting a quorum, when among other proceedings had was the
M~tion made by Waters to makepermits a mlnium el' $100.00 for
housed being moved in to City and owners must submit plans I'or
approval before city Council· also house must be completed in
maximun of 90 days, ~ving Contracter required to p.ay $25.00 fee
in addition to above cost to owner. House must be set on concrete
foundation when moved in. Motion seconded by Harwell. Vote unami~us
~.iotion made by Waters that E. C. Gentry be appointed Corporatlon
Court Judge. Motion seconded by Burns. Vote unam~ous.
~,iotion made 'by Parker that city pay !or installation of Radio
on E E Tinsley's car. Motion secon,~ea by Burns. Vote unamious.
There being no further 'business to come before the Town Council
of Cop~.ell on motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting
was aa j ourned.
P~SSi~i.~) ~tND APYROVED, this til~ Sth day of J~ne 1961.