CM 1963-11-18 TATE OF TEXAS
The Town Council of the Town of Coppell, Texas met in a
called meeting on this 18th day of November, 1963 with the
following present, to wit:
W. T. Cozby Mayor
C. T. Waters
B. J. Marwell
J. R. McDonald
L. T. Johnson
J. M. Burns
David Phillips Secretary
constituting a quorum, when among other proceeding had, was the
fol lowing:
Motion was made by C. T. Waters and seconded by B. J.
Harwell to reinstate ,the contract for the city plan with
Marvin Springer.
For: Waters, Harwell, Cozby
Against: Burns, Johnson, McDonald
There beinm no further business to come before the Town
Council of the Town of Coppell, Texas, on motion duly made, seconded,
and carried, the meeting adjoumned.
PASSED AND APPROVED, this 18th day of November, 1963.
W. T. Cozby
David A. Phillips
City Secretary