CM 1956-01-09 ELECTION RETURNS THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF DALLAS ~ We, the undersigned officers, appointed to hold an election in the Town of Coppell, Texas, on the 7th day of January, 1956, for the purpose of: Electing a Mayor, five Aldermen, a Town Secretary ard a Town Marshal, for the Town of Coppell, Texas, as provided for in Article 1141, et seq., Chapter 11, of Title 28, of Revised Civil Statutes of Texas of 1925. do hereby certify that there were cast at said election 40 votes, of which number there were cast: FOR MAYOR FOR ALDERMEN R. M. Johnson, 28Votes C.C. Mitchell, 23 Votes W. H. Wilson, 13 Votes C. C. Mitchell, 7 Votes V.E. Grace, 22 Votes G. C. Lanham, 28 Votes A.B. Miller, i Vote C.O. rarker, 2 Votes Geo. Corbin, 19 Votes S. W. Inglish, i Vote R. M. Johnson, & Votes W. H. Plumlee, 6 Votes W.A. Hodges, 2 Votes T.B. Moore, 6 Votes W. L. Rush, 2 Votes W. H. Wilson, i Vote S.W. Inglish, ? Votes W. A. Hodges, i Vote C. P. Thomas, 2 Votes E. E. rarker, 16 Votes H. A. Jarrell, 9 Votes Roy Liberto, l0 Votes Ed Segso, 6 Votes John Ratiff, 1 Vote P. A. Phillips, 3 Votes L. W. Wood, i Vote Ira E. Coats, i Vote Ed D. Scott, i Vote C. L. Plumlee, i Vote W. A. Maynard, 2 Votes Floyd Harwell, i Vote Ray Story, i Vote E. C. Gentry, 7 Votes D.C. Johnson, i Vote Bobby Carter 2, Votes C. B. Miller, 2 Votes FOR TOWN SECRETARY FOB TO~N MARSHAL Roy Diberto, 21 Votes S.W. Inglish, 5 Votes C. O. Parker, 3 Votes Albert Hodge, 27 Votes Geo. Corbin, 2 Votes C.C. Mitchell, 16 Votes W. n. Wilson, 3 Votes R. M. Johnson, I Vote A. P.Vanbebber, i Vote H.A. Jarrell, i Vote T. B. Moore, &Votes Mary A.Lildred Arnett, i Vote H.' A. Jarrell, 2 Votes G. C. Lanham, i Vote Bonita McCain, 2 Votes ENCLOSED HEREWITH you will find poll lists, tally sheets, and other papers required by law. T. B. MOORE Judge ANNA BARFKNECHT Clerk MARY MILDRED ARNETT Clerk