CM 1965-11-24 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, convened in special meeting on the 24th day of November, 1965, with the following members present, to-wit: W. T. Cozby, Mayor W. H. Wilson, Councilman C. T. Waters, Councilman B. j. Harwell, Councilman Thomas Sisk, Councilman C. J. Dobecka, Councilman E. C. Gentry, City Secretary Constituting a quorum where among the other proceedings had was the following: Bids made on the south side water line were reviewed and upon the advise of Mr. Richard Pierce of Fowler & Grafe, Inc., the lowest and best bid was submitted by the Murray Construction Co., Dallas, Texas. Mr.. Brown of the School Board requested that a specified time be set up for the completion of construction. Mr. Pierce explained that since this was not a provision in the original bid when it was let, the contracter would not be bound by anything other than the sixty days mentioned in the bid. Mr. Brown stated that the School Board felt that the construction should be completed within two weeks and Mr. Pierce agreed to talk with the contractors and inform them of this condition before Mr. Cozby entered into a contract. A resolution was presented stating the City's acceptance of the offer of a Federal Grant for Sewage Treatment Works, and authorizing W. T. Cozby, Mayor, to sign said Offer and Acceptance and any other necessary documents required to complete the project on behalf of said city. A motion was made by W. H. Wilson and seconded by C. T. Waters that said resolution be accepted, and the motion carried unanimously. W. T. Cozby then stated that the City neededto request a 90 day exten- sion of time and upon a motion made by W. H. Wilson and seconded by C. J. Dobecka and carried unanimously, the City was to request a 90 day extention from the Texas State Department of Health. 000005 A resolution was presented to the Council stating that the First Southwest Co. had agreed to buy $5,000.00 of the General Obligation Bonds and authorizing W. T. Cozby to sign contract with said company. W. H. Wilson made a motion to accept said resolution and the motion was seconded by Thomas Sisk and carried unanimously. Mr. Parker presented the Financial Statement for September 30, 1965, and the Council read and discussed same. W. H. Wilson made a motion that the Council having reviewed the audit report for the year ending September 30, 1965, and finding that said report reflected a true picture of operations for that year, that the Council accept said report. Mr. Thomas Sisk seconded the motion, and the motion carried unanimously. The School Board of the Coppell Independent School District was present and discussed various phases of the construction, contract,etc., concerning the south side water line. Also discussed were provisions the School Board desired to be included in the contract between the City of Coppell and the Coppell Independent School District; that the school to pay its pro rata share, the school to get a rebate based on tie-ons, etc. Upon a motion by W. H. Wilson and seconded by Thomas Sisk, Mr. W. T. Cozby was authorized to enter into a contract with Mr. C. H. Good concerning an easement across Mr. Goods' property. The motion carried unanimously. Upon a motion made by W. H. Wilson and seconded by C~. J. Dobecka Mr. W. T. Cozby was authorized to enter into a contract with the low bidder, willing to conform to the time limit specified by the School Board, on the con- struction on the south side water line. The motion carried unanimously. No further business being presented to the Council at this time, and upon a motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Council adjourned. PASSED AND APPPOVED, this 24 day of NOV , 1965. W. T. Cozby Mayor ATTEST: E. C. Gentry City Secretary Read and approved this 6th day of DEC. , 1966.