CM 1966-05-02
The City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, convened in regular
meeting on the 2nd day of May, 1966, with the following members present to-wit:
W. T. Cozby, Mayor
B. J. Harwell, Councilman
W. H. Wilson, Councilman
C. L. Plumlee, Jr., Councilman
C. J. Dobec~m, Councilman
Thomas Sisk, Councilman
Constituting a quorum where among the other proceedings had was the
The minutes of the meetings from February 7, 1966, up to April 18, 1966,
were read and approved.
Mrs. Don Crawford appeared before the Council and requested permission to
move her house trailer onto the property of Mr. Mose Mills, her uncle. ~he stated
that she knew of the City Ordinance No. 31 but hoped that the Council would issue
her a Special Permit. She explained the circumstances that involved her request and
the Council then discussed her request. After a great deal of discussion, C. J. Dobecka
made a motion that a special permit be issued to Mrs, Crawford for a period of sixty
(60) days only and with the understanding that at the end of this period she could
apoear before the Council and request a renewal. It was further stipulated that the
trailer be tied on to the septic tank and upon the termination of the permit, the
trailer would be removed. Mr. Plumlee seconded the motion and the motion carried
by the followine vote:
For: Wilson, Plumlee, Sisk, Harwell
Against: Harwell
Fire Chief Travis Maynard apoeared before the Council and reported on the
condition of the fire truck that was purchased over five years ago. He stated that
the truck was badly in need of a tune-up, a few minor repairs and other maintenance.
W. H. Wilson made a motion to authorize Chief Maynard to have the truck given a
complete maintenance check, repair the tachometer, tune-up and other minor attention.
B. J. Harwell seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
Chief Maynard then stated that since several men had recently Joined the
Fire Department there were now six men who had no fire helmet. He requested
permission to purchase six helmets at a cost of $14.00 ea., a total of $84.00.
W. H. Wilson made a motion that Chief Maynard be given permission to purchase said
helmets and C. L. Plumlee seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.
The following bills were approved for payment:
General Telephone $18.76
Love & Costa Ins. (1 yr.) $100.00
Coppell Superette $25.51
A. P. Vanbebber $15.00
Bowles & Eden Supply Co. $137.01
Commissioners Court $24.50
Willard Jordan $1.95
Lewisville Leader $6.75
E. L. Jordan $1.29
The Council then requested that the International Harvestor Co. be informed of the
reason the Council had not approved their bill and that a copy of this correspondence
be mailed to the man who made delivery of the new fire truck.
Mr. Wilson stated that Mr. Vaubebber had asked him to tell the Council
he requested permission to purchase a 4 ft. corrugated box similar to a meter
box. Said box to be installed in place of a present meter that is covered with
mud. After discussion, Mr. Wilson made a motion that Mr. Vanbebber be given
permission to purchase equipment for said box and that the Coppell School be
billed for same since it was on Schoolproperty. Thomas Sisk seconded the motion
and the motion carried unanimously.
The Council then discussed the paving of the parking area in front of the
City Hall and requested that Mr. Rasberry be contacted concerning same.
Upon a motion made by W. H. Wilson and seconded by C. L. Plumlee that
Billy Self, E. B. Howard, Ross Riney, Curtis Jones and Larry Molch be appointed
as the City Planning and Zoning Commission, the motion carried by a unanimous vote.
B. J. Harwell made a motion that W. H. Wilson be aDoointed as Mayor Pro Tern
for the duration of his term as Councilman. The motion was seconded by Thomas Sisk
and carried by the following vote:
For: Harwell, Sisk, Plumlee, Dobecka
Abstained: Wilson
W. H. Wilson made a motion that the Council direct the City Secretary to send
a letter to all persons having a trailer in unauthorized locations informing them of
the nature of Ordinance No. 31 and stating that if there were any questions or any
requests to be made of the Council they should be made at the next regular meeting
on May 16, 1966. The motion was seconded by Thomas Sisk and carried unanimously.
No further business being presented to the Council at this time and upon
a motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Council adjourned.
PASSED AND APPROVED, this 2nd day of May , 1966.
W. T. Cozby
E. C. Gentry
City Secretary
Read and approved this day of , 1966.