OR 2013-1352 Budget Amendment ORDINANCE NO. 2013-1352 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1, 2012 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2013; PROVIDING THAT EXPENDITURES FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID BUDGET; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Budget Officer of the City of Coppell, Texas, did on the 6th day of August, 2012, file with the City Secretary, a proposed general budget for the City covering the fiscal year aforesaid, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Coppell approved said budget on the 11th day of September, 2012, and WHEREAS, the governing body of the City has this date considered an amendment to said budget; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1 . That Section No. 2 of Ordinance No. 2012-1318, for the 2012-13 Fiscal Year Budget, is hereby amended as follows: General Fund Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenues $50,994,784 $53,915,191 $2,920,407 Expenditures Combined Services 1,899,858 4,850,608 2,950,750 Legal 336,000 436,000 100,000 Engineering 1,199,819 1,289,819 90,000 Facilities 3,032,915 3,563,253 530,338 Police 6,930,812 10,485,215 3,554,403 Information Systems 2,339,108 2,366,816 27,708 Parks 4,390,009 4,502,207 112,198 Total Expenditures $7,365,397 Decrease in Designated Fund Balance (4,978,988) Net Expenditure Increase 2,386,409 Net Increase in Undesignated Fund Balance $ 533,998 Water/Sewer Fund Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenues $14,241,635 $14,303,295 $ 61,660 Expenses Combined Services $3,903,750 $4,103,000 $199,250 Direct Cost of Water 4,871,540 4,921,540 50,000 Direct Cost of Sewer 2,250,550 2,335,550 85,000 Total Expenses $334,250 Net Decrease in Projected Retained Earnings $272,590 1 Police Spec. Rev. Fund Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenues $ 16,800 $103,438 $ 86,638 Expenditures 339,735 355,248 15,513 Net Increase in Projected Fund Balance $ 71,125 Parks Special Revenue Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenues $ 50,215 $267,380 $217,165 Expenditures 12,000 20,000 8,000 Net Increase in Projected Fund Balance $209,165 Debt Service Fund Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenues $10,129,663 $20,458,044 $10,328,381 Expenditures 10,222,746 20,514,610 10,291,864 Net Increase Projected Fund Balance $ 36,517 Infrastructure Maint. Fund Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenues $4,728,000 $5,176,125 $ 448,125 Net Increase Projected Fund Balance $ 448,125 Donations-Special Revenue Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenues $44,000 $46,900 $ 2,900 Expenditures 30,000 81,085 51,085 Net Decrease in Projected Fund Balance $ 48,185 Juvenile Case Manager Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenues $24,000 $30,000 $6,000 Net Increase in Projected Fund Balance $6,000 CRDC Special Revenue Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenues $5,807,657 $6,668,640 $ 860,983 Expenditures 5,998,865 7,587,947 1,589,082 Net Decrease in Projected Fund Balance $ 728,099 CEDF Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenues $126,958 $305,100 $178,142 Expenditures $126,958 $305,100 178,142 Net Change $ -0- 2 Crime Prevention Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenues $3,253,000 $3,668,400 $415,400 Net Increase in Projected Fund Balance $415,400 SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately from and after its passage as the law and charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED and adopted by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, on the99'7 ay of August 2013. APPR 6 VED: • ' N SELBO HUNT, •YOR ATTEST: HRISTEL PETTIN S,CITY SEC' ' ARY APPROVED AS TO FOR/M: /4/ CITY ATTORNEY 3