CM 1966-07-18
The City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, convened in regular meeting
on the lSth day of July, 1966, with the following members present to-wit:
W. T. Cozby, mayor
W. H. WIlson, Councilman
C. Y. Dobeoka, Councilman
B. J. Harwell, Councilman
Thomas Sisk, Councilman
C. L. Plunlee, Councilman ·
E C Gentry, City Secretary
Constituting a quorm where among the othe proceeding had was the following:
Motion made by B. Y. Harwell, seconded by W. H. Wilson to accept Virgil Wall's
resignation that he had offered at a previous meeting, to be effective July 20th, 1966,
and to pay him for the full month of July. Votewas unanimous.
Motion made by B. Y. Harwell, seconded by C. J. Dobecka to pay Ruby Nell Wilson
$50.00 for staying at the City Hall while Faye Hush was on Faoation. Vote was unanimous.
Mr. Cozby stated that Virgil Wall wanted the city to pay him $120.00 for the
radio in the police car and also stated that he had bought the radio himself and had only
paid $40.00 for it and he gave it to the city. He didn't know why Mr. Wall was wanting
so much money for the radio; but after quite a discussion the decision was tabled until
they could discuss the matter with Mr. Wall.
Mr. Cozby stated to the council that he had 5 applications for the police job;
but this matter was tabled until July 25th.
No further business being presented to the Council at this time and upon a
motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Council adjourned.
PASSED AND APPROVED, this 18th day of June, 1966.
W. T. Cozby
E. C. Gentry
City Secretary
Read and approved this day of , 1966.