CM 1966-09-19 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF DALLAS The City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, comvened in regular meeting on the 19th day of September, 1966, with the follo~mg members present, to-wit: W. T. Cozby, Mayor C. J. Dobecka, Councilma~ ~. H. Wilsom, Councilman ~ Thoma~ Sisk, Cou~cilma~ C. L. Plumlee, Jr., Councilman --- E.C. Gentry, Secretary Constituting a quorum where among the other proceedings had wasthe following: Mr. & Mrs. Sandlin came before the council to request a permit to build an addition to their present house, 16 x 20' to be used as a hobby shop. Since the cost would be less than $2500.00 the councilmam told them that they didn't need a permit. Motion was made by W. H. Wilson to buy liability insurance on the police chief's personal car with a rider attached covering the Police Car, in the amount of $96.00. Motion was seconded by Thomas Sink. And the vote was unanimous. W. H. Wilson made the motion that we sell the Victor hand-operated adding machine, which the city now owns, for $25.00. Motiom was by C. E. Plumlee, Jr. Vote carried unanimously. The budget for the fiscal year October 1, 1966, to September 30, 1967 was read and discussed. W. H. Wilson made a motion that-the following corrections be made on page 8 under General Obligation Bond Service Fund Budgeted Revenue amd Expenditures and Cash Position: Fund Balance as of 10-1-66 from $3,000.00 to $7,472.95. Also included in this motion was that as valorem tax rate of .55¢ be proportioned as follows: Estimated maintenance tax rate .45¢ Estimated debt service tax rate .10¢ Also included in this motion was that we use the $5,000.00 increase in total maintenance tax to be added to General Fund Public Works Depart- melt under Capital Outlay, resulting in a gross budget expenditures of $300,710.75. Motiom was seconded by C. J. Dobecka. Note carried unanimous. Motionswas made by C. L. Plumlee, Jr. that the budget be adopted as corrected. Motion was seconded by Thomas Sisk. Motion carried unanimously No further business being presem the to the Council at this time, upon a motion duly made, seconded and carried the Council adjourned. PASSED AND APPROVED, TH IS 19th day of Sept. 1966. W. T. Cozby Mayor ATTEST: E. C. Gentry City Secretary Read and approved this day of , 1966. 000057