CM 2013-10-22CFFELL City of Coppell, Texas Minutes City Council 255 Parkway Boulevard Coppell, Texas 75019 -9478 Tuesday, October 22, 2013 5:30 PM Council Chambers Amended KAREN HUNT BILLY FAUGHT Mayor Mayor Pro Tern TIM BRANCHEAU BOB MAHALIK Place 1 Place 2 WES MAYS GARY RODEN Place 3 Place 4 MARVIN FRANKLIN AARON DUNCAN Place 6 Place 7 CLAY PHILLIPS City Manager Present 8 - Karen Hunt-,Billy Faught;Tim Brancheau;Bob Mahalik;Wes Mays-,Gary Roden-,Marvin Franklin and Aaron Duncan Also present were City Manager Clay Phillips, City Secretary Christel Pettinos and City Attorney Robert Hager. The City Council of the City of Coppell met in Regular Called Session on Tuesday, October 22, 2013, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas. 1. Call to Order At this time, City Council convened into Work Session at 5:37 p.m. to hear the Legislative Update from Dan Shelley and Fred Hill. Councilmembers Marvin Franklin and Aaron Duncan arrived during Work Session. City Council recessed Work Session at 6:10 p.m. and convened into the Executive Session at 6:17 p.m. 2. Executive Session (Closed to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation with City Attorney. A. Consultation with the City Attorney in regards to Cause Number City of Coppell, Texas Page 1 City Council Minutes October 22, 2013 05 -10- 00283 -CV, styled Mira Mar Development Corporation v. City of Coppell, Texas. Discussed under Executive Session B. Consultation with City Attorney regarding Temporary Off Premises Signs. Discussed under Executive Session Section 551.071, Texas Government Code - Consultation with City Attorney and Section 551.076, Texas Government Code - Deliberation regarding Security Devices. C. Discussion regarding conduct under the Texas Open Meeting Act; Home Rule Charter, Article 3, The City Council; and, the Code of Ordinances, Article 1 -13, Code of Conduct. Discussed under Executive Session Section 551.074, Texas Government Code - Personnel Matters. D. Discussion regarding City Manager Evaluation for FY 2013 -2014. Not discussed in Executive Session 3. Work Session (Open to the Public) 1st Floor Conference Room City Council adjourned the Executive Session at 7:30 p.m. and reconvened into the Regular Session. A. Legislative Update by Dan Shelley and Fred Hill. B. Selection of Voting Delegate and Alternate for NLC's Annual Business Meeting. C. Discussion regarding Board & Commission Appointees. D. Discussion regarding Solicitors Ordinance. E. Discussion of Agenda Items. Regular Session 4. Invocation 7:30 p.m. Reverend Dale Patterson with Hackberry Creek Church gave the Invocation. 5. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Hunt led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. 6. Consider approval of a Proclamation naming the week of October 23 -31, 2013 as "Red Ribbon Week," and authorizing the Mayor to sign. City of Coppell, Texas Page 2 City Council Minutes October 22, 2013 Mayor Hunt read the proclamation into the record and presented the same to Deputy Chief Chris Aulbaugh, Captain Tony Pletcher, Officer Peter Dirks and McGruff the Crime Dog. A motion was made by Councilmember Marvin Franklin, seconded by Councilmember Bob Mahalik, that this Agenda Item be approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tern Billy Faught;Councilmember Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember Wes Mays;CounciImember Gary Roden -,Council member Marvin Franklin and Council member Aaron Duncan 7. Consider approval of a proclamation naming the week of November 4 -8, 2013 as "Municipal Courts Week ", and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Mayor Hunt read the proclamation into the record and presented the same to the Honorable Judge Marian Moseley, Honorable Terry Landwehr, Honorable Kim Nesbitt, Court Administrator Rosie Caballero, Administrative Supervisor Latrice Johnson, Records Supervisor Chiquita Taylor and Marshall Bruce Kyer. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Billy Faught, seconded by Councilmember Aaron Duncan, that this Agenda Item be approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tern Billy Faught;Councilmember Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember Wes Mays;CounciImember Gary Roden -,Council member Marvin Franklin and Council member Aaron Duncan 8. Report by the Park Board. Read and Filed Jack Clark, Vice President, gave the board's semi - annual report. 9. Citizens' Appearance Mayor Hunt asked for those who signed up to speak: 1) Thomas Burrows, 138 Wynnpage, spoke in regards to the Sales Tax Election and election signs. 10. Consent Agenda A. Consider approval of the minutes: October 8, 2013. A motion was made by Councilmember Marvin Franklin, seconded by Councilmember Gary Roden, to approve Agenda Items A -G on the Consent Agenda. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. B. Consider approval of award of bid to Sunbelt Pools, in an amount not to exceed $65,136.00, for the replacement of indoor pool plaster, tile and coping at the Coppell Aquatic and Recreation Center; and authorizing the City Manager to sign. City of Coppell, Texas Page 3 City Council Minutes October 22, 2013 A motion was made by Councilmember Marvin Franklin, seconded by Councilmember Gary Roden, to approve Agenda Items A -G on the Consent Agenda. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. C. Consider approval of a three -month extension to the expiration date of October 9, 2013, for the Blackberry Farm, Preliminary Plat, a preliminary plat to subdivide 54.8 acres of property to permit the development of 82 single - family lots and five (5) common area lots, located on the north side of Sandy Lake Road, approximately 750 feet northeast of Starleaf Road. A motion was made by Councilmember Marvin Franklin, seconded by Councilmember Gary Roden, to approve Agenda Items A -G on the Consent Agenda. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. D. Consider approval of an ordinance approving a negotiated settlement with Atmos Energy Corp., Mid -Tex Division, regarding the Rate Review Mechanism filing and finding the attached Tariffs implementing new rates within the corporate city limits of the City of Coppell are just and reasonable; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. A motion was made by Councilmember Marvin Franklin, seconded by Councilmember Gary Roden, to approve Agenda Items A -G on the Consent Agenda. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. Enactment No: ORD 2013 -1358 E. Consider approval of an ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas amending the Code of Ordinances, by amending Article 9 "General Regulations ", Section 9 -1 -18 "Dangerous Dogs" by amending Section 9- 1- 18(B)1 (a) to provide for the imposition of an annual registration fee as established by resolution of the City Council; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. A motion was made by Councilmember Marvin Franklin, seconded by Councilmember Gary Roden, to approve Agenda Items A -G on the Consent Agenda. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. Enactment No: ORD 2013 -1359 F. Consider approval of an ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas, amending the Code of Ordinances, by amending Section 6 -2 -2 to prohibit anyone with a felony conviction or a crime of moral turpitude from soliciting in person or from employing anyone with a felony conviction or for a crime of moral turpitude to solicit, and authorizing the Mayor to sign. A motion was made by Councilmember Marvin Franklin, seconded by Councilmember Gary Roden, to approve Agenda Items A -G on the Consent Agenda. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. Enactment No: ORD 2013 -1360 City of Coppell, Texas Page 4 City Council Minutes October 22, 2013 G. Consider approval authorizing a purchase order for four AutoPulseTM Non - Invasive Cardiac Support Pumps (mechanical CPR devices) from Zoll AutoPulseTM for the Fire Department, in the amount not to exceed $64,287.72; and authorizing the City Manager to sign all necessary documents. A motion was made by Councilmember Marvin Franklin, seconded by Councilmember Gary Roden, to approve Agenda Items A -G on the Consent Agenda. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. End of Consent Agenda 11. Consider approval of a consulting services agreement with Dan Shelley in the amount of $96,000.00 beginning October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2015, and authorizing the City Manager to sign all necessary documents. A motion was made by Councilmember Wes Mays, seconded by Councilmember Gary Roden, that this Agenda Item be approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tern Billy Faught;Councilmember Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember Wes Mays;CounciImember Gary Roden -,Council member Marvin Franklin and Council member Aaron Duncan 12. Consider approval of an ordinance of the City of Coppell, Texas amending Section 6- 15 -7(B) "Provisions of Temporary off Premises signs," by adding Subsection C "Electioneering at Polling Locations "; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tern Billy Faught, seconded by Councilmember Aaron Duncan, that this Agenda Item be approved. The motion passed by an unanimous vote. Aye: 7 - Mayor Pro Tern Billy Faught;Councilmember Tim Brancheau;Councilmember Bob Mahalik;Councilmember Wes Mays;CounciImember Gary Roden -,Council member Marvin Franklin and Council member Aaron Duncan Enactment No: ORD 2013 -1361 13. City Manager Reports Project Updates and Future Agendas. City Manager Clay Phillips reported on the additional traffic signals at Sandy Lake Road. These signals will manage traffic temporarily during the construction project and will come down once the project is completed. Mr. Phillips reminded Council that there are only two meetings left in the calendar year. A special meeting will be called to canvass the election. 14. Mayor and Council Reports City of Coppell, Texas Page 5 City Council Minutes October 22, 2013 A. Report by Mayor Hunt regarding Make a Child Smile. B. Report by Mayor Hunt regarding Movie Series in the Plaza. C. Report by Councilmembers regarding the TML Conference held in Austin, TX. A. Mayor Hunt reported on the special holiday program called Make a Child Smile. This annual program benefits children living in the City of Coppell by providing holiday gifts for those families who need a little extra help. You may stop by the City Manager's Office in Town Center between Nov. 1 and Dec. 10 to select a paper ornament. Then, purchase a gift of clothing and/or a toy for the child, and return the wrapped gift to the City Manager's Office with the paper ornament attached. The program goal is to provide at least one toy and one article of clothing for each child. City staff will deliver the gifts prior to Christmas. Ornaments are available for check -out Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm. You may also contact or email Amy Swaim or Debbie Cravey in the City Manager's Office. B. Mayor Hunt also reported on the Movie in the Plaza to be held October 26th — at dark, in Town Center Plaza. The movie showing will be the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Wear your costume and get a free snow cone (visit the Parks and Rec. tent for a ticket). Food will be available for purchase. C. Councilmembers Franklin and Mays reported on the TML Conference held in Austin. Councilmember Franklin said the attendance was great and he attended two retail breakout sessions and one on tourism. Councilmember Mays reported on his breakout sessions on City Finance and Bond Marketing. 15. Council Committee Reports concerning items of community involvement with no Council action or deliberation permitted. 16. Public Service Announcements concerning items of community interest with no Council action or deliberation permitted. Nothing to report. 17, Necessary Action from Executive Session Nothing to report. At this time, the Council recessed the Regular Session and reconvened into the Work Session at 8:36 p.m. Council adjourned the Work Session and reconvened into the Regular Session at 8:54 p.m. no further business before the city Council, the meeting was Page 6 City of Coppell, Texas Minutes City Council ATT ST: Christel Pettinos, ity Secretary Page 7 City of Coppell, Texas October 22, 2013