OR 98-824 Amends City budget for FY 10/1/97 - 9/30/98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 98824 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE BUDGET FOR THE CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER 1, 1997 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1998; PROVIDING THAT EXPENDITURES FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR SHALL. BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SAID BUDGET; AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. W!~F~REAS, the Budget Officer of the City of Coppell, Texas, did on the 5th day of August, 1997, file with the City Secretary, a proposed general budget for the City covering the fiscal year aforesaid, and WtI~,REA$, the City Council of the City of Coppdl approved said budget on the 9th day of September, 1997, and WI:II~REA$, the governing body of the City has this date considered an amendment to said budget; NOW, TI]EREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS: SECTION 1, That Section No. 2 of Ordinance No. 97808, for the 1997-98 Fiscal Year Budget, is hereby amended as follows: General Fund Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenu~ $16,587,258 $16,851,603 $264,345 Expend~mres Combined Services $559,491 $1,461,491 $902,000 Facilities Management 340,812 543,974 203, 162 Fleet Maintenance 339,806 340,676 870 Fire 3,458,848 3,501,435 42,587 Environmental Health 236,413 268,413 32, 000 Finance 408,059 408,415 356 Human Resources 459,017 459,567 550 Municipal Court 309,790 311,204 1,414 City Secretary 170,528 170,575 47 Records Management 62,310 62,555 245 Planning 276,590 296,363 19,773 Information Systems 645,173 667,861 22,688 Library 836,536 850,800 14,264 Police 3,291,121 3,296,507 5,386 BUDAMND.ORD Leisure Services 792, 126 795,626 3,500 Patios 454,232 457,588 3,356 Senior Cilizens 16,460 17,560 1,190 Total Expenditures $1,253,388 Net Decrease in Projected Fund Balance $ 989,043 Water/Sewer Fund Current Budget Amending Budget Change Expenses Utility Operations $901,451 $981,667 $80,216 Utility Billing 297,714 302,614 4,900 Debt Service 2,086,860 2,349,024 262, 164 Net Decrease In Projected Retained Earnings J,L42.2~ Police Spec. Rev. Fund Current Budget Amending Budget Change Expenditures $10,558 $11,338 $780 Net Decrease in Projected Fund Balance $780 Parks Spec. Rev. Fund Current Budget Amending Budget Change Expenditures $122,000 $123 ,~. ~. ~. $1 ,~. 4 ~. Net Decrease in Projected Fund Balance $1_4~.~. Debt Svc. Fund Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenues $5,277,595 $5,648,958 $371,363 Expenditures 5,461,563 5,724,920 263,357 Net Increase in Projected Fund Balance $108.006 Infrastructure Maintenance Fund Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenues $0 $670,000 $670,000 Net Increase in Projected Fund Balance $670.000 Donations Rev. Fund Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenues $20,100 $20,225 $125 Expenditures 16,250 41,306 25,056 Net Decrease in Projected Fund Balance $24_391 Capital Replacement Fund Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenues $128,779 $148,509 $19,730 Net Increase in Retained Earnings $19_ 730 BUDAMND.ORD C.R.D.C, Spot. Rev. Current Budget Amending Budget Change Revenues $930,000 $1, 115,000 $185,000 Expenditures 252,000 652,000 400,000 Net Decrease in Projected Fund Balance ~ SECTION 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately from and after its passage as the law and charter in such cases provide. DULY PASSED and adopted by the City Council of the City of Coppell, Texas, on the//'7% day of APPROVED: MAY ~)V~ [ ' ~L ,j,'X_ ATTEST: CITY SECRETLY APPROVEEl AS TO FORM: BUDAMND.ORD