AG 2014-10-22 (Dispatch) * * * * NOTICE OF MEETING * * * * BD OARD OF IRECTORS OF THE NTECC,I. ORTH EXASMERGENCY OMMUNICATIONS ENTERNC W,O22,2014 EDNESDAYCTOBER 8:30A.M. CO YRUSNE SR 1649W.FR INGAPORE OOM RANKFORD OAD C,T75007 ARROLLTONEXAS A GENDA 1. Call to Order 2.Texas Government The Board will convene in Closed Executive Session pursuant to Code Section 551.074 to deliberate the appointment and employment of a public employee, specifically, including interviews of candidates for NTECC Executive Director. 3. Take appropriate action, if any, with respect to the deliberations conducted in closed session under Item 2 of this Agenda. 4. Meeting will relocate to La Hacienda Ranch, 3300 N. Interstate 35E, Carrollton, Texas for Lunch with Candidates. 5. Adjourn The Board reserves the right to go into closed executive session at any time during the meeting pursuant to the Texas Government Code §551.071(2) to seek confidential legal advice from the Corporation’s attorneys regarding any agenda item listed hereon. The Board further reserves the right to return to closed session after Item 4 pursuant to Item 2 and take action pursuant to Item 3. CERTIFICATE- I certify that the above agenda giving notice of meeting was posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall of _________________________________________, Texas on the__________ of _______________________ at _____________. ________________________________________ City Secretary This building is wheelchair accessible. Access to the building and special parking are available at the main entrance facing Frankford. For accommodations or sign interpretive services, please contact the City of Carrollton City Secretary’s Office at least 72 hours in advance at 972-466-3005.